1979-12-11 Regular Meeting 2561'1 created, seconded by Councilman Raulerson and vote carried. 79-68 DOG ORDINANCE - HUMANE SOCIETY Other discussion by Council was the continuing stray dog problem. No action was taken at this time. Mr. Donald Martin from the Humane Society made a request to the Council that animal tag sales be transferred to the Humane Society. No action was taken on his request. 79-16 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The City Clerk distributed copies of the City's Comprehensive Plan to each of the Councilmen. The copies were requested by Dr. Bartley for the Council members at the Workshop meeting of November 29, 1979. ADJOURNMENT It being the hour of 8:50 P.M. and no further business to be discussed, President Douglas recessed the meeting until regular meeting Tuesday, December 11, 1979. ~whrd W. DoUglas / President City Council City of Okeechobee ATTEST: Bonnie S. Thomas City Clerk City of Okeechobee FIRST REGULAR'MEETING TUESDAY~ DECEMBER lip 1979 The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, convened in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Okeec~obee, Florida, at 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, December 11, 1979. President Edward W. Douglas presiding. Councilmen Oakland Chapman, Lytle Raulerson and Donald Burk were present. Councilman Jim Knight was absent. Others present were: Bonnie S. Thomas, City Clerk; Larry Mobley, Police Chief David Conlon, City Attorney; Keith Tomey, Fire Chief and Sylvia Christian, Deputy Clerk and L.C. Fortner, Jr., Director of Public Works. The Invocation was offered by Councilman Burk. 79-1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilman Burk moved to accept the minutes of the October 9, 10, 15, 23, November 1, 13, 27, 29, and December 6, 1979, meetings as presented with the typo- 2562 graphical errors corrected, seconded by Councilman Chapman, vote carried. MEETING CALENDAR President Douglas presented the meeting dates of the first quarter of ]980, for Council's approval. Dates are as follows: January 8th and 22nd, 1980 February 12th and 26th, 1980 March llth and 25th, 1980 Councilman Chapman moved to approve these meeting dates, seconded by Council- man Raulerson, vote carried. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Councilman Burk moved to have Monday and Tuesday, December 24 and 25, 1979, off for Christmas for City Employees and Tuesday, January 1, 1980, for New Year's, seconded by Councilman Raulerson, vote carried. LETTER FROM AUDITOR President Douglas presented a letter from the auditors McAlpin, Curtis and Associates requesting acceptance from the City of the work to be done by them on the financial statements. Councilman Burk moved to authorize McAlpin, Curtis and Associates to audit the City books and accounts, seconded by Councilman Raulerson, vote carried. 7:15 P.M. --~ PUBLIC HEARING 79-101 SEALED BIDS It being the hour of 7:15 P.M. and pursuant to the notice published, sealed bids were received, opened and read. The bids were as follows: TRASH RECEPTACLES SEWELL HARDWARE Litter receptacles - $2,759.94 Councilman Raulerson moved to accept the bid from Sewell Hardware Co., West Palm Beach, for eighteen (18) trash receptacles for a total of Two Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty-Nine and 94/100ths Dollars ($2,759.94), seconded by Councilman Chapman, vote carried. ROBERT E. OWENS - LETTER President Douglas presented a letter from Robert E. Owens regarding the inspection of the new water storage tank on November 30, 1979, by a structural engineer. Mr. R.M. Dixon, engineer stated the structure was found to be sound. Director Fortner noted another firm was due to inspect the tank on Thursday, December 13, 1979. Councilman Burk recommended that Robert E. Owens & Associates be questioned after the independent engineering firm has completed their inspection, regarding future durability. Attorney Conlon requested permission to speak with the second engineer prior to inspection. Council granted permission. 7:30 P.M. SEALED BIDS - BACKHOE SUNRISE FORD TRACTOR Backhoe - $43 493.00 MINTON E©UIPMENT~ .C0. Backhoe - $34 578.00 PIPPIN TRACTOR & E©UIPMENT~ INC. Backhoe - $30 516.00 TAYLOR & MUNNELL MACHINE WORKS~ INC. Backhoe - $39 942.00 OKEECHOBEE TRACTOR CO. Backhoe - $32 487.40 KELLY TRACTOR CO. Backhoe - $36 913.00 Alternate Bid -$34,804.00 President Douglas instructed Director Fortner to check the prices, extensions and tabulate. After careful consideration, Director Fortner recommended awarding the bid to Kelly Tractor Company. Councilman Burk moved to purchase the JCB Backhoe - Loader from Kelly Tractor Company at a cost of Thirty-Six Thousand Nine Hundred Thirteen Dollars ($36,913.00) other bids not meeting specifications, seconded by Councilman Raulerson, vote carried. 79-74 COMMUNICATIONS FROM DEPARTMENT HEADS A. CITY ATTORNEY t) RETIREMENT PLAN - PROPOSED ORDINANCE Attorney Conlon stated the proposed ordinance for the City Retirement Plan, presented by Director Fortner, is very detailed and will require a great deal of study. Attorney Conlon recommended a Workshop for this ordinance. 79-100 2) DISCRIMINATION SUIT The City Attorney discussed the discrimination suit bringing events up to date. 3) FIRE HYDRANT AGREEMENT In regard to the Fire Hydrant Agreement with the County~ Attorney Conlon stated a clause is needed changing the time of payment to the City. Clause should guarantee payment from the County on the same day the City pays the bill. Councilman Burk moved to insturct Chairman Douglas to affix his signature on the Fire Hydrant Agreement once the provisions have been met, seconded by Council- man Raulerson, vote carried. 2564 4) EASEMENTS Attorney Conlon noted he had received the easements from Rbyals and U-Save to prepare~ for the City t o take over the sewer lines and perpetua], maintenance -'~ and expansion easements. However, there is an error in the easement from U-Save and is to be redone by their engineer. 5) DISTRICT REGULATIONS Attorney Conlon stated it was brought to his attention by Building Official Spray, there ~s an error in the Scheduled District Regulations. Under Mobile Homes for lot requirements and set backs it states "See Section 8 of the Zoning map" however there are no requirements listed fOr set backs Attorney Conlon suggested discussing this at a Workshop so an amendment can be drafted. ?9-69 B. POLICE CHIEF ACTIVITY REPORT Chief Mobley presented the Police Department Activity Report for the month of November, 1979. 2) EXPANSION OF OFFICE SPACE Chief Mobley requested permission to convert the back room of the Police Station into office space. Approximate cost of Eight Hundred Fifty Dollars ($850.00) for materials with Police Department doing the labor. Councilman Chapman moved to authorize the refinishing of the store room, seconded by Councilman Raulerson, vote carried. 3) UNIFORMS Chief Mobley proposed purchasing new uniforms made from wash and wear materisl, which would eliminate the large dry cleaning bill the department now has. He requested five long sleeve and five short sleeve shirts and four pairs of pants at a cost of approximately Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00). Councilman Chapman moved to @uthorize the purchase of the new uniforms to eliminate the dry cleaning bill, seconded by Councilman Raulerson, vote carried. EMPLOYEE PROMOTION Chief Mobley requested permission to promote patrolmen Dalton Chandler and Rehmund Farrenkopf to sergeant and acting sergeant, respectively. Patrolman Farrenkopf would remain acting sergeant until Sergeant Rucks returned to service, st which time Patrolman Farre~kopf would be reduced in rank and salary. After discussion Councilman Chapman moved to promote Dalton Chandler to rank of sergeant, Rehmund Farrenkopf to rank of acting sergeant with an increase in both salaries of Five Hundred Sixty Dollars ($560.00), understanding that Farrenkopf would be reduced in rank and salary if Sergeant Rucks returned, seconded by Councilman Raulerson. Councilmen Raulerson and Chapman voted yes. 2565. Councilman Burk opposed. President Douglas voted yes, motion passed. Attorney Conlon to research the conditions of Sergeant Rucks returning to duty. Y9-63 C. FIRE CHIEF 1) ACTIVITY REPORT Chief Tomey presented the Fire Department Activity Report for the month of November, 1979. 2) PRE-FIRE PLANNING REPORT Chief Tomey presented a pre-fire planning report for the commercial establish- ments. The report compiles very pertinent information which would be studied and kept on file at the Fire Department. Councilman Burk endorsed the idea and suggested Councilman Knight make a recommendation to the Council regarding the report. 3) FIRE RATINGS - INSURANCE Chief Tomey informed the Council he spoke with Waylon M. Watts, field underwriter for State Farm Insurance, and discussed fire ratings. Mr. Watts stated when and if the two fire departments merge, any building within a three mile radius of the City limits will also have an eight rating. This will provide considerable savings for citizens' fire insurance rates. 4) NEW UNIFORMS Chief Tomey informed the Council the new uniforms have been ordered for the Fire Department and are wash and wear. ?9-65 D. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS 1) CITY PENSION PLAN - MEMORANDUM #1 Director Fortner requested a Workshop meeting to discuss the proposed changes in the City Pens~on Plan, with a public hearing on the changes. President Douglas stated the Council wii1 study the proposed changes then, at the first Regular Meeting in Jaunary, set up a Workshop. 2) TRUSTEES - MEMORANDUM #2 Director Fortner presented Memorandum #2 regarding Trustees for Retirement Plan whose terms have expired and need to be reappointed by the Council. Councilman Burk moved to appoint the trustees as recommended for the term January 1, 1980, to Jaunary l, 1982; General Employees John Bennett and L.C. Fortner, Jr.; Firemen Keith Tomey and Edmund Reutebuch; Police Officers Phillip Purvis and Dalton Chandler, seconded by Councilmen Raulerson and Chapman, vote carried. 3) EXTENSION OF N.E. t3th STREET FOR DR. HUSAIN - MEMORANDUM #3 Director Fortner presented Memorandum #3 regarding the extension of N.E. 13th Street for Dr. Muffazar Husain. The first three hundred (300) feet has been approved by the Council for Dr. Husain's new office. An additional length has been requested for axcess to his new home. After brief discussion, Councilman Burk moved to deny the request for extension of Northeast 13th Street for Dr. Husain, seconded by Councilman '-~ Raulerson, vote carried. 4) NEW CARPET Director Fortner requested permission to replace the carpet in the Public Works office. The carpet has been down since 1971 and is stained beyond cleaning. It can be replaced for Five Hundred Fifty-Five Dollars ($555.00). Councilman Burk cautioned the Council to conserve funds for the expense of the pending law suit. While on the subject of carpets, the Council discussed the moisture problem in the Clerk's office at City Hall. Councilman Raulerson stated cross ventila- tion under the City Hall is needed to cut down on the moisture. No further discussion, Councilman Chapman moved to authorize the purchase of new carpet for the Public Works Department, seconded by Councilman Raulerson, vote carried. 5) ACTIVITY REPORT Director Fortner presented the Wate~ Sewer and Street Departments Activity Reports for the month of November, 1979. 79-42 E. CITY CLERK -'~ 1') EXCESSIVE WATER BILL Clerk Thomas informed the Council that Mrs. Tifton Rice received a water bill in the amount of Three Hundred Eighteen and 60/100ths Dollars ($318.60). Mrs. Rice stated she was unable to pay the bill all at once. The bill is for her rental property. Upon receipt of the bill the property was checked and a leak was discovered. Councilman Burk noted the City of Okeechobee is not in the money lending business, consequently the bill should be paid in full. Council agreed. 79-91 2) PLANNING BOARD ADVERTISEMENT Clerk Thomas informed the Council the Planning Board wished to advertise for public input on a possible landscape ordinance. Councilman Raulerson stated the Planning Board cannot draw up an ordinance but can present recommendations to the Council. 3) JOHN HANDBERRY - CIVIL RIGHTS INVESTIGATOR Clerk Thomas stated she received a phone call from Mr. John Handberry, Civil Rights Investigator. Mr. Handberry's investigation coincides with the Federal Revenue Sharing suit. He has nineteen (19) questions that are to be answered in fifteen (15) days. Attorney Conlon suggested typing the questions, circle the ones that can- not be answered in fifteen (15) days and the Attorney will contact Mr. Handberry requesting an extension. 2567 79-71 COMMUNICATIONS FROM COUNCILMEN A. EDWARD W. DOUGLAS 1) WELLS - P'~RT-TIME EMPLOYEE President Douglas noted the bookkeeping department would like to know where the salary will come from and what the salary will be for Don Wells, part-time employee in the Building Department. Councilman Raulerson noted it has not been determined exactly how much time Mr. Wells' duties are to consist of. Also, an automobile expense allowance was discussed but not approved. After lengthy disucssion, it was determined that Mr. Wells has not been hired officially by the Council. Councilman Burk suggested Councilman Raulerson meet with Building Official Spray and Mr. Wells, and agree on a lesser amount than a career employee, also future work hours. Council concurred. 2) BAR-B-QUE President Douglas congratulated the Department Heads and Councilmen on a very successful Christmas Bar-b-que. The cost averaged out to Twenty-Five and t2/100ths Dollars ($25.12) per Councilman and Department Head. B. OAKLAND CHAPMAN Councilman Chapman informed Director Fortner that shell is needed on South- east 4th Avenue and 9th Street. C. DONALD BURK A citizen telephoned Councilman Burk requesting permission to park a trai].er in their yard to take care of a mentally retarded relativeo~. The Council denied permission in a Residential, Single Family area. D. LYTLE RAULERSON Councilman Raulerson reaffirmed the need for an amendment to Ordinance #402 regarding Section 8, required set backs for mobile homes. Councilman Raulerson suggested determining guidelines at the next Workshop. REHABILITATION CENTER Director Fortner informed the Council the Rehabilitation Center is building homes for the retarded and has requested sewer connection. They need a letter confirming the availability of the sewer to be presented to the Federal Government to aid them in obtaining funds. Director Fortner did not prepare the letter without Council approval. Also, Director Fortner felt a master plan for additional lift stations in servicable locations is needed. A Workshop is needed for this. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION President Douglas informed the Council of a letter recieved from the Department of Transportation regarding the public hearing on Federal aid for the Highway 441 South road project. The plans, drafts, etc. are available for inspection at the D.O.T. office · in Fort Lauderdale on dates stated in the letter. DISBURSEMENTS Water & Sewer Operation & Maintenance $36,424.41 Water & Sewer System Revenue Fund $1,983.32 Water & Sewer Revenue Fund $448,464.05 Cigarette Tax Fund $135,000.00 Anti-Recession Fund $2.02 General Fund $51,517.74 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M. Edward W. Douglas President City Co~nc~il City of Okeechobee ATTEST: / Bonnie S. ThOmas City Clerk City of Okeechobee FIRST REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY.~. JANUARY 8~ 1980 The City Council of the City of Okeehcobee, Florida, convened in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Okeechobee, Florida, at 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, January 8, 1980. President Edward W. Douglas presiding. Councilmen Oakland Chapman, Lytle Raulerson, Donald Burk and. Jim Knight were present. Others present were Bonnie S. Thomas, City Clerk; David Conlon, City Attorney; L.C. Fortner, Jr., Director of Public Works; Keith Tomey, Fire Chief; Larry Mobley, Police Chief and Sylvia Christian, Deputy Clerk. The Invocation was offered by Councilman Jim Knight. 80-1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES With no corrections, additions or deletions needed, Councilman Burk moved to approve the minutes of the December 11, 1979, meeting as presented, seconded by Councilman Raulerson, vote carried. PUBLIC HEARING 80-2 REZONING REQUEST - LOWRY MARKHAM SECOND AND FINAL HEARING