1989-10-17 Regular MeetingOKEE /OF ..... • tZE Cy0 �<OR1V% �. Call meeting to order. Invocation offered by Pastor Clark McCrary: �iedge of Allegiance led by Mayor Chapman Mayor and Council attendance: mayor Oakland Chapman Councilman Nick Collins Councilman Jim Kirk Councilman Oscar Thomas Councilman Dowling Watford Staff attendance: City Attorney Cook City Administrator Drago City Clerk Thomas Deputy Clerk Earnest CITY OIi" OHEECEIODEE CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 17, 1989 - 2:00 P.M. SUMMARY OF CITY COUNCIL ACTION motion to dispense with reading and approve the Summary n of. �-ouncj.l Action for the regular meeting of October 3, COUNCIL Eg EERS/ACTION _reverend Belleville (Pastor McCrary was unable to to attend); 'Zayor Chapman. Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Motion_to dispense with reading and approve the Sum- mary of Council Action for the regular meeting of October 3, 1989 by Councilman Collins,seconded by Councilman Watford. u �hapman 4 Collins Xirk Th!oma atf ordi .1otion Carried. VOTE YES NO ABSENT October,'', 1989 Page Two E Notion to approve warrant registers for September, 1989. General Fund .....................$ 64,271.93 Public Utilities .................$194,092.66 REQUEST FOR THE ADDITION, DEFERRAL OR WITHDRAWAL OF ITEMS ON TODAY'S AGENDA. NEW BUSINESS 1. motion to appoint Mr. Ancil Drake, Jr. as a new maintenance operator assigned to the Public Utilities Department - Director of Public Utilities. 2. Discuss Water and Sewer Allocation List - City Attorney (Exhibit 1). COUNCILMEMBERS /ACTION Motion to approve the warrant registers for Septem- ber, 1989 (General Fund $64,271.93; Public Utilities $194,092.66) by Councilman Watford, seconded by Councilman Collins and Thomas. Chapman Collins Kirk Thomas Watford Motion Carried. IBy request of City Administrator, number seven under new business was added. Motion to appoint Mr. Ancil Drake, Jr. as a new maintenance operator assigned to the Public Utilities Department by Councilman Collins, seconde by Councilman Watford. Chapman Collins Kirk Thomas Watford Motion Carried. The City Attorney explained to the Council that ac- cording to the Director of Public Utilities, Qn city. He also explained there were some things he and the Director of Public Utilities will work on to see what other directions they can go to obtain more capacity when he (the Director of Public Utili ties) gets back from vacation. VOTE ABSEtN l' YES I NO X X X X X X X X X X b October 17, 1989 Page Three 3. Consider a request from the Reverend Belleville for sewer allocation - Reverend Belleville (Exhibit 2). 4. Discuss water line for Mitchell Road School - Director of Public '7tilities (Exhibit 3). C OUNC11ERS /A(, F f ON The Council tabled this item for two weeks due to to enlightenment from the City Attorney of the full capacity. jAfter lengthy discussion between Council and the ;School Board representatives, Johnny ^Mack Kinsaul a Attorney Conely, Councilman Watford made a motion "That we allow the School System to install an 8" line to the new school, being certain that they com ply with the engineers recommendation for a Hydro- peumatic buffering/surge control storage capacity and that that line be designated for school use onl Also that the School Board comply with the engineer recommendation that the two hydrants on the City li. be disabled." "lotion died for lack of second. Motion by Councilman Watford, seconded by Councilmai Thomas, "I move we allow the School Board to con- struct an 8" main, providing that they disable the fire hydrants, that they present a plan that is ac- ceptable to our engineer for surge control. Councilman Watford amended his motion to add, "pro- viding the proposed plan will have no adverse affect on users of the (existing) 6" line and that we re- quest the School Board to get duel (alternate) bids with an 8" and 12" lines." Chapman Collins Kirk Thomas Watford Motion Carried. City Attorney added, "Just so I will understand wha is exactly to be gone we are going to approve the request, have plans drawn up (the School Board), have the City's engineer look over the plans for an adverse effects and if there is any the School Boar will take care of them". VOTE ABSE i 1' YES I NO X X Ab; X X tainbd 41 October 17, 1989 Page Four COUNCIIMEMBERS/ACI-ION VOTE ABSENT YES NO Council requested the School Board's request or sewer allocation be tabled until next meeting. Mayor called for a recess at 3:15 P."?., meeting was call back to order at 3:25 P.M. 5. Discuss selection of engineer for the Taddie Councilman Collins pointed out the wording of the collection system remedial work - Director of Public agenda was incorrect, "remedial work" should be Utilities (Exhibit 4). stricken. Further stating Council action on this matter was to get an out of town, outside, indepen- dent engineer to give us an evaluation. After lengthy discussion with Council and audience input. Motion was made by Councilman Collins to re- move Broome Engineering, Inc. (of Okeechobee) from the number one position , move the remaining engine- --- ers up on.notch each (place the number two engineer is to number one and so forth) because it is not proper for him (Broome) to give an evaluation on his own work. Seconded by Councilman Kirk. Councilman Kirk added this is not a reflection on Mr. Broome, what we are doing here, we (the City) just want a second opinion of the system. Chapman X Collins X Kirk X Thomas X Watford X !Motion Carried. Mayor Chapman stated Knepper & Williard, Inc. (of Tampa, Florida) would now be first on the list, Council agreed. Councilman Thomas asked whether the engineers would come before this board before ` hired and Council agreed they would. October 17, 1989 Page Five 6. Update of items of interest to the City by County Commissioner Jack Williamson. 7. Request from City Administratoi =i Police Chief to buy three additional police cars - City Administra- tor (Exhibit 6). COUNCI LMEMBERS %ACTION othing at this time. :ity Administrator explained the police department ias currently three police cars that are old highway ratrol cars, we took a look at the present lease .greement we have with the bank, and the price of ,he lease cars on state contract price, and it was letermined it would be feasible for the City to pro- ure the three additional police cars for the cap- ain and the two detectives. Next year if the cars ,ould go up in price which I would assume that the ental agreement would go up, those cars could be etained for the following two years at a lower rice, those cars are basically not used as much as patrol car so, therefore, the captain, the two de- ectives, the police and fire chief's cars conceiv- bly could be kept for 4,5,6 years because they are aintained and they don't collect that much millage, e do have a commitment for 10 of the present police ars next year to be sold, so we are guaranteed a ale of ten and that would only leave four addition- 1 cars so if we kept the additional four cars e would still gain on it because of the price of i he rental agreement, so we are recommending that he Council allow us to get the additional 3 cars. otion to allow the police department to purchase he three additional police cars by Councilman Kirk, econded by Councilmen Collins and Thomas. Chapman Collins Kirk Thomas Watford Motion Carried. VOTE �I�f;S NO X X X X X ABSEl 1' October 17, 1989 Paqe Six COUNCIIMFMERS/ACTION VOTE ABSENT YES NO COUNCIL REPORTS/REQUESTS: Councilman Collins: Gave an update to the Council that the property the Council re -zoned and annexed at the last meeting for the new development has received binders for sixty of the two hundred and sixty lots in the amount of $2,000,020.00. Councilman Thomas: Asked the City Administrator when they are to turn in the requests for secondary streets (for paving)? City Administrator informed Councilman that when the remedial work is done (sometime in the future) there will be a lot of street paving and so to keep from doing work twice the street paving will wait til the remedial work is being done. Councilman Watford: I Was not present. �W i Councilman Kirk: Nothing at this time. City Attorney: Nothing at this time. City Administrator: Nothing at this time. City Clerk: Nothing at this time. Mayor Chapman: Nothing at this time. s October 17, 1989 Page Seven COUNCIIrIEMERS/ACTION VOTE ABSENT] YES NO G. ADJOURNMENT1-na-75-7-511ournel e meetinq NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IF ANY PERSON SHOULD DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE AT THIS MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, SUCH PERSON WILL NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE I PROCEEDING IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. OAKLAND R. CHAPM, MAYOR ATTEST: l bNNIE S. THOMAS, CMC CITY CLERK To