1992-01-29 Leonard to Melita January 29, 1992
M. Dale Milita, County Manager
Board of County Commissioners
Okeechobee County
304 NW 2nd Street, Room 106
Okeechobee. Florida 34972
Dear Dale:
I am pleased that Bill Miller is assisting you and the County Commission in assembling your
materials for submission to DCA. I know he is familiar with the contents of the Plan and
will be able to assimilate the changes quickly. I want to encourage you and Bill to meet with
me to be sure there is a smooth transfer of information at this critical time leading up to
adoption of the Plan.
When you ask if the Comprehensive Plan, that is the Goals, Objectives and Policies, is "in
completed form for adoption and submitting to DCA," I would respond that it is, if the
contents of the Plan are what the Commissioners understand them to be. In other words,
I believe that they should review the document in a workshop setting and receive
explanations of the goals, objectives and policies they have questions about. I think that Bill
Miller is certainly qualified to give the explanations, but I will be happy to attend one or
more workshops to give them the benefit of my experience in negotiations with DCA.
The response to the ORC Report is another matter. The response to the Capital
Improvements Element is not complete, particularly in regard to the objections and
comments from DCA on the data and analysis. They are requesting the update of financial
information that I do not have. I believe that Bill Miller can work directly with you and your
staff to supply the information more efficiently than I can. In addition, DCA has some
concerns about two of the maps of environmental resources, particularly flood plains and
wetlands. I do not know the history of these maps, but I can assure you that we do not have
maps or the information from SFWMD to prepare the maps in the detail that is required.
I am prepared to undertake this activity, if the information can be supplied in a usable form.
The answer to your question as to further work is, "Yes, I believe there is more to do before
the Plan is ready for ... submitting to DCA." To this end, I have attached a detailed list of
Dale Milita
January 29, 1992
Page Two
the activities that require attention, and an original of the response to the ORC comments
on the Capital Improvements Element. There are four objections to the data and one to
the analysis, all of which basically require current information. From this list, I believe that
you can make informed decisions about how to assign the activities for efficient completion.
With your assistance and the input of the County Commission, I am prepared to complete
all of the activities on the list, or to work with you and Bill Miller in any way you may direct.
Concerning the conveyance of all of the written material on disk, I will be happy to do that
at any time.
I must admit, Dale, that I am curious about the tone of your letter. Were Ito simply answer
yes to your question and the document were not complete in every way, what would
happen? If it were complete, what then, would the contract between Okeechobee County
and the Council be determined to be fulfilled? I hope you can see that there are some
minor things left to do to prepare everything for submission. I expect to fulfill the contract.
I await your direction.
R. Douglas Leonard, AICP
Executive Director
The following portions of the ORC report from the Department of Community Affairs need
to revision:
Future Land Use
1. Page 7 of the ORC, Objection 4. Historic sites are now listed in a tabular format, but
are not depicted on the Existing Land Use Map since their location is unknown.
2. Page 8 of the ORC, Objection 6. Although Floodprone areas were depicted on a map
in the Existing Land Use Map Series, DCA found them to be insufficient in their depiction
of these areas. Flood maps from the SFWMD sent to Okeechobee County were never
received by the CFRPC in order to create an accurate map depicting these areas. The time
involved in creating this Map from FEMA Maps would be time consuming(estimated at 3-4
months in the making) to achieve the level of accuracy demanded by the DCA. It is
suggested that Okeechobee County re-contact SFWMD and obtain another copy of this
information. Indications are that even though the map from the SFWMD will not mimic the
boundaries of the other maps already included in the Plan, the integrity of the GIS depiction
of these areas will be sufficient.
3. Page 8 of the ORC, Objection 7. Although Wetland areas were depicted on a map in
the Existing Land Use Map Series, DCA found them to be insufficient in their depiction of
these areas. Wetland maps from the SFWMD sent to Okeechobee County were never
received by the CFRPC in order to create an accurate map depicting these areas. If a hatch
�... pattern were included on the Wetlands Map that was included in the Existing Land Use
Map Series, this objection could potentially be resolved. It is the CFRPC's recommendation
that Okeechobee County re-contact SFWMD and obtain another copy of this information.
Indications are that even though the map from the SFWMD will not mimic the boundaries
of the other maps already included in the Plan, the integrity of the GIS depiction of these
areas will be sufficient. Please advise.
4. Page 67-68 of the ORC, Objections 1-5. As my letter indicates, these Objections concern
the updating of financial information, the accuracy of which will probably be better if
supplied directly to Mr. Miller by the your staff.
5. Workshops for review of the Plan by the County Commission. These are certainly
optional, but I believe that they provide a vehicle for Bill to communicate with the
Commission and for everyone to get comfortable with the contents and the review process
that will follow. I am assuming that you are going to involve Tony Arrant in the final
preparation process in some way. I encourage it.