1992-08-26 Morell to Murley MICHAEL WM. MORELL ATTORNEY AT LAW 310 WEST COLLEGE AVENUE ADMINISTRATIVE AND GOVERNMENTAL LAW TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301-1406 ALSO ADMITTED IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL AND LAND USE LAW DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (904) 425•8300 (904) 425-8301 FACSIMILE August 26, 1992 Mr. Jim Murley Executive Director 1000 Friends of Florida P.O. Box 5948 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5948 Re: City of Okeechobee vs . Department of Community Affairs, DOAH Case No. 92-4909GM Dear Jim: I represent the City of Okeechobee in the above-referenced proceeding. Enclosed is a copy of the City' s petition (without exhibits) which Bruce Weiner from your office requested that I send you. If I may answer any questions or be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call . With best personal regards, I am Sincerely, ON44/04Ahmag Michael Wm. Morell MWM:mm Enclosures cc. John Drago, City Administrator