1994/04/25 Beach Water v City & BOCC-Discuss Lawsuit SettlementAMENDMENT NUMBER ONE TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN PARTIES TO DISCUSS SETTLEMENT OF OKEECHOBEE WATER ASSOCIATION, INC. VS. CITY OF OKEECHOBEE/COUNTY OF OKEECHOBEE LAWSUIT Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Agreement between Parties to discuss Settlement of Okeechobee Beach Water Agreement vs. City of Okeechobee/County of Okeechobee Lawsuit ("Agreement"), the Parties thereto do hereby consent to an extension of the Agreement until June 30, 1994 and the terms and conditions of the Agreement will remain in effect and binding upon the Parties until June 30, 1994 unless further extended by the Parties upon mutual consent. AGREED this 25 day of April 1994 by the City of Okeechobee. M ,City of Okeechobee AGREED this 25 day of April 1994 by the Okeechobee County, Florida. Chairman, Okeechobee County AGREED this 25 day of April 1994 by Okeechobee Beach Water Association, Inc. President, Okeechobee Efeach Water Association, Inc. AGREEMENT BETWEEN PA.i*...'1' I ES `0 DISCUSS SETTLEMENT or O }TWA vs. CITY OF OKEECHOBEE/COUNTY 0L O.,,EE!_-TOBEE LAWSUIT WHEREAS the City of 0!,eechobee, the Count; of Okeechobee, and Okeechobe Beach Watt. Ass+•ciation, Inc., (the parl.i.es) recognize the great public in!.: rest. i.n providing a comprelicn:~ive water and sewer utility service for _he entire area, AND WHEREAS th:~ part'.es recognize the great ')enefits to be achieved in a unifi ef= -_t to plan together for these services for all of the citi c` the area, AND WHEREAS to -a ;.tither disagreement and litigaticn, all the parties wish to settlement and planning discuissiono in good faith, and _ See!: consensus on the best alternatives for the delivery of wat--~i: -nd -sewer services to the Okeechobee area; NOW THEREFORE, 1);~lie -.ng that their interest:- in this case may benefit from settle,nr-.,n!. d cussions, it is hereby stipulated and agreed by the parties thro•igh the head of their respective boards, during the period as defined herein,, to stay any legal action and discovery and to join is ar-v necessary motions to toll any trial or hearing, and to suspend any and all unilateral activities which ar'3 for the purpose of prut-idirg new water and sewer utility service in the area under t the lawsuit. Such activities to be suspended include, ;:,ut tc.t limited to, planning, permitting. funding, and acquis?'.:•;n r-tivity or construction. Excluded frotl this suspension of activity is the City's well water treatment facility currently un-l-er c•.-nstruction, including such distribution line work as is nece:sar to bring this system on line with the existing City water '.istr_.bution system, and any ongoing project within the City utility :_;stem for which design or construction contracts have, as c.rF thi date, already been awarded by the City Council. ALL OF THE PART- 1--3 t , this agreement specifically recognize and agree that all statements, discussions, communications, oral or written, made pursu.:,:;t to this discussion process , are deemed to be settlement negotiation.-~ and as such are not admissible as evidence in any lawsuit or administrative hearing or proceeding. THE PARTIES do hereby authorize and create a utilities mediation working group tc explore, on their behalf, all relevant information and alternativ-:~s with the intent to establish the most cost efficient and e.iita? i.e means for providing area wide utility service for the entii co,::r,unity, and to report their findings to the Parties respect.v at least as often asp their regula_ meetings or as reque=ted the respective boards. THE PARTIES ag:- t]-t- the membership of the working grow-3 will be five member-. and that within ten days they will appoint their respective met:u :::s ; follows: r-_ The Okeechobee -'ity Council one council member and one citizen of their chuc,sina. The Okeechobee +_~unt: Commissioners one commissioner and one citizen of thei- _:hoo. _ng. Okeechobee Beacli Wa+_. r Association one ri `.izcn of thei choosing. RECOGNIZING th need `:or specialized professional assistance, the Parties instruct he w--,rking group to engage assistance in this effort, and to prepa;_e and present for approval a schedule of any funding needs prior to an expenditures being made. THE PARTIES AGRFF th-t the City must have assurance from the Florida Department cf En,..ironmental Protection that any delays caused by this effort will not jeopardize their good standing with that agency, and aare-- and accept that, though this assurance must be acquired, it will ..nt j -lay the formation and proceeding of the working group. THE PARTIES A,',F:EE t!lat Okeechobee Beach Mater must have assurance from the Ci` thi t as a result of their participation in the agreement, them =upp:1 of potable water for their customer: will not be jeopar)~_--ed -nd that the City hereby renews thei_ previous offer to :ru:')ply rater presently, and subsequent to the termination of their ;:ist..ag contract, if necessary. Further, the City and Okeechobee B+ ach 'rater agree that during the term of these discussions no allor7atio: of water for users in the disputed service areas will be made without mutual agreement between them, as provided in the e::isti :g contract between these parties. For purposes of this attempt --t settlement, the disputed service area will be described as that _-ea claimed by Okeechobee Beach Water as their service area, irhich is also within the Citv's claimed 201 service area. The City u?rees that any requests for new water allocations within T'c,a,.:h ~°?:-ter's service area which is not within the disputed area as (1efin,-•d above, will be considered and granted with the same priorit: and at the same rate as they would give for other requests in tle Co"ttty, provided, however, that any new allocations or service so xranted will not be considered to be an addition to their current :ontract amount. AND LASTLY, tha parties agree to abide by the terms of this agreement for a peric_1 of sixty (60) days, and to use their best faith and efforts :o reach agreement together on the most beneficial plan for supD':ying water and sewer services to the people of the area. The te..m of this agreement may be extended by written agreement of all the parties. AGREED this (1:;.y of January, 1994 by THE CITY Or OKEECHOBEE. Mayor, City of Okeechobee AGREED this ?ay )f January, 1994 by OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Chairman, BOCC AGREED this clay cr January, 199,4 by OKEECHOLEE BEACH WATER ASSOCIATION, INC. President, OBWA