Assignment Agreement-Hobson & Doyle to Carr, Riggs & Ingram 2011.11.16 India Riedel
From: Debbie A. Goode <dgoode @HOYMAN.COM>
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 8:47 AM
To: India Riedel
Subject: Assignment agreement
Attachments: 2011-Okeechobee Assignment Agreement.pdf
Hi India,
Attached is the assignment agreement for purchasing department to assign contract to CRI from HD. There is nothing
else you all need to do or sign. Please call me if you have any questions.
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Deborah Bradley Goode, CPA
Carr, Riggs & Ingram LLC
My Office Our Orlando Office
215 Baytree Drive 1031 W.Morse Blvd.Suite 200
Melbourne,FL 32940 Orlando,FL 32789
Phone:321.255.0088 Phone:407.422.1681
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Ti US ASSR.iNN1EN . dated this 16th da■,,,. of November. 2011, is hereby given
by HOYMAN DOBSON. whose address is 215 Ravtrce Drive, Melbourne. FL
3294() (the Assignor). to CARR. RIGGS & INGRAM. I.LC whose address is
1117 Boll Weevil Circle. knterprise, Alabama. 36330 (the Assignee),
WIERI-AS, Assignor desires to assign. and transfer. to the Assignee, all of the
Assignor's rights. title. and all interest and obligations under the audit contract
dated July 8, 2010, executed between Assignor and the City of Okeechobee in.
to. and under the agreement terms and conditions as stated below:
(I ) Assignment. Assignor hereby assigns and transfers to Assignee. all of
its rights. interest and obligations of the above referenced contract. a
copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference.
(2) The Assignee shall have no recourse against the Assignor.
(3) Assignee hereby accepts all rights, interest and obligations herein
IN WITNNSS WIIEREOF. the Assignor and the Assignee have caused this
Assignment to be duly executed as of the date listed above.
of, g, -46
Sitmature Signature
Deborah A. Goode Deborah A. Goode
Print N ame Prim Name
Director Partner
Title title
Date: November 16. 2011 Date: November 16, 2011