1991-11-06 Morell to Jennings MICHAEL WM. MORELL
(904) 668-7274
(904) 668-1893 FAX
November 6, 1991
Lester W. Jennings
Attorney at Law
110 N.E. Third Avenue
P.O. Box 237
Okeechobee, Florida 34973
Re: Confirmation of reservations for November 11, 1991
Dear Lester:
The purpose of this letter is to confirm that I have reserved
three rooms with king size beds for you, Frank Altobello and Robbie
Hoover at the Cabot Lodge located at the intersection of Interstate
10 and Highway 319 (the Thomasville Road) . The rate for each room
is $56 . 00 plus tax.
I guaranteed the reservations in your name and gave them your
American Express Card No. 3728-261894-13006, Expiration Date 2/94 .
I told the Cabot Lodge that you would probably be arriving before
6 : 00 p.m. on Monday, November 11, 1991 and would be departing on
Tuesday, November 12, 1991 . The clerk at the reservations desk
said that if you wanted to cancel the reservations you should call
904/386-7500 before 6 :00 p.m on November 11th. The confirmation
number for the block of three rooms is 8183 .
I look forward to seeing you, Frank and Robbie on Monday.
Call me when you arrive at the Cabot Lodge. My home is only about
1 mile from the Cabot and I will come over and the four of us can
go out to dinner and discuss the negotiations .
In the meantime, If I can be of any further assistance, please
do not hesitate to call .
With best personal regards, I am
Michael Wm. Morell
DCA's Commitment
toAffordable Housing Interview withSecretarySadowski
The 1990 census confirms what we
already knew. Florida has grown Editor's Note: Soon after his appointment as Secretary of the Department of Corn-
by almost 900 people every day over munity Affairs, Technical Memo staff interviewed William E. Sadowski. In this
the past decade. Now we're over 13 mil- interview,Secretary Sadowski shared his views on his priorities for the Department, ways
lion,the fourth largest state in the nation to better coordinate Florida's growth management efforts at the state level,and DCA's
and headed toward third. By the year review of local government comprehensive plans.
2000,our population is projected to reach
16 million. During the same period,the 1. What changes do you wish to make and to deal with density problems both
number of Floridians who live below the at the Department of Community Af- emotionally and politically.We must ap-
poverty level will grow from today's 1.7 fairs? What are your immediate priori- proach this problem with flexibility.
ties and your long term priorities for the There is a natural tension between
agency? DCA and local governments.We have to
say"no"from time to time. But we must
SECRETARY'S COLUMN The local comprehensive planning develop a positive relationship with those
,, , WILLIAM E.SADOWSKI process has nearly reached the end of its with which we interact—local govern-
first major phase,and we're now entering ment officials and private citizens—but
the next phase.We must now pause,re- at the same time,we must not compro-
million to 2.1 million.Even today,more fleet,see what we've wrought,look at it mise the growth management system.
than two million Floridians face critical with candor,and look for things to change. There are different ways to say"no."
housing problems:they either live in sub- I view the plan amendment process as We must stop making local governments
standard conditions, or they're paying an opportunity for creativity. Adopted guess the right answer and be polite,con-
more than they can afford for housing. plans are the hard core documents. siderate,positive,and helpful within the
i The need for affordable housing in Amendments give us the opportunity to parameters in which we operate.
1 Florida is undeniable. Shaping a sound fine tune these plans and turn them into The next half dozen years should be
affordable housing policy for this state something more meaningful. They can loads of fun. It shouldn't be drudgery,
and forming a productive housing part- become living documents for local gov- trying to defend good plans against bad
nership between state and local govern- ernments and DCA.Our people and local amendments.Amendments can be a fun,
ments and the private sector will be governments must get their creative juices continued on page 4
emphasized while I am secretary of the flowing.Our agency must take the lead to
Department of Community Affairs. make local governments realize that jNSIDE
Affordable housing will share top prior- amendments and the five-year review cycle
ity with our broader growth management are opportunities. We must make sure
responsibilities because housing and that the ideas that we've gotten from re- Regulations 2
P g g Environmentally Sensitive Lands
growth management go hand-in-hand. viewing 459 local government plans are
Governor Chiles' Growth Manage- available for consideration by local gov- Ask DCA 6
ment Task Force included the following ernments. Siting Cellular Telephone Towers
comments in a recommendation concern- Density is a highly charged issue.We pi g Notes 8
ing DCA's housing programs: "[DCA's must figure out how we can get people to
continued on page 2 buy into the growth management system
from page 1 agencies: the Departments of Environ- In the statewide scope of planning,so
mental Regulation,Transportation,Com- far the locals are ahead of the state.Thus
creative experience.The plan review proc- merce,Labor and Employment Security, far,the state has said do as we say,not as
ess has had a brutal effect on planners Community Affairs,and the Governor's we do. There is a void at the state level.
and has robbed them of the potential for Office of Planning and Budgeting,of which The state coordination group is the first
creativity. DCA is the lead agency. We have been step to adopting a meaningful state com-
Regarding housing,we have a lot of directed to: 1) Develop procedures so prehensive plan.
discrete programs. I don't understand that when people come to DCA and DOT, Governor Chiles and Lieutenant
how they relate to each other, and my for example,they don't get different an- Governor MacKay have said that Florida
fear is that they don't. We need to under- swers to the same question;2)develop a is a community,not a crowd.We should
stand what the needs are,and we need to single stop permitting system; and 3) take care of the people here,take control
get a background/fabric within which to develop a division and strategic plan on a of our own destiny.To enhance the eco-
fit the programs. We need to come up coordinated basis. We are to take the nomic base in the state, we should do
with a coherent relationship between our Chiles/MacKay vision and develop spe- more that just lure more people and new
housing programs and to bring our vari- cific,programmatic budgetary responses business to the state.In the past,Florida
ous programs together. to flesh it out. has said"Come take us and use us as you
The relations between the Division of Members of the Strategic Manage- wish." Now we are the fourth largest
Housing and Community Development ment Program have been meeting regu- state,and we must take care of the people
(HCD) programs and planning are im- larly since mid-January. Intellectually,it here. We don't need to invite new folks.
portant. Planning has tension, but we Our old policy resulted in populating
also need to bring happiness and joy to the state with people who came here for
the lives of those under our purview. We low taxes and cheap labor. We have con-
must facilitate their visions by offering Governor Chiles and I L Gov sequently created a constituency of folks
money and programs to implement hous- who are very reticent about paying for
ing elements--whether through Commu- MacKay have said that Florida is government and education. In short,we
nity Development Block Grants(CDBG) a community, not a crowd. We have shot ourselves in the foot. Instead,
or Community Development Corpora- should take care of the people we need to broaden and diversify our
tions(CDC)--to help local governments here,-take control of our own economic base and take advantage of our
achieve the visions they've articulated in geographical location between the main-
their plans. We must start to view our destiny. land states and the Caribbean basin and
role as both planners and enablers. These South and Central America.
two functions must be brought together.
Tom Pelham did an excellent job. He 3.Florida's growth management laws
was the right person at the right time to have been criticized for not giving enough
carry Florida into the growth manage- is a fascinating exercise. It is the first time emphasis to economic development.Do
ment phase that we're now completing. I this has been attempted. This small clus- you see the department getting more
was glad it was he and not I. I may be ter of agencies will eventually be expanded. involved in economic development in
better suited for this next phase. Eventually, HRS will be brought in, as the future?
The Department of Community Af- will cabinet agencies.
fairs is misnamed. Instead, the depart- The long range vision is exciting. Plan- Under Section 163.3177, F.S., local
ment should be named the Department ners should have the top-of-the-line governments may prepare an optional
of Planning and Coordination. We need computer equipment. While Iwas at the economic development element. Eco-
to be stressing coordination. We need to Southwest Florida Water Management nomic development should be an essen-
add people with coordination skills.For District,computerization increased the tial ingredient to any growth manage-
example,earlier this morning I was talk- productivity of our existing people. ment or planning program. We can't
ing to someone concerned with trans- Computers make life more fun and more sustain planning without economic de-
portation planning,and he pointed out productive. velopment. There are many small local
to me the multiple layers of government governments that may not have economic
involved in implementing a comprehen- 2.Florida's growth management laws expertise. We should help them out.
sive transportation plan. are designed to be implemented at the By folding the Departments of Labor
To better coordinate the state's net- state,local,and regional levels.The first and Commerce in the cluster with DER,
work of agencies,the Governor and the round of review of local government corn- DNR,and DCA,the Governor and Lieu-
Lieutenant Governor have initiated the prehensive plan is scheduled to end this tenant Governor show that they view all
Strategic Management Program,which year.How are things working at the state of these agencies as being integrated;and
involves the coordination of a cluster of level? they are.You can't sustain one without
the other. A case can be made for estab- tory to us.That is the case,at least in the defray planning costs.A lot of them have
lishing an economic development corn- context of a home. Perhaps a similar been at the 10 mil cap for extended peri-
ponent within this agency to help local approach would benefit the development ods.They enter into a $50,000 contract
governments that lack economic devel- and review of local comprehensive plans. with a planning consultant and by the
opment expertise. We need to form technical teams to time all the reviews are complete, they
assist small local governments, to help get hit with a$200,000 contract. In some
4.You recently met with represents- ease them through the process.Our repu- counties,one mil generates only$40,000.
fives of 25 rural counties who voiced tation is that of an ogre in some jurisdic- The revenue generated by 1/10 mil in
concerns about the department's poli- tions.We have a vested interest in shap- Dade County would finance some rural
cies concerning comprehensive planning Mg our future.We shouldn't make people counties for years. We must be sensitive
in rural areas. What are their concerns guess.We can minimize the trauma a lot to this.
and how can the department respond to more than we have. The process is threat-
them? ening to them;it is awesome;it is unlike 5.Do you intend to make any changes
anything they've ever done. And they'd in the department's approach to review-
Our attitude toward local governments prefer not doing it,but they are required ing local comprehensive plans?
has been criticized as being distant and to do it;so we should help them through
unhelpful. We should make ourselves the process and be sensitive to their needs. We will continue our past patterns of
available and helpful with everyone we There are a lot of misconceptions out review until I feel comfortable about
deal.We shouldn't draw a line in the sand in the rural areas as to what is required of changing it.
and say we will let them cross it when they them. And, frankly, a lot of planning
give us the right answer.Rather,we should consultants aren't contributing at all to 6. The state has provided about $35
work in a positive mode with these folks. million in grants to local governments
That's just good human relations. It's a for comprehensive plans, LDRs, and
matter of good policy and good politics. What we are trying to achieve on a compliance agreements. Do you see a
We've got a load of good information statewide basis is a coordinated need for continued funding for 5-year
here,and we should make it available to system for managing and planning plan updates and implementation pro-
people. There are different ways to say grams?
our"no,"and sometimes you don't have tom We have a vested futur
say"no";you go on to different subjects interest in this system both The state needs to continue providing
until you come up with positive results. individually as citizens and as the support to some local governments that
We should be solution finders rather department charged with that are less wealthy if they are to have a
than problem identifiers.We should help decent chance of dealing with planning
people find a way around a problem rather and regulation.
just identify the problem. ORC [objec-
tions,recommendations,and comments] 7. How important of a role has the
reports are fearsome-looking documents. better understanding in a positive way. stipulated settlement agreement played
They seem to focus more on preserva- We can be a more positive and contribut- in the local government comprehensive
tion of legal options than on communi- ing force. planning process?
cation in clear English.Major issues are What we're trying to achieve on a
identified in a cover letter,while the ORCs statewide basis is a coordinated system Dispute resolution is the key to the
themselves are long laundry lists of tech- for managing and planning our future. whole process. There clearly needs to be
nical jargon. Deeply buried in the legal We have a vested interest in this system a vehicle for resolving differences.There
mumbo-jumbo are the options and con- both individually as citizens and as the needs to be some sort of mechanism within
cerns that should be readily accessible in department charged with that responsi- the system to resolve differences before
the document. bility. And it shouldn't be a matter of going to administrative hearings.
We've got to know what we are deal- forcing people to guess what we require Stipulated settlement agreements have
ing with. It is hard to evaluate a local plan and what the bottom lines and the vari- been instrumental in keeping DCA and
without knowing about the local govern- ables are. It's just not fair to expect local local governments out of administrative
ment.I don't think you can do that fairly governments without substantial plan- hearings. So far,65 local governments
or appropriately. For example,when my ning departments to sit back and start have brought their comprehensive plans
wife and I decided to add to our house,we everything from scratch.Our role as a de- into compliance through settlement agree-
invited the architect to spend the week- partment is to be an interface between ments; another 54 have either entered
end with us. That way he could get the state and local government. into or are currently negotiating agree-
feel of the house and of our needs. The We're also going to shake loose addi- ments with DCA .
results of the process are very satisfac- tional money to help the rural areas to
SEPTEMBER • 1991 5