1992-04-06 Okee. News Article $ .F. A?H 1oun approves c ant-7:4"'.�, a,,k b r, .,By'MBA VALENTINE simply by the adoption of the comprehen- changed by the adoption of the plan. and commended those who had been :.c.t The Okeechobee County Board of Com- sive plan, Okeechobee County Attorney Mr. Cassels said it would not. working on it for so many years. t missioners adopted an ordinance April 2 'John Cassels explained. With that assurance, Mr.Rubin said he Peter Harrison, representing Adams t 41 ; which puts into place the local govern- T.J.Cannon, an Okeechobee landown- was in favor of the adoption of the plan, Please see PLAN/2A ! to ment comprehensive plan. er and a member of CARL (Citizens Okeechobee County is the last county Against Regional Landfills), said he was F in the state to adopt its plan. objecting to the adoption of the plan and County's comprehensive plan draws comment `1F The public hearing which preceded the the change of zoning from Agricultural to w i 3-0 vote for the plan,brought about a few Government Use for the 2,000 acres "Some of the sug- "It fails to comply "Nobody can agree •,., i, final minor changes to the wording.These • south of the county dump on Berman g e s t ions w e'v a with the procedural 100,percent with It, .,, `.;" changes were included in the final 113 Road. heard tonight have requirements of the because some are ; .. page plan. He said the change was inconsistent been very, very Okeechobee County going to get hurt. I %',''' Florida Department of Community with current zoning and land use, and good.. I've worked zoning ordinance, stood here four Affairs (DCA) representative, Tony failed to comply with zoning law.He said it very''closely with and Florida law, It is years ago when Arrants, said he felt he could make a constitutes a taking of property rights. staff. I think you arbitrary and dis- was on the Central favorable recommendation to DCA,which Robert Kennedy, a local attorney repre- , y S` %` must approve the plan. senting Shirley Pinder,was concerned the have a plan that is criminatory'and a Florida Regional Some of those who spoke both for and expansion of his client's unplatted subdi- 'workable and'It's violation of due pro- Planning Council , ; against the adoption of the plan were evi- vision would be halted by the plan. flexible. I also corn- c e s s and c o n s t i- and said it's going dently somewhat confused between the He noted there were rural activity cen- mend the amount of tutes a taking, o f to change the:face - plan and the Land Development Regula- ters, which permits more density than t!me and effort valuable prOpe.tt� of this county and tions (LDRs), which have not yet been agricultural zoning, both to the east and 1n t ri , " '' �' Y' ?�"'' :era°`�'`:><?:':< o I1s... Y you've put to 1 , g ;� ¢��z�� :::>::::�:?;,�:4.5#t �c #� w �#trl adopted.The LDRs,when adopted,will be west of the Spot In The Sun. Tony Arrants : T.J. Ca6jior a ;t .3 " ten„uf'? >.'<m`r, £ -, the tool that implements the goals and He asked the designation be extended ;� ,Representative of the Ial ldpiV!( : k2fC �Bi7t-<' -? t1I: btrt ` policies contained in the comprehensive and, if necessary, take away the rural - :..,...:::.::;.:::.:.:.i.:• ? Florida Department ; b e r ' it' z>en,$.::::: res detnt. t ,,?:,::::::---::::::::::,0::::;::lad plan, activity center category from R-Bar x� „ o1 Community Affairs Against Regional iutltg't aet' ; While the future land use map deslg Estates north of the city. .:•. . , s; ? ;<' < : :.. La ldill�S..::;;..;.,: 1 c1atliElti a N<: ::?.::: Hatesvarious areas of the county to be for . Andy Rubin who identified himself as .?; ;?,. •;.;:,:.,.....,.:..:::.:::?:;n:>:<;{:::<:::: mi::,„:::::<;.:.. ;..::::..::.:.�::.:::;.::::. ,.;:y,:,;,:.,.. vari ty Y � y ?; ''�' ;:'�r�, �:�•���:�. , :,*�.,?>:��;-�::::;:;?:.,: ::::.<.: :;:<:>::::•:•:�:;;�:: ��,��.� :�:;,;w..�; `�� � h .;,4.,v.v:..1;}4 ;' •;:: (}\ ::.y:?\�;n\: \\•i.',`:; i.:i:>•:•:•\•�v:i:;`v ni:?.\,:\:\ii�ni 'iii\'•i\'^ ;: U':Lv,.in \L,,±,; .ti.;\:?.., certain land uses, there are no zoning president of the city and county taxpayers' .:;.,•<;:.: :i:• ::??•,.v;. . :t?. :, :..,?, . �:.:,:..;,:,,•, .:.,??;i•:•,V:,a•;:•;>•:?.::•:>::>; ,>::; .„,.:::•;:::.«, ..,,...,..:::::>:�v::. g P tY `7 `."`Y`^J” a:,�::.a.:i•.:i?\•>:.:i �:�3:�''� ,� ?y,,:.? C fib..:. v, .�k::?; . changes in any land use in the county association, asked if any zoning would be PLA` r. • Ranch and Grassy Island Ranch, have been changed to floodways expressed his company's concerns and that change was agreed upon.'"'' about certain wording in the plan. He requested that wildlife habitat:I:LI. He said there was no definition of and vegetative communities be what constituted "low intensity changed to critical habitat. J ”`�` Commissioners Tommy Close,agricultural activities," and he m requested that phrase be changed. who was attending another meet- ..i Other phrases that concerned ing, and Clif Betts,Jr., who was Mr. Harrison were"environmental- out of town, were not in atten- ly sensitive lands,""wildlife habi- dance at the public hearing and tat,""vegetative communities"and the three remaining commission- "100-year floodplain." ers voted to adopt the plan.