1986-05-06 Regular Meeting3896 REGULAR MEETING _TUESDAY, MAY 6 1986 The City Council of the City of Okeechobee met in regular session in Council Chambers, 55 S.E. 3rd Avenue, Okeechobee, Florida. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 2:00 P.M. AGENDA ITEMS #II & #III - PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Prayer was offered by Mr. Donald Clements followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The following members were recorded present: Mayor Oakland R. Chapman Councilman Andy Rubin Coucnilman Edward Douglas Councilman Nick Collins Councilman Oscar Thomas Others present were: Bonnie S. Thomas, City Clerk Milton Davis, Administrative Assistant Jerry Bryant, City Attorney L.C. Fortner, Jr., Public Utilitites Director Larry Mobley, Police Chief Keith Tomey, Fire Chief Chuck Elders, Director of Public Works Lydia Jean Wilkerson, Deputy Clerk Sylvia Firestine, Adm. Secretary 86-1 - H H R N N R H N Mayor Chapman asked if there were any additions or deletions to the minutes. Councilman Rubin stated that he could not approve the minutes due to certain actions taken by the City Council in those meetings. Councilman Collins made a motion to approve the minutes. Councilman Douglas seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Thomas Collins Douglas Rubin Motion carried 86-2 - N N Y R V W H H p Bill Saum was not present. 86-14 V - N W H - H H W H R N N P N U N W L Mr. Jim Broome presented partial pay request number 14 for Widell and Associates to the Council for their approval. The total amount of the pay request for Widell & Associates $16,139.22. Councilman Rubin made a motion to approve partial pay request #14 in the amount of $16,139.22. Councilman Douglas seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Thomas Collins Douglas Rubin Nays None Motion carried 3897 HAY 0 6 ' 986 z ll 86-29 AGENDA ITEM %VII - DISCUSSION AND ACTION BY COUNCIL TO APPROVE A PROPOSAL BY BROOME, VAN OSTRAN AND ASSOCIATES FOR INSPECTIONS AND RELATED SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE S.E. 8TH AVENUE BRIDGE Engineer Broome stated the SE 8th Avenue bridge would be under con- struction for 150 days. The engineering services would be for 1 hour per day, total price not to exceed $4,000. Councilman Thomas made a motion to approve the payment for the engineering services to Broome, VanOstran and Associates not to exceed $4,000. Councilman Collins seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked if there was any discussion on the motion. Councilman Douglas asked the Attorney if the resolution setting the bidding limits at $3,500., included engineering services. Attorney Bryant requested a few minutes during the recess so he could research the resolution on the bidding limit to see if the Council could legally pay for engineering services above $3,500., without going through the bidding process. Council agreed. Councilman Thomas withdrew his motion. Councilman Collins withdrew his second. (This agenda item continued later in this meeting after 3:00 recess.) AGENDA ITEM %VIII - DISCUSSION AND ACTION, BY COUNCIL, TO APPROVE A PROPOSAL FOR PREPARING DRAINAGE MAPS Mr. Jim Broome stated the cost for the 100 acre track drainage maps would be $3,000. Councilman Collins made a motion to give Broome, Van Ostran and Associates the authority to draw the drainage maps. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Yeas Thomas Collins Douglas Rubin None Motion carried AGENDA ITEM %IX - DISCUSSION AND ACTION, BY COUNCIL, TO APPROVE THE REVISED RESIDENTIAL STREET CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Council members discussed the revised residential street construction specifications, using DOT specifications. Councilman Thomas suggested the specifications be adopted with an open clause for other types of streets to be used instead of just one particular type. Council agreed. Engineer Broome stated the other street specifications could be added at any time. Councilman Collins made a motion to approve the revised residential street construction specifications as presented. Councilman Douglas seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Yeas Thomas Collins Douglas Rubin Nays None Motion carried AGENDA ITEM %X - DISCUSSION AND ACTION, BY COUNCIL, RELATIVE TO THE 86-35 REOUEST MADE BY THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR WATER TO BE SUPPLIED TO THE INDUSTRIAL PARK Director Fortner stated the IDA could use a 6" meter to fill the two water storage tanks at a cost of $1,650. One point that should be addressed is Paragraph 4 in the Hold Harmless Agreement between the City and the County~ Attorney Bryant read paragraph 4 of the agreement which states: "No fire hydrants, hose, or other devices intended for the extinguishment of fires shall be attached or connected to water lines connected to the City main, except in the case of an emergency, and these two particular lines could be used for the extinguishment of fires". -' I T'] 'I 3898 "Although I don't think you will have a problem with the County or -~ the Industrial Development Authority, in that regard, but because of the tenants of the Industrial Park being from other areas, corporations, home offices in other areas, we may have a problem with someone if there was a fire which caused extensive damage, one of the tenants may try to bring the City into a law suit, having this Hold Harmless Agreement determined null and void because we have not been abiding by it. I spoke with Kyle VanLandingham, the County Attorney, asked him if he felt the County Commission would have any objection to amending the Hold Harmless Agreement to include in paragraph 4: except for the connection of two holding tanks for the purpose of holding water for the extinguishment of fires. Attorney VanLandingham stated that he had no problems with this particular addition to the Hold Harmless Agreement and he felt like the County Commission would have no problem with it. So it would be my recommendation to avoid that problem. Other than that, I see no other problem with the Hold Harmless Agreement as far as allowing the connection of the water lines to these tanks. The County Commissioners meet this Thursday, so it might be possible to put the Hold Harmless Agreement before the County Commission for their meeting for some action". Councilman Douglas made a motion to proceed with the amendment of the Hold Harmless Agreement as the Attorney has advised the Council and give the Industrial Development Authority the authority to proceed with the connection of the water mains at their cost as agreed, subject to the approval of the County Commissioners on the amendment. Councilmen Thomas and Rubin seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked if there was any more discussion. Director Fortner asked, "Just for a point of clarification, the City was going to install the line and the meter up to the property line and then the IDA was going to have a plumber or someone to connect it from that meter to their tanks so we would not be connected with that directly, but supplying a fitting there for them to start from. It will take about three to fours weeks to obtain a meter. Unless Council objects I can order that meter and have it so we can expedite it as soon as possible or wait until it is approved". --- Council agreed to wait until everything is approved before ordering the meters. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Thomas Collins Douglas Rubin None Motion carried Mr. Rennie Berry, IDA representative, expressed his appreciation to the Council on behalf of the Industrial Development Authority. - N N NW N H R FACILITATE DEVELOPMENT OF A STREET Councilman Thomas suggested the Council table the agenda item until a representative appeared before the Council. Councilman Collins made a motion to table the agenda item until the next meeting so a representative could appear before the Council. Councilmen Rubin and Thomas seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Thomas Collins Douglas Rubin --- None Motion carried 3899 86-36 AGENDA ITEM %XII - DISCUSSION AND ACTION, BY COUNCIL. ON A REOUEST TO PUT AN ANNEXATION PROPOSAL ON THE NEXT CITY ELECTION Mayor Chapman opened the floor for discussion. Councilman Rubin stated, "I don't quite understand this, is it City wide? Also annexation, the state has already gave us 50 plus 1, also there is a ~%11 pending right now which was defeated by a 6 to 3 vote last year. 'And I hear from the grape vine that it is definently going to be passed this year in Tallahassee. So you don't even have to have your footage. The public should be notified on a couple of public hearings, so I think we are coming a little too fast with this, the State law will go over it anyhow. We are going too fast with it. Mr. Davis and I went all the way to the lake on both sides getting way more than 50%. I think we should wait on it." Mr. Rucker Wilcox, Residential Contractor/majority owner of property to be annexed, addressed the Council indicating the roads and property involved in the annexation request. Councilman Rubin stated, "I'm not against annexation, Lord knows all of us have been fighting it ever since it started. Besides we would love to get what the City is trying to- do. I think we have a little litigation there if you would ask our attorney. We can't put this on the ballot and hope they vote for it. I think that if sOmeone who owns it gets 50% of those 6 owners there, you get 3 names you've got it made. I'm afraid to do this beyond that because you will be violating the state law. Isn't that right Mr. Attorney?" Attorney Bryant, "That's incorrect Mr. Rubin. I think you have a number of misconceptions about the laws of annexation. The first one is what was before the legislature and that has nothing to do with this situation right here. We have discussed this in a previous meeting. That bill was specifically for the purpose of allowing municipalities to annex properties that were bordered by waterways. That bill has nothing to do with this situation. The COuncil could put on a ballot a referendum for annexation of this property if the Council adopted an ordinance for that fact. After we have the necessary public hearing to adopt the ordinance, if it is adopted, it will be placed on the ballot." Following discussion by Council, Councilman Douglas made a motion for the attorney to draft the necessary ordinance placing the annexation issue on the ballot. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Yeas Thomas Collins Douglas Rubin None Motion carried MEETING RECESSED AT 3:15 P.M. MEETING RECONVENED AT 3:30 P.M. 86-29 CONTINUATION OF AGENDA ITEM %VII - DISCUSSION AND ACTION BY COUNCIL TQ APPROVE A PROPOSAL BY BROOME. VAN OSTRAN AND ASSOCIATES FOR INSPECTION~ AND RELATED SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE S.E. 8TH AVENUE BRID~ , Administrative Assistant Davis stated that Engineer Broome had reduced the amount of the engineering services from $4,000. to $3,500. Councilman Collins made a motion to approve the payment of $3,500. to Broome, Van Ostran and Associates for engineering services for the construction of the SE 8th Avenue bridge. Councilman Rubin seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Thomas Collins Rubin None Motion carried 3900 HAY 0 6 1986 86-5 AGENDA ITEM %XIII - ACTION, BY COUNCIL, ON THE FOLLOWING ALLEY CLO$INC APPLICATIONS: APPLICATION NO. 4 - MR. STEVE PORTER, BLOCK 34, FIRST ADDITION TQ Councilmembers stated that Jack Butler's signature was not on the application.. Attorney Bryant explained the procedures as set forth in the resolution as follows: the application shall have the written consent of all owners of property adjoining the alley, street, or road inVolved, unless all such owners join in the application. Council discussed whether it was the intent of the resolution to include all property owners signatures within the entire block or just the property owners of the portion of the alley to be closed. Attorney Bryant stated that the resolution was intended to have all property owners signatures within the entire block. After futher discussion, Councilman Collins made a motion to table the agenda item until the next meeting so all signatures could be obtained. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Thomas Collins Chapman Rubin Motion carried APPLICATION NO 5: MY SYED ABDULLAH. BLOCK 3. NORTHEAST SECTION Councilmembers discussed the request stating all property owners within the block had not signed the application. Councilman Thomas made a motion to table the request until the next meeting. Councilman Collins seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Thomas Collins Chapman Rubin Motion carried AGENDA ITEM ~XIV - PUBLIC HEARING AND FINAL READING OF AN ORDINANCE TQ CLOSE THE'ALLEY IN BLOCKS 112 AND 113; PROVIDING A UTILITY EASEMENT Councilman Collins made a motion to read the ordinance by title only. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Yeas Thomas Collins Chapman Rubin Motion carried Attorney Bryant read the title as follows: AN ORDINANCE CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING THE ALLEY OR ALLEYWAY LOCATED IN BLOCKS 112 AND 113, CITY OF OKEECHOBEE; PROVIDING FOR CONDITIONS FOR THE CLOSING, VACTING AND ABANDONMENT OF THE ALLEY OR ALLEYWAY LOCATED IN BLOCK 113, CITY OF OKEECHOBEE PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' "' I 7 11 3901 Following discussion, Councilman Thomas made a motion to adopt the ordinance. Councilman Collins seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Thomas Collins Chapman Nays Ru~in Motion carried 86-9 AGENDA ITEM {XV - DISCUSSION AND ACTION, BY COUNCIL, TO APPROVE AN EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF LARGER PUMPS FOR USE AT THE WATER TREATMENT PLANT Director Fortner requested the Council approve the emergency purchse of two pumps for the pumping station at the lake, and one additional pump at the treatment plant. These pumps are used to move the water to the treatment plant for processing. The dry conditions in the area have caused an increased water demand for residential users. The installation of the pumps at the pumping station and at the treatment plant, along with the engineering fees and other charges will cost between $35,000. and $40,000. Councilmembers discussed the request. Director Fortner stated it would take several weeks to go through the bidding process to purchase the pumps and he felt the City should not wait that long to have the pumps in working order due to the circumstances. Councilman Thomas made a motion to give Director Fortner the authority to consult with engineers and purchase the pumps required to take care of the City's water situationi Councilman Collins seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for discussion. Attorney Bryant stated that it should state in the motion that the Council deems this to be an emergency situation and the pumps would be purchased bypassing the bidding process. Councilman Thomas withdrew his motion. Councilman Collins withdrew his second. Councilman Collins made a motion that the Council deems this situation an emergency on the recommendation of Director of Public Utilities and the Fire Chief, and have the required pumps purchased without going thru the bidding process. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Thomas Collins Chapman Rubin Motion carried Director Fortner asked if a motion was needed stating which line item the funds were to be expended from. Councilman Thomas made a motion for the funds to be removed from the system capacity charges line item. Councilman Collins seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Yeas Thomas Collins Chapman Rubin Motion carried AGENDA ITEM ~XVI - DISCUSSION AND ACTION, BY COUNCIL, TO CHANGE THE CITY ELECTION OUALIFYING TIME TO CORRESPOND WITH THE COUNTY - NOON JULY 14, UNTIL NOON JULY 18 3902 HAY 0 6 1986 Clerk Thomas read the election calendar to Council as follows: 1986 ELECTION CALENDAR 86-37 I. Mayor's ProclamatiQB: (For Nov. 4th Election) ............. October 1, 1986 > Charter = at least 30 days prior to election. (Council meeting Sept. 15, Proclamation to be published Oct. 1 paper) II. City Registration Books Clo~e (For Nov. 4th Election) ...... October 6, 1986 > 30 days before election (if 30th days falls on Sunday - go to Monday) iii. a) Candidates may appoint a campaign treasurer and designate a campaign depository at any time once this information is filed with the City's Supervisor of Elections, a candidate may begin actively campaigning. Note: You may not accept any contributions or make any expenditures, or authorize another to do so on your behalf until you have appointed a campaign treasurer and designated a primary campaign depository and filed this information with this filing officer - City Clerk. b) Candidate Oualifyina dates From noon Monday, Oct.6, 1986 >Charter - not more than 30 days to noon Friday, Oct. 10, 1986 prior to election nor less than 15 days (5 days) before the election --~ c) Candidate Oualifvina fe~ .......................................... $50.00 d) Reporting Dates BEFORE Qualifying Candidates submit reports to City Clerk, City Election Supervisor. Reports shall be filed on-the 10th day ~]~ the end of each ~ ~L~TJ~ from the time the campaign treasurer is appointed. e) Ouarterlv Reports for 1986 ~l~ Coverina Period January 10 October 1 - December 31 April 10 January 1 - March 31 July 10 April 1 - June 30 October 10 July 1 - September 30 f) Reporting Dates AFTER Qualifying General Election ~ Coverin~ Period October 17 September 26 - October 10 October 31 October 11 - October 30 * No contributions 5 days before election (Last day for contributions October 30). **Each candidate shall within 90 days after having become unopposed, withdrawn his candidacy, been -~ eliminated or elected to office, dispose of funds in his campaign account and file a final report. February 2, 1987 - ~ to file 90 day after General Election Final Report 3903 HAY 0 6 1986 Following discussion, Councilman Thomas made a motion to adopt the election calendar for qualifying and election of 1986. Councilman Collins seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for discussion. Councilman Rubin stated that he felt the City was doing wrong by not having all election dates, etc. coincide with the County's dates. Thomas Collins · Chapman Rubin Motion carried AGENDA ITEM %XVII - MAYOR TO CALL ON ANYONE IN THE AUDIENCE WISHING TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL Mr. Charles Brian and Ms. Laverne Liford, United Telephone System representatives, introduced themselves to the Council explaining their plans to organize community relations teams involved in non-profit organization fund raising projects in Okeechobee in the near future. They asked the Council to keep them in mind in case someone addressed the Council requesting funds to paint homes for the elderly, historical society, or any 'needs that are not being met, they would be interested in helping. AGENDA ITEM #XVIII - MAYOR TO CALL ON THE CITY CLERK. CITY ATTORNEY. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL FOR REPORTS AND/O~ ~. Clerk Thoma~ discussed with Council the date for the Budget workshops to be held. Council tentatively agreed on July 8th, 9th, 10th and 14th. 86-38 ~b)Cit¥ AttorHe¥ stated that he had an ordinance drafted, at the request of the Code Enforcement Officer, concerning the consumption of alcoholic beverage on premises for those establishments which operate under a valid City Occupational license for the operation of a restaurant. Councilman Thomas made a motion to have the ordinance read by title only. Councilman Collins seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Yeas Thomas Collins Rubin None Motion carried Attorney Bryant read the title as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3, SECTION 3-3 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; WHICH SECTION RESTRICTS THE LOCATION OF BUSINESSES ENGAGED IN THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; PROVIDING FOR EXEMPTION FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 3-3 FOR THOSE ESTABLISHMENTS SELLING WINE FOR CONSUMPTION OFF PREMISES ONLY; PROVIDING FOR EXEMPTION FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 3-3 FOR THOSE ESTABLISHMENTS OPERATING NDER A VALID CITY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE FOR OPERATION OF A RESTAURANT AND WHICH SELL MALT BEVERAGES AND WINE FOR CONSUMPTIONON THE PREMISES ONLY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilman Collins made a motion to advertise the ordinance for public hearing .on May 20, 1986. Councilman Rubin seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Yea~ Thomas Collins Rubin Navy None Motion carried 3904 b.[~ Attorney BrV~nt stated the committee (as selected by Council) recommends the City purchase a health insurance premium for Mr. Olen Godwin. He' stated the City could adopt a special resolution to take care of the City paying, the insurance premium. Council agreed they would pay the premium for insurance coverage, only the amount to be paid needed to be decided. Following discussion, Councilman Collins made a motion for the attorney to draw up a resolution stating the City would pay $47.50 per month, not to exceed $60.00 per month for health insurance for Olen Godwin. Councilman Rubin seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Yeas Thomas Collins Rubin Nays None Motion carried C Administrative Assistant Davis asked the Council'what they wished to do concerning the light on the water tower. Councilman Thomas made a motion to purchase the lights for the water tower. Councilman Rubin seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for discussion. Councilman Collins stated that he felt it would be a waste of time and money to have the lights put on the water tower before it was painted. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Thomas Rubin Chapman Collins Motion carried ~ Councilman Collins stated that he did not understand the water and sewer availability charges to mean that customers would have to pay a monthly fee even if the water had been disconnected. If you were not using the water why should you have to pay. Council discussed the availability fees, and agreed that Director Fortner figure out what it takes for the system to work without the availability fee charges. ~ Councilman Collin~ stated he had received several complaints on the deposit upgrades. Councilmembers, Director Fortner and Attorney Bryant discussed the situation. Following discussion, Councilman Collins made a motion to table the discussion until the next meeting. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Thomas Rubin Collins None Motion carried ~ Councilman Rubin stated,"I hate to say the words that I am going to say now, but. I am forced to. Sometime in February an order was given to pave two streets by one of our Councilmen. Without it coming before this Council, without the bidding of the state of more than $3,500. Then there was trouble gallore and here I've got copies of letters, one is to Milton Davis, City of Okeechobee, notice that Jessie Joiner has a claim for amounts due. Well I don't know anything about paying this money. It did not come back to this Council. One check was made out for $20,800., 4-25-86. On 4-29-86 another check made out for $7,400. That comes to $28,200. I am against this so much and on tape, on tape, none of these Councilmen knew anything about it, of course they said that and under 3905 - · ..................... PlAY 0 6 1986 oath, except one. That was Mr. Collins, on tape he said he has the OK from ~wo attorneys that's good by him. On tape, Joiner was here, and he said that he took orders from Mr. Collins. I went down to the street sites and I was told there was already a contract. Yes we will pay him, the man did his work, but he was paved very shoddy. Also, it was taken out of the paving fund money, you've been jockeying around here for the last five months. The public is talking, phone calls, everything is being made over this whole thing. I've got no alternative right now, since Mr. Collins gave the order to do it on tape, but ask Mr. Collins to step down until this matter is settled, and it is not settled, I guarantee you it is in litigation. I make that in the form of a motion." Mayor Chapman stated, "You have heard the motion by Councilman Rubin'. Attorney Bryant stated the motion was out of order. The motion as stated was just a personal request. If the motion is to have Councilman Collins expelled from the Council for misconduct, that would be a different motion. Councilman Collins stated, 'May I say a few words, since I-am the one being accused. To start with I didn't say that I had the OK from two attorneys. I said I talked to one attorney and he called Mr. Bull which is a vast difference. Then he gave us what Mr. Bull had told him. And the second thing that Mr. Rubin that Sam said he was taking orders from me and it is on tape, Well, to start with - that is a lie. And anybody that says that I gave Sam the order to go to work on that road is telling a lie, whether it be Mr. Rubin or whoever. I could care less. Now I will have Mr. Joiner here at the next meeting and find out who he took his orders from, I will be happy to do that, But anybody that says I told Sam.to go to work or not to go to work is telling a lie. He was already working on that road when all of this came up and he went back over there and back to work. But I have not told him to work or not to work, to go home or not to go home or nothing else. The other deal that we talked about, I repeated and I asked Jerry what the situation was and Sam was with me at Jerry's office. Now previous to this, Mr. Rubin has said that I said that I talked to two attorneys, that is a lie. I didn't say that, I said that I talked to Jerry and Jerry called Mr. Bull. Now that is the truth. He also said that I had admitted that I carried Mr. Joiner and we went to my house and discussed it. That is a lie. We went to Mr. Bryant's office and discussed it. I would just like for people to know part of what did happen instead of just what Andy says happened." Councilman Rubin, "The tape says it." Councilman Collins, "No the tape does not say it, that is a lie". Mayor Chapman asked if there was any further discussion on the matter if not move on to the next item for discussion. n .~l Mavor Chapman asked the Council about the new sprinklers being stalle~ in the band stand park. Councilman Collins made a motion to approve the sprinkler system in the band stand park. Councilman Rubin seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Thomas Rubin Collins None Motion carried ~Z~Mavor Chapman stated the County Commissioners might be interested in purchasing the City's 154 acres. Councilmembers agreed to negotiate with the County Commissioners. l~k2 Director Fortner requested Council's approval for a 650 ft. water extension on S.W. 4th Avenue and 9th Street. Councilman Collins made a motion to approve the water line extension, Councilman Thomas seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Yeas Thomas Rubin Collins None 3906 ~.~.Director Fortner stated he had received the termination contract for M & M and Taddie Construction Company, and requested Council's approval for the Mayor to sign the Notice of Termination. Councilman Rubin made a motion authorizing the Mayor's signature on the Notice of Termination for M & M and Taddie Construction. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion. Mayor Chapman asked fora vote on the motion. Yea~ Thomas Rubin Collins None Motion carried h.~Director Fortner stated that he had received Steve Figley's, Asst. Director of Public Utilities, verbal resignation to be effective June 14th, 1986. AGE~A ITEM #XIX - ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 6:36 P.M. ~YOR OAKLA~ R.'C~F~PMAN ATTEST: BONNIE S. THO~S, CMC CITY CLERK