1983-05-02 Regular Meeting3300 83 -18 The Clerk reported on her recent Clerk's conference that she and the bookkeeper attended, and thanked the Council for the opportunity to attend. Councilman Watford reported he attended the latest meeting of the Central Florida Regional Planning Council. Councilman Watford moved to approve the General Fund Warrant Register in the amount of One Hundred Ninety -One Thousand ONE Hundred Seventy -Five and 62 /100ths Dollars ($191,175.62) and the Water & Sewer Warrant Register in the amount of Toao Hundred Thousand Two Hundred Thirty -Five and 59/100ths Dollars ($200,235.59), seconded by Councilman Knight. Motion carried. AGENDA ITEM #XVI - ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. A'1'iEST: Bonnie S. Thomas, CMC City Clerk City of Okeechobee Edwar• W. •.ug as, Chairman /Mayor City of Okeechobee THERE IS A TAPE OF THIS MEETING IN ITS ENTIRETY ON FILE IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MAY 2, 1983 The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met in regular session in Council Chambers, 55 Southeast Third Avenue, Okeechobee, at 7:00 P.M. Chairman /Mayor Edward W. Douglas called the meeting to order with the following Councilmen present: Edward W. Douglas, Chairman /Mayor James H. Knight, Vice Chairman Dowling R. Watford, Jr. Oakland Chapman Councilman Oscar Thomas was absent. Others present were: Bonnie S. Thomas, City Clerk Richard C. Fellows, City Administrator David M. Conlon, City Attorney James Broome, Consulting Engineer Larry Mobley, Police Chief L. Keith Tarey, Fire Chief 3301 I TAI 83 -2 83 -44 83 -45 Rosemary Miller, Executive Secretary Janice M. Mann, Deputy Clerk AGENDA ITEMS #II & #III - INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ✓ The invocation was offered by Councilman Watford followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA ITEM #IV - APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilman Watford moved that the minutes of the April 11, 1983, Special Meeting be approved as presented, seconded by Councilman Chapman. Motion carried. AGENDA ITEMS #V & #VI- PETITION FOR ANNEXATION AND INTRODUCTION OF AN ORDINANCE FOR VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION Chairman Douglas noted receipt of a Petition for Annexation from Mr. Harvey Hamrick for a parcel of property north of and adjacent to the city limits of Okeechobee for the location of a proposed nursing hare. Douglas read the Petition as follows: The undersigned is the president of Hamrick & Sons, Inc., the sole owner of real pro- perty in an unincorporated area of Okeechobee County, lying generally along a portion of the north limits of the City of Okeechobee. This unincorporated area is bounded on the west by State Road 15 (Parrott Avenue) and is more particularly described as follows: (Legal description and map a portion of Petition) The proposed ordinance for voluntary annexation was read by title only as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE; ACCEPTING PETITIONS FOR VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONTI- GJOUS TO THE PRESENT BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE; OBEE; PROVIDING FOR REDEFINING OF THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES TO INCLUDE SAID PARCELS; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The floor was opened for discussion. Councilman Watford asked the attorney to explain the procedure for annexation. Conlon advised that the city must go through a separate notification - publication procedure as set out in the Florida Statutes. Since the land is contiguous and the request is voluntary, the petition will have to be advertised four consecutive weeks and hold a public hearing. With no further discussion, Councilman Chapman moved to set a second and final hearing on June 6, 1983, seconded by Councilman Knight. Motion carried. AGENDA ITEM #VII - RESOLUTION - DOUBLE TAXATION Chairman Douglas presented for discussion and adoption a resolution to the Board of County Commissioners of Okeechobee County asking that the matter of Double Taxation be addressed fcr the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1983. Chairman Douglas read the title as follows: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACTION BY THE OKEECHOBEE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 125.01(6)0Q FLORIDA STATUTES. The Chair called for discussion and /or comments. It was noted that the resolution T -- __ _ I TAI 3302 83 -46 83 -47 is basically the same as last year's agreement except for the dates. Fellows advised that the anticipated funds could be slightly less this year due to several more paved city streets. With no further discussion, Councilman Knight moved to adopt the resolution as pre- sented, seconded by Councilman Watford. Notion carried. AGENDA ITEM #VIII - REZONING REQUEST - WALLACE NORTON Chairman Douglas noted receipt of recommendations endations frwn the Planning Board and intro- duced and ordinance proposing to rezone property owned by Wallace and Dora Norton at the corner of Southwest Park Street from residential single family to cccmiercial. Chairman Douglas advised that the apparent problem of ample parking has been resolved. Administrator Fellows advised that the site plan that was drawn up will be presented to the Council for study prior to the final hearing, Chairman Douglas noted for the record the signed Petition of surrounding property owners objecting to the rezoning (22 in all) and the list of citizens (17) that are in favor of the rezoning. With no further discussion, Councilman Chapman moved to set the second and final hearing for June 6, seconded by Councilman Watford. The title was read as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; AMENDING APPENDIX A BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE WHICH ESTABLISHES ZONING REGULATIONS AND PROVIDES FOR THE ADMINISTRATION, ENFORCEMENT AND AMENDMENT THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR A CHANGE IN THE CLASSIFICATION OF SPECIFIED LAND FROM RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY TO COMMERCIAL. Chairman Douglas called for a vote on the motion to set a public hearing. Vote on motion carried. AGENDA ITEM #IX - MAYOR TO CALL ON AUDIENCE Chairman /Mayor Douglas called for anyone in the audience wishing to address the Council. Andy Rubin objected to certain shell streets being graded. He suggested the streets be oiled down to eliminate the dust. Rubin stated he felt that some of the roads listed on the paving plan are connector roads that should be paved by the county. Rubin to meet with Administrator Fellows late in the week to determine which streets are connector roads. Contractor Rucker Wilcox asked if the Council has been made aware of the situation in Conner's Highlands Sub- Division. Fellows advised that the Council is aware of the problem, however, Engineer Browne, Director Fortner and myself have not arrived at a method of financing the extensions as of yet. Wilcox was advised that after a plan has been developed, the matter will be placed on the agenda and he will be so notified. 3303 83 -47 83 -48 83 -38 AGENDA ITEM #X - MAYOR TO CALL ON CITY CLERK, CITY ATTORNEY, CITY ADIINISTRATOR AND COUNCILMEN FOR REPORTS AND /OR REQUESTS Clerk Thomas presented the warrant registers for Council's approval. Administrator Fellows elaborated on Contractor Wilcox's problem further stating the sewer extension will cost a minimum of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) and a maximum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00), even if the development is annexed into the city. Fellows stated, "We will study the situation from all angles, given the Council data to determine whether we want to proceed." Wilcox explained that the proposed development has thirty -six (36) sites in it's first phase that would be annexed, and connected to the sewer system. Administrator Fellows stated he and Engineer Browne would arrive at various cost factors to the present to the Council for discussion at the next meeting. Councilman Chapman brought up for discussion the spraying of diesel pol along the road- sides to control the grass (along Highway 441). It has caused some problems with killing too much of the grass. Steve Figley, Assistant Public Works Director, explained that the matter has been discussed with the street superintendent and the owner of the property. Councilman Watford noted that the Central Florida Regional Planning Council will meet Wednesday. Councilman Watford advised the Council of a pending House Bill #355 which deals with Water Management Districts being allowed to engage in sewer treatment activities. Watford stated, "This is one bill that the Florida League of Cities has suggested the Cities oppose. I feel it would be in our best interest to oppose this bill." For that reason, Councilman Watford moved to instruct the City Administrator to write the necessary letters to voice our opposition to this particular bill, seconded by Councilman Chapman. Councilman Knight asked for further explanation. Watford stated, "They would not have any say -so over our sewer plant, however, according to the summary, they would be able to organize regional utility authorities. In other words, they could get into sewage treatment business." Attorney Conlon added, "Property owners could feasibly have increased taxes in flood control for then to run a regional plant in another county". With no further discussion, Chairman Douglas called for a vote on the motion to draft the appropriate letters. Vote carried. Attorney Conlon reported on a needed amendment on the recently adopted ordinance relative to the Water & Sewer Bonds. The new changes must be done by amendment, the title to read as 3304 83 -18 83 -32 follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FWRIDS; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 485 BEING AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $3,212,900 OF REVENUE CETIFICATES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY SEWER SYSTEM; SAID AMENDMENT AMENDS SECTION 1 RELATIVE TO THE REFERENCE THEREIN TO SECTION 3.04 (J) OF ORDINANCE 356 AND CORRECTING SAID REFERENCE BY CHANGING 3.04 (J) TO 3.04 (K); AMENDING SECTION 3 SUB - PARAGRAPH (E) SAID AMENDMENT WILL CHANGE REFERENCE TO SECTION 3.04 (J) TO 3.04 (K); ALSO AMENDING SECTION 14 (B) WHICH REGULATES THE APPLICATION OF THE PROCEEDS OF THE 1983 BONDS; SAID AMENDMENT PROVIDES A SUM NOT EXCEEDING $335,260 TO BE PLACED IN A RESERVE ACCOUNT AT THE OPTION OF THE ISSUER; ALSO AMENDING SECTION 16, SUB - PARAGRAPH (D), SUB- PARAGRAPH 3 TO REQUIRE MONTHLY DEPOSITS OF $1, 794.00 UNTIL THE RESERVE ACCOUNT REACHES A SUM OF $335,260.00; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilman Watford moved that this constitute the first reading and the proposed ordi- nance amendment be set for final hearing on May 16, 1983, seconded by Councilman Knight. Motion carried. Administrator Fellows advised the Council that the soil conservation service is con- ducting the additional tests on the proposed sewer plant site. Fire Chief Taney, appearing as Chairman of the Fourth of July Committee, informed the Council that he has asked the County to allow this year's festivities be held in the ball parks behind the Sheriff's Department, instead of the Flagler Parks. This will allow private enterprise a chance to participate. Andy Rubin asked the Council, "Who is responsible for the maintenance of the easement located behind the Daniel's Building and the Doctor's Clinic that has several trees that are dying, very brittle and causing problems ?" MIr. Rubin was advised that that particular easement was deeded back to the original owners, the City no longer owns it therefore cannot maintain it. Councilman Chapman moved to approve the General Fund Warrant Register in the amount of One Hundred Four Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty -Eight and 43 /lllths Dollars ($104,738.43) and the Water & Sewer Warrant Register in the amount of Thirty-Four Thousand Three Hundred Sixty and 66/100ths Dollars ($34,360.66), seconded by Councilman Knight. Notion carried. Administrator Fellows reported that the problem of land locked property on Southwest 11th Avenue (Orin Lee) has been resolved. A forty foot (40') right-of-may has been established without the need for replatting. Fellows stated, "With Council's permission we can proceed to ask each of the property owners to have the necessary deeds and easements prepared and a title search conducted ". Following brief discussion, the Council agreed with the proposed solution and instructed the Administrator to proceed. 1 T T 1 1 3305 AGENDA ITEM #XI - ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M. A1'1'EST: BONNIE S. THOMAS, CMC CITY CLERK CITY OF OKEECHOBEE EDWARD W. is e! , D.0 CHAIRMAN /MAYOR CITY OF OKEECHOBEE THERE IS A TAPE OF THIS MEETING IN ITS ENTIRETY ON FTTF: IN THE CLERK "S OFFICE. REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MAY 16, 1983 The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met in regular session in Council Chambers, 55 Southeast Third Avenue, Okeechobee, at 7:00 P.M. Chairman /Mayor Edward W. Douglas called the meeting to order with the following Councilmen present: Edward W. Douglas, Chairman /Mayor James H. Knight, Vice Chairman Dowling R. Watford, Jr. Oakland Chapman Oscar Thomas Others present were: Bonnie S. Thomas, City Clerk Richard C. Fellows, City Administrator David M. Conlon, City Attorney James Browne, Consulting Engineer Larry Nbbley, Police Chief L. Keith Taney, Fire Chief Rosemary Miller, Executive Secretary Janice M. Mann, Deputy Clerk T T AGENDA CITY OF OKEECHOBEE COUNCIL CHAMBERS REGULAR MEETING MAY 2, 1983 7:00 P.M. 1. Call To Order Invocation - Councilman Dowling Watford, Jr. Pledge of Allegiance - Mayor Edward Douglas IV. Approval of the minutes of the special meeting of April 11,1983, V. Receipt of a petition for annexation from Mr. Harvey Hamrick for a parcel of property north of and adjacent to the city limits of Okeechobee for the location of a proposed nursing home. VI. Introduction of an ordinance for voluntary annexation of a parcel of property north of and adjacent to the city limits of Okeechobee and setting of a public hearing for Monday, June 6, 1983. VII. Discussion on and adoption of a resolution to the Board of County Commissioners of Okeechobee County asking that the matter of Double Taxation be addressed for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1983. VIII. Receipt of recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Board and introduction of an Ordinance proposing to rezone property owned by Wallace and Dora Norton at the corner of Southwest llth Avenue and Southwest Park Street from Residential Single Family to Commercial and setting of a public hearing for Monday, June 6, 1983. IX. Mayor to call on anyone in audience wishing to address the Council. X. Mayor to call on City Clerk, City Attorney, City Administrator and members of the Council for reports and/or requests. XI. Adjournment.