March 17, 1994VIA FACSIMILE Mr. John W. Abney, 11. Abney Abney Construction, Inc. Post Office Drawer 700 Okeechobee, Florida 34973 Subject: Dear Mr. Abney; A. Gather Information: 14: 46 5 q L EPIC, I r EEP5 SMITH AND GILLESPIE ENGINEERS, INC. •os' orrlcE SOIL 63136 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32201 (0041 743.6960 March 17, 1994 Revised Cost Proposal Proposed Water and Sewer Rates Analysis S&G File No, 9402 001 -01 Okeechobee Utility Working Group HAROLD R. BRIDGES, Ph.D.. P.E. VICE PRESIDENT I understand from our telephone conversation this morning that the Okeechobee Utility Working Group has accepted our proposal dated March 15, 1994, provided that certain changes are made to the scope of services. Therefore, pursuant to the request of the Working Group, we are pleased to submit our revised proposed scope of services and fee for conducting a water and sewer rates analysis. The purpose of the proposed water and sewer rates analysis is to provide the Okeechobee Utility Working Group with an understanding of: (1) water and sewer rates uniform for all customers which would be required to maintain the existing revenue of the system; and (2) a five -year projection of system revenues, expenses and debt service requirements. The rates analysis will be made assuming two levels of contribution ($2.O million and $3.O million) by the County and the five -year projection will be made both with and without a proposed $8.0 million wastewater improvements project. To achieve the above purpose, the following scope of services is proposed: 1. Obtain copy of the City's Financial Statements for year ending September 10, 1993, to establish existing system revenues. 2. Review City and OBWA billing records to establish number of customers and water usage by meter size and user category in the City, County and OBWA. 3. Review billing records, review previous reports and conduct interviews to establish the projected customer growth by meter size and category in the City, County and OBWA. 1 SMITH AND GILLESPIE ENGINEERS, INC. B. Analyze Existing System: 1. Prepare a comparison of City rates both with and without OBWA as a customer, 2. Calculate the system -wide, uniform rates required to maintain the existing system revenues. 3. Assume two levels of County contribution ($2.0 million and $3.0 million) tor the rate calculation in Item B2 above. C. Project Future Earnings: 1. Prepare a five -year projection of estimated system revenues, expenses and debt service requirements. 2. Prepare the above projection both with and without the proposed $8.0 million wastewater improvements project. D. Prepare Final Report: 1. Write a report summarizing the information gathered, analyses and results. 2. Present the report to the Working Group on April 18, 1994, and to a joint meeting of the City and req. on April 19, 1994. We propose to complete the scope of services for a lump sum fee of $6,500.00. We appreciate this opportunity to provide our services to the Working Group and look forward to your acceptance of this proposal. QovAici t, n46- -ri J6 ,4-7 C /4-tu, c)( 4 A46 SF cod-144)6. a Vii° r HRB: jh 4 ACCEPTED 8 OKEtc40 UTIIJITY WORKIN GROUP 3/1414 003 Mr. John W. Abney, Jr. Abney Abney Construction, Inc. Revised Cost Proposal, Proposed Water and Sewer Rates Analysis 8 &G File No. 9402 «00141 Okeechobee Utility Working Group March 17, 1994 Page 2 Sincerely, SMITH AND GILLE IE ENGINEERS, INC. Harold R. Bridges, Ph.D. M VIA FACSIMIL$ 03/22/94 17:13 S G ENGINEERS 002 Mr, John W. Abney, Sr. Abney Abney Construction, Inc. Post Office Drawer 700 Okeechobee, Florida 34973 SMITH AND GILLESPIE ENGINEERS, INC. POST Orrice SOX 13136 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 38201 (904) 743.6990 March 22, 1994 Subject: Water and Sewer Rates Analysis S&G Project No. 9402. 001 -01 Okeechobee Utility Working Group HAROLD R. BRIDGES, Ph.D., P.E. VICE PRESIDENT Dear Mr. Abney: Information which we will need to obtain in order to complete the subject water and sewer rates analysis is as follows: 1. City of Okeechobee Financial Statements for year ending September 30, 1993. 2. City of Okeechobee Budget for FY 1993 1994. 3. City of Okeechobee water and wastewater billing information for October 1, 1992 to September 30, 1993. A summary form is attached. 4. A copy of OBWA's current rate resolution. 5. A copy of OBWA's Audit or Financial Statement for year ending September 30, 1993 or December 31, 1993, as the case may be. 6. OBWA water billing and expenses information for October 1, 1992 to September 30, 1993, A summary for is attached. It is preferable to obtain the billing summary data (Items 3 and 6, above) on a monthly basis. However, not being familiar with either the City's or OBWA's billing system, we do not know how difficult a task this may be. If necessary, an annual summary would be acceptable. SMITH AND OILLESPIE ENGINEERS, INC. It will bet necessary to obtain the requested information by the first week in April in order to maintain our schedule. I will call you to discuss this in further detail. HRB :jh Enclosures 03/22/94 17:14 S G ENGINEERS 003 Mr. John W. Abney, Sr. Abney Abney Construction, Inc. Water and Sewer Mates Analysis SO Project No.9402- 001 -01 Okeechobee Utility Working Group March 22► 1994 Page 2 Sincerely, SMITH AND GILLESPJ E ENGINEERS, INC. Harold R. Bridges, Ph.D., CITY OF OKEECHOBEE BILLING PERIOD: A. RETAIL WATER CUSTOMERS 1. CITY 03/22/94 17:14 S G ENGINEERS 004 5/8 -3/4" 1" 1 -1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 2. COUNTY S/8 -3/4" 1" 1 -1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" Total Water Total Number Connection Fees: Total Backflow Prevention Fees: Total Water System Capacity Fees: 1 Total `Use. t1000.gal.) Total Water Connection Fees: Total Backflow Prevention Fees: Total Water System Capacity Fees: 'Total Charges n3/22/94 8. WHOLESALE WATER CUSTOMERS 1. CITY 2. COUNTY 2" 3" 4" 6" 17:15 5 G ENGINEERS Meter si Nutitbee. 11 11111E11E1E11111111 111101. .01111 1 1 1 I 1 I 2" M 3" 4" 6" 1.11141 ..111R114.im.. Mei I I I otat.'..:Vtiii..: 1000'...' Is I I I 005 .0%*4**: C. RETAIL WASTEWATER CUSTOMERS 1. CITY teter' Size 5/8 -3/4" 1" 1 -1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 03/22/94 17:16 S a G ENGINEERS 8" 2. COUNTY 10" 1*ter Size 5/8 -3/4" 1" 1 -1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" Total Wastewater Connection Fees: Total Wastewater System Capacity Fees: Total Number. 4 11 111 (1000 gal.) Total Wastewater Connection Fees: Total Wastewater System Capacity Fees: D. MISCELLANEOUS FEES AND SPECIAL SERVICE CHARGES Total Fees and Charges: Is Is Is Is Is Is I s Is Is d otal Use Total (1000 gal.) Charges Toth Charges.:: 006 A. INCOME 03/22/94 17:17 S G ENGINEERS 007 1. MONTHLY CHARGES B. EXPENSES eter Et&o 1 S/8 -3/4 1" 1 -1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" OKEECHOBEE BEACH WATER ASSOCIATION BILLING PERIOD: 2. OTHER FEES AND CHARLES (Connection Fees, Development Charges, etc.) Total Other Fees and Charges: City of Okeechobee: Operation Maintenance: