1983-07-26 Budget Workshop 3335 23-69 BUDGET WORKSHOP MONDAY, JULY 25, 1983 Following the Regular Meeting of July 25, 1983, the Council convened in a Budget Workshop Session in Council Chambers, 55 Southeast Third Avenue, Okeechobee, Florida, at 8:15 P.M. Chairman/Mayor Edward W. Douglas called the Budget Workshop session to order. ANTICIPATED REVENUES Administrator Fellows summarized the aniticpated revenues for the fiscal year 1983/8~. LEGISLATIVE - 511.000 The Council discussed the proposed salary increase for the City Attorney. Council agreed to a Five Percent (5%) increase, possibly Six Percent (6%). EXECUTIVE - 512.0000 The Council deleted line items 511.6~00 and 512.6~00 totaling One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) for the purchase of a pager for the administrator. The Council then discussed the proposed salary increase for the City Administrator, and agreed to a five percent (5%) across the board raise for all employees. FINANCIAL/ADMINISTRATIVE 513,000 (CITY CLERK) The City Clerk gave a brief overview of her budget, and explained the need for the micro- filming and additional computer equipment. Council to discuss the remaining budget at the next two workshops. ADJOURNMENT The Budget Workshop adjourned at 9:30 P.M. ~dwar~ W. Douglas, ~C/~. Mayor/ City of Okeechobee ATTEST: Bonnie S. Thomas,~C~C City Clerk City of Okeechobee THERE IS A TAPE OF THIS MEETING IN ITS ENTIRETY ON FILE ,IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. g3-69 BUDGETWORKSHOP TUESDAY'JULY 26, 1983 The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, held a Budget Workshop session in Council Chambers, 55 Southeast Third Avenue, Okeechobee, at 7:00 P.M. The Chairman called the workshop to order with the following Councilmen present: Edward W. Douglas, Chairman James H. Knight, Vice Chairman' Oscar Thomas Oakland Chapman Dowling R. Watford, Jr. Others present were: Bonnie S. Thomas, City Clerk Richard C. Fellows, City Administrator Steve Figley, Assistant Director of Public Works L. Keith Tomey, Fire Chief Larry Mobley, Police Chief J. Mallette Westbrook, Building Official Beatrice Castorina, Administrative Secretary Janice M. Mann, Deputy Clerk 1 '" I I I!I ' ' 3336 GENERAL FUND BUDGET Upon request, Administrator Fellows reviewed the General Fund expenditure summary sheet and suggested the Council concentrate on the items mentioned, deleting any or all to possibly --~ eliminate a need for a tax increase. 511.0000 - 512.0000 - COUNCIL AND CITY ADMINISTRATOR 1) Florida Inovation Group - $750.00 Approved 2) Radio Communications - $1,500.00 Deleted 513.0000 - CLERK/FINANCE 1) Microfilming - $12,402.00 Approved 2) City Hall Painting - $6,000.00 Reduced to $3,000.00 3) Computer CPU - $5,215.00 Deleted 4) Enhancement of Computer Program $2,000.00 Approved 5) ½ Employee - $5,000.00 Approved 521,0000 -POLICE Police Chief Mobley explained the need for an additional patrolman and a second detective due to increased crime within the City. 1) Detective (including fringes) $18,545.00 Approved Detectives& Patrolman combination 2) Patrolman (including fringes) $14,851.00 Deleted 3) Equipment (2 cars) $7,800.00 Approved 4) Merit Pay $1,617.00 Deleted 562.0000 - HUMANE SOCIETY The Humane Society has requested $18,500.00 for 1983/84 fiscal year. Yvonne Chapman, one of the Humane Society directors, summarized the increased expenditures for the Society within the City to date. Mrs. Chapman asked the Council to also consider allowing the Humane Society to purchase gas at the City Barn and be billed monthly. Administrator Fellows advised the Council that a State representative of the Humane Society is scheduled to conduct a survey of the local operation. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to await the results of the sur- vey before making any decision. 522.000 ~ FIRE Fire Chief Tomey elaborated on the need for a secretary and two additional firefighters, noting the State Fire Marshall's office has mandated that all Municipal Fire Inspectors be State certified. The volume of paperwork will be such that at least a part-time secretary will be needed. Chairman Douglas noted that being the only State Certified Inspector for Okeechobee County the Chief is required to conduct inspections on County structures as well as City (this includes all schools). Chief Tomey stated several reasons that warrant two additional firefighters, which would provide three men per shift. 1. The donning of breathing apparatus commonly necessitates the buddy system for communication purposes. 2. OSHA is requiring two complete sets of gear at the water plant in case of an incident. 3. The City has the only 35 foot extension ladder in the County which takes three people to operate. 4. The Class "A" pumper is considered to be a three to eight man truck. Presently there are two men on two shifts and three on the third. 5. With three men per shift, some type of agreement could be worked out with the County Fire/Rescue as the back-up unit to save taxpayers money. Following discussion, the Council suggested cross training of the patrolmen or possibly increase the volunteer pay, and agreed to delete both requests. 541.0000 - STREET 1) Paving & Road Improvements - $100,000.00 The Council agreed to wait on the outcome of the County's proposed two cent or four cent (2¢-4¢) gas tax increase, before making a decision. 572.0000 - LANDSCAPING A 1) Landscaping - $7,500.00 Approved ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the budget workshop adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Edward W.-DoUglas, IfC, - Mayor City of Okeechobee ATTEST: ~nie S. Th~s, CMC City Clerk City of Okeechobee THERE IS A TAPE OF THIS MEETING IN ITS ENTIRETY ON FILE IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. g3-69 BUDGET WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1983 The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, held a Budget Workshop session in Council Chambers, 55 Southeast Third Avenue, Okeechobee, at 7:00 P.M. Chairman Douglas called the workshop to order with the following Councilmen present: Edward W. Douglas, Chairman ~ James H. Knight, Vice-Chairman Dowling R. Watford, Jr. Oscar Thomas Oakland Chapman Others present were: Bonnie S. Thomas, City Clerk Richard C. Fellows, City Administrator L.C. Fortner, Jr., Director of Public Works Steve Figley, Assistant Director of Public Works Janice M. Mann, Deputy Clerk 536.01 - 536,02/WATER & SEWER The Council reviewed the line items of the Water & Sewer Budget expenditures. 1) Overtime - $12,000.00/has been reduced drastically - amount approved. 2) Water Plant Pump House - $20,000.O0/roof repair - Director Fortner to check into Okeechobee Beach Water paying 30% of the repair as stated in agreement. Amount approved. 3) THM (Trihalomethane) modifications - $15,000.00/required by Federal government by November 1983. Amount approved. 4) Other improvements - $43,000.00/to follow the Comprehensive Plan, upgrading the system Amount approved. 5) Backhoe - $50,000.00/ to replace 1971 backhoe. Brief discussion. Director Fortner asked to check into purchasing a used backhoe as opposed to a new one - Amount approved. 6) Fire Hydrant Demand Charge - $27,000.00/ Council discussed at length. Fortner asked to ~__ develop cost estimate for a maintenance agreement for the General Fund and County to reimburse the Water & Sewer Fund for upkeep of the fire hydrants. GENERAL FUND BUDGET ~dministrator Fellows reported on his findings regarding the cross training of patrolmen as firefighters. Fellows advised that Three Thousand Dollars($3,000.O0) has been placed in the Police Budget and Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) in the Fire Budget to provide for the additional manpower (either by cross training or increased volunteer pay). The Council discussed the alternatives briefly, no decisions at this time. Chairman Douglas brought up for discussion, a merit increase for the City Administrator which he did not receive in the 1982/83 fiscal year.