1990-03-06 Regular MeetingI A. m C. n, F i�KEFC • o•- ........ 0 �y m �<OR10A CITY OF OKEECHOBEE CITY COUNCIL MEETING 11arch (n, 1990 - 2:00 P.`1. SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTION COUNCIL EivfERS/ACTION VOTE ABSENT ygS NO mayor Chapman called the .11ec2tincg to order at 2:00 P.i,I. Call "?eeting to Order. Invocation offored ;j TIleedidale; Pastor T7.,7eeCdale; Pledge of Allegiance led by '?ayor ChapT.ian. I;ayor Chapman. "a ;Tor 1nc_i Council atten%i nce; Iiayor Oakland Chapman present Councilr:,an '7ic: Col _irl.; Present Councilman :7i -Cirl� Present Council;nan jai: � or_. Present t staff atterl:,nce: ",it; _',ttorn,ey _: o . Present -;.it ministr _. or rago Present resent {entered .. ) �resert savor na%nian recues�c i s ,: ;r ado to ~;;rite a letter to the -ia.-.:rid'.'. _ in. _ ,e it con - 'olenc-s lue to ' o I otion to lispen. e �.ritlh readin, and; >rove the Su;n,lary of Council^,ar: Collins wade „t or_ o ,istuense with Council Action io.r th- regulare: t.inc oC 'ebrua.ry 20, 1S^^ rya lin an a �_�rove t _ _,. Council .ction for the rel;ular „IeeL-inc- r11.-'_r17 201 1990; secon 7y n u n c 1 -1Dari _ 1-._ . na'?iTLlrl Coll;.:! '' a .s ,at for::1 :otion Carries. larch 6, 1990 page two COUNCILMEMBERS/ACTION VOTE ABSENT YES NO Administrator Drago requested item nine be withdrawn 2EQUEST FOR ADDITION, DEFERRAL OR P177nRIT L OF ITFP9S ON TODAY'S C ENDA. from the agenda. Councilman Watford questioned Thy. Administrator Drago informed the Council t5a con- tract with Reese, Macon and Associates would have to be done in two separate contracts according to Attorney Cook. E. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING FOR REZONING 1. Consider Petition 292-n for rezoni.n, property -located There being no public opposition Councilman Thomas at 1111 S. Parrott Avenue from 7esic ential Single made a :notion to approve Petition 292-a for rezon- ling Family to Commercial II - ,:.hi5it 1 (City/County Plan- property located at 1111 S. Parrott Avenue from ning Board recommence! approval). Residential Single Family to Commercial Ii_; seconc by Councilman Collins. Chapman X Collins _71 Rirk :J Thomas Watford ,' motion Carried. 2. Consider Petition 291-2 Nor rezoning property located Councilman Watfo& stated normally ho ;ou lC :ot be at 500 S.L. 4th Street from Commercial to Residential in favor of mobile home developing in the pity, but mobile dome - Exhibit 2 (City/County Planning Board with the variance restrictions be felt it yoult be reco imlen 'C approval). okay. 7r. T ightsey ?oi ntet out to the CnuAcil there is not _. time e set on his project. There 5eing no qu5lic opposition . ou 1 i i n _umas made a .notion to ,prey Pati t i .._ 2?1-9 7or rezoning property located at '00 S.A. Ith Ttru2t fron Tommcr- cial to Residential lobi'_e _roe; sccona ny Council- man Nirk. Chapman X Collins X i r k r,oma Watfor_. Motion Cara_ici. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING ,. .. I- r i n n n :'lUL V11 V 1✓Jl f I(1 rl COUNCILMEMBERS/ACTION VOTE ABSENT YES NO NEW BUSINESS 1. Presentation of a Proclamation to the VF",' rocognizing mayor Chapman read the proclamation in its entirety "Buddy Poppies" - Mayor Chapman. and presented it to a �IFW representative. 2. Motion to approve the reappointment of Nr. Charles Councilman Collins made a motion to approve the re - Jordan and Mr. L.C. Fortner, Jr. to the General appointment of Mr. Charles Jordan and 'Ir. L.C. Employee Pension Board for a two year term starting Fortner, Jr. to the General Employee Pension Board January 1, 1990 and ending December 31, 1001 - City for a two year term starting January 1, 1990 and Administrator (Exhibit 3). ending December 31, 1991; second by Councilman Thomas. Chapman Collins Kirk Thomas .� ITatford r'otion Carried. 3. Motion to reappoint '1r. Clayton `!illiams and -;r. Zick Councilman Thomas made a motion to approve the re- E Holt to the Firefighters Pension nozr�- for a "Lwo ,7ear appointment of '!r. Clayton T,illiams anc' r. ?ic}; tel-I starting October 1, 193_11 an.. en(.in�- ."r­tem`)or 31 , .olt to the Firefighters Pension "oard ^or a two 1991 - City Administrator (7xhiDit 4). year term starting October 1, 1909 and endinc; Sep- tember 30, 1991; second by Councilman ';irk. Chapman Collins 'irk Thomas j -'tf0r:d �� 3 _Motion Carried. 4. ''otion to reappoint !r. Jerry O' -Bannon and, -_r. Steve Councilman Collins made a motion to approve the re- i,elson to the Police Officers Pension Doard for a two appointment of rir. Jerry O'Bannon and 'r. Steve year term startin<; 'If-tober 1, 1939 and endinc, Sentem- Nelson to the Police Officers Pension Board _-or a her 30, 1991 - City .vdninistrator (Exhibit 5), two year term starting October 1, 19<11 an eniinq September 30, 1` 91; second ;y ouncil. ban ho; Iae. Chapman . Collins ;irk Thomas 'larch 6, 1990 Dade four COUNCILMEMBERS/ACTION VOTE ABSENT YES NO Councilman Iatford felt the members should all be 5. mlotion to appoint ?Tr. Frank Marsocci, Mr. Robbie Hoover mr. Jim Baughman, Mr. Frank Altobello and Dr. Norman City residents and voters therefore he made a motion Koff to the Citizen Advisory Committee for the City'-- to renominate the committee with the stipulations Comprehensive Plan - City Administrator. that they ��e City residents and voters; second by Councilman Kirk. Chapman `; Collins Y i irV T!o^'.gas t, � 'vatford n Motion Denied. Councilman 'Cirk made a motion to appoint IIr. rank ilarsocci, •Ir. Robbie Hoover, Mr. Jim Baughman, iir. Frank T,:ltobello, and Dr. Norman Koff to the Citizens Acvisory Committee for the City's Comprehensive Plan second by Councilman Thomas. .:� Cha jr:ia n .: ` Coll in ; I\'irn Th ;Jatforct. `; 'lotion Carried. lotion to approve a, utility z reer:,ent for ;rite.:- . ;�r_ Council: are lhorr;as 1ac,e a rnotion to taale t :i r te:; service between the City and r. "rnest Blitch - until 'Ir. Ernest Ilitch could appear before tho ')irector of Public T?tilities (r . r: _:;it ) . Cour-,cil; second ':; Councilman I?atford. Cha�-)raan Collins kirk ; Thole? s ,JatiOrC n.Ot ion ('arr or -I. 11 G 1 Ann COUNCIIMEMMERS/ACTION VOTE ABSENT YES NO Councilman Watford expressed "I do not approve of 7. Motion to approve a contract with Harcross Chemical for chlorine gas in the amount of $8,455.20 - Di- the methods which have been taken, if we are going rector of Public Utilities (Exhibit 7). to bid out, then lets bid out, if not, then don't go through the trouble with all the rest". Councilman I:irk made a motion to approve the con- tract ,17ith Harcross Chemical for Chlorine gas in the amount of $8,455.20; second by Councilman Collins. Chap„lan X Collins X Kirk X Thomas v Watford X I?otion Carries;. 8a. 'lotior to read by title only and set March 20, 1990 Councilrian Collins made a motion to to read by as a public hearing date, Ordinance 626 providing title only and set `larch 20, 1990 as a public hear- !.. for investment of surplus funds - City Attorney ing date, Ordinance 626, providing for investment ;C (Exhibit 8). of surplus funds; second by Councilman Watford. ..� Chapr;ian Collins X IN' irk Y Thomas `{ r,atzora y ?'otion Carried. <\ttorney -.Cook read proposed Ordinance 626 by title: "A'i O'DII,'AATCE OF T_In CITY OF 01; EECHOBEE, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE INVESTMENT OF SURPLUS FU14DS OF THE CITY IN PERT7ITTED INVESTI H]NTS I' ADDITION TO THOSE SPECIFICALLY ENUMBERATED BY STATE LAti"1; AND PROVIDING AT,, RPF?CTIVF DATE." '.arch 1 COUNCILMEBERS/ACTION VOTE ABSENT YES NO Sb notion to the First reading of Ordinance 2v. Councilman Collins male a otion to approve the firs rea wing of Ordinance '>),_3; second '.)y Council:;ian Collins X Eirk X mhol ,a s V s 'latford X 71otion Carried. lvdthdraT,m 9. 'lotion to a; c roar ;or!trac� et .,een the Cite an_! 1 Dy re. nest of � hdnistrator Drac;o, L- -:is ite!;! was Reese, ''aeon a_s '. sociates in the amount of "G64,000 from todaZ7's a(;enc'a. for en ineerir-, _ r° _,�e in connections with a ground later fea;: 1.1 _ + ,. ritinue of water plant e - i .ai�it 0) ..Utrator (^: 1'. 'potion to �_:�:>> i_ r. ��___ r<!rri as a regular fire- "r. Jeff h fighter - ,ire Varri as rc.;ular Firs ic,,,t�r; s co r' '�^,� Council pan - OG s 'ire, 1 r I: ThoI !a s ;Z .-!atfor;i v ;otion +.rrL:�u. rt r 'o u1"cil , ;r . o --I.l 1 ; r:,ctor Forc.n r r 11 _t - r -.1 zl_ar 1, I in r o;I..:il:. aI �_ „!u_, _ tior to .-roceC)c- With tae ori:-i` -ia Q Jy Jlrcl >rOOIII+?, jEn lneer a Ild lllstrLlCt the 7_'LECtOr Of T),,':) C 'Jtll ti t0 -"ut the ")r0]2CC. OUt ;1Ci� 'ltti alternateu S11rf t2' 1 Jl:a Oill:l I.O: CIS !oti.on C,-iYrior' march 6, 1990 page seven COUNCIIsEMBERS/ACTION VOTE ABSENT YES NO Recess: 3:20 P.M. - Reconvened: 3:30 P.N. 12. Discuss the letter frori the Pension 43oards - City Following lengthy discussion involving Administrator Administrator (Exhibit 10). Drago, Attorney Cook, Council, Director Fortner, Police Chief Mobley, i<Ir. Jones, and 'Ir. l.olt, Counci came to the conclusion the situation was a result of of mis-communication. Councilman Collins made a motion that the City re- imburse the Pension Board the $3,243. (charge for im, pact fees paid by Pension Board) and we make sure any inefficiencies are corrected; second by Council- man Thomas. Councilman latford requested an amendment to the motion "in that no one be allowed to spend Pension Board monies without prior Pension Board approval and prior to the reimbursement Administrator Drago furnish the Council ,qi ti, ahere he plans to clet this money out of the budget and Council will a`)� rove these funds"; second Oy Councilman -irk. Chapman Collins X Kirk X Thomas 7;atford �; ?potion Carried. Vote an original Notion: Chapman X Collins X K 1 r;, X Thomas X ;,la t f o r d 'lotion Carriei. 13. Update of items of interest _ v �� �_t1� `�� Countt,� Com%iissioner "'illia,<<:�on .gas not present. Commissioner Jac' ''illiam—on. f March 6, 1990 COUNCILMEMBERS/ACTION VOTE ABSENT YES NO '. COUNCIL REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS 1. Councilman Collins: .) Councilman Collins requested the Director of ?ublic Utilities see him after the meeting to discuss Is. Louthan's sewer bills she had been receiving and paying, but she is not hooked -up to sewer. Informed the Council of a new development, n which they (the developers) wanted the Council to n,Iorse, he informed them they would have to apE_>ear efore the Council. 2. Councilman Watford: Councilman Watford asked if we have heard from he arbitration Qanel, Administrator Drago said here has not been an answer given yet. _ 3. .;ayor Chapman: ) '?ayor Chapman advised the Council of a County _omprehensive Planning meeting at Central ,Elementary �- ,chool if any of the Council would like to atten; hey are welcomed. ADJOURNMENT :Tayor Chapman Tayor Chapman adjourned the meeting at 4:35 P.11. �lOTICE IS iHERE"Y GIVEN, "`WR ', Ir ,!?!Y pR':SO'? 'APPEAL n'iY n^CISIO"? 'i1 D AT IIS 7 17 - i SUCH PERSON T'II,T, 1277T) TO I'TSURE PROCr;EDI'TG IS P1ADE' ',J1,IC11 1 7 C L U.) S ^rr,:, - r1v.q-., '7TIICTu '^IIE DPP �L IS nASED. nP 0,IAYOR 11,. L 1?1D BONNIE S. THOiIA S, CHIC CITY CLERK _