1919-13 Bank Designation181 Designation of a Uity Depository. 4 Whereas, it is the desire of the Uity Uounoil of ukeeekoboe Pit7v Vloricla, to provide a suitable Uepository for the funds of the i Mid Gityq and whereas, there is but one bank in the uounty of Ukeeohobee, making it impossible to secure bids therefor: MpMORE BE ite B3SOLVED, that the Bank of ukeechobee, a Vlorida Oorporation, be and the,same is hereby designated, and declared to be the t;ity uepoeitory, of the Gity of Okeechobee, and all officers of said Uity, handling the funds thereof, are hereby directed and re- tuirea to deposit the same therein, according to law, an& that the said bank do furnish a surety bond in the sum of the -average daily balances held in said Bank,, and to pay the sum of two per cent. per a33r= 'on the daily bal ' ance of each fund, on hand daily,, for the space of one- month or more. The foregoing resointion on motion of Uouncilman W. e. Underhill duly seconded by Qouncilman K. L. Pearce, was adopted by'a unanimous vote, all.voting Aye, none ho. and ordered recorded in the minutes. ATTEST: 'we We Ainnicliff U, ii. Brooks Uity ulerk President of uouncil a, u. 2earoe Nity of Okeechobee is* il. wright Beal) N. P. Underhill Approved this the 2511 day of June, A.D. 1919. D, Z, Austin Mayor on motion made by W. P. Underhill, Seconded by B. R. Wright, the foregoing resolution was read a first time in fullt and on motion Vy R. R. Wright, s000nded Iby 0. R. Brooks the foregoing resolntion was reed a 666ond time by pharagraphs. Both motions carried unanimously. Mr. C. R. Brooks moved that the foregoing resolution be read 4,11 707 title Gnly and placed for final pageage. Motion was seconded by'W. F. Underhill and a vote was taken with the following result: Ayes: 0. R. Brooks, R. L. Pearce, E R. Wright, and W. P. Underhill. Days: None. The foregoing resolution passed unanimously.