1986-07-01 Regular Meeting 3929 REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JULY ~, 1986 The City Council of the City of Okeechobee met in regular session in Council Chambers, 55 Southeast Third Avenue, Okeechobee, Florida. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 2:00 P.M. AGENDA ITEMS #II & III - PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Prayer was offered by Mayor Oakland R. Chapman, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The following members were recorded present: Mayor Oakland R. Chapman Councilman Andy Rubin Councilman Edward'Douglas Councilman Oscar Thomas Councilman Nick Collins Others present were: Bonnie S. Thomas, City Clerk Sylvia Firestine, Acting Adm. Asst. Jerry Bryant, City Attorney L.C. Fortner, Jr., Public Utilities Director Keith Tomey, Fire Chief Larry Mobley, Police Chief Lydia J. Wilkerson, Deputy Clerk 86-1 AGENDA ITEM ~IV - APPROVAL QF THE MINUTES QF THE REGULAR MEETINGS QF MAY 20. JUNE 3 AND JUNE 17. 1986 Mayor Chapman asked if there were any additions or deletions to the minutes of May 20, June 3 or 17, 1986. There being no additions or deletions the minutes were considered approved as presented. AGENDA ITEM ~V - A~TIQN BY COUNCIL TO ACCEPT THE RESIGNATIQN OF ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT MILTON DAVIS; AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FQR A REPLACEMENT; RULING ON THE AMOUNT OF ShLARY TO BE PAID TO THE ACTING ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Councilman Collins stated that he spoke with the department heads concerning their evaluation of Mr. Davis' work performance. Four of the six department heads had negative comments. The two other department heads stated they were not involved enough with the Adm. Asst. to comment. Councilman Douglas stated that he spoke with a few of the department heads who felt the same, one department head making no comment. Councilman Thomas stated that he disagreed with the request for salary increase. Councilman Rubin stated that he also disagreed with the request for the salary increase, but he felt that Mr. Davis should be present before any discussion was held concerning his resignation. Following discussion, Councilman Collins made a motion that the Council accept the resignation of Milton Davis as Administrative Assistant. Councilman.Douglas seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for 'a vote on the motion. Yeas Collins Douglas Thomas Chapman Nays Rubin Motion carried 3930 J U L 0 1 1986 Mayor Chapman stated authorization was needed to advertise for a replacement. Councilman Douglas made a motion authorizing advertisement --~ for a replacement to fill the vacancy in the position of Administrative Assistant. Councilman Collins seconded the motion. ~ Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Yeas Collins Douglas Thomas Chapman Rubin N~ys None Motion carried Mayor Chapman stated a decision on the salary to be paid to the Acting Administrative Assistant needed to be made. Councilman Thomas made a motion to pay the Acting Administrative Assistant (Sylvia Firestine) the same salary ($25,000. per year) as Mr. Davis was receiving, retroactive to the date she filled the position. Councilman Collins seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for discussion. Councilman Douglas stated, "I don't have any problem with paying her a supplemental salary, but if she can do both jobs, then we don't need both positions. Either no Adm. Asst. or no Adm. Asst. secretary." Mayor Chapman stated this would only be for a few weeks until the position was filled. Councilman Rubin stated Sylvia was doing the work and he felt she should be receiving the salary. Councilman Collins stated that she was doing the work and therefore, she was entitled to the supplemental salary. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. _~ Yeas Collins Thomas Chapman Rubin Nays Douglas Motion carried 86-45 AGENDA ITEM #VI - DISCUSSION AND ACTIQN BY COUNCIL ON THE SALT OF FQUR LOTS; ~0 AND 17. BLOCK 39 AND 10 AND 17, BLQCK 28; TQ BE SQLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION OR BY DIRECT SALE Mayor Chapman asked for discussion by the Council on the sale of the four lots: 10 and 17 of Block 39, and 10 and 17 of Block 28. The property was appraised at $5,800. for all four lots. Following discussion, Councilman Thomas made a motion to advertise for bids for the sale of the property. Councilman Collins seconded the motion. Attorney Bryant suggested the motion include the City's right to refuse any and all bids received. Councilmembers agreed this be included in the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Yeas Collins Thomas Chapman Rubin Douglas NaYs ~ None Motion carried 3931 J U L 0 f f986 86-21 AGENDA ITEM #VII - APPEARANCE QF MR, RUCKER WILCOX TO DISCUSS EXTENSIQN OF SEWER L~NE AND RQ~D CQNSTRU~TION Mr. Rucker Wilcox addressed the Council to discuss the extention of sewer line and road construction. Mr. Wilcox demonstrated the request by drawing a sketch on the blackboard showing the sewer line extension he was requesting. Director Fortner requested that the Council not approve the extension of the sewer line at this time due to the law suit concerning the sewer collection system stating it might harm the City's case. Attorney Bryant agreed the sewer line extension could effect the City's case. ~4r. Wilcox stated that he would like to come down the road a distance of 400 feet, install a manhole to serve the two houses at the end of the road, and donate it to the City if the City would agree to leaving the shell on the road there, he would be willing to put the sewer in, using the "triple treatment" road application. Director Fortner explained the Council has just recently adopted street paving specifications for shell asphalt mix to be used. Councilman Thomas stated, "The shell presently on the street is plenty good. I'm for leaving the shell there with testing, but if its OK leave it there." Director Fortner explained the City had planned to put sewer down the middle of the street, but when problems arose with Taddie everything concerning the sewer lines was stopped. Councilman Thomas asked if it was alright for Mr. Wilcox to go ahead with the request after testing the shell. Councilman Collins stated the City would have to adopt paving specifications for the triple surface road before Mr. Wilcox could begin work. With Director of Public Works, Chuck Elders, not being at the meeting, Council agreed to wait until the next meeting for further discussion. However, go ahead wil testing the shell that is already on the roads in question for durability, preparing the item for a more informed matter for action to be taken on the subject at the next meeting. AGENDA ITEM #VIII - APPEARANCE OF FIRE CHIEF KEITH TOMEY, REPRESENTINC THE FOURTH OF JULY COMMITTEE, AND MR. CARL WQQDS, PRESIDENT QF THE CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION TO DISCUSS FUTURE PLANS FOR THE INDEPENDENCE DAY Fire Chief Tomey explained the fireworks would be held at Lock 7 this year and the Board of County Commissioners have agreed to underwrite the insurance coverage this year. Mr. Carl Woods, President of the Contractor's Association, addressed Council requesting the City underwrite the liability insurance coverage each year for the Fourth of July. He stated they were not requesting funds from the City, just their support, at this time. The insurance could cost up to $1,500. for insurance and $5,000. for fireworks. Council agreed to discuss underwriting for the Fourth of July Fireworks Committee at the Budget Workshop Meetings to be held the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 14th of July. AGENDA ITEM #IX - ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FEES FOR RECORDS RESEARCH This agenda item bypassed. The resolution was not prepared for Council's consideration at this time. 86-5 AGENDA ITEM #X - INTRODUCTION AND FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TQ CLOSE THE ALLEY IN THE BLOCK KNQWN AS BROWING ADDITION. APPLICATION MADE BY LENORE SHOEMAKER Councilman Thomas made a motion for the ordinance to be read by title only. Councilman Collins seconded the motion. 3932 1 1986 Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Yeas Collins Thomas Chapman Rubin Douglas Nays None Motion carried Mayor Chapman read the title as follows: AN ORDINANCE CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING THE ALLEY OR ALLEYWAY LOCATED IN BROWNINGS ADDITION TO EAST OKEECHOBEE, CITY OF OKEECHOBEE; PROVIDING FOR CONDITIONS FOR THE CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONt~ENT OF THE ALLEY OR ALLEYWAY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilman Collins made a motion to advertise the ordinance setting the final public hearing on July 15, 1986. Councilman Douglas seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Yeas Collins Thomas Chapman Rubin Douglas Nays None Motion carried MEETING RECESSED AT 3:25 P.M. MEETING RECONVENED AT 3:40 P.M. AGENDA ITEM ~XI - MAYQR TQ CALL ON ANYQNE IN TH~ AUDIENCE WISHING TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL There were no comments from the audience made at this time. AGENDA ITEM #XII - MAYOR TO CALL ON THE CITY CLERK, CITY ATTQRNEY, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AND MEMBERS QF THE ~QUN~IL FQR R~pQRTS AND/QR 86-39 Clerk Thomas stated she received one phone call concerning the advertisement for the 154 acres. Council discussed the amount of money to be quoted to those interested in the property. The City paid $378,975. on October 13, 1979. 86-46 Clerk Thomas explained that Attorney Bryant researched the subject of the City advertising for auditors, coming to the conclusion that he did not feel the City was required to readvertise for auditors this year. There being no objections from the Council, it was agreed the Clerk negotiate a longer contract with DiBartolomeo, 5~cBee and Sloan, C.P.A.'s for the upcoming audits. Clerk Thomas presented the Warrant Registers for Council's approval. 86-21 Director Fortner explained there were low water pressure problems on S.W. 6th Avenue and 9th Street. The cost for new lines to be installed correcting the problems would be around $17,000. for 4,900 feet of 6 inch pipe. Following discussion, Councilman Douglas made a motion to authorize Director Fortner to install the 4,900 feet of 6 inch pipe correcting the low pressure problems on S.W. 6th Avenue and 9th Street, the funds to be taken from the Water Systems Capacity Charges ($17,000.). Councilman Collins seconded the motion. 3933 J U L 0 1 1986 Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Yeas Collins Thomas Chapman Rubin Douglas None Motion carried Director Fortner explained that a contractor was planning to build two triplex units on. N.W. 3rd Avenue and 10th Street. A 6 inch water main needs to be extended. Approximately 1,150 feet of pipe for a total of $2,500. for the materials. All extensions to water lines must be paid for by the developer according to a City ordinance. Council agreed to approve the request contingent upon the owner paying for the cost of the extension. Director Fortner will notify the developer and report back to the Council at the next meeting. Code Officer Tomev stated that George's Used Furniture was moving outside the City limits according to County Building Official Walt Taylor. Mayor Chapman asked Sylvia if she had heard anything concerning the Civic organizations signs. Sylvia stated that she has not heard anything concerning the signs. M~vor Chapman asked Sylvia to write a letter to the businesses located in the Daniels Building to have their employees park behind the stores, leaving the parking spaces available for customers on the street. Mayor Chapman asked the Clerk is she had heard from the Risk Management Pool committee. The Clerk stated she had and would keep the Council informed as to developments. Mayor Chapman requested the utility availability charge matter be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. M~yor Chapman asked the Attorney if the Subdivision ordinance could be amended to include sidewalks. Attorney Bryant explained he was presently working on an ordinance amendment and he could include this amendment submitting it to the Council at the next meeting. Mayor Chapman explained the drainage problem behind the Honey Bee Pancake House. Attorney Bryant suggested the Council authorize him to meet with Ms. White to try and solve this problem. Council agreed. ~ayor Chapman introduced Mr. Robert Lightsey to everyone, who has preifled as a candidate for City Council in the upcoming election. AGENDA ITEM #XIII -ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:24 P.M. ~ ATTEST: BONNIE S. THOMAS, CMC CITY CLERK