1920-03 BondsResolution
V%=E.413.3 on a3co-unt of the bidder. the Bank of Okeechobee, to whor-r.,
the 1919 issue of City Ronds were sold, refnsi,,rig to accep-t
bolle.s on acccrint o f the fact thc�t there -a�as erxor in the- Dubli-
TT j7t, TEFORE DE T� RES07"rLI tl-at 'hie Gity Clerk is hereby instructed
L — �i D v - �j v -
to retitrn 'I-jo Bark of Ok-echobce, the cer-11-A-fied checks for
the aur, of ,`112,500.00 heretofore deposited wi+h "5heir bid.
The a'Lo-7e resolution on rotion ofF, E. R. seconded
b y 71. "n-de7"cd1l, w-st4s adopted T�y un--In'I'MOUS Vote.
�'9, 920.
"'he oned checks ,,icre returnso"
P.rE7,0T,`P_D tillat tae City of C1.1--e-3--hobee is hcn.,,elcy autho-_izea to
b077%�1,7 tTYI Of 7 _11TO Dollars J"rom -IV-he Bank of
0 Ir
cee,,�hob,:�e t.-, 'n di7i�5,06. arld deposited us follo,,rrs:
`13, Cno.no ill
2,9000 -GO jin the Gencral Plui.!.cl
And to iss,Ue ijotes of thte "It -y for the same, ,7,uid the !�ayor anc-I
City Clerk are hereby ihstructed 1. -Io orepare notes in the
usual for axecution.
T-1 T_ 4
On motion of" 17. "P. Underh-ill, seconded by Pe aro e
-ni- -Lsly adopted.
abo-e reSO1U+I_0T_ was izna 'r,01
Resolved, t' -vat -,,,rhereas it is the desire of the City Couricil to
begin work or tv�ie Sewerage system without further dela ' y. There-
fore be it Resolved that 71. 1�- Clay, the Engineer, in
connection -.,kritli the 01 t�, CII-ric, is hereby instructed to ,;ire th..."
makers of se--ae- pice, -eo,,,
teatinE, that "he.1, IAE�_,, lby� or
his report Olt' er.�ors in Aissessmen-W-� V. L.LI
furt,-Tic�. ts .�iher. same s ade, it is
� ordered t -hat the City C-31-PrIz do issup, 71--rrants of the city
in favor o -f Mnse who 77,ive 'paiO ax 4_
the a-Oresaid t for the am,oufIU
thereof as coiiected, and the City de OSitor.-7 is here*�y
to Day sai,�) p
Read a --fi-st and secone, a&, b�r UnaniLmous conaent rat;,ei
third timo, ,)assel ill sessiong this the 27th- day of
'Ta--olary, 11.7).
21", 1920.
Vote: D. R. T'Tc"Teill,
a �_�x 0 e
( sa&k L )
-7 . 7ral.urA I if f
City 11111e]:1L.
fe s.
-proved thIs-the 27th day of Tan,-ary A.D. 1920.
of rility of 01,.eechobee,