0636 City Clerk's DutiesORDINANCE NO. 636 An Ordinance of the City of Okeechobee amending Sections 2 -1 and 2- 2 of the code of ordinances; providing for an effective date. Resolved and enacted that Chapter 2 be amended as follows: 1. Section 2 -1 of the code of ordinances is hereby amended as follows: ATTEST: (b) After the effective date of this section, the city clerk shall perform the following additional non charter duties, which duties have been traditionally performed by the city clerk or have been previously performed at the request of the council: (c) Maintain and keep the seal of the city of Okeechobee, Florida; and (-3(2) Serve as personnel administrator. (BALANCE OF THIS SECTION REMAINS UNCHANGED) 2. Section 2 -2 of the code of ordinances is hereby amended as follows: his d=si is una.ailaL1, th. vic.. -ma is All payments of city funds shall be made by checks drawn upon the city's depository bank or banks. Such checks shall be signed by any two of the following officials: the mayor, the city administrator, the finance director or the city clerk. 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately after it's adoption. Introduced on first reading this 7th day of May, 1991. ONNIE S. THOMAS, CMC, City Clerk ATTEST: 4 2 ONNIE S. THOMAS, CMC, City Clerk MA AMES E. KIRK Adopted after public hearing this 21s -y of May, 1991. MAYOR ES E. KIRK