1984-09-17 Regular Meeting1 3541 84 -2 84 -9 84 -11 84 -11 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1984 The City Council of the City of Okeechobee met in regular session in Council Chambers 55 Southeast Third Avenue, Okeechobee, Florida, at 7 :00 P.M. Chairman Douglas called the meeting to order with the following Councilmen present: Edward W. Douglas, Chairman James Knight, Vice Chairman Oscar Thomas, Councilman Oakland Chapman, Councilman Councilman Dowling Watford was absent. Others present were: Richard C. Fellows, City Administrator David M. Conlon, City Attorney Lydia Jean Wilkerson, Deputy Clerk Clerk Bonnie Thomas was absent. AGENDA ITEM /I's II do III - INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Invocation was offered by Councilman Knight, followed by the pledge of allegiance. AGENDA ITEM #IV - THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF 9 -10 -84 WILL BE PRESENTED AT THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING 10 -1 -84 AGENDA ITEM #V - MAYOR EDWARD DOUGLAS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY COUNCIL WITH A PRESENTATION TO FLOYD SELPH FOR TEN YEARS SERVICE WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Mr. Selph was not present, therefore the agenda item was omitted at this time. AGENDA ITEM #VI - ACTION BY THE COUNCIL ON A REQUEST FROM PORTER'S DRY CLEANING FOR THE USE OF ALLEY RIGHT OF WAY IMMEDIATELY WEST OF THEIR NEW BUILDING ON SOUTH PARROTT AVENUE Chairman Douglas introduced the agenda item. Mr. Porter addressed Council and requested the use of the alleyright of way west of his new building on South Parrott Avenue. Councilmembers discussed the request briefly. Councilman Thomas made a motion to grant permission for Porters Dry Cleaning to use the alley right of way. Councilman Knight seconded the motion. Motion carried. AGENDA ITEM / /VII - ACTION, BY THE COUNCIL, TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID OF WIDELL AND ASSOCIATES, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE 201 AREA WIDE WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CLERK TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY CONTRACT DOC- UMENTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,755,962.97 Chairman Douglas introduced the agenda item and opened the floor for discussion. Administrator Fellows stated, "The last problem that we encountered was the public hearing with the R -Bar Estates residents called with the DER, whether or not it would be possible for them to get any type of an injunction. " Attorney Conlon stated, "I wouldn't think that there would be an injunction, since they did not sustain their position in the Administrative Hearings. If one is filed, we will have to handle it at that time." After discussion by Council members, Councilman Chapma -i made a motion to accept the low bid of $3,755,962.97 of Widell and Associates for the construction of the 201 area wide wastewater treatment plant. Councilman Knight seconded the motion. Motion carried. AGENDA ITEM / /VIII - ACTION, BY THE COUNCIL, TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID OF TADDIE UNDERGROUND UTILITY CO., INC. AND M & M CONTRACTING, INC., A JOINT VENTURE, AND AUTHORIZATION OF THE MAYOR AND CLERK TO SIGN A CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,088,480.30 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM Chairman Douglas introduced the agenda item and opened the floor for discussion. Councilmembers discussed the joint venture document not being received at this time. After discussion, Councilman Thomas moved to accept thb low bid of Taddie Underground Utility Co., Inc. and M & M Contracting, Inc., of $2,088,480.30 contingent upon the proper legal documents are in order and approved by staff. Councilman Chapman seconded the motion. Motion carried. AGENDA ITEM !IIX - MAYOR TO CALL ON ANYONE IN THE AUDIENCE WISHING TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL Citizen Andy Rubin addressed Council concerning the handicapped meeting that he is a^member of, handicapped employees, elevators, and wheelchair bathrooms for the elderly and handicapped. 3542 84 -8 2 Administrator Fellows stated the Federal Revenue Sharing requires that we come up with a plan to handle this by October 17; 1984. Clerk Thomas will be the Chairperson of this committee and she will be in charge of electing members. Chairman Douglas stated that the 1984/85 Budget Hearing was postponed to the next Tuesday evening, September 25th, at 7:00 P.M., due to an advertising error, by the OkeechobeeNews. Administrator Fellows requested the authority of the Council to address a letter to the School Superintendent and authorize Mr. Fortner and himself to negotiate with the superintendent relative to how the schools are going to prepare to hook to the sewage system and we would also like to have the same authority to notify the Eckerd Foundation as to how they are going to finance their connection. Also authority to contact the County for their participation in the provision of the new access road (2 mile) at the treatment plant. Council agreed. Adminstrator Fellows stated that if the City wished to bid out the insurance for the City, workmans compensation, general liability , a motion was needed for authorization. Councilman Chapman made the motion. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion. Motion carried. Councilman Chapman asked if Director Fortner could check on the Riverbend Mobile Home Park's shrubbery and signs that are blocking the view of the highway. Also the lift station seems to be blocking the view. Administrator Fellows stated that Mrs. Martha Knight had put together a dictorial repre- sentation of what the City does, how it is organized, who the people are that provide the services, and at this time would like to present it to the Council and those in the audience. Mrs. Knight proceeded with the presentation of the City of Okeechobee slide show presentation. After the presentation, Council members thanked Mrs. Knight for the very fine job that she had done in preparing the presentation. AGENDA ITEM #XI - ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 P.M. Edward W. D.0 g l.:, D.C. Chairman ATTEST: Bonnie S. Thomas, CMC City Clerk 1 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING September 17, 1984 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to order. Invocation offered by Vice Mayor Jim Knight. Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Edward Douglas. IV. The minutes of the regular meeting of September 10, 1984, will be presented, for approval, at the next regular meeting October 1, 1984. V. Mayor Edward Douglas on behalf of the City Council with a presentation to Floyd Selph for ten years service with the Department of Public Works. VI. VII. Action, by the Council, on a request from Porter's Dry Cleaning for the use of alley right-of-way immediately west of their new building on South Parrott Avenue. Action, by the Council, to accept the low bid of Widell and Associates, for construction of the 201 area wide waste water treatment plant and authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the necessary contract doc- uments in the amount of $3,755,962.97. VIII. Action, by the Council, to accept the low bid of Taddie Underground Utility Co., Inc. and M & M Contracting, Inc., a joint venture, and authorization of the Mayor and Clerk to sign a contract in the amount of $2,088,480.30 for construction of a sewage collection system. IX. Mayor to call on anyone in the audience wishing to address the Council. X. Mayor to call on City Clerk, City Attorney, City Administrator and City Councilmen for reports and/or requests. XI. Adjournment.