1990-06-05 Regular MeetingCity of Okeechobee JuJE ne 5, 99 10�OOIPGM. SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTION COUNCILMEMBERS/ACTION VOTE yES NWO A M A. Call meeting to order. Mayor Chapman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. B. Invocation offered by Pastor Tim Shaw; Invocation by Councilman Kirk (Pastor Shaw was absent); Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Chapman. Mayor Chapman led the Pledge of Allegiance. C. Mayor and Council attendance: Mayor Oakland R. Chapman Present X Councilman R.R. "Nick" Collins Present X Councilman James "Jim" Kirk Present X Councilman Oscar Thomas Present X Councilman Dowling R. Watford, Junior Present X Staff attendance: City Attorney John R. Cook Present X City Administrator John J. Drago Present h City Clerk Ecnnie S. Thomas Present X City Deputy Clerk S. Lane Earnest Absent D. Motion to lisp rise with reading and approve the Councilman Watford made a motion to dispense with reading and Summary of Council Action for the regular meeting approve the Summary of Council Action as amended for the reg- of May 15, 1990. ular meeting of May 15, 1990; seconded by Councilman Thomas. Chapman lx Collins X Kirk X Thomas X Watford X Motion Carried. JUNE 5, 1990 -- PAGE 2 OF 7 COUNCILMEMBERS/ACTION VOTE YES NO c PEQUEST FOR THE ADDITION, DEFERRAL OR WITHDRAWAL OF ayor Chapman introduced Boy Scout Christopher Rodriguez, further ENS ON TODAY'S AGENDA. tating Chris is seeking a Communication Merit Badge and is re- uired to attend a civic meeting such as the City Council in or- er to gain the badge. Council congratulated and welcomed Scout odriguez and gave him an agenda of the meeting. E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Presentation of an Earth Day donation and recycling Presentation of a check in the amount of $945.00 was made to the check by L.P. Sanitation - Mr. Jeff Sabin. City by Pat Yancy, representing L.P. Sanitation. Mr. Yancy stated he wished to present the check on behalf of L.P. Sanitation, the City residents and the County people who participate in the recy- cling program right here at the building. Recycling is becoming such an important part of not only the hauling portion but in sav- ing landfill space and with the problems that we are having, pre- sently in Okeechobee with landfill and all over the State, the participation we have had here in town has been fabulous, hope- fully we can continue to do the same and can continue to bring you some more checks. Mayor Chapman thanked Mr. Yancy and asked what the total amount received was so far and is it used for our beautification. Administrator Drago stated "yes, but he did not recall the dollar amount, but it is close to 900,000 pounds of newspapers". Coun- cilman Watford thanked L.P. Sanitation for providing the service to the City and County residents. 2. Motion to appoint Pat Carroll as a regular admin- Councilman Collins made a motion to appoint Pat Carroll as a reg- istrative secretary, Terisa Suarez as a regular ular administrative secretary, Terisa Suarez as a regular records records clerk and David Wilbur as a regular police clerk and David Wilbur as a regular police officer; seconded by officer - Police Chief. by Councilman Thomas. Chapman X Collins X Kirk X Thomas X Watford X Motion Carried. 7uno 5. 1990 -- PAGF 3 OF 7 COUNC I LMFMBERS/ACT ION VO1T yFs NOAF�SEtiR E. NEW BDSINESS CONTINUED . 3. Motion to appoint Mr. Mariano Corona and Mr. Aubrey Councilman Kirk made a motion to appoint Mr. Mariano Corona and Hand as new firefighters - Fire Chief. Mr. Aubrey Hand as new firefighters; seconded by Councilman Watford. Fire Chief Tomey introduced Mr. Corona and Mr. Hand and their wives to the Council, stating they were local residents. Chapman X Collins X Kirk X Thomas X Watford X Motion Carried. -74. Motion to approve an interlocal agreement between Councilman Collins made a motion to approve an interlocal agree - the City and County for shared proceeds of the loca ment between the City and County for shared proceeds of the local option gas tax - City Administrator (Exhibit 1). option gas tax; seconded by Councilman Kirk. Councilman Watford stated the agreement expires 5-31-91 and asked is this the same formula we have had? (City share of proceeds - 22.96% and County share of proceeds - 77.04%) Administrator Drago stated the share of proceeds have increased for the City, last year it was 21.83%. It is based on the last five years of transportation expenditures. It went up because we spent more on transportation expenditures than the County on a percentage basis. _ Chapman X Collins X Kirk X Thomas X Watford X Motion Carried. JUNE 5, 1990 PAGE 4 OF 7 E. NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED . Discuss a drainage problem located at the 400 block of N.W. 9th Avenue - Director of Public Works (Exhibit 2). Update of items of interest to the City by County Commissioner Jack Williamson. F. COUNCIL REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS: 1. Councilman Collins: 2. City Attorney Cook: 3. Councilman Watford: COUNCILMEMBERS/ACTION fter discussion by staff and Council, Councilman Thomas moved hat the City go ahead and have Director Elders get contract bids n this and proceed with it (correction of the drainage problem in the 400 block of Northwest 9th Avenue); seconded by Councilman Kirk. Chapman Collins Kirk Thomas Watford Motion Carried. iCouncilman Watford added this is to keep the existing culvert and put a new steel one beside it. Commissioner Williamson was absent. a) Canal Problems: Councilman Collins informed the Council of citizen complaints concerning the canals in Okeechobee Estates due to the low level of water. Council instructed City Clerk Thomas to determine the ownership of the canals and report back to the Council at the next meeting. City Attorney announced he attended a Seminar in St. Augustine re- lative to EPA and Solid Waste. a) Solid Waste Committee Status: Councilman Watford asked what the status was on the Solid Waste Committee. Councilman Collins stated a meeting will be held Wednesday June 6th at 2:00 P.M. to name the fifth member and choose the Chairman of the Committee. YES �V VOTE JUNE 5, 1990 -- PAGE 5 OF 7 COUNCJL UPORTS.AND/OR REQUEST CONTINUED . . . 4. Administrator Drago: COUNCILMEMBERS/ACTION b) Clark, Abney, Attaway right -of -Way Status: Councilman Watford requested an update. Attorney Cook received a proposed descrip- tion for an ordinance today from Attorney Cassels indicating the legal description of the street and the easement that we propose to resolve it. It should be on the agenda for the next Council meeting. c) Railroad Crossings Repair: Councilman Watford stated the rail road crossing heading South on 441 was now in his opinion a safety factor. Attorney Cook was instructed to write a letter to the State Road Department (D.O.T.) telling them the crossing is in ur- gent need of repairs. d) Employee Handbook Status: Councilman Watford asked the status of the employee handbook. Administrator Drago stated he has re- ceived most of the information from the Department Heads on it and has done draft work but has nothing concrete yet. !Request was made by Councilman Watford for a rough draft to be put together for the City Attorney and City Staff to look over and get together on before sending it to the labor attorney to look at. Administrator Drago acknowledged the request and Council agreed. DER Consent Order - Deficiencies in the Water System: Administra- tor Drago asked Council permission to use one of the engineers to go down with the City representatives to talk over with DER some of the specifics as far as the deficiencies of the water system and some of the options that the consent order has in it relating to the ground water verses the surface water. Specifically some of the rules and regulations they put in. VOTE JUNE 5, 1990 -- PAGE 6 OF 7 COUNCILMEMBERS/ACTION VOTE YES NO AggNT F. COUNCIL REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS CONTINUED . . . �. Continued .. Councilman Thomas made a motion to authorize Administrator Drago Public Utilities Director Fortner, Engineer Bill Reese and Coun- cilman Collins to attend that meeting (with DER as requested by Administrator Drago); seconded by Councilman Kirk. Chapman X Collins X Kirk X Thomas X Watford X Motion Carried. 5. Mayor Chapman: a) Mayor Chapman asked Administrator Drago for an update on the Taddie situation. Councilman Thomas commented - my neighbors are asking when are we going to hook up to the sewer service. Administrator Drago stated ` if the engineer develops the plans and specifications and has them ready by July, and puts them out to bid, we are looking at about eight or nine months. March or April of 1991. b) Median Landscaping Appearance - DOT; Mayor Chapman asked about the beautification of the medians in the City. Administrator Drag stated the medians belong to the State. They do not have the fund to put into beautification of the medians but if the City wants it done, the City may do it. If the State would approve a beautifi- cation grant and a landscaping plan it could be done by the City. We have applied for grants a couple of times but we were turned down. c) Water Tank Painting: Mayor Chapman asked for the status of the water tank painting. Administrator Drago informed the Coun- cil the specifications should be done by the end of this week or the beginning of next week. d) Sprinklers in Parks: Mayor Chapman asked about the sprinkler system in the last two parks. Administrator Drago stated Director Elders has the equipment but it has not been installed. JUNE 5, 1990 PAGE 7 OF 7 E. COUNCIL REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS CONTINUED . . . 5. Continued . . .. 1. Continued . . .. ADJOURNMENT 1 .) a-0 Mayor Chapman: iL-`'; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IF ANY PERSON SHOULD DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE AT THIS MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, SUCH PERSON WILL NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. A COPY OF THE RECORDING CAN BE OBTAINED IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. _1 Oakland R. Chapma , Mayor Attest: Bonnie S. Thomas, City Clerk, CMIP COUNCILMFMBFRS/ACTION e) Canal Problems: Mayor Chapman asked what was to be done about the canals in Okeechobee Estates. Administrator Drago answered we are trying to find out who owns the canals. The City Clerk will have information on ownership of the canals in Okeecho- bee'Estates for the Council at it next meeting. b) Solid Waste Interlocal Agreement Councilman Collins asked if it was close to being finished? Attorney Cook stated he thought it was. Mayor Chapman adjourned the meeting at 7:50 P.M. PL47 VOTE