1989-08-01 Regular MeetingCITY OF OKEECHOBEE CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 1, 1989 - 2:00 P.FI. SUMMARY OF CITY COUNCIL ACTION 11 .. Call meeting to order. B. Invoc�- ion offered by Reverend John Meryers: Pledge of Allegiance led by 'iayor Chapman C. mayor and Council attendance: D. mayor Oa -:land Chapman Councilman ;lick Collins Councilman Jim Kirk Councilman Oscar Thomas Council -fan Dowling Watford Staff attendance: City Attorney Cook City Administrator Drago City Clerk Thomas Deputy Clerk Earnest Motion to dispense with reading and approve the Suramar of Council Action for the regular meeting of July 18, 1989. REQUEST FOR THE ADDITION, DEFERRAL OR WITHDRAWAL OF ITEIMS ON TODAY'S AGENDA. COUNCILMEMBERS/ACTION ,Mayor Chapman called the meeting to order at 2:0 P.M. Reverend Meyers; '.favor Chapman. Present Present Present Absent Present Present Present Present Present Motion by Councilman Collins, seconded by Councilman Watford to dispense with reading and approve the Summary of Council Action for the regular meeting of July 18, 1989. Chapman Co' ling 'irk '.�ialfOrd Motion Carried. Two items were added to the agenda, one by City Administrator, and one by Fire Chief Torrey. VM-E I YESI NO JABSETrr x x x x x x X X - - F. Onen Public Elear-Lnco for Ordinance Adontion. 1. 'Motion to read Dy title only Ordinance I614 - City Attorney (Exhi,it 1). 2. Motion to adopt Ordinance '614. COUNC11-1, ,1BERS/ACTION 19otion by Councilman 11atford, seconded by Councilman Kirk to read by title only Ordinance �614. Chapman Collins Kirk Thomas !Iatford motion carried. Councilman Watford read by title only Ordinance ,`614. "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 10 OF THE. CODE OF ORDINANCES, PROVID- - FOR NEW DEFINI' - ?N IN SECTION 10- , AMENDIl;:� SECTION 10-30, PP.IVIDING FOR RESERVING ARTICLE II, PROVIDING FOR A NEW ARTICLE III ENTITLED PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS, STREET VENDORS, AND CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE." Motion by Councilman Collins, seconded by Councilman Watford to adopt Ordinance 4614. After much discussion involving Council, City Administrator, City Attorney, and audience input on sections of the ordinance pertaining to charitable organizations motion 1.ias made to :ale the ordinance anc? continue the Public :learinc until the: next meetinc; (September 5, 19139) ` y Councilman 'l��t�nrcl, soconc,—. by Councilman i<irk. VOTE YES I NO x x x x August 1, 19°9 Recess: 3:20 P.M. Mayor Chapman called the meeting back to ord at 3:35 P.:11. P. New Business 1. Motion to approve Carl Hall as a regular i;iaintenance operator assigned to the Public Works Department - Director of Public Works. 2. Motion to approve J. P. Zeigler as a regular police officer - Chief of Police. COUNC l U El"IBER S /ACTION Chapman Collins Kirk Thomas .•7atford Motion carried. ,'-lotion by Councilman Collins, seconded by Councilman Kirk to approve Carl Hall as a regular maintenance operator assigned to the Public i',Iorks Department. Chi_ ian Collins Kirk Thomas 'Natford ,Aiotion carried. Motion by Councilman Kirk, seconded by Councilman Watford to approve J. P. Zeigler as a regular police officer. Chapman Collins .:irk To:; �t`C)rrl lotion carried. Page hree VOTE ABSENT YES NO x x X M c.� T..ugust 1., i939 3. 'lotion to adopt Resolution 39-3 authorizing the borrowing of $2 million and the issuance of $5 million in Water and Sewer Improvement Revenue Fonds - City Administrator. (Exhibit 2) "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION] AND ACQUISITION OF ADDITIONS, EXTENSIONS AND It-;- PROVEMENTS TO THE WATER AND SEWER SYS=N OF THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF NOT EXChF'-ING $5,000,000.00 WATER A -ND SEFIER ItIPROVEMENT RF, •'IUE BONDS, SERIES 1989 OF THE CITY TO BE APPLIED TO PAY THE COST OF SUCH ADDITIONS, EXTENSIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE HOLDERS OF THE BONDS; MAKING CERTAIN OTHER COVENANTS AND AGRE :- MENTS IN CONNECTION `.']ITH THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF SUCH BONDS; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANICE OF $2,000,000 WATER AND SEWER IMPROVMENTS REVENUE BOND ANTICIPA- TION NOTF­`SERIES 1989; AWARDING SALE OF THE NOTES; DESIGNA=IG THE PA" AGENT FOR THE NOTES; DESIGN- ATING THE NOTES AS QUALIFIED TAX EXEMPT OBLIGA- TION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE." COUNClUfEMBERS/ACTION The City Administrator described briefly the content of Resolution 89-3. Councilman Collins then stated we found the City could not find a cheaper interest rate than this, it will also allow us to get started on the Sonny ;illimson project and pay Taddie off. Motion by Councilman Watford, seconded by Councilman to adopt Resolution 89-3. Chapman Collins Kirk Thomas i,latford Motion carried. Councilman I-latforci asked "where does it sav in here that we are to Horror: this move- anc for no':� tong?" City Administrator asked Council;nan Watford to look at the last page, exhibit A. PagE2 r•'our VOTE ABSENT YEST NO 4 x x x x x Augus-t 1989 age Five COUNCIL MEMBERS /ACTION IV(7I EI ABSENT YES NO Councilman taatford; now my next question is, "explain to me the procedure, I don't quite understand this, we're going to borrow some money, and then we're going to issue some bonds for even more than that was, why not just borrow all the money now and then issue the bonds, why do we have i to tie all this in together?" City Administrator explained "if you wanted to borrow all the money now its goi", to take sixty to ninety days mini- mum. Ind t t depends on how the deals' structured it has to be examined to meet a couple of ob- jectives. l.To have the lowest debt service cost over the life of the bond. 2. Minimize the rate increases to the public. 3. maximize the debt proceeds back to the City. Councilman Satford ";9ho is going to issue these bonds?" City Administrator - "First Union National Bank will also be the underwriter for the $5 mil- lion Bond Issue. Councilman Watford - "What did we ask for in our proposal?" City Administrator - "An interest rate, or cost for the short-term notes and some interest and cost figures for the long-term borrowing predicated on the $10 million. We definitly need to borrow the $10 million but we don't need to bor- row it all at one time because it puts the City in a position were we have to rebate back to the government interest earned over and above a certain rate. If we keep the bond issue at $5 million or less we are exempt from those regulations. It will also keen, the rate increases less to t1ic, pu lic. Councilman 'Iatford - "Do vor: think ve j one a fair chance?" City ,=_Jllrlinlstrutor "VeS" 1 U j - 4. Motion to approve the appointment of David Green as a regular firefighter - Fire Chief. (Exhibit 3) 5. Motion to adopt Resolution 89-4 (Exhibit 4). "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXEC' "ON OF HIGHWAY LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE MEMORA 1 OF AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPART'IENT OF TRANS- PORTATION AND PROVIDING AN �;FFECTIVE DATE." G. Council Reports Councilman Collins: COUNCILMEMERS%ACTION VOTE YES NO Councan ,•Iatford - "Mho is the Bond Council? Do :,7c want tn !',e locked in with The Bond Council is Livermore, Klien & Lott. 'layor - "?-e have used them before." 'Motion by Councilman Collins, seconded by Councilman Kirk to approve David Green as a regular firefighter. Chapman X C ollins X Kirk X Thomas latford X 'lotion carried. Motion by Councilman Collins seconded by Councilman Kirk to adopt Resolution 89-4. Chapman x Collins x Kirk X Thomas gatford x 'lotion carried. a) Pension Fund > I believe if it is the right of the Pension Board to invest their money any where they want, then, I believe they should have an agreement with the City, stating the City is not liable for their. investments. Attorney Coo ., ii you �.7ould, check into this and draw the correct pat)ors for the Council. ABSENT x x Councilman Watford: Councilman Kirk: City Administrator: COUNCILrE�IBERS/ACTION VOTE YES NO b) Certificate of 'occupancy > I iould like to re ur st that the ')e )art--nt ,Ie<i 3: that reed to see and sign these, come up with a procedure to speed things up. c) Joe Boyd (contractor) bought a piece of land on S.E. 7th Street, they have just found the street is closed. He bought the land for an investment along with other lots. I think the City needs to open the ,creet. Attorney Cook, if you would, look into this and see what the City needs to do to open this street. d) ile need to educate the public to vote to stop the "State Mandates". a) Last meeting I asked about the water alloca- tion, if the person does not own the property. Attorney Cook, did you find anything? Attorney Cook - "The City Clerk and I are still working oc that issue. b) The Utility Rate Increase Ordinance, can we expect it soon? Attorney Cook informed the Council the Director of Public Utilities is now making the final corrections and we should submit it to Council by the next meeting. Not at this time. Not at this time. "-1ayor: Out next meeting >ai_ll be September 5, 1989. ABSENT Adjournment IS HEREBY 01TV7,"I -T, -9 �- : , � 71 APPEAL ANY DECISION', ',liADF AT '"HIS '1EETIN(7, 0�' THE CT--'-' -c SUCH PERSON WILL NEED TO T'�'.S17PE THAT T� TI RIF 01111 PROCEEDING, IS i,IADE l!JITCH T11CLUDES Tflp-T-), UP014 Tl,'TrIICF] THE APPEAL IS :BASET). D.IMMAND R. C XP?IX, .AYOR ATTEST: -,'ST: SJ4 -JF..f-e ale BONNIE S. TlldilP�S, -IC'. CITY CLERK-