1919-11 Special Election ReturnsOanVaSS of,,&I ' eotiaa for the purpose'
of ereaping and constructing Water Works.
The uity Council of the uity.of Okeechobee,, having met this the
24IR day of June, A.D.A919, at the Uity Hall in regular session, for
the,pprpose of. canvassing the returns of the '�pecial. zleetion held
within said City on the 21st day of June, A*D. 1919,.for* the purpose
of-Preoting and constructing water works,'laying water mains, purchas-
ing�,lands for the purpose of erecting the, same thereon, for the pur-
pose of the upkeep and construction thereof, and for other neoessary
purposes, including the purchase of fire truck, or tracks, and other
fixtures, and for other purposes, with the following members of the
Uit7 06uncil present:
R, L Pear.ce
Ii 'dr ight
it, brooks
iv, 2. Underhill
w7aareupon the said Uity Council proceeded with the canvass of said
eleotJon rett�rns, and declares the following result thereof:
for bonds 40 Votes tForty votes)
Against Bon4s 1 Vote (One Vote)
Total ror Bonds 2orty, Against Bonds one
Be it therefore resolvpd th at
_'Whereas by the canvass aforesaid,, it appears by the returns of
%' election that a majority of the votes cast, being a majority of
39 . i'votes "for Bonds" the said Uity Vouncil are hereby anthorized and
required to issue said bonds as provided in said election call and as
specified in their resolution -as published.
the above r olution was on motion of uouncilman w. x. *right
and�aeconded by Uouncilman g. L. 2earce,, duly passed by the following
n*amimons vote, and or4ored recorded upon the minutes of the uity
Pouhail of this date,
votes: u. L. Pearce
S, u. wright
U. '.ft. brooks, 2resident
il, P. Underhill
all voting Aye and none No,
Attest:, W. W. J-�wanicliff U, H. Brooks
uity ulerk 2resident of Uity Uouncil
R. L. Pearce
h;. ii. Wright
iGity of Okeechobee W. F. Underhill
beal) uouncilmen
Approved this the 2511 day oi June, A,.U. 1919
u. s. Austin
Ixhe following resolution was introduoed by vounailman Ko .6. Pearce
and seconded by Uouncilman �wb Po Underhill:
�Reaolved, that,
whereas " ' at an election duly held within the Uity of Ukeeahobee,
on the Zlot day of june, A..U. 1919, a majority of the votes oast
weve in favor,of the Issuing of bonds for the purpose of erecting and
oonstruating water works, laying water mains, purchasing land for the
purpose ol: ereating the same thereon, for the purpose, of the upkeep,,
and the oonstruotion thereof, and for other necessary purposes in
therewith, which, having been duly canvassed, tbe'result
'thereof deolared and duly reeorded-on the.minutes of.said City Council,
iin.Aer'whioh the said City was authorized to issue and sell said bonds,
as 'heretofore provided, therefore be it resolved, thatt
!he Uity Uounoil of the.Oity of Okeechobee, 6tate of i0lorida, does
.h6ieby levy a.tax of 3 mills upon the dollar upon all the real,and
personal property within said City liable to taxation annually, to pay
.the interest upon the said bonds, as the sane may beeome due and pay-
'bl,e, and to provide a sinking fund for retiring the said bonds as they
may.beeome due and payable, and that the same be deposited aedording
to law.
And the Uity Xax Assessor,, of Okeechobee Uity, Vlorida, is hereby
instructed and,required 'fo collect the sEme, as required by law, and
deppsit the same according to law, in the depository as may be named
b7'the Uity vouncil.
Be it further ordered that the assessments aforesaid do commence
with the assessment of the year 1919, and continue so long as the same
maY-be necessary to provide a sum eaffioieiit to pay the interest upon
said bonds, and provide a sinking fund to pay the same�. , -.As tfiey may
become due. N
.,xhe al)ove was,duly adopted upon the following unanimous vote, and
ordered -recorded in the minutes of the uity uouncil, this the 24th
day of June, A.D. 1919, all voting Aye, end none ho,
Attest: vi. -w. uunnioliff
City Olerk
tCity of Ukeechobee
U. R. Brooks
Zresident of uity Uouncil
W. P. Underhill
Approved this the 2511 day of june, A.ij, 1919.
A gesol-ation.
Yfheread, the Oity Uouncil of the uity of ukeechobee,
— v ukeechobee
Uounty., State of L4�lorida, has heretofore found that it was necessary
to provide funds for the purpose of contracting a loan for the use of
the City for the purpose of erecting and constructing water works,
laying water mains, puxchasing lands for the purpose of- erecting the
same thereon, for the purpose of the upkeep and the construction thereof.
and for other necessary purposes in connection therewith, including
the.purchase of suitable fire truck, or trucks, hose and such other
fixtures as mV be necessary, and other purposes, and to issue bonds
theref ore:
''. jt is therefore ordered by said Uity Uouncil of the 4II;ity of Okee-
chebee, that for the,purposes heretofore Bet forth herein there are
authorized to be issued Binety (90) Water 'Works bonds, for the aggre-
gate� I sum of:05,000*00 of denominations of *500*00 each, and numbered
from�l,to 90 bo'th inclusive, bearing interest as evidenced by conpons
at. the rate of six per cent per annum, and payable semi annually on the
first day of January and July of each and every year until maturity.
'7., baid bonds shall be dated on the first day of duly, A.D. 1919,
and I become due as follows: ",5UO*00 on -July lst, A.D. 1939, and
j4�&**00 every year thereafter to and including July lst, A.D. 1948,
said bonds to be numbered from One to i4inety inclusive,.and to,have
interest coupons attached thereto.