1987-11-17 Regular Meeting 4117 REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1987 A. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 2:00 P.M. B. INVOCATION ~ND PLEDGE QF ALLEGIANCE The Invocation was offered by Reverend D. Ross Denslow of the First United Methodist Church followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. C. MAYOR AND COUNCIL ATTENDANCE: Mayor Oakland R. Chapman Present Councilman Nick Collins Present Councilman Andy Rubin Present Councilman Oscar Thomas Present Councilman Dowling Watford Present STAFF ATTENDANCE: City Attorney Bryant Present City Administrator Drago Present City Clerk Thomas Present Deputy Clerk Williams Present D.Motion to dispense with reading and approve the Summary of Council Action for the regular meeting of November 3, 1987 Motion by Councilman Collins, seconded by Councilman Thomas. Councilman Watford noted there was one correction to be made in the minutes; the motion approving the agreement by Councilman Watford seconded by Councilman Rubin was left out under new business item #1. Vote on the motion to approve the minutes as amended Councilmen Collins, Thomas, Rubin and Watford - yea. Motion carried. E. REOUEST FOR THE ADDITION. DEFERRAL OR WITHDRAWAL OF ITEMS QN TODAY'S AGENDA. There were no additions, deferrals or withdrawal of items. F. Old Business: 1.Motion to approve a con~r~ between the City and the Humane Society for animal control c0n~r~ct s~rvices Motion by Councilman Collins to remove the item from the table, seconded by Councilman Rubin. Vote - Councilmen Collins, Rubin, Watford and Thomas - yea. Motion carried. Attorney Bryant explained the Council only had to amend the motion made at the last Council meeting to include the change of contract price. Councilman Watford made a motion to amend the original motion to change the amount of the contract price in paragraph 4, seconded by Councilman Rubin. Vote on motion to amend - Councilmen Watford, Rubin, Collins and Thomas - yea. Motion carried. G. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Motion to approve a partial pay reauest of $10.483.05 to Rock-A-Way for ~h~ interceptor Motion by Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilmen Watford and Rubin. Vote - Councilmen Thomas, Watford, Rubin and Collins - yea. Motion carried. 2. Motion to approve a contract between the City ~Bd Central Florida ReGional Planning Council in th9 amount of $~0,33~. for data collection phase of the comDrehensiv9 plan Motion by Councilman Rubin, seconded by Councilman Collins for discussion. Council discussed the contract briefly. Vote - Councilmen Rubin, Collins, Watford and Thomas - yea. Motion carried. ~ ~r~-~ physical change would .... ~xr ~n~rd~f~Or the Director of Public Utilities to have full control OVer the department. Councilman Rubin made a motion to table the matter. being no second the motion died. There Councilman Watford asked Clerk Thomas and Public Utilities Director Fortner to express their feelin~ ~ Foll~w~ ~ .... ~___ ~ ___ 4118 NOV 17 1987 3. Motion to award the City'~ health insurance policy to Principal Financial Group, effective December 1. 1987 Motion by Councilman Thomas, seconded by Councilman Collins for discussion. Councilmembers discussed the amount of insurance coverage and premiums, when the bid specifications were submitted. Vote - Councilmen Thomas, Collins and Rubin - yea. Councilman Watford - nay. Motion carried. 4. Consider utilitizina the services of an engineer to ~ddr~$~ the drainaae problem on Mrs. Betty white's property Administrator Drago explained the City requested proposals from six local engineers to analyze the drainage problem, two proposals were submitted in time for the public bid opening. After the video to be shown by Director Elders Council will be asked to give directions on how they wish to proceed in order to correct the drainage problem. Public Works Director, Chuck Elders, showed a video of Mrs. White's property during the recent heavy rains caused by Hurricane Floyd. Mrs. White discussed the drainage situation with Council members. Councilman Thomas asked Director Elders what the Department of Transportation Engineers recommended. Director Elders explained they recommended a box type structure where the culverts are joined together with additional flap valves to be installed. The cost would be approximately $500. Following discussion concerning the City hiring an engineer or trying the recommendation of the Department of Transportation Engineers, Councilman Collins made a motion that the City act on the advice of the three engineers from the Department of Transportation to solve the drainage problem, seconded by Councilman Thomas. Vote - Councilmen Collins, Thomas, Watford and Rubin - yea. Motion carried. Mrs. Eva Mae Williams Hazelli~f addressed Council concerning letters she had been receiving from the City Code Enforcement Board on lots to be mowed. She explained that she was not the property owner. Council members discussed the matter and asked Fire Chief Tomey take Mrs. Hazellief to the Code Enforcement Office to try and rectify the problem. 5. Discuss the ProPosed annexation pla~ for 441 South Councilmembers discussed the proposed annexation plan for 441 South presented by Administrator Drago. Following discussion Council agreed they would like to have some time to study over the information presented before making a decision. 6. Updates of items of interest to the City by County Commissioner Williamson Nothing at this time. ~. COUNCIL REPORTS AND/QR REQUESTS: ~Nlltem Councilman Thomas 1. Commented on the notices sent out by the Code Enforcement board, stating he felt the Council should be aware of the notices to be mailed.out on Code violations. After discussing the matter with Councilman Thomas, Attorney Bryant stated the Code Enforcement could submit an agenda to the Council for their information. Mayor Chapman asked the Administrator to see that the Council receives a copy of the agenda and minutes of the Code Board. Item 2. Stated he also wanted to be kept aware of the delinquent water accounts. Item 3. Stated he also wanted to know new employees hired by the City. 4119 NOV 17 Item 1, Recommended that County Commissioner Williamson see if the Chairman of the City/County Planning and Zoning Board could be included in the Site Review Board Committee, because he would look at the situation from a different perspective than the other Committee members. Commissioner Williamson stated he would look into it. Item 2. Asked the City Attorney if the City could regulate the bumper stickers as discussed in the last Council meeting. Attorney Bryant explained that he had researched it, but he did not believe that they could be controlled at this time, the enforcement of it could be a real problem. > Councilman Rubin Item 1. Complimented the Police Department on solving the recent robbery cases in the City. Item 2. Thanked Public Works Director Elders for doing a good job around the City on various problem areas. Item 3. Agreed with Councilman Thomas' feelings of the Council being made aware of everything going on with the City. Item 4. Complimented Administrator Drago on hiring the new Code Enforcement Officer, but stated the Council should be able to meet him, the same as with all other new employees hired. Item 5. Stated the City should continue on with the annexation project. Councilman ColliNs Item 1. Commented on apptitude tests being given for positions open in the City, the ~local residents should be hired over the outsiders if their scores were only a few points different. Item 2. Thanked Public Works Director Elders for the drainage work completed. Item 3. Stated the Council deserves the right to be made aware of certain situations involving the City, such as the letter received from the Humane Society cancelling the City's contract, before the newspaper does. Item 4. Discussed the Water/Sewer financial condition stating something must be done. He stated that he wanted to hear from each Councilman on their feelings concerning the problem. Each Councilman stated their feelings. Following discussion, Councilman Collins made the following motion: that the Water and Sewer department (Public Utilities Department) be put under L.C. the water the whole shabang, be put under L.C.'s department, that includes the billing, the meter reading the whole shooting match. Motion was seconded by Councilman Watford. Discussion - Councilman Rubin stated he did not feel the Council should take any action on this now - they should have time to look into the situation further before making any decision, and then asked the Administrator to comment on the matter. Administrator Drago stated that in most municipalities, the Utility Director is responsible for all Water/Sewer billings and collections and in this case he did not have any problem with the Public Utilities Director being responsible for everything involving the Water/Sewer Department. Councilmembers discussed the fact that a physical change would be required in order for the Director of Public Utilities to have full control over the department. Councilman Rubin made a motion to table the matter. There being no second the motion died. Councilman Watford asked Clerk Thomas and Public Utilities Director Fortner to express their feelings on the proposed change. Following further discussion, Mayor Chapman asked for a vote on the motion. Vote - Councilmen Collins, Watford, and Thomas - yea. Councilman Rubin stated he would not vote at this time. Mayor Chapman voted - yea. Attorney Bryant explained that by Councilman Rubin not voting it would be considered a no vote. Councilman Thomas asked for a roll call vote to be taken: Councilman Collins - yea, Councilman Watford - yea, Councilman Thomas - yea, Mayor Chapman - yea, Councilman Rubin - nay. Motion carried. Mayor Chapman Nothing at this time. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 P M. .... -~ ATTEST: BONNIE S. THOMAS, CMC CITY CLERK