1990-03-20 Regular MeetingA. C. ') . oKEF� CITY OF OKEECHOBEE V. m CITY COUNCIL MEETING A "arch 2" 199('' ZOR%O tii1MMARY nP C, ),ITNCTT. ACTION VOTE COUNCIU-0MERS/ACTION yES I NO ABSENT Call Meeting to Order. ``ayor Chapman called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.Pi 1 Invocation offered by Pastor John rlyers; Pastor John '-Myers; Pledge of Allegiance led by r-layor Chapman. 71ayor Chapman. savor anO Council attendance: 'Mayor Oakland Chapman fires 'Zt Councilman Nick Collins Present Councilman Jim Nirk- Absent ` Councilman Oscar Thomas Present Councilman Dowling Watford Present Staff attendance: City Attorney Cook Present City Administrator Drago Dresent City Clerk Thomas present Deputy Clerk Earnest Present 1; 'lotion to dispense ,.7ith reading and approve the Summary of CouncilrlMrl Collins made a :notion to ji.s-pense With Council Action for the regular neetinn of 'larch y, 1990. reaclinc anu approve the Sumriary of Council Action for the regular meeting of i?arch , 1990; second by Col icilman Tomas. C Colli I) ��rri J ,March 20, 1990 page two COUNCI MEMBERS/ACTION VOTE = ABSENT YES NO ?. "jotion to approve ,.arrant registers for F--bruary, 1.090. Councilman '7attord made a motion to af)�)rove tne ,7ar- mono rant registers for February, 1990 (General Fund General Fund . . . . . . . . . . . $7,1,,=40.�-3 $74,940.43 and Public Utilities �79,310.51); second Public Utilities . . . . . . . . by Councilman Thomas. i Chapman Collins I;irk X Thomas { uatford "lotion Carried. REQUEST FOR ADDITION DEFc P7ZAL OR 'Ir,TT-)7AT7�`iL OF I r)" TODAY � F _ , Administrator c � x' ' ln ' � Pe - Ad n strator Dra,o requester_ e.,ni"lt five ..��olu tion number 90-5 renumbered to 90-5 ar;* 'e; I urines, item five be withdra-,en. 'Iayor Chapman adc ej an iterl under New 3usiness to be placed )efore number one. Councilman Collins requested items under Jew Business be added 1) discussion of the -Zeclaimed '-later Project and 2) Arbitration discussion. F. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING FOR ORDINANCE ADOPTION Ia. ,lotion to read by title only Ordinance 525 vacating Councilman I-Iatford made a motion to rear' by title o y a portion of I?.E. 5th rvenue - City 1\11L-torney (Exhibit Ordinance 625 vacating a portion of 115e .E. th ^venu; 1)• second by Councilman Collins. Chapman Collins Kirk X Thomas I?atford ," Lotion Carried. Attorney Cool: read Ordinance 1525 >>y title only: ORDIIIA ICr OF '.' 1E CI`I'._' ._ ) 11 L rr O 7T, Ci;TE, CLOS7, AND OT r' `7IS ? i�;�'iTr01 TIE, POFTIO ' O" i'I• 5TH AVEPIUE 1"Tl.'.I- ,- iI. j T'T STP �-T AND Tii;^, CS! RAILROAD RIGHT -OF -STAY, ? OVIDIT7" 1'7 7,,FFI;CTIV nvTE.' forl ,arch 20, l�_Inn page three COUNCHMEMBERS /ACTION VOTE ABSENT YES NO Councilman Collins -lade a motion to adopt Ordinance lb. Iotion to adopt nrdinE.nce 525. 625; second ')y Councilman Thonas. Chahman X Collins X Kirk Thomas Watford X Motion Carried. 2a. ;lotion to read by title only Ordinance 626 providing Councilman '?atfor J r.;ade a -notion to read by title for investment of surplus funds - City Attorney only Ordinance 625-providing for investment of sur- (rXhibit 2). plus funds; secor< i �`. COunci l (,1 r1. Thomas. Cha:�,,lar X Col i:Is Kirk X Thomas X S watford X L ?lotion Carried. Attornoy Cool; read -)rdinance 5 % _)y title only: OF "'T( CITY OI' O_;', :�ClIO !E', FLORIDA, PnOVIDI']r I'OT? `i JI I','7, S I,'1r. i,T 0117 S1JR?L?1 FUNDS OF TEE CITi' IN PE?`,.iITTET) INVEST.., '-�TI_, 7) r TO TT? C� f - •+ n n� ?71+ m rn OS7 Sn7CIFICALL` ,I-U: E T_.. _ �_A F LA',?; AND PRO- VIDI:Jr' ?. ,'=CTI I-. Attorney Cook afl e:l ":1s ,1uch as I 7,10ul.i like to take credit for this, this is sor:!2thing I t pink the City needs, it's well None andour bone+ attorney gave rie this lanivage but this is authorized by Chanter lr,' of the 71oritla Statutes". 21;. •`otion to CiolJt r_ 1;13i10E i >. Councll_i ri ',O lelt: .._ :Ot )1"i O 1.ic,:> r' 111C-11iCF !larch 20, 1990 page four COUNCIIIEMBERS/ACTION [felt VOTE ABSENT YES NO 2b. Continued 'lotion to adopt Ordinance u'26. fter much discussion Councilman `9a fiord stated ne this was not a safe way to invest funds and there was nothing wrong with the Keay we are _loins it at present. ;ywa Chapman X Collins X Kirk Thomas x Watford X Motion Carried. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING �. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Chapman called upon -Ir. Scott :,racer and .'s. Scott Fraser presentee the :ayor a cortii:icate of r i Carolyn Thomas to appear before the Council. appreciation for all his help to the Feal Life Children's Ranch. 1. Motion to approve the payment of $3 243 to the three p payment Councilman Collins made a m oo - a e motion to a< < rov� the nay =`! pension boards - City administrator (Exhibit 3). ment of $3,243 to the three pension boards; second by Councilman ��7atford. Chapman X Collins X Kirk X Thomas V Watford1; "notion Carried. �. Motion to approve a contract For resident engineering Councilman Collins na0e a notion to approve ;.; con - services between the City and Cnepper and Willard for tract for resident engineering services 'between the $45,000 - City Administrator (F:;hibit 4) City and 1:nepper and `7i1lard for $45,001.); second Icy Councilman ThomaS for ]isc�lssion. Follo :ii1- lri1C't=". '1ScUSS..:�'.7 in(:l de C;1 i�lOL iOli :_. L! t1-1' In 1_(.'.iS i tL:.. Li:" L. i l (A.L t'r l..lj` arbitration ite; i was second I..;y Counfcil:ian Thomas. :]arch 20, 1990 page five COUNCIIMEMBERS/ACTION VOTE ABSENT YES NO Chapman X 2. Continuted . . . 'Motion to approve a contract for resident engineering services between the City and Collins ; Knepper and T,Tillard for S45,000 - City Administrator Kirk ; (Exhibit 4). Thomas X Watford � X Motion Carried. 3. Motion to adopt Resolution 90-6 increasing the rags Councilman riatford made a motion to adopt Resolution for garbage and trash - City Administrator (Exhibit 90-6. "lotion died for lack of second. 5) . IDrago, After lengthy discussion including Administrator Attorney Cook, Council, Jeff Sabin (Market- ing 'tanager for L.P. Sanitation) and Commissioner 7:li11iamson. Councilman Collins stated they (L.P. Sanitation) needed to come up with better figures and he was totally against raising the garbage rates this high. J s Councilman t%latford stated he was against it but at this time there was not anything to do but raise the rates. Councilman rIatford made a motion to adopt IZeolution 90-6 with the stipulation Administrator Drago an::.7 Jeff Sabin go back over the figures to be certain they are correct; seconC, '_)y Councilman Thomas. Chapman Collins Kirk • X Thomas Watford X 'potion Carried. !4. Hear from Gerda James concerning her grater 'Dill - its. �7a::�es <��� ,eared before the Council e:.�l� � r?ii��j Director of Public UtiIit:I f' ,.'i rit: r) . to c: s:.. rry -1F had not aici ier ater 'gill i;.ce 1`1'5. �lircctor Fortner -sxplaine. the :service charges i .-i een added each month _-,ecause tit ,i7. Baa? s not ?)ai. and at ;resent ~l,>50.45 is her `)alance Tarch 20, 1990 page six COUNCILMEMBERS/ACTION VOTE ABSENT YES NO Ifter much discussion Councilman Thomas made a mo- ^. Continued . . . Hear from Cerda James concerning her water bill - Director of Public Utilities ( xhibit �). tion for !is. James to pay the cater bill without the service charges, leaving balance owed �533.03; sec- ond by Councilman Collins. 'is. James agreed to pay $100:00 a month. Councilman Wiatiord suggeste'+ an agreement be drawn up with sig- natures and penalty charges if the monthly payments are late. Council agreed. Chapi}an X Collins X T'ir; Tho�,ias <z lat 01: <, -ion Par rl.'_. 5. 77ear from Rucker '-?ilcox concerning water - '-Tr. S ry request of Administrator Drago this item was with Rucker TJilcox drain from the aaenda. 'i ecess: 3:23 1 T.T. - Reconvened: 3:38 P.,?. >. 'lotion to approve a utility agreement for t,a Stes•,iater Councilman Thor;ias made a notion to approve a utility service between the City and iIr. Charles an L rry agreement between the City and ir. Charles and Larry 7oya.l - Director of Public Utilities (Exhibit 7). royal; second by Councilman Collins. Councilman 7 atford as�edl director Fortner s.,hat the level of capacity at the )1ant was. Director Fortne reported they ;,ere still operating at half capacity. Cha;pr,ian ; Collins X T:irk Tno;las , 'aL-for" p,_ n,. r irrl"'U. riarch 20, 19,00 page seven COUNCIIrR-IBERS/ACTION louncilman VOTE ABSENT YES NO Collins made a motion to remove from 7a. 'Motion to re:m,ove from the table the utility agreement for waste T7Fiter service between the City and Mr. Ernest table the utility agreement for wastewater service Butch. between the City and "r. 7rnest ?ditch; second by Councilman Thomas. Chapman X Collins X Kirk Thomas X ti- atford X Motion Carried. 71D. 'lotion to approve a utility agreement for wastewater Council;;ian Collins made a motion to approve the service ';et°ieen the City and rlr. Ernest Slitch - utility agreement for wastewater service i0etween Director of "li0lic Utilities (Exhibit 3) . the City and 'Ir. -,rnest ''litch; second ':3y Council- man Thor;,as. t Chapman X Collins X Kirk .� Thomas X -_2 Watford X 'lotion Carried. ?. Consi`er a recjuest from Ir. Joseph Entry and rls. Councilman Thomas made a rtiotion to instruct Attorney Rren(la :ullivrin for a street closing - City Clerk Cook to draw up an ordinance for first -public hear- t' ing at the next regular meeting (April 3, 1990) for a street closing as re;uested through application by rlr. Entry an(! 'Is. Sullivan; second by Councilman Collins. Chapman Collins _C i r k X Thomas o-.ion C<.rri,,. i of interest to the City ;:�� County ;il sioi� r lli ;r.,; o;? i;i:�vL :,e tine Council ui�on Cotu-,iis ioner :Tac ; 'illia?nson. their r`cyuest Cor hi:.: to infor:, t::e ?lanriin( -oar: of their preliminary approval to the variance by ^C Lic,uors to construct a ne=v wilding %71 ich Would ;a„e traffic ro1)1e-as so;1eT•;hat 'better, it was grant- e c, March 20, 1990 pane eight C(AMIIMRIBERS/ACTION Ito VOTE ABSENT YES NO Administrator Drago explained the report handed out ! Councilman Collins request for discussion of the Arbitration item. them before the meeting was a Break do,,7n of the cost of the arbitration. Councilman ^'honas suggest- ed the discussion of the arbitration report be tabled until the next meeting. Council agreed. Appearance from Bucl ;,'eese of the Okeechobee Contractors Mr. Neese appeared before the Council and introduced Association. some of the officers of the Contractors Association which attended the meeting and expressed encourage- ment from the Contractors association to the City on the item of studying a well system for Okeechobee Councilman Collins regTuest for ciscussion of the Sonny Councilman Collins made a motion to recind the mo- 1•7illiamson-eclaimed 'later project. tion made at the last meeting, (3-5-?0) concerning the -Reclaimed Water Project, an , -I delete the holding pond from the plans and go With alternate ;rl; second by Councilman Thomas. -- After much discussion between Council, T�Ciministrator T Drago, Director Fortner and Engineer Jiro Broone. Councilman Thomas withdrew his second, Councilman Collins withdrew his motion stipulating only as long the City could be assurer that bids which are to be received have a break down of the :�)roject so that th deletion of the holding :-)oncl could be Iiscusse(I,. at that time. 2. Cont.inuted "lotion to a:)prove a contract for Councilman Collins made a motion to remove from the resident engineering services oets:een the City and table the motion to approve a contract for resident ?:nepper and ?i l.larc' : or $1'.5,000 - Cite administrator engineering services between the City and '.nepper (Exhibit 4). and TTillard for $45,000; second, -)y Councilman Thomas Chapman Collins .:irk I Tho ..ias o atford 'lotion Carried. March 20, 1990 page nine COUNCIUEMBERS/ACTION VOTE ABSENT YES NO Councilman DTatford made a motion to table this item, UMMONNNEEMOMM (Knepper & 'Tillard Contract) until the bids are re- ceived. Motion died for lack of a second. After discussion of the time limit, Councilman Collins made a motion to table this item (the Kneppe & Millard Contract) until the next meeting, (4-2-^0); second by Councilman 07atford. Chapman X Collins X Kirk X Thomas X T'atford X :Motion Carried. i H. COUNCIL REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS 1. Councilman Collins: a) Garbage rate increase: Councilman Collins re- minded Administrator Drago to get with Jeff Sabin to try to rework the figures in the L.P. Santita- tion request for increase. 2. Councilman 'Tatf-ord: a) County Comprehensive Plan 7orkshoo: Councilman Tatford informed the Council of a workshop to be held on March 24, 1990 at 9 A.Pi. , he would not be able to attend the meeting, Mayor Chapman instructed Administrator Drago to attend (at the request of Sonny,71illia.mson). b) Abney & Clark Street Problem: Councilman Watford requested update of the street conflict. Attorney Cook stated nothing has been determined vet Councilman r?atford requested to have sor;iething for the Council at the next meetinc, J rom the c) `Taste,.;ater with :school Board: Counci lr,,iu: ".-atford asked what needs to be done to resolve this. AU'liin- istrator Drago explained they could not discuss this item `)ecause it is tabled but informed the Council by recommendation of Attorney Coo! the agreement and chec;: teas })eino returned to tr. "Lillins, Council gage ten '!arch 20, 1990 ; t COUNCIIMEMBERS/ACTION 1�d VOTE ABSENT YES NO County Composting: Councilman t-latford asked 2. Continued . . . Councilman hlatford: if anything could be done to "get the ball rolling" on this matter. Administrator Drago explained he was still waiting for answers from the County that he and Attorney Cook had asked for and stated "I feel we should do nothing at this time". 3. Mayor Chapman: a) Skateboard Park: Mayor requested permission from the Council to allow the Okeechobee Skateboard Club to use the park (West side of pool) for the skateboarders. Councilman Uatford added this should be operated by the County Recreational Department, Council agreed. t. City Clerk Thomas: a) U;r_late of City Street & Alley Iaip: Councilran .:atrord requested !Attorney Cook draw up the correct instrument to take care of this matter and have it by the next meeting. Council agreed. i (l ADJOURNMENT i nayor Chapman `!ayor Chapman adjourned the meeting at 4:50 P.14. '?OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IF ANY PEPSOI? SHOULD DECII)F TO APPEAL ANY DECISIOAI MADE AT THIS '-?EF=1G OF TrIF CITY COUIICIL, SUCH PERSON T'?ILL NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIi' R';CORD OF rllg PROCEF.DINC IS MADE ?'?HICII INCLUDES TH,- TESTI 11071,7 A'iil rCJIn??iIC.7' Ur'0-1' r°7I3ICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. 4 s 0[1':LAND R. CHAPi _ N, ,-IAY©Z/" T m. Try Cam �91 l PT, IF S. TH01MAS, C'AC / CITY CLERK S