1963-02-22 Specialappreved b~ the JeuneiX aloe a request for a .ideuulk adJu~tmeat adJaeent to Let %, Bleek X6%. The
Ceuncil autAeri:~d Ceuueilm Gardner to get prAees e,, aheve tee preJeete.
Ceuncilm Gardner alse discussed the ceBditioa ef islands er pa~ ea city streets and
Ceune~ ht repertod ~hat b FiFemon Am~laz,7 had reqnostod pemisolem to redeeerato
the ~ noed by the Flrem u · reereatieu M. AfteF diseunsion Ceun¢ilm Hunt Bored to grant
request mended by Ceuncilm Gardner and earriod.
CeuncilBan GarAuer reperted a request fer a street light eR Fiftheenth Street behiml Celered
Chureh 4u g~ Teen. ~atter to be investigated.
PreaAd~nt He Creokliu repertod a eemplain% ef fish heads being duuped iR Tayler Creek north
ef bridge. Hatter referred te Hayer ~aek and Ceuncilm Watfe~d..
Ceunci~au Gardmer aevad to aPl~eVe a~l pay 3eetty ~t!s Cabinet Shep stateaent ia the
a~uat ef $18~.0~ fer Ce~ere~e table, $®ee~ie~ by Ceu~c~ Hunt a~! ~arrieele
Febr~ar7 22, 1963
Pur~ to the feXluulaf calx tho Cit~ Ceuncil ef the City ef Okeezhebee uet in special
sessiea at %~00 $'elock P. H. en the abeve date at the City Hall wiS& the felle~ preseatz Hayer
Hack, Preo~doat ~e CreekXia, Ceu~ilmn Humt, Walker and Watferd
February 22, 1963
H0~. A~ WATYORD, ~R.
I~ DOKALD R. PACK, P~er ef the City ef 0keechebee, Florida, de hereby
a opec~ eX m_ting ef the City CeumrA1 efcthe City ef Oheechebee, Flerida, te be
held a~ the ~eunoil Chamber, within the ity ef 0heeehehee, en tho 2~ud day
aanoe prehibiting slaqhtor heum, Beet paeking, mt proeeesing, fat render-
Xiuits ~ the ity ef Okeeohehee, Flerida, ad providing a penalty fer the vielatiun
ef its
· Y~u, and eaeh ef yeu are hereby e~mmauded and netified te be at and atteml +.ho
aferes~d meting at the place here4u aaaod.
I~ WITNESS b~RBOF, X have hereunte ce% ~ hand aa Hayer ef the Cit~ ef
Okeeoh~bee, Flerida, iud emmed the oerperete MaX ef 8aid City to be affixed heroto
and th~ same attested by the City Clerk, thio 22ad day ef FebruarT, A. D. 1963.
Den&Id R. Hack
GIT][ CI~ OF T~E ClT~ OF OI[E~IDIEE Clyde 1'~ CreeMlin
OXE~CH~E, l~OelnA Clau~e
(S~AL) Alte Watfer.l, Jr.
E. H. lhmt