1919-06 Bonds�b 06 167 Council Chamber ]�ivgular Meqting. June 10"9 193.9 Council Chamber opened at 7:509 with the following members present:, Do R. McNeill, President R. L. P6arce Uouna'ilm-" 9 AISO.PreSent was W, W, Dannicliff, Uity Clerk. not being enough members present to make a quorum, the *imbers adJourned. 2 Attest: Uity A a or krdsigezi f couno= - T12o f bliowing publication copied from, the Okeechobee News: PROOLAMA ION of Special Muniaipal bond wlection Under qnd by virtue of authority vested in me, by the following ...'resolution of the Uounoil of the uity of Okeechobee,,Plorida, to -wit: A RESOLTJTION A resolution, providing for-the,issuanoo by the City of Okee6hobe Jr3,.or1da,, of Bonds, for the purpose, of contracting a loan for the use ."of said Uitnfor the purpose of erecting, and constructing water -works, laying water mains.-purohasiiig land for the purpose of erecting the same thereon, for the purpose of the upkeep, and construction thireof, andfor all other necessary purposes in-conneotion therewith, Including the purchase of suitable fire truok' or trucks hose and 9 such other fixtures as may be necessary, as provided by section 1060 of the General statutes of the State of Vlorida,, and for the purpose 4f -the submission of the question of issuing said Bonds, to an election �o be held under and.by*virtue of section 1062 of -the General Statutes of the State of Florida, Whereas, the Uity Council, of the Uity of Okeechobee, deem it to the best interest of the Uity of Okeechobee, that a s:�stem of water weiks,be constructed within the Cityof said Okeeohobee,.f.or the pur- pose of furnighing water, and fire proteet-ion to the oitikons of the ,sald City of Okeechobee, and erecting and constructing water works,-- IsVing water mixins, purchasing land for the purpose of erecting the sime thereon, for the purpose of the up keep,, and construction thereof, all other neoessary purposes in connection therewith including -purchase_,of suitable fire truck, or trucks, hose, md such other 'fixtures, as may be necessary,, as provided by section 1060 of the Oeneral Statutes, of the State of Florida, dni for the purpose of sub - mission ofthe question of issuing of said i3onds to�an election, to be hold 'under and by virtue of section 1062 of the General Statutes of the state of Florida, and, Whereas in order to provid6 the finds that meq be necessary to ­pay,the cos, of' such improvements, it will be necessary, for the Uity t -L t o pledge the *6166atraot �a loaii, for aach purpose or purposes anc ��40: and otedit of the Qity, end the property of the %;ity, for such Fad6mption "of such loan-, and, Whereas., it is estimated that the cost to the Qity for the erection., 12 .09 thO aforesaid improvements will be ;p459000.00. NOW THEREFORE BE V2 EESOLVM BY Ta CITY COUNCIL,Oi THE CITY OF i'DRUCHOBRIP STATS OF FLUIDA: 06otion 1. tehab vwAer and by virtue of the power vested in said .0it7-of Okeechobee, State of Olorida, by Section 1060 of the General Statut;08 Of the State of iflorida, it is bereby resolved � thw� the said uit:�, of Okeechobee shall issue its Water 'Works Bonds f-6; the aggregate -N sum of 059OV06009 said Bonds to be in such form, as may be heteafter adkpted by the said City Council, and to be in denominations of V500.00 each, bearing interest payable semi-annually at the rate of six per oent 'Per annum, both principal and interest paftble at, the Bank of ,'Okeechobee, Okeechobee, 1111orlda, or- at the American bxcbi�age National .Bank,, Nev lork Uity, N. Y. at th'&.)op*7bn &"+,he hblder� � Sai& bonds to be' da�ted July first A. L. 1919.' Interest payable on the first day od January and July of each and every year after date of issuance, until maturity of the said bonds, the principal of said Bonds shall be payable as follows: 0,500.00 on July 1. A. -U, 19399 and ;�4,500 every year thereafter, to and including duly 1. A. D. 1948, said j3onds to be num- bered from one to 90 inclusive, with interest coupons attached. . Section 2. That an election be held at as early date as practicable, at which the question to be submitted to the electors of said Uityt having the qualifications prescribed by Section 1060 of the General Statutest of the State of Florida, being those who own real estate, therein, and have paid their taxes for the year last dae thereon, and acUmIly voting at sai4L election; shall be, the issuance of said Bonds, 'and�the Mayor shall forthwith issue his proclamation in the Okeechobee News, a, newspaper publi&ed in said Uity in five successive issues of said,newspaper immediately prior to date of election. Seetion 3, Lehat the form of the ballot to be -used at said election sh4ll be substantially as follows: "Offimial Oallot Municipal water Works Dond Election Junet2l, 'ity of Olmeehobee, b1lorida. -a. U. 1919 J 'Make a cross mark before the question of your choice vote for� one. 76r Bonds. f � !�jainst Bondg. Section 4. �ihould, the issuance of said Bonds be authorized by the required majority votes, then said Bonds shall be issued according to law, without dolay,, and the uity gouncil shall, before such issuance provide,by ordinance for the redemption of said Bonds at maturity, and for the payments of the interest upon the sane by levy of a suffi- cient millage as may be necessary for such purpose. 'Pection 5, Should the issuance of said Bonds be authorized at saab election the vity Council of the %jity of Olvechobee, hereby pledges itself o expend the proceeds aE said bonds for the purposes named in -this, tesolution; such -bonds shall have -the seal of the Uity of Okeechobee Plorid's-, thereon,, and shall be signed by the Mayor, and the City Qlerk, and shall also be attested by the President of the Uity Uouncil, provided, howe,009 the interest coupons attached thereto shall bear lithographic sig*,�Y;res of above naned officials. s. Austin 9 9 9 Mayor of the 0117 of Okeechobee iflorida do hereby pro0*'4!m* and Ae'Olare,, that a special Bond election, by the electors of said Uit*,�,:%Rslifiod to vote in a Bond election, und6r the laws of Vlorida, will be hold at the County Court Room in thd Qitk of Okeechobee, during the rega- lar boUris'of voting, on the 21st day of 'June 'A, 1919,,'upon the question V� __169 contracting a loan of 06,000*00'in the form of 90 Bonds in the sum of 0500.00 each, and the proceeds Xriom the mas of said Bonds 'to be ng Aesolution*. ended for the*purposet as voted in the fore 01 re Said bonds to be issued upon the terms oaf in the manner as set forth in said Resolution of the Gity-Gouneil of the Uity of Okeechobee,, ":._*lorida� on the 20th dtq of May A. m. 1919, a copy of which is herein set out,, and publidbed. The following qualified voters are hereby appointed to serve as -bffieers of of said special zond olootion- B. U. Meserve, J, D. Bird # lames zranklin, inspe*tors of said election; Minor -Holmes- olerk� IN WITNESS WMMEOF I have hereunto set my hand, as Mayor of the of Okeechobee, Florida, end oaus#d corporate seal of said 0ity to be hereto affixed, and the same attested by the Oity Clerk t7ais _20th dtq of Mayo A* U. 1919. Is. AUSTINI Mayor of the City of Okeechobee, Florida. (SEAL) ATTEST: W. W.-DUNRICLI" Clerk of the Vity of Okeechobee . Vlorida. AFFIDAVIT OF PU13LICATION 19 S. J. Triplett, iublidKor of the Okeechobee aews and Call, published weekly at Okeechobee, b1lorida do solemnly swear thAt a copy� of,the above notice, as per clipping atiached, was published weekly 'An the regular and entire issue of said newspaper, and not in any .supplement thereof, for 5 consecutive weeks, commencing with the ..--issue dated May 23 1919, Emd ending with the Issue dated june 20 1919. Signed S. J. Triplett 'Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th dey of June, 1919 Geo. V. Parlmr (Official Uesignation) Notary Public State of 91orida My commission expires January 12, 1921 thotarial Seal)