1983-06-06 Regular Meeting3316 83 -2 83 -49 REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1983 The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida met in regular session in Council Chambers, 55 Southeast Third Avenue, Okeechobee, at 7:00 P.M. Chairman/Mayor Edward W. Douglas called the meeting to order with the following Councilmen present: Edward W. Douglas, Chairman/Mayor James H. Knight, Vice Chairman Dowling R. Watford, Jr. Oakland Chapman Oscar Thomas Others present were: Bonnie S. Thomas, City Clerk Richard C. Fellows, City Administrator David M. Conlon, City Attorney James Broome, Consulting Engineer L.C. Fortner, Jr., Director of Public Works Larry Mobley, Police Chief L. Keith Taney, Fire Chief J. Mallette Westbrook, Building Official Rosenary Miller, Executive Secretary Janice M. Mann, Deputy Clerk AGENDA ITEMS #II & #III - INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The invocation was offered by Director of Public Works, L.C. Fortner, Jr., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA ITEM #IV - APPROVAL OF MINUTES With no corrections, additions or deletions noted, Councilman Watford moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of May 16, 1983, be approved as presented, seconded by Councilman Chapman. Motion carried. AGENDA ITEM #V - EMPLOYEE "CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION" Chairman /Mayor Douglas presented "Certificates of Appreciation" to the employees who have been with the City of Okeechobee for five to ten years. The employees were: Kelly J. Ammons, Police Department; Eugene O'Neill, Police Depart- ment; Ehmund Farrenkapf, Police Department; Watt Horton Gragg, Fire Department; Donnie Metzcher, Fire Department; L. Keith Taney, Fire Department; Floyd Selph, Street Department; Charles Elders, Street Department; Clyde P. Long, Water Department; Charles R. Jordan, Water Department; Bobby Birts, Water Department; Forrest D. Wyatt, Water Department; and Jerome Smith, Police Department. Other employees not present to receive their certificates 3317 3 83 -46 83 -44 were: Lola Parker, Clerk's Office; William Pokusa, Water Department; Jeffrey Elders, Water Department; and Bernice Elders, Public Works Department. On behalf of the Council and himself, the Mayor thanked the employees for their dedicated service to the City. AGENDA ITEM #VI - REZONING REQUEST - Tn1ALLACE NORTON Chairman Douglas read for second and Final Hearing an ordinance rezoning the property at the corner of Southwest llth Avenue and Southwest Park Street from residential, single family to commercial, as requested by Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Norton. The title was read as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; AMENDING APPENDIX A BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OKEEC OBEE WHICH ESTABLISHES ZONING REGULATIONS AND PROVIDES FOR THE ADMINISTRATION, ENFORCRAENT AND AMENDMENT THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR A CHANGE IN THE CLASSIFICATION OF SPECIFIED LAND FROM RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY TO COMMERCIAL. Chairman Douglas noted the Planning Board recommendation to grant the rezoning, and called for tents and /or objections from those present in the audience. Citizen Rick Jordan asked the Council to take into consideration the dangerous inter- section and if the rezoning is approved, asked that certain stipulations be required (IE: 4 -Way Stop, Etc.). With no further comments voiced, Councilman Knight moved to grant the rezoning request from residential, single family to commercial, seconded by Councilman Thomas. Councilman Watford asked and was advised by the attorney, that a rezoning could be granted with certain stipulations. The Council reviewed the parking plans submitted. Norton advised that the three parking spaces facing South Park Street will be eliminated to allow for a drive -thru window. With no further discussion, the Chair called for a vote on the motion to grant the rezoning. Councilman Thomas, Knight and Chapman voted yes. Councilman Watford opposed. Motion carried. Councilman Watford stated, "I realize that all of Park Street will be commercial eventually, however, all the problems concerning this request have not been addressed and resolved". AGENDA ITEM #VII - ORDINANCE - PETITION FOR ANNEXATION Chairman Douglas presented for second and Final Hearing an ordinance annexing certain property in the unincorporated areas of Okeechobee County to the City of Okeechobee. The title was read as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF OXEECHOBEE; ACCEPTING PETITIONS FOR VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONTIGUOUS TO THE PRESENT BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF OKEE HOBEE; PROVIDING FOR REDE- FINING OF THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES TO INCLUDE SAID PARCELS; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 1 3 T 3318 83 -56 83 -38 The Chair called for objections or comments form those present with regard to the annexation of this property to the City of Okeechobee. None were voiced. Due to a need for expediency, Councilman Knight moved to adopt the ordinance annexing the said parcel of land as commercial, seconded by Councilman Thomas. Due to the fact this was not a rezoning proceeding, Attorney Conlon clarified, "The motion should be, upon accepting the Petition granted the parcel of land should be designated as commercial ". Councilman Knight agreed to the wording of the notion, seconded by Councilman ThOMas. Petitioner Jack Williamson asked about the procedures to allow the nursing home to be built. Williamson was advised that the portion of property to be used for the nursing hone will have to be rezoned CPO through the Planning Board and a special exception requested. The Chair called for a vote on the Notion to grant the annexation and designate the parcel as commercial. Vote on Notion carried. AGENDA ITEM #VIII - BID TABULATIONS - PAINTING WATER TOWER Chairman Douglas noted receipt of the bid tabulations for the painting of the water tower east of City Hall. The low bid being Suncoast Painting Company, Largo, Florida, in the amount of Fifteem Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Five Dollars ($15,265.00). Director Fortner asked Council to set aside any action on awarding the bid. Fortner advised that he is still waiting for a list of job references from Suncoast Painting. The next regular meeting is within the thirty day time limit for the bids. Council agreed to postpone any action until the next meeting. AGENDA ITEM #IX - FIRST HEARING - ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF $3,212,900 IN BONDS Chairman Douglas advised that due to the number of people involved in putting together the bond ordinance for the City's Water and Sewer expansion, several revisions have been found to be necessary and it is the opinion of the Bond Council the City should introduce a new ordinance and set a Final Hearing for Monday, June 20, 1983. The title was read as follows: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF EXTENSIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE WATER & SEWER SYSTEM AND THE REFUNDING OF CERTAIN OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF NOT EXCEEDING $3,212,900 WATER AND SEWER REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1983, TO FINANCE PART OF THE COST OF SUCH PROJECT AND THE REFUNDING; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE HOLDERS OF THE BONDS; MAKING CERTAIN OTHER COVENANTS AND AGREE- MENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 356 OF THE CITY, RELATING TO THE CITY'S OUTSTANDING WATER AND SEWER REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1972, IN :CERTAIN RESPECTS SO AS TO ENHANCE THE MARKETABILITY OF THE BONDS; REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 485, ENACTED ON APRIL 18, 1983, RELATING TO THE SAME SUBJECT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The Chair opened the floor to the public for comments and /or questions. Citizen Andy Rubin requested a copy of the latest ordinance. City Clerk to provide. A citizen expressed concern with the mandatory hook -up requirement, noting that some of her neighbors will not be able to afford such an expense. 3319 3 83 -57 83 -57 83 -58 Administrator Fellows will find it difficult financially moritorium that they deem financial arrangement (ie: is aware and is equally Citizen Kim Glassburn granted, our house will mean we will have to hook the moritorium exists for Discussion ensued regarding hook -ups for anyone within request for annexation of Following the discussion, Ordinance for Monday, June AGENDA ITEM #X - PROPOSAL advised, "We realize there are certain people in the community who to hook on to the system. The Council may allow such a appropriate from one to five years; or they can set any kind of a $50.00 down, pay balance over one or two years). The Council concerned and will make suitable arrangements to handle such cases ". stated, "If the new Petition for annexation into the City is be within One Hundred Feet (100') of the new City limits. Does this into the sewer system ?" Chairman Douglas advised that as long as County hook-ups, they would not be required quired to connect. the location of the sewer lines, State Statutes requiring One Hundred Feet (100') line of a sewer Conner's Highlands. Councilman Knight moved to 20, 1983, Seconded by Councilman - FIXED ASSETS whether City or County, the set the Final Hearing on the Bond Watford. Notion carried. from W.0. Daley and Canpany opinion on the City's financial a cost of Thirty Five Hundred Robert Knapp, Representative research the City records Ten a listing of assets by catagory. out at a cost of approximately that the proposal is reasonable to table the item, Seconded by a proposal from W.O. Daley and 30, 1983, in the amount of service it does not have to be put the City's 1982 -83 Audit for by Councilman Knight. Notion carried. Annexation of property adjacent and introduced an ordinance to Chairman Douglas called for action by Council on a proposal to identify and accumulate all data necessary to render an statements on the General Fixed Asset Group of Accounts at Dollars ($3,500) to Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000). Council discussed at length the need for such a report. from W.O. Daley & Canpany, explained that the company would to Fifteen years, identify and quantify each asset and compile The Clerk noted that the project could be contracted Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000). Administrator Fellows added and should be done now. With no further discussion, Councilman Watford moved Councilman Knight. Notion carried. AGENDA ITEM #XI - PROPOSAL FOR CITY'S 1982 -83 AUDIT Chairman Douglas called for action by the Council on Company to perform the City's annual year end audit due September Nine Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($9,500.00). Administrator Fellows noted this being a contractual out for bid. Councilman Chapman moved that W.O. Daley & Company perform Nine Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($9,500.00), seconded AGENDA ITEM #XII - PETITION FOR VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION Chairman Douglas noted receipt of a Petition for Voluntary to the City of Okeechobee in Conner's highlands subdivision annex said property. The title was read as follows: 1 11 IT1I T 1 3320 83 -20 83 -32 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE; ACCEPTING PETITIONS FOR VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONTIGUOUS TO THE PRESENT BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE; PROVIDING FOR RE- DIFINING OF THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES TO INCLUDE SAID PARCELS; REPEALING ALL ORDIINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The floor was opened for comments, questions and /or objections from the audience. Citizen Kim Glassburn asked to go on record as being opposed to the annexation, and stated several of the adjacent property owners will be unable to attend the Public Hearing on July 18. Chairman Douglas advised Mr. Glassburn that the Council would accept written Objections from those unable to attend. The Council discussed the anticipated problems (ie: Police and Fire Protection, etc.). Attorney Conlon advised that according td the Florida Statutes land shall not be annexed through voluntary annexation when such annexation results in the creation of enclaves. Councilman Watford moved to set the proposed ordinance for Public Hearing on July 18, 1983, Seconded by Councilman Chapman. Following brief discussion, Councilman Watford amended his Notion to set for Public Hearing on July 18, upon legal determination the proposed annexations does not create an enclave, Seconded by Councilman Chapman. Notion carried. AGENDA ITEM #XIII - FIRST HEARING - ORDINANCE 201 FACILITIES Chairman Douglas introduced an ordinance designating the 201 Facilities Planning Area as the area or zone complying with the requirements of Chapter 180, Florida Statutes. The title was read as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE I PROVIDING FOR A NEW SECTION 18 -4 RECOGNIZING THE ZONE OF INFLUENCE AS BEING THE OKEECHOBEE 201 FACILITIES PLANNING AREA; AUTHORIZING PROJECTS; AUTHORIZING RULES AND REGULATIONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The Chair noted the second and Final Hearing should be set for June 20, 1983, then opened the floor for citizens to comment. Citizen Andy Rubin asked if the monies allocated this year for the 201 Project will be carried over to the next budget year. The Chairman assured Mr. Rubin the funds are carried over each year. With no further discussion, Councilman Knight moved to set the second and Final Hearing for June 20, Seconded by Councilman Watford. Notion carried. AGENDA ITEM #XIV - RESOLUTION TO OPEN 40' RIGHT -OF -WAY The Chair noted the next agenda item was the adoption of a resolution authorizing the City to open a Forty Foot (40') right-of-way from Southwest 11th Avenue to Southwest 12th Avenue. Councilman Watford questioned the wording "Denied access to their property ", and moved 3321 83 -59 83 -20 that the resolution read "In effect denied feasible access to their property ". Motion died for a lack of Second. Following further explanation, Councilman Watford moved to amend the resolution to read, "In effect denied feasible access to their property ", Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Notion to amend the resolution carried. Councilman Chapman moved to adopt the resolution as amended, Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Councilmen Thomas, Chapman and Douglas voted yes. Councilmen Watford and Knight opposed. Notion carried. The Council discussed the Title Policy requirement. The attorney noted that if Mr. Cantrell can not provide title insurance then he should at least provide an attorney's state- ment verifying clear ownership. Brief discussion ensued. The Council instructed Administrator Fellows to inform'Mr. Cantrell that the work will not begin before proof of ownership is provided. AGENDA ITEM #XV - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION GRANT APPLICATION As per the Mayor's request, Administrator Fellows explained that, in making application to the Econanic Developement Administration, the City of Okeechobee could receive a Million Dollar grant for the purpose of upgrading the Water System to provide greater Fire Protection for all areas within the City limits and to finish off the two story addition to City Hall. Fellows noted that because the area's twelve month unemployment rate was 12.7 %, Okeechobee was available to apply for monies appropriated for Public Works Grants. The projects must be underway within Ninety (90) days and it must be labor intense. The two suggested projects were chosen because partial plans are already available so that work can begin within the time limit. The Council discussed the possibility and agreed unanimously to apply for the grant funds and authorized the expenditure on One Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) to Broome, Van Ostran & Associated for the preparation of the application package. AGENDA ITEM #XVI - RESOLUTION - LEASE AGREEMENT 201 FACILITIES The next agenda item was the adoption of resolution authorizing the City<Administrator or his designee to contact the Division of State Land Management for concurrence in the lease between Health and Rehabilitative Services and the City of Okeechobee. Administrator Fellows advised that the laws of the State of Florida require these leases must be agreed and concurred by the trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund. Several items will be sent along with the resolution, and aerial photograph of the site, a map of the City, a set of the site plans and specifications and a narrative statement on the necessity of the new Treatment Plant. Fellows explained further that this is merely a formality, "The State wants to know what the land is going to be used for ". rff - 3322 83 -60 83 -61 83 -34 Councilman Knight moved that the resolution be adopted as presented, Seconded by Council- man Watford. Following brief discussion, the vote on the Motion carried. AGENDA ITEM #XVII - MAYOR TO CALL ON AUDIENCE The Mayor called on anyone in the audience wishing to address the Council. Citizen Andy Rubin cautioned the Council to beware of monies renovating the Water Tower. AGENDA ITEM #XVIII - MAYOR TO CALL ON CITY CLERK, CITY ATTORNEY, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND COUNCILMEN FOR REPORTS AND /OR REQUESTS CITY CLERK - WARRANT REGISTERS Clerk Thomas presented the General Fund and Water & Sewer Fund Warrant Registers for Council's approval. Administrator Fellows reminded the Council that the Board of County Commissioners is going to have a video tape showing of a "Growth Management Program" at their meeting on June 9, Councilmen are invited to attend. CITY ADMINISTRATOR - PRESSURE CLEAN CITY HALL ROOF Fellows noted receipt of a proposal to pressure clean the roof of City Hall in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), plus Forty -Five Dollars ($45.00) per hour to rent Curren's bucket truck; maximum total cost of project Eight Hundred, Sixty Dollars ($860.00). The work is guaranteed. Council agreed to proceed. -TITLE SEARCH SOUTHEAST 3RD STREET The Administrator advised that the Clerk's Office was asked to research the records to determine if Southeast 3rd Street between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue was ever closed. They have not ever been able to find any documentation the street was ever closed and the City plats indicate a street right - of-way existing -where several trailers are parked. We would like to ask for authority to have a title search made of the area to determine the exact status of that street. Following discussion, the Council agreed unanimously to conduct the necessary title search, afterwhich a decision will be made to remedy the situation. - LANDSCAPING MEDIANS The Administrator advised the Council he has received a proposal from the Okeechobee Rehabilitation Facility for landscaping the first median entering the City on South 441. If the ity agrees, the Rehab. Facility will landscape the median on the other end (across from the Sun Bank) at no additional cost. The cost divided between the two medians will be approximately Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00) each, which includes a sprinkler system. Funds are available in the budget. Council agreed to proceed. - FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES Administrator Fellows reminded the Council of the 57th Annual Convention of the Florida 3323 83 -20 League of Cities to be at the Orlando Hyatt on October 13, 14, & 15. If any members of the Council wish to attend so advise. -201 FACILITIES PLAN The Administrator brought up for discussion the follow up on the original proposals of Law Engineering relative to the ability of our proposed area -aide Waste Water Treatment Plant site to dispose of the waste water. The City has been waiting for a letter from EPA stating they indeed want an additional study, the City received the letter today. Director Fortner summarized the events to date. The EPA assumed the City was working on the site to obtain the additional information and we were waiting on a letter from them telling us that this is what they needed. Consequently, the City has lost approximately six weeks of the ninety days allowed to offer us a grant. The site study must be completed within the next six weeks or less so that EPA can review it (around July 14th). Engineer Brooms stated he had contacted several companies for proposals and recommended Council approve the one received from Law Engineering in the amount of Seventeen Thousand, Three Hundred Dollars ($17,300.00). Following discussion, a Motion was made by Councilman Watfors, Seconded by Councilman Chapman to authorize the study by Law Engineering regarding the 201 Facilities site. Notion carried. Engineer Broome noted that surveying will be needed to locate the borings conducted by Law Engineering at an approximate cost of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and in the near future, a survey of the 201 Facility site boundary may have to be conducted. Councilman Watford moved, following brief discussion, to authorize the expenditure not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for surveying to locate borings, Seconded by Councilman Thomas. Notion carried. - DRAINAGE PROBLEM SE 17TH STREET Administrator Fellows advised the Council that the property owners have participated financially to correct the drainage problem on Southeast 17th Street. Authorization is needed to proceed. There will be approximately a Two Hundred Dollar ($200.00) charge in providing the necessary engineering. Councilman Knight moved to authorize the expenditure and proceed, Seconded by Councilman Chapman. Notion carried. COUNCILMAN CHAPMAN - MEDIAN 'NO PARKING' SIGNS Councilman Chapman brought up for discussion, the problem created by the 'No Parking' signs in the medians. The County is unable to mow the grass with their large equipment. After brief discussion, the Council agreed to leave a 'No Parking' sign in the center of each median and remove the others so the County can mow. 1 If n 3324 83 -18 83 -30 WARRANT REGISTERS Councilman Chapman moved to approve the General Fund Warrant Registers in the amount of $34,950.92 and $100,225.28 and the Water & Sewer Fund Warrant Registers in the amount of $41,995.75 and $28,513.29, Seconded by Councilman Knight. Notion carried. COUNCILMAN KNIGHT - CITY ELECTIONS Councilman Knight brought up for discussion the matter of allowing City property owners, living outside the City limits, to vote in City Elections. Fellows advised an ordinance has been drafted regarding this matter. Council instructed the Administrator to distribute copies of the Proposed Ordinance to each member prior to the next regular meeting for them to study. In regards to the need for a special referendum to number the Council seats one through five, Council agreed that the special election should be held in December of this year. COUNCILMAN WATFORD - CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL Councilman Watford reported that the Central Florida Regional Planning Council net in Okeechobee last Wednesday. One item discussed that may have some affect on Okeechobee, the Regional Planning Council voted to establish an economic development corporation to make small business administration loans to increase their capacity, etc. Councilman Watford thanked the City's staff for their help in getting the meeting underway. AGENDA ITEM #XIX - ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. EDWARD W. DOUGLAS, D.C. Chairman/Mayor City of Okeechobee ATTEST: City Clerk THERE IS A TAPE OF THIS MEETING IN ITS ENTIRETY ON FILE IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. HOP.NLJA CITY OF OKEECHOBEE COUNCIL CHAMBERS REGULAR MEETING June 6, 1983 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order Invocation - Landon C. Fortner, Jr., Director of Public Works Pledge of Allegiance - Mayor Edward Douglas IV. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 16, 1983. V. Presentation of "Certificates of Appreciation" to employees who have been with the city for five to ten years. VI. Public hearing and final reading of an Ordinance rezoning property at the corner of Southwest llth Avenue and Southwest Park Street from RSF to Commercial as requested by Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Norton. (Planning and Zoning Board recommends approval) VII. Public hearing and final reading of an Ordinance annexing certain property in the unincorporated areas of Okeechobee County to the City of Okeechobee. VIII. Receipt of bid tabulations and recommendations for the painting of the water tower east of City Hall and action by the Council to award contract on same. IX. Introduction of an Ordinance authorizing the issuance of $3,212,900 in revenue certificates for construction of a new area-wide wastewater treatment plant and sewage collection system and setting the public hearing on same for Monday, June 20, 1983. X. Council action on a proposal from W.O. Daley and company to identify and accumulate all data necessary to render an opinion on the city's financial statements on the general fixed asset group of accounts at a cost of $3,500 to $5,000. XI. Action by the Council on a proposal from W.O. Daley and Company to perform the city's annual year end audit due September 30, 1983 in the amount of $9,500. XII. Receipt of petition for voluntary annexation of property adjacent to the City of Okeechobee in Connors Highlands Subdivision and introduction of an Ordinance to annex said property and setting a public hearing for Monday, July 18th. XIII. Introduction of an Ordinance designating the 201 facilities planning area as the area or zone complying with the requirements of Chapter 180, Florida Statutes, and setting of a public hearing for June 20, 1983. XIV. Adoption of a Resolution authorizing the city to open a forty foot right-of-way from Southwest llth Avenue to Southwest 12th Avenue. XV. Discussion by the Council relative to making application to the Economic Develop- ment Administration for a million dollar grant for the purpose of upgrading the water system to provide greater fire protection for all areas within the city limits and to finish off the two story addition to City Hall. XVI. Adoption of a resolution authorizing the City Administrator or his designee to contact the Division of State Land Management for concurrence in the lease between Health and Rehabilitative Services and the city. XVII. Mayor to call on anyone in the audience wishing to address the Council. XVIII. Mayor to call on City Clerk, City Attorney, City Administrator and members of the Council for reports and/or requests. XIX. Adjournment.