1979-05-22 Regular Meeting 2441 SECOND REGUALR MEETING TUESDAYp..MAY 22~ 1979. The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, convened in Regular Session in the Council Chambers at City Hall, Okeechobee, Florida, at 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 22, 1979. President Edward W. Douglas presiding. Councilmen Oakland Chapman, Donald Burk, Lytle Raulerson and Jim Knight were present. Others present were: L.C. Fortner, Jr., Director of Public Works; Richard B. Spray, Building Inspector; Keith Tomey, Fire Chief; David Conton, Attorney; Bonnie S. Thomas, City Clerk; Sylvia Christian, Deputy Clerk. The Invocation ~as offered by Councilman Donald BurR. 79-1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Burk to approve the minutes of May 3, and May 8, 1979, after the corrections, seconded by Councilman Knight and vote ca, ed. OKEECHOBEE LIMITED Attorney Bill Hendry representing Okeechobee Limited presented a request to close two "T" Alleys in Block 12 and 21. Located north of the Seaboard Railroad and just south of the City limits. President Douglas requested an up-date on the background information. Attorney Hendry recalled that the Council had approved in prior minutes of April 23, 1978, the alleys to be closed, in return for an extension of the alleyways, and to be executed by Okeechobee Limited. Attorney Conlon inquired as to whether or not there are any obstructions near the alleys to prevent any continuations. Director Fortner stated that he had checked into this ~hen the issue first came up almost a year ago and found no problems. Councilman Burk moved to instruct Attorney Conlon to prepare a resolution to close "T" Alleys in North West Blocks 12 and 21, accept the extension of the alleys, and to record the easements of the alleys after the Resolution-is passed. Motion seconded by Councilman Raulerson and vote carried. 79- ! 6 CONSOLIDATION - EAE~ENT Upon Attorney Conlon's request Attorney Hendry read a copy of a Title of Easement Only as follows: "Whereas the Okeechobee Company, Inc. is agreeable to the use by the City of Okeechobee of certain lands to construct a new City Hall and Fire Station. Whereas the Okeechobee Company does not desire to pa~t with the title to the land and the City of Okeechobee is willing to accept the use of the property owned by the Okee- chobee Company. It was a~ed that the City of Okeechobee have an easement upon the property upon the following terms and conditions": "The City of 0keechobee erect a City Hall and Fire Station to be used only and solely as a City Hall and Fire Station. And it is further agreed and understood by Okeechobee Company and City of Okeechobee that the easement hereby given shall continue and be in full force and affect so long as the buildings shall stand and are used only and solely for the purposes here and above set out". It was brought to the attention of the Council that the City used to own a pier and boat dock on Taylor Creek which was lost due to the City thinking there was no problem with their title. The case went as far aa the Florida Supreme Court. Almost everything in the Plat of Okeechobee and the ~irst W. dition to Okeechobee (streets, parks, etc.) is included in this issue. The water tower property was pur- chased separate, however. 79-59 PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL CODE FEES Attorney Conlon advised that a motion be made to instruct the City Clerk to commence advertisment proceedings on a public hearing of the proposed ordinance. Section 3A was added to the proposed ordinance: There shall be a minimum permit fee of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) charged. Councilman Raulerson moved to instruct the City Clerk to advertise public hearing for proposed ordinance of Plumbing, Electrical and Building Permit fees, seconded by Councilman Burk and vote canopied. 79-6! NOTICE TO CUT AND P~OVE WEEDS Attorney Conlon presented a copy of a form letter '~lotice to Cut and Remove Weeds", that attempts to comply with the Charter Code of Ordinances that provides if a lot is overgrown the owner is entitled to have a notice presented t0 him to clean up the property within fifteen (15) days. The Chief of Police would notify the owner of the property by registered mail, return receipt requested. If the owner fails to comply within fifteen (15) days the City will then have the excessive growth removed, and the cost will be assessed against the property. Attorney Conlon stressed that proper records be kept for proof of transactions. Building Official Spray suggested the City obtain two bids and present them to the owner before doing the work. Attorney Conlon stated a second letter would then have to be drafted as a reminder. Councilman Burk said the original letter is sufficient, a second letter is not needed. The Council then discussed the procedure for getting bids on the cleaning up process. Councilman Burk suggested the City obtain bids for an entire year as opposed to individual cases. 79-16 TYPOGRAPNICAL ERRORS Attorney Conlon noted that the typegraphical errors in the new zoning ordinance ~+02 are only typing errors. The errors should be left until the Comprehensive plan is complete. 2443 79-62 NtlIIC CASE Attorney Conlon has ordered a transcript in order to file an appeal, at the cost of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00). When received Attorney Conlon will file for a rehearing. POLICE CH ,1'~, F Police Chief Larry Mobley was not present. 79-63 FIRE CHIEF 1. Hiring of one man Fire Chief Keith Tomey requested permission to hire another fireman. This would provide two men per shift and relief during vacations. The money has already been al- located and is in present Budget for '78-'79. Fire Chief Tomey then presented an application from John William Emmons, currently employed by the County Fire Department. Councilman Raulerson was concerned about the applicant's job stability as indica- ted on application and also objected to hiring employees of the County while they were still employed by the County. Motion was made by Councilman Burk to instruct City Clerk Bonnie S. Thomas to advertise, in the news, for a fire fighter. Seconded by Councilman Knight and vote caz~-~i ed. 2. Promotion of Three Men to Lieutenant Chief Tomey and the Council discussed promoting three men to lieutenant as re- commended by Chief Tomey. Councilman Burk expressed the opinion that the evaluations of Chief Tomey are pre- mature, having worked with the men only one week. Councilman Knight moved to promote firemen E.H. Reutebuck, Donnie Metzcher and Horton Gragg to Lieutenant. Firemen Reutebuck and Gragg to remain at present salaries of Eleven Thousand Four Hundred Seventeen a~d 70/100 Dollars ($11,417.70) and Nine Thousand T~o Hundred T~enty Five and 20/100 Dollars ($9,225.20) respectively, and to raise fireman Metzcher's salary to Nine Thousand TwO Hundred Twenty Five and 20/100 Dollars ($9,225.20). Councilman Chapman seconded the motion and vote carried. 3- Base Radio-Phone' s Fire Chief Tomey requested that an extension to the Fire Department's base radio be placed in the Police Department so the dispatcher will be able %o keep track of the Fire Department calls. Councilman Burk recommended that Councilman Knight, Chief Tomey, Councilman Chapman and Chief Mobley get together and work out a solution to be brought up to the Council at a later date. 4. Pump on Fire Truck #5 Chief Tomey brought to the Council's attention the fact that the clutch is going 2444 bad on the pump, and he will try to have it rebuilt for the fourth time. The price of a new clutch is T~o Hundred Eighteen Dollars ($218.00). Councilman Burk suggested that the Fire Department purchase a new clutch since the present one ha~ already been rebuilt three times. 5. Tank on Truce #~ In regards to squiring a tanE for truce #3, Chief Tomey reported that the One Thousand Nine Hundre~ Dollars ($1,900.00) originally ~llocated would cover the materials only, not the completed item. Chief Tomey has contacted the Department of Forrestry in regsm~ls to a round tanE they will sell to our Fire Department. Chief Tomey is to inspect the round tanE and notify the Council of his findings. 6. Fire E~ter 100 Chief Tomey presented a request to purchase a nozzle used for high expansion foam at a present cost of Three Hundm~d Forty Nine Dollars ($3~9.00). After explanation by Chief Tomey, Councilman Knight moved to purchase a Pire Eater 100 nozzle, seconded by Councilman Chapman and vote ca~ied. ?. Volunteer Fire Department Chief Tomey attended the meeting of the Volunteer Fire Department and learned that some of the members have dropped out. There is a need for some sort of incentive to recruit them b~ck. Tt was suggested to p~y each volunteer Five Dollar~ ($5.00) per response to a fire call. There was discussion regarding the City of Okeechobee p~ying for a firemen's Death Benefit from the State Fireman's Association as an incentive. Councilman R~ulerson pointed out to the Council this was not feasible because the City would be paying for the Death Benefit and some of the volunteers do not respond to the fire alarm. ~ire Chief Tomey wants to institute, beginning June 15, a training class once a week. Then at the end of August revert b~ck to twice a month. Councilman Knight recommended that the fee be raised from Three Dollars ($3.00) to Five Dollaru ($5.00) per call and T~o Dollars ($2.00) per training class for volunteers. Following discussion, Councilman Knight moved to pay each volunteer T~o Dollars 652.00) per training class, seconded by Councilman Raulerson and vote carried. 8. Ph~ai. cals Fire Chief Tomey recommended a physical for each man. Every three yea~s below the age of 50, every other year over the age of ~0. Councilman Burk suggested to Councilman Knight and Chief Tomey to che~ into the cost and the quality of the physicals given before acting on the recommendation. 79-6~t BUILDING OFFICIAL 1. Ordinance for Junk Parked on Streets and/or Trash Building Official Richaxxt B. Spray requested an ordinance for trash and debris placed 2445 on the curbside off the property. Also, an ordinance for parking vehicles of any kind on the road. Councilman Burk suggested that a Workshop be set up to draft such an ordinance to be enforced. 2. Wherr~ll Buildin~ In talking with Attorney Tom Conely two weeks ago, Building Official Spray learned that Attorney Conely is settling the estate of the father of Mrs. Wherrell. Attore~y Conely stated he may be able to save the City money and aquire the building without any trouble. Since action has been delayed this long, Building Official Spray suggested the City wait a while longer. In regards to the items kept on the outside of the building~ Attorney Conlon was asked if any legal action can be taken. He suggested using the Ordinance for excessive trash. 3. Eonin~ Administration Building Official Spray requested that all the business of the Zoning Administration be handled upstairs in his office, not in City Clerk's office except for obtaining forms and payment of fees. Councilman Raulerson raised a question pertaining to Section 6 of the New Zoning Ordinance. A citizen told him she was given permission to move a building from the ~ont lot to the rear lot zoned commercial. Building Official Spray said he told citizen's husband he could only move the building if the property (rear lot) was rezoned from Com- mercial to Residential. 79-65 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS 1. Fire Hydrants for New Elementar~ School Director of Public Works L.C. Fortner presented preliminary plans for a new north elementary school between the Junior High School and the Multi Purpose building or Bus Director Fortner has permits for three fire hydrants from an Engineezing firm of West Palm Beach. He questioned whether the City will allow the connections and whether the City will operate and maintain them, at a cost of One Hundred Twenty Dollars ($120.00) per hydrant annually. If the City agrees to operate and maintain the hydrants on private property, an easement is needed. The County is responsible for paying for hydrants outside the City limits. After detailed discussion Councilman Burk moved to begin the necessary procedures and have documents drawn up to provide the necessa~ water mains, fire hydrants and obtain adequate easements needed, and draw up an agreement with the School Board to have them pay for the maintenance fee on the fire hydrants, seconded by Councilman Chapman and vote ca~x-led. Councilman Knight opposed the motion. 2446 2. Harve~ Hamrick Director F~tner presented a request from Harvey Hamrick for sewer connection for a six unit doctors office building located outside the City limits. Director Fortner stated that Mr. Hamrick was made aware of the moratorium and still wanted his request to go on record. Councilman Burk moved to deny the request due to the moratorium, seconded by Council- man Knight and vote carried. 3. Telephone Pole Guide Wires Attorney Conlon presented a request from First Savings and Loan Association to plant flowers and shrubs along the alley easement behind the Association. The telephone pole guide wires make the alley impassable. If the flowers are not permissable then the bank requests the wires be removed by Florida Power and Light Company to make the alley accessible. Director Fortner indicated to the Council that he already has contacted Florida Power and Light Company to remove the guide wires. Y9-#2 CITY CLERK 1. Clarification of Milita~ Leave Attorney Conlon wants to clarify the Minutes of May 8, 1979. Municipalities and Counties must grant leave with pay in regards to the NatiDnal Guard. May 8, Minutes read without pay. 2. ~lorida Power and Light Bill City Clerk Bonnie S. Thomas presented a bill from Florida Power and Light Company for a street light not previously billed. The bill was for Six Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Three and 08/100 Dollars ($6,623.08), Florida Power and Light changed the type of lighting and gave the City a credit of Two Thousand Four Hundred Six and 99/100 Dollars ($2,406.99) ,. leaving a balance due of Four Thousand Two Hundred Sixteen and 09/100 Dollars (,~, m.6.0~). This bill will bring everything up-to-date and then the City will be billed monthly hereafter for this lighting. Included with the bill was a master list of the street lights, addresses not included. The City Clerk was instructed to ask Florida Power and Light Company to provide the City with a master list of all the street lights including addresses so the Council can determine which lights the City is being charged for. Also requested a Florida Power and Light Company's representative to come to the next Council meeting to explain circum- stances oF this bill. 3. Partial P~yment Request #3 City Clerk Thomas presented to the Council the Partial P~yment Request #3, City's Share of O~eechobee 201 Facility Plan, in the amount of T~o Thousand Ninty Four and 13/100 Dollars ($2,095.13) payable to Okeechobee County Commissioners. Councilman R~ulerson made a motion to pay the Request ~, seconded by Councilman Burk and vote ca, z-led. 2447 4. Election Laws In regards to the Election Laws, the City Clerk was instructed to have Sylvia Christian research the differences in the City Election Codes and the State Election Laws. After information is obtained it is to be turned over to the City Attorney for study then submitted by him to City Council to decide whether or not to adopt State's election laws. 5. Budget Dates City Clerk Thomas presented the Budget Dates for Workshops. Councilman Raulerson suggested to condense the planning of the Budget to avoid drawn out sessions. The Council concurred. The Budget Dates approved were Tuesday, July 7th and Thursday, July 26th, 1979, August 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th, 1979. In regards to a Workshop for the Dog Ordinance, Attorney Conlon stated that after drafting the Amended Dog Ordinance all that is needed will be thirty or forty minutes of discussion at a regular meeting. ADJOJRNMENT There being no further business, the Meeting recessed at 10:35. Edward w. DOudlas - _ / President City Council/ City of Okeechobee ATTEST: City Clerk City of 0keech~ee FIRST REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY~ JUNE 12, 1979 The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, convened in a Regular Meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 0keechobee, Florida, at 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, June 12, 1979. President Edward W. Douglas presiding. Councilmen Oakland Chapman, Donald Burk and Lytle Raulerson were present. Councilman Jim Knight Was absent. Others present were: Bonnie S. Thomas, City Clerk; David Conlon, City Attorney; L.C. Fortner, Director of Public Works; Richard B. Spray, Build- ing Official; Larry Mobley, Chief of Police; Keith Tomey, Fire Chief and Sylvia Christian, Deputy Clerk. The Invocation was offered by Councilman Chapman. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE COUNCIL CHAMBERS MAY 22, 1979 AGENDA SECOND REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P.M. 1. Invocation 2. Approval of Minutes for May 3, and 8, 1979. 3. W.L. Hendry - Okeechobee Limited - Closing two "T" Alleys in in Block 12 and 21 which were deeded to Okeechobee Limited. 4. Open for citizens not appearing on Agenda. 5. COMMUNICATIONS FROM DEPARTMENT HEADS A. Attorney Conlon - 1) Resolution - closing of "T" Alleys in Block 12 and 21 for Okeechobee Limited v2) Ordinance to Amend Building Plumbing and Electrical Code fees v3 Typing errors - Zoning Ordinance 4 Status of Nemic case B. Police Chief C. Fire Chief D. Building Official E. Director of Public Works F. City Clerk - 1) Clearify for record military leave with or without pay for City employees 3 1 Florida Power & Light bill Election Laws -(Sylvia) 6140190-4A44. 6. COMMUNICATIONS FROM COUNCILMEN A. Edward W. Douglas B. Oakland Chapman C. Jim Knight D. Donald Burk E. Lytle Raulerson 7. ADJOURNMENT