1990-02-06 Regular Meeting1,9 Call meeting to order. 0 Invocation offered by Reverend Tim Shaw; Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Chapman. Ifayor and Council attendance: r-layor Oakland Chapman Councilman Nick Collins Councilman Jim -Kirk:. , Councilman Oscar Thomas Councilman Dowling Watford Staff attendance: City Attorney Cook City Administrator Drago City Clerk Thomas Deputy Clerk Earnest CITY OF OHEECHOBEE CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 6, 1990 - 2:00 P.M. SUMMARY OF CITY COUNCIL ACTION COUNCI1XDMERS/ACTION Mayor Chapman called the meeting to order at 2:00 P. [Mayor Chapman (Reverend Tim Shaw did not attend); Mayor Chapman. Present F sent P sent Present Present Present (entered Chambers at 2:50 P.M.) Present Present Present Motion to dispense with reading and apprci,v� ::he Summary C -.cilmen Collins and Kirk made a motion to dis- of Council Action for the regular meetinr January 16, pei,se with reading and approve the Summary of lc�o0 Council Action for the regular meeting of January 16, 1990; second by Councilman Thomas. i COE ►_iris s 'v�1 �t�ord ��Not, oN Carried. fI 50 February 5, 1990 page two COUNCILMEMBERS/ACTION VOTE ABSENT YES NO None QUEST FOR THE ADDITION, DEFERRAL OR WITIIDRAI.7AL OF ITEMS ON DAY'S AGENDA. E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Motion to appoint '•Ir. Hubert ,,?inters as a new Councilman Watford made a motion to appoint Mr.. maintenance operator - 7irector of Public Hubert Winters as a new maintenance operator; sec - Utilities. and by Councilmen Kirk and Collins. Chapman X Collins X Kirk X Thomas X ix Watford Motion Carried. } 2. Hear from Monica Clark and John Abney regarding Attorney Cassels approached the Council explaining_ J encroachment on property located at S.W. 20th to them the three things they (Monica Clark anti_ - �.. Street and S.W. 5th Avenue - Monica Clark and John Abney) wanted to accomplish: (1) City recog-_: John Abney (Exhibit 1). nine a seventy-five (75) foot right-of-way the en- tire length of S.W. 5th Avenue (starting at 18th St south to 21st St). (2) On the subject property (Block 30, lot 4), there are manholes and a drain- age ditch, owners are requesting the drainage ditch be removed and the manholes can remain. (3) Close S.W. 20th Street. After lengthy discussion between Attorney Cassels', Council, -Director of Public Works and Public Utili ties, Council instructed the Directors of Public Works and Public Utilities to research the area and give the Council answers to exactly how much the drainage ditch could be moved and report any pro- blems with closing S.W. 20th Street. Pebruary 6, 1990 page three 3. 4. Hear from Knepper and Willard regarding the lift station at the high school - Mr. Dan Willard (Exhibit 2). Discuss the selections of an engineer for the Water Plant expansion - Director of Public Utilities (Exhibit 3). COUNCILMEMBERS/ACTION Administrator Drago introduced Mr. Dan Willard to the Council. "Ir. 7.1i11ard introduced Mr. Layne Cady the engineer which had been working specifi- cally on this project. Mr. Cady gave the Council two options he felt the Council could take to eliminate the problems for the least amount of money at the lift station. No official action was taken. (see Council Reports number one) After lengthy discussion concerning the checking of references on all the engineers who submitted a proposal, Councilman Watford made a motion to accept the ranking as proposed by the Director of Public Utilities. 'lotion withdrawn. Councilman Kirk made a motion for the Director of Public Utilities to go back and rank all of the engineers listed (numbers 4 - 11), check at least three (3) ;-eferences on every one and check hourly rates; second by Councilman Collins. Attorney Cook pointed out to Council the hourl rates can not be discussed according to th Competitive Negotiations Act. Councilman Collin withdre,vi :pis second, Councilman Kirk withdrew hi motion. Councilman 'irk -ado a motion for the Director of Public Utilities to rank all eleven of the engine- ers wh,-� a proposal and check three ref- erencr=I or ^.ach as it pertains to our project in nprt1C'l'.,:t =1 suk-�,-,it to Council at the next me- etJLiiCJ; f .:fitc:_' 7.)v orias Collin? i YES 1 NO X X ABSENT February G, 1990 Page Four COUNCILMEMBERS/ACTION VOTE ABSENT YES NO Recess: 3:35 P.M. - Reconvened: 3:50 P.H. 5. Discuss the selections of an engineer for the Councilman I:irk made a motion based on the time Reclaimed "later Project - Director of Public committment to 1r. Sonny Williamson to approve the Utilities (Exhibit 4). ranking of the Engineers and instruct the Director of Public Utilities to begin negotiations with them; second by Councilman 'Natford (1. Knepper & Willard, Inc., Tampa, FL; 2. Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc., Vero Beach, FL; 3. Engineering Concepts in Design, Inc., West Palm Beach, FL) Chapman X Collins X Kirk X Thomas X Watford X Motion Carried. 6. Consider a request from Diamond R Fertilizer Co. � Councilman Collins made a motion to approve street Inc., for a street closing - City Clerk closing application 429 from Diamond R Fertilizer (Exhibit 5). and instruct Attorney Cook to draft an ordinance for first public hearing; second by Councilman Thomas. Chapman X Collins X Kirk X Thomas. X Watford X Motion Carried. (Street Closing Application .'•29 consists of closing NE 5th Avenue bets,,7een NE 7th :street and CSX Rail- road right-of-way) 7. Motion to award a grouting contract to C SE L 3ouncilman Thomas m',*lie a :nod ion upon the recom- Water Proofing of Orange City, Florida for mendation of the Director of Public ';-forks to award $14,875.00 - Director of .Public Works (Exhibit a grouting contract,_ to C & I, dater ?roofing of 6). Orange City, Flom.for $14,875.00; second by Councilman t,;atford. February 6, 1990 page five F. 7. Continued . . . motion to award a grouting con- tract to C & L Water Proofing of Orange City, FL for $14, 875.00 - Director of Public Works (Ex- hibit 6). 8. Update of items of interest to the City by County Commissioner Jack .Williamson. COUNCIL REPORTS AND/OR REQUESTS: 1. Councilman Collins: 2. Councilman Watford: COUNCIIrEMBERS/ACTION YES i NO Chapman X Collins X Kirk X Thomas X Watford X Motion Carried. Nothing at this time. a) High School lift station workshoiD Councilman Collins made a request to workshop the item of the high school lift station before any formal action was taken on it. The Council agreed to set Friday, February 9, 1990 at 7:00 P.M. for the workshop. a) Letter to DOT concerning parking signs Council- man Watford requested the Administrator write a letter to the Department of Transportation speci- fically asking for no parking signs to be placed from Park Street to 2nd Street, west side only. b) ABC Liquor Store Councilman Watford explained to the Council a situation coming up at one of the zoning meetings concerning ABC Liquor Store located at Highway 70 East and NE bth Avenue."""Cl Liquor has proposed to demolish the old 1013ilc; . -I<j and build a new one, on the back part of the perty. The problem is they don't have enou;!-, to rebuild with the required set -backs, c-he,:- v7 T_ to rezone it "CnD" which has zero this is done, the traffic situation would be bet -I ter. M ABSENT February 6, 1990 page six COUNCILMDEERS/ACTION VOTE ABSENT YES NO 2. Continued . . . Councilman 17atford: Councilman Watford made a motion to write a letter expressing the City supporting (or having no objec- tions to) any action that would eliminate the pro- blem of the building being right on Highway 70. Motion withdrawn. Councilman Watford made a motion to instruct the City Attorney to write a letter to the County Of- ficials concerning the ABC Liquor Store and its lo- cation in regards to Highway 70; second by Council- man Thomas. County Commissioner Williamson requested a copy of the letter since he is also the liason officer for the County Commissioner and Planning & Zoning Doard he would explain the City's desires on this matter. Mayor instructed Attorney Cook to send a copy to [Ault Taylor, Building Administrator also. Chapman X Collins X Kirk X Thomas X Watford X Motion Carried. c) Legislative Delegation Will be here soon, Coun- cilman Watford suggested if any of the Council have anything they would like to present, that we have someone present it to the Legislative Delegation. Mayor instructed the Council�if anyone has anythin they would like to present to the Legislative Dele gation to give it to Administrator Drago and he could make up a list. Councilman Watford is to make the presentation, Council agreed. February G, 1990 page seven 3. 3. Continued . . . Councilman Watford: Cou..ltci.l..iane TCirt.: COUNCILMR-BERS/ACTION d) New 3rd Party Insurance Councilman Watford questioned the memo sent by Finance Director Parker informing the Council of 3rd Party insurance pur- chased by the City for Public Works fuel storage site for $2,245.00. "I'm not convinced we need this insurance", stated Councilman Watford. Administrator Drago explained the insurance was for the City's protection. Using the Holmes Oil Co., fuel spill as an example, they did not have insur- ance and it ended up costing them approximately $200,000.00, so if we have a similar situation the insurance would cover it and the City would not have to come up with $200,000.00 instantly. e) Administrator's Employment Contract Suggested that we begin, and this is no reflection on any in- dividual, that we begin putting the administrator's position (contract) on a yearly basis. Councilman Watford made a motion that if it does not violate any terms in the current contract with our current Administrator that we put the Adminis- trators position on a yearly contract basis; second by Councilman Kirk for discussion. Councilman Kirk requested time to research the old contracts held by the Administrator and the current contract. Councilman Kirk withdrew his second, Councilman Watford withdrew his motion. a) Pension Board Letter Counci. =rr,.- K.r'c the Council's comments on the Letter sent luv the Trustee's of the Pension, {rJ r: - °"unci �_ r2an ry..> requested the subject be tauieu untii aii tze> Trustees are present bec-ause he n d some qun7;�.tl E_ �e wanted to as'. each letter. Council agreed tt taibl,­ `!. VOTE ABSENT YES I NO 'r�hrii i rV n r� r-nnno o i -1,+- COUNCIII`EMBERS/ACTION VOTE ABSENT YES NO a) City/County Garbage Problems Councilman Thomas 4. Councilman Thomas: expressed to Administrator Drago he felt it would be in the best interest of the City to work with the County on the garbage problems as much as we can. Attorney Cook explained to the Council he and Ad- ministrator Drago had some questions which have no been answered. County Commissioner Williamson ex plained he felt it was a workable situation. 5. ,Iayor Chapman: a) Railroad/Traffic Mayor Chapman asked the Coun- cil if they had been getting any calls from citi- zens about the freight trains holding up traffi especially during school zone time. Mayor Chapma requested Administrator Drago to write a letter t Torn Conely, who is the attorney for both the Schoo Board and the Railroad, asking the Railroad t ��. change their times around the school zone times. G. ADJOURNMENT mayor Chapman Mayor Chapman adjourned the meeting at 4:30 P.M. NOTICE IS HERE^Y GIVr:'T `I T',AT II' AINY PERSON SHOULD DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY DECISION :.LADE AT THIS '°IEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, SUCH PERSON WILL NEED TO I'TSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE 'VIHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. �OAKLAND R. CHAPMA , MAYOR ATTEST:.. 4 BONNIE S. TH0r1AS, C''C CITY CLERK r �-