1963-01-08 Regular814 ~amuar7 8~ ~ ~T~ ~ T~ C~ 12.~ ~ J~e A. H~ 26.%0 0~~ A~e ~~ 2.~ ,~ 9.70 0~~ A~~ ~ee %.~ b' S~ ~ee ~.~ We~ Au~ S~ .82 cs~ et Fo~ ~~ 4~4.~ To W° Cemoly· Jr. represeutiag Seaboard Ai~ LiBe Railroad CempaBy, reported that train Step schedule ef %be S~lver Star ia Oheech~bee. Ceunci~ ~eildi~g 8tated that he weuld like te requue% %be Ceuacil te fellew up with preJeete alread au%bertsed by the retiFAq CeuciX. (a) B. ~ burtea ~ew mr liM, (b) euXvert for R. C. Mullia (e) fill at railrea~ cre~8i~ em uer%b Xissi~aeM Street bet~eea railread a~ Hale Avem as requested by Jaek Raulereem (d) sidewalk tier #atba~ Zelaeaevit~ at Let 12, Fleck 16~. Ceuaci~ Watfer~ reported %be purehase efi - $1,000.00 I & S ~Jf~ ~ · 9% aad interest fre~ B. J. Vaa I~ a~d Ce., lue. Coumci~ Watferd pwesemte~ a~ requested that the follewiag reeee~e~datte~s fer 1~63 be reeerded in the ~teo~ 1. Revdm eleetien Xewa, aspo~ially the ~eviag baekef eleetion day at least 30 da~w te give mer~ tine fer print~q ef bellete and setting up vetiq naebinee. This veuld .al,e net inteFfere vi%b the preparatien ef the tax tell. 2. A cEaplete re-regiatratien ef all City Yetere and a new registration eysten set up. 3. Set ~ a~aber ef verkiag bents fer all departamate a~d opo~i~y what deternines evertine. 4. Rev~v aalary aehedules a~d se% up requirements fer advanee~ente and increases in ealary. %. Investigate the advantages ef changing the City' a Operating year f~n a ealendar year te a f~al year. Perhaps O~teber 1, te Septenber 30. Since preporty tax f~ds are reeeived in ~bvenber it weuld ~ake fer better eporation ef the budget; Thio veuld prevent a large car~F-ever ef tax funds inte the next year vhere they are suppesad t~ be spent. The Clerk eeul~ ~lese eut the beeks befere eenple%io~ of the tax rell vhi~h is ~ue in Nov~r, and before ele~tiea tine. The &uditerl eeuld audit the beeks before the busy i~ee~e tax ~easea thereby prepoxi~g Presented by Jeue R. Watferd ATTESTI~ Jamaary 8, The iac~aiag Cit~ Ceuacil ef %be City ef Okeeehobee, Flerida, aet ia regular sessiea at the Cit~ HalX fe~ the adJwa~eat ef the retiri~ Cemacil with the fellewiag prase~t~ Mayer De~al~ Mask, Ceuaeil~ea ~Xa~de ~u~hwr, E. H. Huat, CXyde Me Creeklin, ~ Walker, aad Alte Watferd, Jr. w~ta Lereaa SW-~. Citr Clerk. It bei~ ia erbar the eath ef effiee was ~balaistere~l te Mayer De~al4 R. Mask by Heue~able G. ~zTUt· Jro ° It bein~ ia order %be ea%b ef effiee was admiBiatered te ¢Ouncilnou Gardner· Huut, ~e Creekliu, Walker and Ceunci~ Watf'®rd moved te nemiuate Ceuncilsau Hut as Temporary Chairuan,' neat a atica 8oooBded by Oeuucilmea Gar~Bor and upon veto Counciluan Hunt was elected Tesporary Chairuaa. TeRpora~ Chairuau Huut eponod the meeting ~teting that neminations Were in erder for the eleetioa ef · Presideat ef the City Ceuncil. CouneilBan Watferd aoved to nemiuate Ceuncilmaa Me Creekliu as Premidemt of tho ~ity Council, nemination seconded by Ceuncilma~ Gardner and upon vote Ceuncilman Me Croeklin was e~ted Preoidert of t~e Council. Preaidelt Me Creeklia stated that nmt~tio~ uuro 4u order for a ~tesident Pre-Tm. Councilmm