1992-08-21 Morell to Drago • MICHAEL WM. MORELL ATTORNEY AT LAW 310 WEST COLLEGE AVENUE ADMINISTRATIVE AND GOVERNMENTAL LAW TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 323 01-140 6 ALSO ADMITTED IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL AND LAND USE LAW DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (904) 425-8300 (904) 425-8301 FACSIMILE August 21, 1992 Via Facsimile Transmission ( 813/763-1686 ) and U. S. Mail John Drago City Administrator City of Okeechobee 55 Southeast Third Avenue Okeechobee, Florida 34974 Re: DCA v. City of Okeechobee, DOAH Case No. 91-5962GM; DCA Docket No. 90-NOI-4702-(N) ; Revisions to City' s Comprehensive Plan in accordance with Ordinance No. 645 and Stipulated Settlement Agreement. Dear John: This letter is in response to your request that I review the City' s revised comprehensive plan documents which you recently received from the Central Florida Regional Planning Council (CFRPC) . You have requested that I ascertain that the documents are in proper form and reflect the amendments to the plan as a result of the action taken by the City Council on March 19 , 1992 . I have reviewed those portions of the Goals, Objectives and Policies (GOPs) document and Data & Analysis (D&A) document which were required to be revised as a result of the March 19, 1992 action of the City Council . I have not proof read the entire GOPS and D&A documents . Other than the revisions required by the City Council ' s March 19th action, I assume that the CFRPC did not make any additional revisions to the documents and that the language in the rest of the documents is essentially identical to what it was when the City originally adopted its plan in March of 1991 . The City should verify this with CFRPC Executive Director Doug Leonard. If the CFRPC made additional changes to the March 1991 documents, please request that the CFRPC provide them to the City. If the City intends to continue to contract with the CFRPC for revisions to the plan' s D&A, I recommend that the City adopt a policy which requires the CFRPC to transmit proposed revisions to the D&A document in draft form for the City' s review and consideration prior to incorporation into the D&A document. 4 John Drago August 21, 1992 Page Two On May 22 , 1992, the City provided Doug Leonard with copies of transmittal correspondence and Ordinance No. 645 at the same time that they were submitted to DCA for their review and compliance determination. The amendments adopted to the plan' s GOPs document are contained in "struck through and underlined" format in Sections III-V of Ordinance No. 645. Subsequently, the City provided the CFRPC with a copy of the agreed upon revisions to the D&A document which were specified in Exhibit "B" to the City' s Stipulated Settlement Agreement with DCA. The amendments to the D&A document are contained in the agreement. It appears that in typing the revisions into the word processor, the CFRPC staff may not have been working from the text of Ordinance No. 645. Editorial changes to the GOPs contained in Exhibit "B", which were agreed to by DCA and the City before the City adopted them and which were referred to in the transmittal correspondence to DCA, were incorporated in the ordinance - not the agreement. In order to make it easier to make the corrections to the two documents, I have made the changes (also in "struck through and underlined format" ) which need to be made to the documents so that they accurately reflect the official action that the City Council took on March 19, 1992 in amending the City' s plan. Of course, who ever makes the corrections should not type them in "struck through and underlined" format. CORRECTIONS TO THE GOPs DOCUMENT In the GOPs document, on Page 3 of the draft of the Future Land Use Element, the following corrections need to be made to Policy 2 . 1(c)-(d) and footnote 1 : Policy 2 . 1 : The following land use designations are established for the purpose of managing future growth: * * * c) Commercial . Permitted uses include office, retail, automotive wholesale, and related commercial activities . Also permitted are public facilities . *Commercial development shall not exceed a floor area ratio of 3 . 00 and a the maximum impervious surface for development within this category shall not to exceed 85% of the site. d) Industrial . Permitted uses include large-scale manufacturing or processing activities . Also permitted are public facilities . *Industrial development shall not exceed a floor area ratio of 3 . 00 and a the maximum impervious surface for development within this category shall not to exceed 85% of the site. John Drago August 21, 1992 Page Three e) Public Facilities . Permitted uses include parks, schools, government buildings, fire stations and other recreational and non-recreational public properties. *The maximum impervious surface for Ddevelopment within this category shall not exceed 85% of the site. 1 . Policy 2 . 1, sections c, d, and e marked with an * have been revised in accordance with City Ordinance No. 645 and the Stipulated Settlement Agreement. In the GOPs document, on Page 4 of the draft of the Future Land Use Element, the following corrections and new footnote need to be made to Policy 2 .2 (renumber footnotes accordingly) : *Policy 2 .2 : In accordance with property rights policies adopted by the Central Florida Regional Planning Council in the Central Florida Regional Policy Plan, the City of Okeechobee recognizes and will protect private property rights . In implementing the Comprehensive Plan, the city will ensure that its land development regulations protect the use and value of private property from adverse impacts of incompatible land uses, activities and hazards . Planning for land use and public facilities in the city will consider private property rights, and ensure citizen input into government land use decisions affecting property rights . Upon Plan adoption, the City shall require that all development proposals be accompanied by evidence that an inventory of wetlands; soils posing severe limitations to construction; unique habitat; endangered species of wildlife and plants; and areas prone to periodic flooding has been conducted. The City shall further require that the extent to which any development or redevelopment is proposed to be in/on, to disturb, or to alter the natural functions of any of these resources be identified. Such identification shall occur at a phase in the development review process that provides the opportunity for the City to review the proposed project to ensure that direct and irreversible impacts on the identified resources are minimized, or in the extreme, mitigated. Where mitigation is approved, wetlands shall be replaced with the same type and form that perform the same function as the wetland lost to development. Where development is determined to encroach upon a resource, the City shall require a specific management plan to be prepared by the developer, which results in no net loss of wetlands and which includes necessary modifications to the proposed development, specific buffers and setbacks, and clustering of development away from site resources, to ensure the t John Drago August 21, 1992 Page Four protection, preservation or natural functions of the resource. The minimum buffer for wetlands shall be 25 feet and the average of all setbacks from the wetland resource shall be 40 feet. Areas designated as buffers shall preserve all natural vegetative cover, except where drainageways and access paths are approved to cross the buffer. Buffers may be supplemented only with native trees, shrubs and ground covers . 2 . Policy 2 .2 has been revised in accordance with City Ordinance No. 645 and the Stipulated Settlement Agreement In the GOPS document, on Page 29 of the draft of the Sanitary Sewer Element, the following corrections need to be made to Policy 7 . 1, Policy and 7 .2 and the footnote: *Policy 7 . 1 : By 1996 the City will initiate an inventory study of the function and capacity of the City' s existing stormwater drainage facilities and system. The Comprehensive Plan will be amended in light of the ctudy' s results and recommendations . In addition to using any funds of its own, the city will request funding assistance from the South Florida Water Management District to undertake this study [ 9J-5 . 011( 2 ) (c) 1] . *Policy 7 . 2 . The City will amend the comprehensive plan to include the recommendations of the stormwater drainage facilities and system study, upon its completion . *Policy 7 . 3 . Drainage facility improvements will be provided according to the following priorities : ( 1) to fulfill the city' s legal obligations; (2) to prevent further degradation of Taylor Creek; ( 3) to provide adequate drainage for existing development in the city; (4 ) to provide adequate drainage for new development in the city; and (5) to extend municipal drainage facilities to areas outside the city. 2 . Policies 7 . 1-7 . 3 marked with a * were revised in accordance with City Ordinance No. 645 and the Stipulated Settlement Agreement. John Drago August 21, 1992 Page Five In the GOPs document, on page 30 of the Intergovernmental Coordination Element, the following corrections needs to be made to footnote 3: *OBJECTIVE 4 : The City shall coordinate with the Resource Management Plan for the Lower Kissimmee River and Taylor Creek Drainage Basins to the extent that such coordination: (a) is consistent with the principle that local governments and landowners alone should not be forced to bear public burdens which, in all fairness and justice, should be borne by the public as a whole; and (b) would not result in inverse condemnation. *Policy 4 . 1 : The City will coordinate with the Resource Management Plan for the Lower Kissimmee River and Taylor Creek Drainage Basins through the adoption of other objectives and policies contained in this element and the establishment of development review procedures designed to provide the City with the opportunity to review proposed development to ensure that direct and irreversible impacts on environmentally sensitive areas are minimized. 3 . Objective 4 and Policy 4 . 1 marked with a * were added to this element in accordance with City Ordinance No. 645 and the Stipulated Settlement Agreement. CORRECTIONS TO THE D&A DOCUMENT In the D&A document, at page 5 of the Future Land Use Element, the following corrections need to be made under the subsection titled "Vacant and Undeveloped" : Approximately 645 acres . . .City sewer and water line connections are readily available to these three large tracts of undeveloped land so that septic tanks and well water would not be necessary for their development. . . In the D&A document, at pages 12-13 of the Future Land Use Element, the following corrections need to be made under the subsection titled "Natural Resources" : Taylor Creek. . .The only surface water body to be found within city limits, the creek and lands adjacent to it have been altered through channelization and dredging and filling to the point that they can only loosely be called a natural resources. R John Drago August 21, 1992 Page Six * * * However, water quality in the creek. . .Other water quality improvement measures have been taken by the District. . .The SFWMD is requiring property owners of large tracts of property to have their property checked for phosphorous discharge and is requiring a reduction of this discharge. In the D&A document, at pages 13-16 of the Future Land Use Element, the following corrections need to be made under the subsection titled "Development Review Process" : The shadowed box on page 14 titled "Objectives of the Environmental Site Review" should be removed from the document. The following corrections need to be made throughout the D&A document: Everywhere the terms "ESR" , "Environmental Site Review" or "Environmental Site Review Process" occur in the D&A document, the terms "DR" , "Development Review" or "Development Review Process" should be substituted accordingly as the context calls for. This can be accomplished easily with the use of the word processor's search and replace function. If I can answer any questions, please do not hesitate to call . With best personal regards, I am Sincerely, AattliC 4 , I11 Michael Wm. Morell MWM:mm