1989-12-08 Special Meetingz I o� OKEFCy � o U. m <oR�fl% CITY OF OKEECHOBEE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL `IFFTING December 8, 1989 - 1_'-.;10 SUMMARY OF CITY COUNCIL ACTION COUNCILMEMBERS/ACTION VOTE ABSENT YES NO Call meeting to order. ':ayor cha;.)man called the meeting to order at '-1ayor and Council attendance: 'layor Oakland Chapman Present Councilman Nick Collins Present Councilman Jim Kirk Present Councilman Oscar Thomas Assent (enterer: Chambers at 11:45 A.P4.) Councilman Dowling Watford Present. - Staff attendance: City Attorney Cook Present City Administrator Drago Present City Clerk Thomas Present Deputy Clerk Earnest Present [Motion to adopt Resolution 39-12 authorizing the issuance 'lotion :: r ':t ;' ouncilman Collins to adopt :eso- of not exceeding $5,000,000.00 ,,-rater and Sewer Improve- lotion >^-1? authorizing the issuance of not exce- ment Revenue Bonds, Series 1989 - City Bond Counsel edinq ";5,000,100.00 Water and Sewer Improvement (Exhibit 1). 'revenue ".ontls, ,pries 1989, second by Councilman `r,ir1- ;.`or cii.c;c,_,r. Citt :.yini:_t ator introduced Mr. Dill Zvara who Council the procedure for the Cl,y �nc )on._, issue. After lengthy -]is- cup ic,_ _� _ :�s follows: v Dec�n 9, , page tv.o C. Continued, . . . ",1oti: to adopt Resolution 39-12. D. ADJOURN"?EDIT s� NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEII I-T71AT _GF ANY PERSOI,7 SHOULD DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY DECISION "IADF AT THIS "1EETI-11"IG OF THE CITY COUNdCIL, SUCH PERSON? ';'III,L 'd,ETED TO I�':'TI1 -HAT A FRBATIM RECORD OF TNI PROCEEDING IS -ADE :'IuIC`I T (7 LUDES TliE TESTIP1011tY AND EVIDEiICE UPON WHICH TIiF i? Pp'7A 7-1 OAKLAND R. C1I117"'..,N, ',IAYOR ATTEST: BONNIE S. Cjq,`, C? rR C01 iNICi i.`1E,\Ii5i:11,�/A(1, T I()v Chapman Collins irk- `"homas atL-or6 ''otion Carried. "lotion by Councilman 17atford fo_, the bond closing to be in a City in Florida (The on,-', closing will ;,e held in _?ew York City; repre�7-nting the City „ill be the 'Mayor, Cit` ierl., Lt.. dministrator, an(] City Attorney) , - <`or : ''-ur:cilman Thomas. After discussion, Counci:i.,jp. -withdrew his second. 'lotion dies, Eor a^ second. Nayor Chapman adjournroo(,i e^ _iP.0 at 11:53 A.M. VOTE ABSENT YES NO X X A X