1961-06-13 Reg. Adjourned 735
June 13, 1961
~e City Council of the City of 0keechobee, Florida, met in regular adjourned
session at the City Hall on the above date at 5:00 P. M. with the following present:
President Gardner, Com'milmen H~t, Parkersoa, Watford and Yetlding with Cl~rk Spivey.
Councilman Iiunt opened th~ m~ting with prayer.
The need of a culvert for Stewart Lightsey at his property in Block 116 was
~rougbt befor~ th~ Co~cil by President Gardner. After discussion matter referred to
Street Co~ittee for investigation.
:]o,mcilman Hunt moved to chang~ th~ Council meeting time to V:00 P. M. until
f~ther notice seconded by Co~cilman Watfo~d and carried.
'~ e Council agreed to m~t July 11 for next regular m~eting, due to r~gular
meeting being on 4th of July.
President Gardner reported on removal of trees from street right of way
near Taste~ F?~z. ~t was report.~d that a block valve on water main was n~ar this
location. ~u~t. Einsaul sta~ed that va!v~ could b~ turned. Councilman Y~ilding moved
~ ~.,.' [
to ~ploy E!z.~_~ Grant at ~P00 to ~ow~r 2 tre~s by sections and r~mov~ ~ st~ps, sub-
ject to ',~ater D~~-.~ ~, ,~. turn~'~g block valv~ on water main, s~cond~d by Councilman Park~rson
and c a~ried.
Co,mci!man Hunt moved to p~chas~ 500 f~t of 1 inch pipe and 500 feet of "
2 inch pipe, s~conded by Co~ancilman Watford and carried. Supt.Kinsaul r~quest~d per-
mission to :ou~c]~ase csst iron pipe in place of gal~aniz,d pip~ stating that kh~ pric~
of cast iron oipe was just a few c~nts more p~r foot. ~ Council granted request.
Col.:nell. man Parkerson moved to accept G & S Build~rs bid in tl~ amoumt of
~261.00 for jall repairs secor, d~d by Co~cil~n Y~ilding and carried.
~ouncilman Watford moved to grant ~ach city ~mploy~ ~loy~d I year or mor~
a two weeks paid vacation~ vacations to b~ taken, no additional pay if vacation is not
taken, s~cond~d by Co~cilman Parkerson and carried.
The Co~c~l d~scuss~d combining the water and sanitary d~partments. No
~.~I~ni+e action
Uv~o~ motion th~ Co~cil adjourned.