0619 General Employees PensionORDINANCE NO. 619 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 419, AMENDING SECTION II MEMBERSHIP, AMENDING SECTION III RETIREMENT DATES AND BENEFITS, AMENDING SECTION V DEATH BENEFITS, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the city council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida as follows: Section 1: Ordinance 419, Section II is hereby amended to read as follows: Section II. MEMBERSHIP A. Conditions of Eligibility 1. All persons employed or becoming employed by the City as General Employees shall become Members of the System on January 1st following attainment of age eighteen (18). rro- i-ded -t4a7t no-persen- sha11- be- eiigibie4o- i abereh —ip- -i- f- -he- -she- }attainec age- f4 €ty- s4x- {S6) -on- da- t-e- -o -emp47oymemrt Section 2: Ordinance 419, Section III is hereby amended to read as follows: Section III. RETIREMENT DATES AND BENEFITS A. Normal Retirement Date 1. A Member may retire on the first day of the month coincident with or next following that date on which such Member attains age sixty -five (65) and completes five (5) years of continuous service, or if earlier, that date on which such Member completes thirty (30) years of continuous service regardless of age. Section 3: Ordinance 419, Section V is hereby amended to read as follows: Section V. DEATH BENEFITS A. Death Prior to Retirement 3-n- the- -evert -o€ c4eath prier- te- aettia3- -xet4-r ent under -4 i-s--P1aa,-- there- -sha-1- 1-- be -a death-- bene €it- payable --&s- e- Membe -who- i-s- -e 1- 1pirb-1-e- 4ot -air -Bay 1-y-,- Nora& -or Decayed Retirement benef is t -but -Mho remtri n e i-n- -empIbymCnt and tires- -'vvlrfie- so-- entgl -oyed I ahali- -assumedl- that -such 4Member- had retired i-mmedtat.e1 z. pr-evedirng -4 4-s- date- ef- death and -a- bees €it -shat -be- -paid -ork —a meRthly- bas -i-e- assam1 ag elect4en- -ot- -the -'en- Year- Ge-r -ta i-n- and- -b if e 'FYlar- eai-te -opt on..- A- -mamba r -nat. e3M.-gi-bI- e-- f -or-a- pre- retlxement- death- bene €it -shat i- n-an -y. event be ent4.t1ed-- to -a return- -at --h s-- on- t- r4-buit.kor1s Any Member, whether or not still actively employed, who has a right to a vested accrued benefit, shall be eligible for a death benefit if he dies before collecting anv other benefits from this Plan. The amount of the death benefit shall be equal to 50% of the Actuarially Equivalent single sum value of the Member's vested accrued benefit. Section 4. Effective Date. ATTEST: BONNIE THOMAS, CITY CLERK If this single sum value is less than $3,500 it shall be paid in a lump sum. If the value exceeds $3,500, the Beneficiary may elect payment under any of the optional forms available for retirement benefits or a lump sum payment. If a Member is eligible for Early, Normal, or Delayed Retirement but remains in employment and dies while so employed, the death benefit shall be determined as follows. It shall be assumed that such deceased Member had retired immediately preceding his date of death and elected the Ten Year Certain and Life Thereafter option. However, the death benefit shall be equal to 50% of the Actuarially Equivalent single sum value of the Member's vested accrued benefit, if larger than the Ten Year Certain described earlier in this paragraph. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. Introduced for first reading and set for public hearing this 7th day of November 1989. Passed and adopted on second reading and public hearing this 5th day of December 1989.