1919-14 MillageMotion was then male by W.PoUnderhill, seconded by RI�_PeArcdj,
and all voting Yea and Pone Nay, the following resoluti n;ftb:`.`�passed
That-aftpr estimating the receipts and expenditures for.the.
coming year it was determined by the Council that.the rato of,,
taxation necessary to meet such expenses be six (6)� mills oil" 'the
tjlar,-and is hereby imposed uponall. of the property lyihe':'and
9oing in the Qity of Okeechobee on the first day of January,,
1919, and all moneys so raised by such millage to be plaoed.,-An the,,,'.
qezieral Fund*
4+ mills to be levied or, Ing interest on Street Pa*.1n;'
Bonds, same to be placed -in the "Interest and Sinking Fund,,,Street,,_,
Paving" Account.
3:millo to be levied for paying interest on-�`Water,Work8
age- - Bonds, same to be plaoed.in "Interest & Sinking FuAdi.."-
Watet,Works and Sewerage" Account.
The following bills were -approved a:k_okd*ered
1082 R. E.,MoLa7aWlin, RenV'.510ity Hall
1083 J. 0. Platt, August Salay,
Meeting,-AugUst-,Z6, continued. 15
August Salary $41.66
1084 W*'W-'DV=i0liff, 60'00
1085 Wesley James, L
1086 1). E Austin, — it , 2:08
1087 OkG6;hobG'e Supply 00. -uppl-les for scavenger 82.61
1088 R�. R. Wr August Salary 6.00
,Ight, 4.50
1089 C. R. Bfooke
IT 6.00
logo R.- L. Pearce- 6*00
1091 -W.,p. UndorlAll 1*31
loq2 Roberts & Son Stationery 25.00
1093 Geo. F.,'Parker AtLgust Sala . ry
Bidding for construction of sidewalks as advertised was
closed, and the one bid received opened* Final consideration
of letting the contract for construction of sidewalks was Post-
poned until the following evening* August 21th, and on motion
of councilman Underhill, seconded by Re L. Pearce, the Council
adjo-arned to meet again at 8 O'clock p.m. August 27th.
Attest: Te mp o r ar-y- ig�Fe WMe �n-