1993-03-25 Morell to Cassels • t ri R-25-9= THU 1 1 :21 Michael Wm. Morel I 904 425:B301 P. 02 MICHAEL WM. MORELL ATTORNEY AT LAW 310 WEST COLLEGE AvENVE Ac•4.N.STiA,vE A•.G GO'VLCN.ENTAL LAY/ TALLAHASSEE, rLGRICA 32301-1406 ALSO ADMITTED N. T-E ENV R=hM E,N'AL Ar,p LAN° RISE LAW Gij Ta i_` C't CCLLwEDA (90-.) 4c','83G0 (r04) 425•8301 r,CSIMILc March 25 , 1993 VIA FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION 813/763-1031 and U.S . Mail John D. Cassels , Jr. Okeechobee County Attorney Cassels and McCall 400 N.W. Second Street P .Q . Box 968 Okeechobee, Florida 34973 FAX 813/763-1031 Re : City of Okeechobee vs . DCA, Respondent and Okeecnooee County, Intervenor, DOAH Case No . 92-4909GM (Okeechobee County Comprehensive Plan Compliance Proceedings Dear John : The purpose of this letter is to express to you my surprise and concern that Okeechobee County has not followed through on its previously expressed commitment to pursue settlement negotiations in he above-referenced case . In your January 29 , iSS+ ; letter the County made the following statements concerning the settlement approach suggested by the City in its letter to the County dated January 28 , 1993 : " [T]he approach taken by the City does provide a positive basis upon which further settlement discussions may occur. . .At some point, the time and money spent preparing for an administrative hearing begins to be counter productive to an attempt to reach a settlement. . [t]he County is willing to modify its objection to a continuance of the hearing scheduled for February in order to allow sufficient time to explore opportunities to settle the remaining issues . . .as soon as we have been able to formally obtain the continuance, we will attempt to schedule a meetinq, . . (Emphasis added. } Based on the County' s representations made in this letter, the City, in good faith, agreed to cancel depositions of the County ' s experts even though it was necessary for the City to incur considerable expense in serving notice of such depositions by subpoena. The County also agreed to cancel its previously scheduled depositions of City Councilmen, which the City had voluntarily made available so that the County would not need to incur the expense of service of process . MAR-25-93 THU 11 :22 Michael Wiii. Morrell 904 42S:3301 P. 03 John Cassels March 25, 1993 Page Two After you and I agreed that the City would handle the drafting, filing and paperwork requesting an agreed upon continuance so that we could pursue settlement , the City moved expeditiously and such a continuance was granted by Hearing Officer Sartin on February 3 , 1993 . In his order the hearing officer requested that we file a report on or before April 19 , 1993 informing him of our progress and if a final hearing will be necessary. When the County did not follow through on its representation "to schedule a meeting", I telephoned you on or about March 3 , 1993 . During our conversation on that day you apologized for the delay in scheduling the meeting, you explained that the delay was attributable to the County not having sufficient time to coordinate with its engineers, you agreed that the City and County should continue to pursue successful settlement in the case, and you promised to contact City Attorney John Cooks as soon as possible to schedule a meeting for the City and County' s engineers to examine the water and sewer maps in greater detail . we agreed that one additional meeting would be necessary in which I would come to Okeechobee so that we could finalize the language of a settlement agreement and present it to our respective clients for their review and approval in sufficient time to file a successful status report with the hearing officer on April 19 , 1993 . After John Cook informed me that you did not contact him to schedule a meeting, I called your office on or about March 18th and left a message to have you return my call . When you did not return my call I spoke with County Planning and Zoning Director Bill Royce on March 23 , 1993 and urged him to talk to you about scheduling the agreed upon settlement discussions . Mr. Royce agreed to do so and also expressed his support for expediting conclusion of these settlement discussions . John, I am now concerned that there may be insufficient time to conclude our negotiations, present the results to our clients for approval and file an agreed upon status report with the hearing officer before April 19 , 1993 . There certainly is insufficient time in which to conduct the two settlement we agreed would be necessary. The City Council has only one meeting scheduled (April 6 , 1993 ) before the status report is due on April 19th. The next Council meeting after that will be April 20, 1993 . John, I assume that the County is still interested in settling this case and I hope that the repeated delay in the County scheduling of settlement discussions can somehow be explained in terms of how busy county officials , staff and their attorneys have been . However, if I do not hear from you immediately and the City and County are unable to schedule and conclude at least one successful settlement discussion meeting, I will have to advise my MAP-25-93 THU 11 :22 M i ,_ha.e I Wm. Mare I I 904 4258301 P. 04 John Cassels March 25 , 1993 Page Three client accordingly in sufficient enough time before the April 19th deadline in order for the City to file a status report with Hearing Officer Sartin which fully protects and preserves the City' s interests . Hopefully this will be unnecessary and the City and County can continue to file agreed upon status reports to the hearing officer regarding the status of negotiations and the need for scheduling further formal proceedings in this matter. Therefore, it is imperative that we schedule a meeting as soon as possible if we are to successfully conduct and conclude negotiations , report to our clients and conclude this litigation in an intergovernmentally cooperative matter as has been suggested by the City and previously acknowledged by the County. Although I will be out of the office from this afternoon at 1 : 00 p .m. until Monday morning, March 29, 1993 (John Cook is also out of the office until Monday morning) , both John and I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. If our three schedules can be coordinated I expect to be in Okeechobee sometime between April 2nd and April 6th and would be willing to conduct settlement negotiations at that time . Sincerely, ,11411 . AAW Michael Wm. Morell MWM:mm cc . John Cook, City Attorney (VIA FAX) Karen Brodeen, DCA Assistant General Counsel (VIA FAX)