1987-12-15 Regular Meeting4120 REGULAR MEETINO TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, ]987 A. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 2:00 P.M. --~ B. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Invocation was offered by Reverend Griffith of the Church of God of Prophecy followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. C. MAYOR AND COUNCIL ATTENDANCE: Mayor Oakland R. Chapman Present Councilman Nick Collins Present Councilman Andy Rubin Present Councilman Oscar Thomas Present Councilman Dowling Watford Present STAFF ATTENDANCE: City Attorney Bryant Present City Administrator Drago Present City Clerk Thomas Present Deputy Clerk Williams Present D. Motion to dispense with readinq and approve the Summary of Council Action for the reqular meetin~ of November 17. 1987 Motion by Councilman Collins, seconded by Councilman Rubin. Attorney Bryant stated he was informed the record did not show a vote on the motion to approve the Humane Socity agreement as amended. This action should be taken today under New Business Item #7. Council agreed. Vote on the motion to approve the minutes - Councilmen Collins, Rubin, Thomas, Watford and Chapman - yea. Motion carried. E. REOUEST FOR THE ADDITION. DEFERRAL OR WITHDRAWAL OF ITEMS QN TODAY'S AGENDA. Vote on the motion approving the Humane Society agreement from the November 17th meeting to be considered under New Business Item #7. F. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLQCK GR~NT APPLICATION: RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS REGARDING THE PROPOSED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT APPLICATIQN FOR DEAN'S COURT. Mr. Bud Clark addressed the Council and discussed the grant application. Following discussion, motion was made by Councilman Watford, seconded by Councilman Rubin to approve a CDBG Local Displacement Policy. Vote - Councilmen Watford, Rubin, Thomas, Collins and Chapman yea. Motion carried. G. NEW BUSINESS: 1. MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE TARGET ARE~ FOR THE 1988 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS SMART. CITIES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. Motion by Councilman Collins, seconded by Councilman Rubin. Vote - Councilmen Collins, Rubin, Watford, Thomas and Chapman yea. Motion carried. 2. MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. Motion by Councilman Rubin, seconded by Councilman Watford. Vote - Councilmen Rubin, Watford, Collins, Thomas and Chapman yea. Motion carried. 3. MOTION TO APPROVE A PARTIAL PAY REOUEST TO ROCK-A-WAY FQR Motion by Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilman Watford. Vote - Councilmen Thomas, Watford, Collins, Rubin and Chapman yea. Motion carried. I - II TI 4121 DEC 15 4. MOTION TO APPOINT MR. RICHARD HOLT TO THE FIRE PENSION Attorney Bryant explained that he did not feel it would be a conflict of interest if Richard Holt was appointed to the Fire Pension Board. Motion by Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilman Collins. Vote - Councilmen Thomas, Collins, Rubin, Watford and Chapman yea. Motion carried. 5. MOTION TO APPOINT MRS. MARSHA MONTESSI AND MR. DANNY CREE~H TO THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD. Motion by Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilman Rubin. Vote - Councilmen Thomas, Rubin, Watford, Collins and Chapman yea. Motion carried. 6. MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE BORROWING OF 1.3 MILLION DOLLARS FOR THE CITY'S STREET PAVING PROJECT. Motion by Councilman Collins, seconded by Councilman Rubin for discussion. Councilmembers discussed the street paving project. Vote - Councilmen Collins, Rubin, Thomas and Chapman yea. Councilman Watford - nay. Motion carried. 7. VOTE ON HUMANE SOCIETY AGREEM~N~ Vote on the original motion to approve the Humane Society Agreement as amended - Councilmen Collins, Thomas, Watford, Rubin and Chapman - yea. Motion carried. 8. UPDATE ON ITEMS OF INTEREST TO THE CITY BY COUNTY COMMISSIONER JACK WILLIAMSQN. Commissioner Williamson updated the Council on the different traffic signals to be installed in the County in the near future. COUNCIL REPORTS AND/OR REOUESTS: I. ~ Councilman Collins commented on the Christmas decorations, the format of the minutes and the Okeechobee Contractor's Association request for sewer allocation fees to be waived on a house they were building for donation. (Fees for the house were not waived.) ~. Councilman Thomas asked for an update on the status of the annexation. Administrator Drago was asked to report back at the next meeting to the Council on the status of the possible taxes to be received other than ad valorem such as sales and utility taxes in the event of annexation. ~ Councilman Watford congratulated Commissioner Jack Williamson for being re-elected as Chairman for the Central Florida Regional Planning Council, and reported from the Glades - Okeechobee Economic Development meeting and then requested the Council authorize a letter be sent supporting a correctional institution be located in Okeechobee County. Administrator Drago was instructed to draft the letter as suggested. ~. Councilman Rubin commented on Commissioner Williamson reappointment, the Taddie lawsuit and the Christmas decorations. ~, Mayor Chapman discussed the Christmas decorations and the garbage thrown out on S.E. 5th Avenue and 441. ~. b~ Councilm~n ~Qlli~s discussed with the Council the possibility of all new employees being introduced to the Council at a Council meeting as they are hired. 4122 DEC 15 ~7 ~. Co~issioner Williamson questioned the Council on the letter to be sent concerning the City supporting a correctional institution for Okeechobee County. Following discussion, the Council agreed not to send the letter until further information can be submitted to the Council at the next Council meeting by Councilman Watford. ~JOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 4:35 P.M. ~YOR OAKLAND,S. CHAPMAN ATTEST: BONNIE S. THOMAS, CMC CITY CLERK -I - {] T!