00-00-0001 Rules of the CouncilRULES AND REGUIJLTIONS CITY COUNCIL OF TIM CITY OF QMECIMBEE, FLOR;U RESOLVED, That the following rules and regulations be and they are hereby adopted for the government of the City Council. RULE I. Three members shall constitute a quorum, but a less number may adjourn from time to time until a qmorum is present. RULE II. The order of business shall be as follows: 1. Approving the Clerk's minutes of the preceding meeting. 2. Com=nioations to the Council from the Mayor or other executive officers of the corporation, and their reference. 3. Reports of standing committees. Reports of select committees. 5. Action upon ordi-namoe* 6. Presentation and reference of petitions, remonstranoes, bills, accounts and miscellaneous communications to the Council. 7. Unfinished business of the preaeding meeting. 8. Unfinished business generally. 9. Miscellaneous business. RUIZ III Motions for refereuoe to different committees shall be put in the following order: To a standing committee. 2. To a select committee. RULE IV Every petition or other paper shall, previous to presentatiGl�, . be so endorsed as to clearly indicate the substance of the con- tents. Its reference or other disposition shall also be noted on it by the olark. Q RULE V. All reports of committees shall be in writing, and shall be filed by the Clerk. All special reports shall state the facts substantially appearing before the oommittee. RULE VL All resolutions and amendments thereto shall be sent to the Clerk's table and read by him before they shall be in order. All motions and amendments thereto shall likewise be reduced to writing at the request of the presiding officer or W other member, and shall be sent to and readV by the Clerk before debate. RULE VII All questions relating to the priority of business shall be decided by the presiding offioer without debate. RULE VIII The Clerk shall have at every meeting of the Council a list of unfinished business of the previous meeting, and a separate list of unfinished business generally in the order of its intro- duotion, which shall be read without motion when that order is reached. Rtw Ix Motions and resolutions may be withdrawn by the mover at any time before amendment or putting to a vote. RULE z The presiding officer shall decide all questions of order without debate. From his decisift an appeal may always be taken by any member as a matter of course, and on such appeal such officer shall have the right to briefly assign his reasons for decision. RULE U When a member is oalled to order he shall immediate3,V sit down and the presiding officer shall pass upon the point of order�- RULE 12. No member shall speak at any meeting more than twice on the same question, nor more than fifteen minutes at any time. RULE 1.3. The yeas and nays on any question before the COVMOil shall be taken at the call of any member. RULE 14. After the decision of any question, it shall be in order for a member voting in the majority to move a reconsideration at the same time or the next regular meeting. If a motion to reconsider be lost, it shall not be renewed without the unani- mous consent of the Council; and no decision shall be a second time reconsidered without a like leave. RULE 16. In all oases of entries of resoultions, ordinances and motions in the mitutes, the nase of the mover shall accompany the Same* RULE 16. No member shall absent himself from the meeting before adjournment for more than ton minutes at a time without leave of the presiding officer. RULE 17. In all oases involving points of parliamentary law, Jeffer- son's Manual shall be the book of reference, and its rules, so far as they are applicable, shall be the rules of the council. RULE 18. It shall be the duty of all committees to report on every subject referred to them at the next regular meeting following such reference, provided the Council may direct a report to be made to an intervening adjourneA meeting. If any committee fail to re.port on any matter, as required, they may be relieved of fur- ther consideration of such matter, and it be otherwise disposed of by the Council. RULF, 19. Upon every matter referred to a committee, such committee, or a majority thereof, shall meet for inquiry or deliberation, and no report of or concerning such matter shall be made, unless a majority of the committee shall have actually examined Or con- curred in the same. RULE 20. The standing oommittee shallw as far as practicable, have regular meetings for the transaction of committee business* of which meetingst and their times and plaoss, notice shall be given to the Council and filed. with the Clark as soon as said particulars shall have been determined. RULE 21. No account, bill, or claim shall be ordered paid until:t having been referred to the Finance Oommittes, except UPOU the vote Of a maJority of the members presen'to RULE 22. Any rule may be temporarily suspended for special reasons by vote of a majority of the members of the Council, but no permanent alteration shall be made without notice, specifying the purpose of the change, given at a previous meeting. RULE 23. It shall be the duty of the President of the Oounoil,, and. in his absence of the acting President, to see that the proceedings of every meeting are properly and promptly recorded by the Clerk, and the record of every meeting, after approval by the Counoil, shall be attested by the Clerk. RUIE 24. No member shall speak to any quest6ont nor discuss any matter, nor interrupt another, nor make a motion without first addressing the presiding officer and obtaining his recognition. RULE 25. In acting u -non ordinances, the proposed ordinance shall be read the first time as a whole and then passed to a second reading or otherwise disposed of by a majority Note of the members present. If the ordinance is passed to a second reading, it may be taken up, placed on a second reading by a like vote, read by sections and passed to a third reading or otherwise disposed of by a like vote. If passed to a third reading, it shall then be read as a whole and put on Its final Dassage. No amendments shall be in order on the third reading, and the vote on its final passage shall be taken by yeas and nays on the call of the roll, the affirmative vote of a majority of all members of the Council present being necessary for the passage of the ordinance. RULB 26. Not to delay the proceedings of the council, and trespass on the time of other members, each member is enjoined to attend every meeting promntly at the hour fixed by the Council. 4 I hereby certify that the foregoing rules were regularly adoDted bg the City Council on August 10th, 1915. Henry L. Chandler, City Clerk.