1992-05-06 Reese to Drago RMA
Reese, Macon and Associates, Inc.
May 6 , 1992
City of Okeechobee
55 S .E. Third Avenue
Okeechobee, FL 34974
ATTN: Mr. John J. Drago
RE: Comp Plan Modification
Dear John:
As we have discussed, the Comp Plan is not to tally reflective of
the water and wastewater programs currently being pursued. It is
prudent to update the plan to properly address the groundwater
plant , surface water plant and wastewater plant, including
distribution and collection systems . We expect the engineering
costs required to produce the water treatment and distribution
portion of the Data and Analysis , and the Capital Improvements
Element will be $2 , 500 . This will include the initial draft, a
meeting with the Attorney and modifications per the meeting.
If you have questions or wish to discuss this further, please
call .
Very truly yours ,
William D. Reese , P.E.
3003 S. Congress Avenue - Palm Springs, Florida 33461 - (407) 433-9311