1986-09-16 Regular Meeting3978 REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 16, 1986 The City Council of the City of Okeechobee met in regular session in Council Chambers, 55 Southeast Third Avenue, Okeechobee, Florida. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 2:00 P.M. with the following members present: Oakland R. Chapman, Mayor Nick Collins, Councilman Oscar Thomas, Councilman Edward Douglas, Councilman Andy Rubin, Councilman Others present were: Bonnie S. Thomas, City Clerk Jerry Bryant, City Attorney Sylvia Firestine, Acting Adm. Asst. L.C. Fortner, Jr., Public Utilities Director Keith Tomey, Fire Chief Larry Mobley, Police Chief Chuck Elders, Street Director Lydia J. Wilkerson, Deputy Clerk AGENDA ITEM #II & III - INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Invocation was offered by Mayor Oakland R. Chapman, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 86-6 AGENDA ITEM #IV - PUBLIC HEARING AND FINAL RULING ON REZONING APPLICATION NO. 148-~ FRQ~ RESIDENTIA~ SINGLE FAMILY TO CQMMERC~AL. PROPERTY OWNERS: PHILLIP AND ALBERT TROFIBIO ~-~ Mr. Ronald Hunt addressed the Council explaining the request for rezoning of Block 230, Lots 10, 11 and 12. Following discussion, Councilman Rubin made a motion to uphold the Zoning Boards recommendation approving the rezoning request. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Yeas Rubin Thomas Douglas Collins Nays none Motion carried 86-29 AGENDA ITEM #V - APPEARANCES: a. Mr. Jim Broome of Broomeo VanOstran and Assoco, Inc.. to present proposals for the wina wa~ls and soddinq to complete the Southeast 8th Avenue bridge Engineer Broome requested the Council authorize the advertisement of bids for the wing walls and sodding to complete the Southeast 8th Avenue bridge project. The estimated price of the project $20-$25,000. Following discussion, Councilman Douglas made a motion authorizing the advertisement of bids for the wing walls and sodding to complete the bridge, the City reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Councilman Rubin seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Yeas Rubin Thomas Douglas Collins Nays , none Motion carried 3979 $£P ! 6 19116 b. County Commission Chairman Jim Lashlev and Mr. Dick Roberts of Hazen and Sawyer Enaineerin~ to discuss tratment method~ of the water from the county landfill. 86-9 Mr. Lashley and Mr. Dick Roberts addressed the Council explaining that DER has requested them to have an alternative on waste removal from the County's landfill site. Mr. Lashley explained they would like to haul the excess leachate from the County's landfill site to the City Waste Water Treatment plant for disposal. He requested the City enter into an agreement with the County within 2 to 4 years to accept this excess leachate. They are presently at 10,000 gallons per day, 2 - 4 years they are estimating 30,000 gallons, this is when they would need the City's assistance. Director Fortner stated that he was not at all sure of the City accepting the leachate from the County's landfill site, because it was an unknown. There is the possibility of odor problems, etc. He suggested the County consider getting its own plant to use. Mr. Lashley stated they were not asking the Council to commit to their request today, all they really needed was a letter to them for DER stating the City was considering providing wastewater treatment for runoff from the county's landfill. Council agreed for Director Fortner, Engineer and City Attorney to draft a letter for Council's consideration at the next Council meeting. c. Mr. Danny LaCroix. Manaaer of Harte-Hanks Cable to discus.o. the merger of OkeAirCo. Inc. into Harte-Hanks Cable. In¢. 86-4 Mr. Danny Lacroix explained the resolution was only providing a name change for corporate reasons. The local office and management would remain in Okeechobee. AGENDA ITEM #VI - ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ACKNOWLEDGING AND CONSENTINC TO THE MERGER OF OKEAIRCO. INC. INTO HARTE-HANKS CABLE. INC. Councilman Douglas made a motion to adopt the resolution acknowledging and consenting to the merger of OkeAirCo, Inc. into Harte-Hanks Cable, Inc. Councilman Collins seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Yeas Rubin Thomas Douglas Collins Nays none Motion carried Attorney Bryant read the resolution as follows: A RESOLUTION ANKNOWLEDGING AND CONSENTING TO THE MERGER OF OKEAIRCO, INC. INTO ULTRACOM OF DADE COUNTY, INC. WHEREAS, the City of Okeechobee, Florida has granted a cable television franchise to OkeAirCo, Inc; and WHEREAS, OkeAirCo, Inc. is a sister corporation of UltraCom of Dade County, Inc. and it is proposed that OkeAirCo. Inc. be merged into UltraCom of Dade County, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the City of Okeechobee, Florida has been provided appropriate information concerning such merger. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA: f~9_~. That the above and foregoing recitals are true and correct. ~. That the City of Okeecho~ee, Florida hereby acknowledges and consents 'to the merger of OkeAirCo, Inc. into UltraCom of Dade County, Inc. PASSED and ADOPTED this 16th day of September, 1986. 3980 86-11 AGENDA ITEM %VII - INTRODUCTION AND FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING T~E CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE. FLORIDA. AMENDING CHAPTER 18: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Councilman Douglas made a motion to have the ordinance read by title only. Councilman Collins seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Yeas Rubin Thomas Douglas Collins none Motion carried Attorney Bryant read the title as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANceos CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA~ AMENDING CHAPTER 18 PERTAINING TO WATERt SEWERS, AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL~ AMENDING SECTION 18-17 RELATING TO CONNECTION FEES AND INSPECTION FEES FOR WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS~ AMENDING CONNECTION FEES AND INSPECTION FEES~ AMENDING SECTION 18-35 RELATING TO WATER SYSTEM CAPACITY CHARGES~ AMENDING SYSTEM CAPACITY CHARGES TO NEW WATER SYSTEM CUSTOMERS~ PROVIDING FOR ANNUAL ADJUSTMENT OF SYSTEM CAPACITY CHARGES~ AMENDING SECTION 18-48 (C) (1) RELATING TO SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION FEES AND INSPECTION FEES~ AMENDING SEWER CONNECTION FEES AND INSPECTION FEES~ AMENDING SECTION 18-48 (H) RELATING TO SEWER SYSTEM CAPACITY CHARGES~ AMENDING SYSTEM CAPACITY CHARGES TO NEW SEWER SYSTEM CUSTOMERS~ PROVIDING FOR ANNUAL ADJUSTMENT OF SYSTEM CAPACITY CHARGES; CREATING ARTICLE III-A, SECTION 18-48.1, RELATING TO ESCALATION OF WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS CAPACITY CHARGES~ PROVIDING FOR ANNUAL ESCALATION OF WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM CAPACITY CHARGES BASED UPON INCREASES IN THE PUBLISHED UTILITY CONSTRUCTION INDEX~ ESTABLISHING SEPTEMBER 30, 1986 UTILITY CONSTRUCTION INDEX AS A BASE FOR COMPARISON~ ESTABLISHING PROCEDURE FOR ANNUAL ESCALATION OF WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM CAPACITY CHARGES THROUGH ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilman Thomas made a motion to advertise the ordinance for second and final public hearing October 7, 1986. Councilman Collins seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for discussion. Councilman Collins asked if Lorne Hunsberger was going to attend the final public hearing. Director Fortner explained that Mr. Hunsberger would be at the public hearing to answer any questions the Council or public might have concerning the ordinance. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Thomas Douglas Collins Rubin Motion carried 3981 SEP ! 6 1986 86-3 AGENDA ITEM $VIII - DISCUSSION AND ACTION BY COUNCIL TO MAKE ~ DETERMINATION TO AWARD A PAVING CONTRACT OR TO REJECT ALL BIDS Street Director, Chuck Elders, requested Council reject all bids on the street paving at this time, and possibly rebid after the completion of the S.E. 8th Avenue bridge, since we did not know how much it would cost to complete the bridge. Councilman Collins made a motion to reject all bids received on the street paving, until the S.E. 8th Avenue Bridge is completed, then rebid to pave those streets with the funds remaining in the paving budget. Councilman Douglas seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for~discussion. Mr. Rucker Wilcox stated they were willing to cut a deal with the City, since they went to the trouble of figuring the 7 streets, and paying for the plans and specifications. They would agree to take what funds the City presently has for paving then charge 10% interest on the balance. Attorney Bryant stated the City could not do this legally. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Thomas Douglas Collins Rubin none Motion carried Councilman Rubin stated, 'On the same subject. What was proposed by our Public Works Director and what was proposed in writing over here - to save the money, put it in a fund and use it for bridges and everything else. I am totally against it. And I wish the Council would discuss it now. Cause that is part of the deal. Like I said, before we made this motion today, I rejected those bids two week ago. I'd like to see whats going to happen. Is it gonna be whats in this status report now, what our Public Works Director said? And we use another $30 - 40,000. of this paving monies. Or are we going to look to another source and rebid these 6 streets or will we bring it down to where we can get something, or 5 streets. We can get 5 streets done this year. Instead of putting it somewhere and dipping into it. And before you know it - it's gone. 50% is gone already.' Councilman Thomas asked Director Elders if the plans were t° finish the bridge first then pave with what is left over. Director Elders said these were the plans. 86-51 AGENDA ITEM %IX - DISCUSSION AND ACTION BY COUNCIL TO AMEND THE TERMS OF THE LEASE WITH THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mayor Chapman asked for discussion concerning the lease. Councilman Rubin commented on the Chamber stating the entire parking lot was not a public parking lot. He then made a motion that the Council request the Chamber of Commerce and the Library Board to attend a Council meeting to discuss the parking lots arrangements. Mayor Chapman asked for a second to the motion. Motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Douglas stated the parking arrangements at the Chamber of Commerce was the decision of the Chamber, not the City's since they leased the property from the City. Councilman Collins stated he felt the complaints were coming from the business owners beside the Chamber of Commerce and the solution would be for the business owners and employees to at the rear of the building leaving the street parking to customers. Attorney Bryant explained the lease Chamber lease was tabled at the last meeting so he could attempt to get the necessary easement for the right of way from the property owners of the 2 corners so the intersection could be improved by rounding off the corners for the red lights could be moved. He suggested the Council finalize the lease approving the amendment of the paragraphs concerning the S.E. corner as follows: 'The City reserves the right to use that portion of the leased property necessary to complete the improvements of that intersection as the Council deems best.' 3982 Councilman Collins made a motion that the City approve the lease with the Chamber with the amendments as suggested by the City Attorney. Councilman Rubin made a motion to amend the motion to request the Chamber and Library to appear before the Council. Mayor Chapman asked for a second to the motion to amend. There being no second to the motion to amend, motion died ~or lack of a second. Mayor Chapman asked for a second to the motion. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion approving the lease with the Chamber with the amendments as suggested by the City Attorney. Councilman Rubin left the Council room at this time. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Thomas Douglas Collins none Motion carried MEETING RECESSED AT 3z46 P.M. MEETING RECONVENED AT 4:00 P.M. AGENDA ITEM %X - DISCUSSION AND ACTION BY COUNCIL TO APPROVE THE CQNTRACT WITH THE NEWLY APPOINTED CITY ADMINISTRATOR JOHN DRAGO Attorney Bryant suggested the language of the contract should be amended so it would read the same as the City Employee's Handbook concerning sick leave,-vacation leave, life insurance, health insurance, -~ etc. He suggested paragraph 8 Termination - be amended by either taking out the clause "or if the employee deems it to be in the best interest of the community that he tender his resignation he shall be entitled to 90 day severance pay upon demand" or amend that clause to have it state "if the Council deems it to be in the best interest of the community". Council agreed to the amendments of the contract as suggested by Attorney Bryant. Councilman Rubin questioned paragraph 4 of. the contract. The duties - the employee is engaged in the capacity of City Administrator. The City advertised for an Administrative Assistant. Attorney Bryant stated, "I do not see any problems with the job title being advertised as Administrative Assistant and hiring Mr. Drago as Administrator. The City discussed with Mr. Drago his duties to be those of the Administrative Assistant and there was some discussion as to what his exact title would be. He is being hired to do the work that was anticipated by the advertisement seeking applicants for the position." Mayor Chapman asked how the Council felt concerning Mr. DragO being an Administrative Assistant or the City Administrator. Councilman Rubin stated the position should be Administrative Assistant and not City Administrator. Mayor Chapman and Councilmen Collins, Thomas and Douglas stated they were not opposed to the position being City Administrator. Councilman Douglas asked if the Attorney if the contract could be amended and presented to the Council for approval, then sent to Mr. Drago for his approval. Attorney Bryant stated the Mayor could adjourn the meeting to reconvene at 6z45 P.M. on Tuesday, September 23, 1986, at which time the Council would have a chance to approve the contract, pending Mr. Drago approval of the amendments. Council agreed. AGENDA ITEM %XI - MAYOR TO CALL ON ANYONE IN THE AUDIENCE WISHING TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL --~ 86-19 Director Fortner stated the City has been officially notified from DER of the moritorium for all new water distribution system extensions. Director Fortner discussed with Council the posslbillty o£ the City receiving grant funding for Phase II of the W.W~T.P. He suggested the Council contact Mr. Bill Weathers of Southeastern Municipal Bonds since he was familiar with the City. Councilman Douglas suggested the Florida League of Cities also be contacted concerning the City obtaining a grant. Council agreed for Director Fortner to try and get the City the best interim financing. 3983 SEP t6 1981 AGENDA ITEM $XII - MAYOR TO CALL ON THE CITY CLERK. CITY ATTORNEY, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL FOR REPORTS AND/OR 86-12 ~lerk Thomas presented the Election Proclamation to Mayor Chapman. Mayor Chapman read the proclamation as follows~ PROCLAMATION NOTICE OF GENERAL CITY ELECTIONS CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 4, 1986 WHEREAS, under and by virtue of the provisions of the Charter of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, it is the duty of the Mayor to proclaim and call General City Elections at the time and the manner provided by said City Charter. NOW, THEREFORE, I, OAKLAND CHAPMAN, MAYOR of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, do hereby PROCLAIM AND DECLARE that a GENERAL CITY ELECTION by the duly qualified electors of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, be held on Tuesday, November 4, 1986, during the regular hours of voting, to wit: from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M., for the purpose of electing the following officers to serve as such for four (4) years beginning January 1, 1987 and ending December 31, 199~, following such election and until their successors are elected and qualified: THREE '(3) COUNCILMEN AND CITY CLERK Said election shall be held in the normal polling or voting places within the normal precincts of the duly qualified City electors, which precincts have been established by the Okeechobee County Board of County Commissioners and Supervisor of Elections for the general election of said County. IN TESTIMONY AND WITNESS of the foregoing Notice of Election, I have hereunto set my hand as Mayor of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, and caused the corporate seal of said City to be affixed hereto, and the same attested by the City Clerk, this 16th day of September, 1986. CITY OF OKEECHOBEE ATTEST: BONNIE S. THOMAS, CMC- CITY CLERK CITY OF OKEECHOBEE 3984 SEP 't6 Councilman Collins made a motion that the proclamation be approved. Councilman Rubin seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Thomas Douglas Collins none Motion carried ~lerk Thomas presented the Warrant Registers for Council's approval. Actina Adm. Asst. Firestine stated Senator Lawton Chiles is checking into the matter with the Postal Service and he will get back with the City as soon as possible. 86-54 Mayor Chapman stated that he received a letter from teamsters Union Local 769 thru the mail. Chief Mobley stated that 30% or more of the Police Officers have petitioned to Join union. They have submitted a petition to join the union, if PERt accepts them, they will have a union. Mayor commented against the union. Chief Mobley stated the first time he knew of this was last Monday. Councilman Collins asked Attorney, "Doesn't the City have the right to employ people, I mean, to keep from employing people that is in the union?" Attorney Bryant, "No. These people have filed a petition with the Public Employees Relations Commission and the application of the petition merely states, and I think they have to submit something to show proof that there is at least 30% of the affected employees who have asked this particular union to be their collective bargaining agent. They first review the petition and supporting documents, and if everything meets the requirements of the law and the Florida ~ Administrative Code, they will conduct a secret ballot election of those affected employees to determine if this union will be representing those employees in collective bargaining with the City. Now, I don't know much beyond that. I am sure it will come back before this Council for some consideration, but I can't tell you right now, cause I just got this - it was here when I got here today". Councilman Collins stated, "Well this is my opinion, let me state first off - I am totally anti-Union. Totally. And, which it looked - like - we hired these people, we hired them, we were bargaining with them, now they are gonna pull somebody in here we don't even know and we have to bargain with these people. I still, I mean I don't know, but I think there ought to be something, I mean I think the City's got some rights." Attorney Bryant stated, "I intend to research this matter to be able to advise the City Council what can and cannot be done. I would ask that you not state much more today until we do know.." Councilman Collins, "All I stated was that I'm against it and I am from the word go." Attorney Bryant, "I would really rather the Council not discuss the matter a whole lot more cause I would hate for the Council to get theirselves obligated in some fashion here today, or make some statements here and they come back to haunt them later. Let me do some research and get back to you and tell you exactly what happens from this point and what the Council can and cannot do." 86-19 Councilman Douglas stated he would be attending a Board Meeting in TallahasseeCDBG grant funding was available November 7th - December 30th if the City wished to apply. 86-5 Councilman Douglas stated he had received a request for a street closing and asked Clerk Thomas to contact the person explaining the proper procedures to follow in request for streets closings. 86-8 Councilman Doualas made a motion to approve the warrant registers --. as presented. Coiuncilman Rubin seconded the motion. SEP t6 1986 Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Thomas Douglas Collins none Motion carried 86-19 Councilman Rubtq made a motion that the City hire Mr. Pat Patterson to apply for the UDAG grant. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion. Councilman Douglas stated that he agreed the City should apply, but the City should request Mr. Patterson appear before the Council to discuss it with him before the City hires him. Following discussion, Councilman Thomas withdrew his second. Mayor Chapman asked if there was a second to the motion. There being no second, motion died for lack of a second. Council asked Sylvia to contact Mr. Patterson to see if he thinks we have time to apply for the UDAG grant and how much it will cost the City. Councilman Rubin commented on the letter sent concerning the' Post Office, stating he disagreed with the wording. AGENDA ITEM #XIII - MEETING ADJOURNED There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 5:20 P.M. to reconvene at 6=45 P.M. on Tuesday, September 23, 1986. MAYOR ATTEST: BONNIE 'S. THOMAS, dMC - ' CITY CLERK