1980-08-07 Budget Workshop2690
Edward W. Douglas J ~ - _-~
City of Okeechobee
City Glerk
City of Okeechobee
The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, convened in a Budget Workshop in
the City Clerk's office, City Hall, Okeechobee, Florida at 7:00 P.M., Thursday, August 7,
Chairman Edward W. Douglas presiding with the Following Councilmen present: Donald
Burk, Jim Knight and Lytle Raulerson. Councilman Oakland Chapman was absent.
Others present were: Bonnie S. Thomas, City Clerk; L.C. Fortner, Jr., Director of
Public Works; Larry Mobley, Police Chief; Keith Tomey, Fire Chief; John Cassels, Attorney
and Sylvia Christian, Deputy Clerk.
Chairman Douglas called the meeting to order.
Director Fortner informed the Council he had received a letter in response from a
phone call to a constitutional attorney who defended Florida City in a similar discrimination
Director Fortner spoke to the attorney regarding the Brown -vs- City case. ~
Chairman Douglas reported to the Council the following:
1) He, as Mayor, has been served with papers - a counter suit from LaGrow Irrigation
2) A suit has been filed by Mrs. Culbreth regarding Delta Oil Corporation
3) He (Douglas) felt if the Council agreed to open a street for Ronnie Watts two years
ago, the city may be liable for a law suit if they do not proceed.
Attorney John Cassels appeared before the Council regarding Delta Petroleum Co. Upon
researching the minutes and listening to the tapes of the meeting, Cassels determined that a
permit should not have been issued.
Attorney Cassels advised that all actions must be in writing. A violation of the
Zoning Ordinance has occurred so work should be halted.
There are two avenues to follow:
1) the Building Inspector pull the permit
2) obtain a court injuction
Both methods can be used, the second one being the safest way.
Council asked what steps should be taken. Cassels advised: Step I - 1) Pull the
permit due to the fact the construction is in violation of Zoning Ordinance #402, and 2)
If work does not cease go into court on an emergency order.
Cassels noted the best defense is to abide by the City ordinances. The sitmation has
gotten out of hand.
Council agreed due to the fact that eight inches (8") of concrete is to be poured
Monday, Chairman/Mayor Douglas should declare this an emergency. Mayor Douglas did so.
And in so doing, any discussion at this Recessed meeting did not violate the Sunshine haw.
Cassels advised the Building Official should pull the permit and advise the workers he
had done so. Attorney Cassels again stressed the need for documentation.
Being the Council's opinion, Mayor Douglas will instruct the Building Official to pull
the permit by letter and also, Attorney Cassels by letter, to proceed to get a temporary
court injuction to halt the Delta Petroleum project.
The letter to Attorney Cassels will confirm the fact that the City has obtained his
services on this matter.
In conclusion, the official decision of the City to halt the Delta Petroleum project
temporarily is because they (Delta) are in violation of City Zoning Ordinance #402.
There being no further business the meeting Recessed at 10:00 P.M. until Tuesday,
August 12, 1980.
d~ard-W. -D~ug-las J - '
Chairman/Mayor /
City of Okeechobee
B6fin~e S. T~c~s "
City Clerk
City of Okeechobee
The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, convened in its Regular Meeting in
Council Chambers, City Hall, at 7:00 P.M.~ on Tuesday, August 12~ 1980.
Chairman Pro-Tem Lytle Raulerson presiding with the following Councilmen present: DOnald
Burk, Jim Knight and Oakland Chapman. Chairman Edward W. Douglas was absent.
Others present were: Bonnie S. Thomas, City Clerk; L.C. Fortner, Jr., Director of Public
Works Keith Tomey, Fire Chief; Bernard Braverman, Assistant Attorney; John Cassels, Jr.
consulting Attorney and Sylvia Christian, Deputy Clerk.
Councilman Donald Burk delivered the Invocation.