1980-01-29 Workshop25 2
President Douglas read a letter from LaGrow Irrigation in regard to the
City's breech of contract on final payment for the clearwell. --~
Councilman Burk stated for the record, Mr. Ron Dixon appeared before the
Council representing Robert E. Owens Engineering Firm at the Tuesday, January 15,
1980, meeting. Councilman Burk read excerpts from that meeting's minutes.
On the basis of the opinions of Ron Dixon stated at the January 15th meet-
ing, Councilman Burk moved to deny payment to LaGrow Irrigation, seconded by
Councilman Raulerson, vote carried.
President Douglas reminded the Council of the Workshop set for Tuesday,
January 29, 1980.
Councilman Chapman consulted the Fire Chief about the possible fire
hazard created at the tire company on South 441, by piling up of tires.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned until the Workshop
Session on January 29, 1980.
Edward W. Douglas J
Chairman City Counci~
City of Okeechobee
Bonnie S. Thomas
City Clerk
City of Okeechobee
The members of the City Council for the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met in
Workshop Session on Tuesday, January 29, 1980, at 7:00 P.M.
Chairman Edward W. Douglas presided, with the following members present:
Councilman Lytle Raulerson, Councilman Donald Burk, Councilman Jim Knight, and
Councilman Oakland Chapman. Also present were the City Attorney, David Conlon;
City Clerk, Bonnie S. Thomas and Fire Chief, Keith Tomey.
Chairman Douglas read a report prepaired by Director of Public Works --~
L.C. Fortner, Jr., concerning the cost of Sanitary Sewer installation for the
Okeechobee Rehabilitation Facility. Total cost being One Hundred Twenty-Two
Thousand Six Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars ($122,625.00).
Councilman Burk cautioned the Council about the expense of this project
to the City.
Councilman Chapman instructed Director Fortner to submit the report to the
Rehab Facility.
Chairman Douglas opened the discussion of a possible merger of the Okee-
chobee City and County fire departments. He requested Fire Chief Tomey to
address the Council with a report of his studies relative to a merger. This
report consisted of a three (3) part outline considering equipment, financing
and ratings, (both insurance ratings and insurance service office ratings).
Chief Tomey explained that with a merger of the two departments citizens'
insurance costs would be reduced in some instances from Six Hundred Dollars
($600.00) annually to approximately Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) annually.
Chief Tomey suggested consideration of the Council be made relative to
combining the E.M.S. (Emergency Medical Service) with the Fire Department,
eventually. This would give the citizens more comprehensive protection for their
tax dollar and with the use of our trained personnel save lives as well as fight
The possibility of Fire districts being set up was mentioned as well as
budget projections for the next three (3) years.
Chief Tomey expressed concern to the Council that much careful research be
done in regard to Fire districts. One specific example pointed out was protection
of the present employees (firemen) pension program. Some of our firemen have
many years already into the plan.
Chairman Douglas thanked Chief Tomey for his complete and timely presenta-
Councilman Knight noted the main concern of the City Council as pointed out
by Chief Tomey is saving the tax payers money on insurance premiums, which would
occur with a merger of the two fire departments.
County Commissioner Jim Lashley was present not only as a Commissioner but
as a tax payer very much concerned in aShieving a merger for the benefit of
Okeechobee County.
Attorney Conlon attempted to frame the issues the Council may choose to
have in-put into as follows:
The two main aspects of any agreement would be 1) the administration of the
fire department and 2) the compensation or in-put for the payment of the services
Conlon further stated, in the administration of the fire department there
are three choices 1) the City administer the entire program, 2) the County ad-
minister the entire program or 3) have a joint Board, new Board, new taxing
district, joint committee or some combination of such. As far as who pays for
the services, the ratio in which people would pay for it does not have to be --~
connected with how it is administered.
In other words, if it was decided the three choices County, City or combina-
tion, and we suggested that it be completely City controlled, it could still be
that the County could have a legal right if they wanted a sub-station anywhere,
they could have one anywhere they wanted to put it, any equipment they wanted to
put in they could have any number of people they wanted to pay the salaries for.
But the communications, dispatching, administration would still come through
whatever the City set up, if you decide it was the City.
Attorney Conlon told the Council they need to decide how they feel about
the basic agreement, if it should be 1) a City fire department~ getting some
kind of compensation for going outside the City, 2) or if we should go out of
the business and give it to the County, or 3) if we should look towards forming
a new Board or new taxing district with a combination of the two.
Councilman Raulerson stated he would prefer the City set the issue up,
noting the City has its own equipment and fire station located within the City.
He did not want to see it operate under any one government, more than one year.
Councilman Raulerson felt if the two departments merged, he foresaw a taxing
district assessing the amount of service a person can get for fire pretection.
Councilman Raulerson stated his opinion would be that areas would be set
up and sub-stations set up within these areas. As Chief Tomey pointed out, the
amount of money that would be saved in insurance protection alone would more
than pay for the taxing district that these people would live in for fire pro-
As far as payment is concerned Councilman Raulerson felt further study
was needed.
Attorney Conlon questioned if the taxing district would be a new governmental
agency that would have a Board that is elected and assesses taxes City and County
wide. Councilman Raulerson stated the Board would either have to be elected by
the people or it would have to be members of the two existing Boards to serve
on it. He felt the members of the two Boards should not have the right or
authority to appoint new Board members to sit without the voice of the people.
~s far as he was concerned, Councilman Raulerson felt everything should be con-
trolled by elected officials.
Attorney Conlon advised that any change should be done by an Ordinance,
which requires public hearings.
Councilman Burk stated that it is one thing to go to the mechanics of
where to put a fire truck. But when proceedures, Charters and what the respon-
sibilities of both the City and County are researched, this is something else.
Councilman Burk stated, it is immaterial who supplies the fire protection service
as long as the citizens receive the best service possible.
Councilman Knight felt the City Attorney should research the legal aspects
of the change and try to provide the Council with more information. Councilman
Knight reaffirmed his desire to meet monthly with the County Commissioners,
noting the merger and the 201 Facility Plan needed a joint effort.
Attorney Conlon pointed out the problems that will arise by setting up a
taxing district. Then asked Jim Lashley if he thought the County would agree to
reverting back to the original system of the City providing the service and just
work out an agreement regarding payment.
Mr. Lashley felt he could not speak for the entire County Commission. The
City needs to submit a proposal and the County needs to submit a proposal. With
figures from both parties an agreement can be worked out.
Attorney Conlon pointed out that State law provides if no Cities in a County
are providing municipal fire service and the County is, then it is to be paid
for solely by the County.
Councilman Burk stated, however the City Charter requires the City to pro-
vide a fire service. In the past, the ratio of calls in the City and County was
not a problem. However, with costs as they are today (gasoline, etc.) distance
to the fires has become relevant. A percentage ratio has to be set. Councilman
Burk felt this is not an insurmountable problem. Much of it could be handled
just as it was before, and simply get together and agree what is best for all
people who pay taxes, City, County or otherwise. Then go ahead and do the job.
Fire Chief Tomey suggested a fifty-fifty (50-50) basis the first year. He
felt it would be very difficult to go back for the past five (5) years to try to
calculate a ratio because the cost of living, cost of equipment, etc. has in-
creased so great in the past year.that it would be too difficult to determine a
Attorney Conlon stated the problem is, if we were going to go back to what
it was, we can not tell the County we will do fifty per cent (50%) this year and
we will talk about it at the end of the year. We both need something solid 1)
that we are going to divide it by the number of calls or, 2) we are going to
divide it by the University of Florida's estimates each year of County population
vs City population, we need something concrete.
County Fire Chief Karr interjected that putting the two cost factors together
will be hard because of the great difference in square miles covered. The main
blocking point was that everyone maintain their job. County Chief Karr stated
he had roughly drawn up a proposal where the City can basically save a quarter of
25 6
a million dollars within a five year plan, if they just subsidize the salaries.
Karr further stated, in reverse, the County could do the same thing with a
percentage of their total budget to the City.
Attorney Conlon asked Mr. Lashley if the County is interested in taking over
the service if the City contributed to the cost in some way.
Mr. Lashley stated one of the Commissioners wants the City to take charge,
two others felt the County is the larger of the two bodies so they should handle
it. Mr. Lashley stated if the County were to take it over he would want to keep
the better equipment at the City Fire Station, because the biggest part of the
County fires are around the City limits.
Chief Tomey noted when consolidation was an issue it was verified by Jack-
sonville, if the two departments merge (County Fire and City Fire) along with
the City Water Department and either is no longer run by the City, the City will
loose the eight (8) rating it now has. This would cost the tax payers money.
Councilman Raulerson stated the only problem he sees with giving the
service to the County is, you give it to the County, the County asks for
subsidy. That is fine. We are paying County taxes the same as a man just
outside the City limits. We are paying more County tax per evaluation than the
man that lives out there because we are in a more congested, more developed area
with better protection. So our assessment is higher within the City limits
than it is outside. Councilman Raulerson further stated we are paying more of
a County tax than the County tax payer himself for like property. Then we turn
right around and say we have to subsidize the fire department, so then the City
becomes a taxing district for the fire department. Why should they pay more
taxes than the people just immediately outside the CitY. This is one of the
problems Councilman Raulerson is concerned with.
Councilman Raulerson stated~ if the City operates the fire department and
it is paid for on the pro rata basis, then he could see it. The City is then
paying for what they get, and they are not paying twice. Councilman Raulerson
noted the two departments merge a time limit has to be set on setting up fire
Councilman Knight stated, in his opinion, one of the most foolish things
is the fact that we live in a County with a twenty-five (25) mile radius and
we have two fire departments in the same town. We could have substations on
the outskirts to take care of the County~ which is much more feasible.
Councilman Burk submitted to the Council that, although it may have some
value to get these hypothetical suppositions from the third party in formulating
some type of proposal, these things are almost permature. Rather than being
terribly concerned with what the third parties say, that none of the governing
bodies have met, we should concern ourselves more with what the County would be
satisfied with and what the City would be satisfied with. If i~ would be to go
back to the formula we had, then proceeding cautiously from there and all the tax
districts, ratings, distances, etc., iron those out as we go along.
Councilman Burk asked Mr. Lashley if he felt the County would be interested
in simply going back to what we had beforelwhere the City was suppling the
service to the City and County and we were splitting the expenses.
Commissioner Lashley stated the topic was discussed with no decision made.
He felt, however, the main thoughts of the Commission was to better cover the
entire County with substations, etc.
Councilman Burk asked if the County governing body would be interested in
having the substations immediately or sometime in the future.
Commissioner Lashley stated the Commission sees a need in substations right
away. Mr. Lashley expressed the desire to do this and work the problems out later.
Councilman Burk asked Mr. Lashley what the County's biggest objection to the
original agreement when it existed. Mr. Lashley felt the percentage was fair in
one sense but then the City had the fire station already and the County felt there
were a lot of brush fires eliminated do to the Forrestry Service. So the County
felt they should have gotten a better break on the costs than they did.
Councilman Raulerson felt the problem with the brush fire deal was that the
City was being called regardless of the type of fire. The City had to respond
even though some calls were for brush fires.
Everyone present agreed that both City and County want to get the two depart-
ments together.
Councilman Raulerson said basically what is needed is a substation, for
instance, in Treasure Island with a fire truck and a paid man on it that could
respond at that moment. Then we need one or two others located in the County.
Councilman Raulerson went on to say, if there is one radio system and the
substation had a call and he responded, when he arrived he could determine the
type of equipment needed. Then if need be the City would respond.
If there were two or three substations in the County then Councilman
Raulerson stated he could possibly see a fifty-fifty (50-50) arrangement between
the City and County, with the City operating out of this point as long as the
County set up their substations and financed them completely separate from the
City. Even though, need be, we respond with back up units to these areas. This
would all be handled from a central place.
Attorney Conlon asked if Councilman Raulerson's proposal is that the City
would have the total County wide fire responsibility with any substations being
25 S
put in by the County and totally financed by the County. That the substations
be a separate budget item. Plus the County would pay the City one-half (½) of
it's Fire Department operating budget and the City would direct the distribution
of men. Councilman Raulerson agreed.
Mr. Lashley noted there were definite plans for the setting up of two (2)
substations in the works. Then some of the County firemen could be used to man
the substations and still fall under the same firefighting system.
Councilman Knight requested that copies of the meeting's minutes be given
to the County Commissioners to study prior to their regular meeting.
Councilman Knight moved that the County Commissioners and City Council
hold a joint meeting to discuss the fire departments and the 201 Facility Plan.
Council set up Workshop dates as follows:
1) Thursday, January 31, 1980, to discuss Ordinance #402,
Mobile Home setbacks and OUsley waterline agreement.
2)Thursday, February 7, 1980, to discuss 201 Facility Plan
wi6h Frederick Bell Engineers.
Tuesday, February 19, 1980, to discuss the Fire Department
merger and 201 Facility Plan with the County Commissioners.
There being no further business the meeting Recessed until Thursday,
January 31, 1980, at 7:00 P.M.
~dward W. Douglas J ~
Chairman City Counci
City of Okeechobee
Bonnie S. Thomas
City Clerk
City of Okeechobee
The members of the City Council for the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met in
Recessed Session Thrusday, January 31, 1980, at 7:00 P.M.
Chairman Edward W. Douglas presided with the following members present:
Councilman Lytle Raulerson, Councilman Donald Burk, Councilman Jim Knight and
Councilman Oakland Chapman.
Also present were Bonnie Thomas, City Clerk; David Conlon, City Attorney
and L.C. Fortner, Jr., Director of Public Works.