April 22, 1993 (2)�l OKEECy 1 a 0 V 111 City of Okeechobee ed./ RLOA10 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APRIL 22, 1993 MEETING PM SESSION VERBATIM cau_ afgr NOTE: 11 indicates you cannot understand what that person is saying on the tape. indicated a person was interrupted while speaking. HARVEY> Before we leave me might want to get back on this city /county joint workshop deal. Is there anything any board member wants to add to these things here right now so. You know the way I understood this thing, we're going to discuss what's on this agenda and that's all we're going to discuss. PORTER> No. 4 says other points concerned by both parties. Yea. So that basically says you can discuss anything you want to. CO ADMINISTRATOR> Our thrust is to try to keep the discussion to this general format. In other words lets talk about this and this and this and then when you get down here towards the end of the meeting if you want to let your hair down, let your hair down. HARVEY> I don't have a problem with this thing. CO ADMINISTRATOR> We can modify this thing if the board so desires. HARVEY> No I kind of agree with it. I was thinking that we were going to rather than get there and say, "well I didn't know we was gonna present $2 million I didn't know you was gonna do this, you just sprung this on me tonight." CO ADMINISTRATOR> That can be discussed Mr. Chairman if you want under item 3A number 6 where it says should we decide at this juncture what both parties plan to do with the appraisal once it's been received that may be something you want to talk about. In other words if it's real expensive maybe we don't want to proceed with it. They may give you the opportunity to discuss that if you want to unless you wanted to get more specific and you could do that too. The phraseology a lot more specific as to how you want to address. CLOSE> Mr. Chairman, this page was this drafted by the City? CO ADMINISTRATOR> No. It was drafted by the County and given to Mr. Drago. Mr. Drago reviewed it, made some suggestions. We've made a few modifications. That was the direction you all gave, you said for CLOSE> So this is jointly? CO ADMINISTRATOR> Yes you said for the two of us to get together and work it out and we did that. I just felt it would be easier if we had something in hand. So I typed it up and sent it over there, he looked at it and he made some changes. The council has not necessarily approved it. CLOSE> Mr. Harvey should we,,,,,,, PORTER> They'll be no City Council meeting they going to approve it? CO ADMINISTRATOR> They may no need to. You just giving it to you if you want to make any approve it. prior to this meeting, how are didn't way you needed to. I'm changes to it you don't have to CLOSE> Under #3 where do we go from here? Do we proceed to have an appraisal performed on the City's system. After system under the right with the that South Florida Management would in fact fund that appraisal through the, not grant but cooperate agreement with the county, that $1.5 million cooperate agreement. There's a good chance that they, if we said that, that would eliminate that discussion. There wouldn't be well, you know, you mean their not going to pay. HARVEY> They commented that before they would have to approve this appraisal before they would consider paying for it. And I hope to if the board so wishes I'd like to try to set up a meeting with Sonny, myself and if you all want to come or something you can and all these Water Management District people and try to get a feeling of what they'll pay for. I got one feeling that unless they would kind of a figure set in there kind of like what you said at one time. That they might not fund this thing unless they was pretty assured that something was going to happen you know. I want to try and nail that down before this meeting as best we can. CLOSE> I totally concur with you on that one issue because I think its maybe a mute subject if they did not agree to that, we would need this meeting because I think it was a agreed on by yourself and the mayor that basically the last item that we're griping with is the value of the existing utility system and this was a way to get this out of the way and since then the problem has dropped out with the South Florida Water Management District and have become more involved on that one issue. But then if you have this meeting, not trying to complicate things you might not need to HARVEY> Is there anything else anybody feels like we need to put on there. Maybe we need to give them a littler prior notice and let them try to be coming up with their feelings or their decision, if not we'll just go with what we've got. CLOSE> Mr. Chairman, #4 under 3A. I don't know if this is even a valid concern. This firm with the, the City manager chose. I was just wondering if they haven't been too involved with the process to this point to possibly use one of the other two. I hate to use the word because there were a lot of issues like you know letters from the three consultants that the city uses saying that they object to the scope of the appraisal and you know based on this firms scope and that this firm in fact was picked by the manager verses picked by the City Council and I really, really apologize for bringing that up but its been something this I kind of wondered about. The other side of the coin is they spend a lot of time and he's spending a lot of money through the interview process and maybe answering some of these questions I don't know maybe their in it too far. 2 o-r Z.3 PORTER> There name is next to comment #4. Lot's of people are talking. BETTS> Well that's when we can ask how involved they are and we can decide whether we think we ought to we don't have any real straight information as to how much they may have or may have been influenced. CASSELS> implication of the amount of feed back and BETTS> But this would be a pretty point blank forward question. Say okay,,, CASSELS> I'd like to think that the caliber that we settled on to give the city the choice character that they are not going to be easily tainted but if you go back to the original,,,,,,, HUGHES> I would like to see copies didn't we have a sample he sent to us research done to determine what was utility system. requested and what we actually ended HARVEY> I want somebody to tell me if they can. changed? of the original, the amended scope and as the recommended scope? I think some the usual scope for an appraisal on a yes what was recommended what was up with after it had been revised. Has the scope been CO ADMINISTRATOR> I have seen documents and I am not the expert on this so please forgive me but I have seen documents that indicate there was a scope prepared in early January, comments were received from the consultants for the city. The intent being to clarify some points and some language some of it was that clean up stuff some of it was technical errors. Scope was modified as a result of that I think all three consultants, Knepper and Willard and PMG and Reese, Macon reviewed the scope and made comments. Most of them I think were technical. There were some areas that I thought were outlandish in terms of what they wanted but that was in terms of other areas not really directed to the technical review of the project that was more of a well let's have a big open ended kind of thing so that we shouldn't say it's only going to cost $3,000.00. THERE'S A LONG BLANK SPACE IN TAPE HERE HARVEY> I don't think the general scope has changed very much. CO ADMINISTRATOR> I don't think the over all premises (TO MANY PEOPLE TALKING HERE CANNOT UNDERSTAND) did the document say it was a 3.12 mgd and 3.2 mgd okay that's just technical things. HARVEY> Things of that nature is the only thing that I saw that changed. CO ADMINISTRATOR> nature that was changed but no but you can hang around CLOSE> the way it was presented to me there was a ton of substance. The Pnn 3 oP23 way it was presented to me. I guess it really doesn't matter,,,,,,, HUGHES> I was under the impression it was a lot of,,,,,,,,,, CLOSE> The bottom line is and then they come back with what I and this will be my third time, they came back, instead of council deciding on these three that we felt like were creditable top notch firms and I agree with Mr. Cassels and I think that is a very correct statement. Instead of them picking from that short list they let the manager do it which puts him and the city in a very precarious situation by doing it under those circumstances verses in the sunshine in the open. And then the next thing you get the three letters from the three of the city's engineering consultants questioning their scope of work. Even if they weren't of substance. There you go and we're still in the same firm and I don't want to be pessimistic or anything else I think that's an issue that I rather not hammer it out the way I'm saying now, I know it will not work with them across the table. It just isn't going to work. I think they would become defensive over that and I know, let me put the shoe on the other foot. I, no I can't say it that way. I know I would be against if our county administrator was just, I mean walked on water. I would, you know, I'm totally supportive, that just doesn't fall under administration when you pick a consultant, a CPA firm and engineering firm. That doesn't fall under administration like a policy decision does. And it falls under that category and statutory there are areas for instance, you know we've hammered this our, CPA's, engineer's statutory they have to be interviewed, you have to short list them and so on and it has to be done before the entire commission or school board or city council. Okay, and this, because of that because it wasn't competitive I guess excluded them from the City Council making decision verses the manager, I guess, I don't know. I've never seen it done like that, that doesn't matter it just makes my devious mind wonder. You know I just rather go in saying you know, everything's lily white and everything's above board and you know, the best I can because they're going to pick holes in it like I'm doing now so at least I want to try to do the best I can and let them shoot as few bullets as they can. I don't want to give them more arrows to shoot at us. I think if you sit across the table, in that scenario they would become defensive and I can understand that. I don't want to do anything or say anything to make them become defensive and I guess if you said to them we feel like you ought to pick one of the other two firm they might become more defensive. I guess my question is, just leave it like it is? It's just a big concern I've had from the very beginning. HARVEY> It is a concern. I don't know of John do you have any idea? CASSELS> You've got to weigh a lot of factors to decide whether you feel that it is worth while to expend the funds on an appraisal. One of the factors you've been dealing with is minimum and maximum numbers $10 million if your going to have here $50,000.00 why spend money, point those things out. Another factor you've considered is whether you feel comfortable with the independence of the particular appraising firm in light of the attempted input by the consultants from the city. That's just another concern that you've got. You've got a concern about whether South Florida Management will agree to pay for the animal once you've done it. So all these things go into your decision as to whether you're going to proceed with an appraisal. But I don't have any clear direction. I think one of the things that was somewhat offensive in the feed back that we had gotten from the city was that not only. It was almost like everyone jumped on the appraisal to pick it apart before it was even formed and to make sure the scope would preordain a result. That bothered us. It also bothered us that they, which just bothered us. And another thing that bothered us was not only are they going to have in the wings all their specialized consultants ready to pounce on it, but the County should pay for them to be there for that function, that bothered us. PORTER> There could be to follow what John's saying what you may want to do is whether you want somebody as a consultant on this particular expertise to be paid for under this contract as they want their people to be paid for and you want somebody to represent you. Like a who you have used and /or retained and whether you want them to review the plan. That may be something to think about. And informal discussions with them is that they understand that just as they have somebody look at it. In other words if you were in the process of doing this do you want to go with both your guns or do you want to just go with one gun and let them have both of their's? CASSELS> If you weren't talking about such expensive appraisals. Normally if you went into these kinds of negotiations, the City would get its appraisal so they know exactly what, how valuable, what they have to offer. The county gets its appraisal done strictly no allegiance but to the county so that you know what you think it's worth. And with no problems with either. Usually when you get together and agree on a joint appraisal you have agreed of what your going to do once it comes out. If it's this amount or over, all bets are off, if its this amount or under all bets are off, but if it's within this range we will do this with the appraisal. But it seems like with something that should be that simple just cannot come together. Maybe your workshop will help that. HARVEY> I kind of still feel like that maybe we need to have this range in there somehow to discuss what we have in here, you know you can argue that both ways. I just feel like we're going to need it because we're going, if we're not, we're going to fool around here and have an appraisal that's probably going to be to these people or could be. And I kind of feel like that range needs to be in there. I can't "if" it. At one time I didn't think so but there was as Mr. Close mention at that time I just, you've turned me around and I'm pretty strong on the other side. And I still can I might be wrong, if it is ya'll speak up because I think that should be there, maybe not. CLOSE> Mr. Chairman, along the same lines Mr. Cassels alluded to about maybe we would want somebody like Craig. A. Smith. The thing that is important to me, and Gene Shrinner pointed out to me. I really didn't think about it until he pointed it out to me, but you know we've been, and I hate to use the word, "the good guys cause we've sat here I think possibly weeks and talked to you know what we're doing is fair. And we haven't had any professional support, expertise. And what I mean by that is the City's got these three firms that are monitoring every move that we make. For instance we paid a large amount of money for a report from Neighbors, Givens and and they had their consultant literally shoot holes in the rough draft before it was even presented to us. By some, one of the stupidest things I've ever heard in my life, it got presented to a ready committee, never even, the dollar amount that we spent on that thing and never even got presented to us. It never got past that ready committee and it was a very poor administrative decision but it happened. One fellow happened to call the shot. come down to make his presentation to them and it got shot down. Then we came back in January with this appraisal offer and again we're naively thinking we're doing what's right. I was the only one that questioned you and you straightened out real quick and said you know why they didn't go in halves and all and again we go in again thinking dog gone, we're doing what's right. There is a source of money there that could be used and the key is your know we need this unbiased appraisal that's not from somebody that's ever been associated with the city or county and everything's moving good and next thing you know the city brings their guns out. The three consultants and boom, boom, boom. So you know and Mr. Cassels again brought up, I need to hush and let him talk cause he's hitting right on the key issues to me. It's just got to be, it will not work unless an agreement is made. We're going to take this and it's so important to use this "unbiased" this clean, this accurate, it best as can be appraisal and we got to agree with it comes out of the wash we're going to take it and we're going to do something with it. But we can't have people shooting holes in it before it even starts. What your saying, it has a lot of validity I don't know how you come up with a dollar amount verses coming up with a commitment. You know we want to make this thing work. HARVEY> But you know its kind of like said this morning "x" number of dollars we can go with Beach Water, have a new facility $1 million you know and right where we really need to be and be sitting in an ideal spot here for any plant because we'll be spending the money on the area that everybody's concerned about. We're in a good position if we go that route. And if you stretch your dollar too far just to go in with the City just because it's the City you know are you doing this guy forgot to mention him right and out here in the County that's not going to receive anything, direct benefits from this thing, if so it's going to be quite a while you know, and try to be fair to the people in the city also and be fair to everybody, I feel like we need a range in here and I don't know were the range is at. Before we go spend $70,000.00, you know that's $70,000.00 and I don't care where the money comes from, why spend it if it's not going to do you some good, except just to let you know. And when you get it one side or the other is going to say well I don't agree with him. Well, you know we're not suppose to say that, probably one side is going to say well I don't agree with that appraisal I think it's too high or I think it's too low and it's more or less going to be wasted. And you know I kind of feel like we need and I don't know what the figures should be from 2 to 7 or 2 to whatever in this range to know because we need, we don't never to forget the idea that $3 to 4 million we can join up with a brand new group you know. And not have no big debt. I mean, and start where we need to start, start where we really need to be cleaning up our act so to la aP2s P m speak. So that's the reason that keeps coming back to me about this figure, we need to be thinking about it. And I really don't know whether I'm right or not. Whether we need to say well we just need to have an appraisal anyhow or whether we need to include fee? MR. CASSELS> Let me say something here. There's been some recent quotes and all contributed to me that I'm against the utility authority or against the city or against settlements. I would like nothing more than a good working relationship with the City. Nothing more than an appropriate utility authority that serves the best needs of al the county and as recently as last monday we reaffirmed that to the city that na appropriate authority is in the best interest of all residents. I do have a fear based on some recent developments with the City's special attorney in Tallahassee that they are taking exception with the proposed franchise with Beach Water. I don't see those things a mutually exclusive I think you can have relationships with the City and still have a relationship with the Beach Water I don't think you'll have to do either or unless one of the parties forces it that way but I do see a pollination starting here that you need to make peace, a lasting peace with the City or it's going to fall apart and your going to have litigation or an antagonist situation. I just don't see you can just sit out and have business as usual because the city has basically upped the stakes to a certain degree in the comprehensive plan litigation. That they have referenced in the comprehensive litigation plan litigation the new franchise proposal with Beach Water so they take exception with that. They look at that as an infringement upon their future plans so they are not going to in my opinion take that lying down forever. They see it as an infringement although we don't intend it to be an infringement. So I guess what I'm saying is try to go into your workshop in good faith trying to settle something with them because I don't think if you settle it's going to get worse and worse. CLOSE> Mr. Chairman you know it's interesting it pretty much what was said a year ago. The rock that's in the way is the appraisal and right back at that same old immovable rock and you know its. HUGHES> I don't recall, I was in the audience at the time any promise to do anything with the appraisal other than look at it from the initial discussion to determine to go ahead and fund this appraisal. I don't recall their being a promise to commit to it or not. But to get the appraisal, and after the appraisal t determine whether or not it was feasible to form the authority from that point and I don't think we can make a commitment of any kind before you get the appraisal. I don't see how you can do that. PORTER> Let me ask one thing. John, what advantage would the appraisal have, if any, from a qualified firm, licensed in the State of Florida, does this type of work, on litigation for the State or DCA. We're saying we want to form an authority or handle the water /sewer situation around the lake or highly populated areas and this thing comes in where it's ridiculous. I'm not saying it's going to, you know what I mean? Would that help our situation any? Or could it hurt our situation any? CASSELS> Well one of the premises applied to the City's challenge of our comp plan was that we were not committing to maximum the use of their existing facilities. Which meant the water and sewer plant. Our position in (9P-03 Prn the comp plan was that we need to weigh our options and be free to make the best decision for all the citizens. But when it became time for us to make decisions they wanted us to basically join with them and as I gave you that in depth briefing a couple of months ago that we feel some of the comprehensive plan litigation is designed to get the county's assistance behind and Beach Waters liability. If an appraisal comes in showing that there is no value or negative value to the system as a result of the debt that's been loaded into it or the condition of the facility it's going to show fairly clearly why it's important for the County to retain it's options and why we wouldn't want to write in our comprehensive plan the commitment to only maximize city facilities so in a way yes, but of coarse if you're,,,,, PORTER> couldn't the other way around. CASSELS> That's also true. If it's a gem in the rough then we should be rethinking how we maximize the facilities. PORTER> Well if it's a gem in the rough. Then wouldn't be opposed so much to the authority. CASSELS> HUGHES> PORTER> CLOSE> HUGHES> That's all it can be. Now we're looking for commitment for something that the original agreement. The agreement was of this three they pick one of the three and the appraisal would be done. CLOSE> Not the City Manager but the City Council and not have their consultants shoot holes in it and want to make changes,,,,, HUGHES> And now it seems were that were building that we want commitment in dollar figures, that was not part of the original agreement. Unless I am totally gone. HARVEY> here to want to CASSELS> That's true too. It's all speculation until the appraisal is finished. That's right. It's just like a dog chasing it's tail. No. You are correct. But then Water Management District came in and said they may not finance that thing unless there is and they have some insurance here and I can see where they're coming from. If it's just a fishing expedition then why spend the money. HARVEY> Why spend the money. You know what purpose are you going to get out of this appraisal? I mean they want to know,,,,, CLOSE> Plus there's a little more to this behind the scenes also with South Florid Water Management. As far as one party saying why are you taking tax payers money South Florida Water Management to finance an entity, another governmental entity that would essence put us out of business or bankrupt us if you're catching at what I'm saying? And that's a very important issue cs-P 25 pm that is, that you have to keep in mind. HUGHES> My next question is why wasn't all this worried about prior to making a commitment to doing the appraisal with someone else's money? CLOSE> Because the one entity never came up with this objection and word it that way until after the fact,,,, HUGHES> I just like to wonder not going to help us out of this predicament. CLOSE> Well if it was just the seven of us sitting here I could. If you'll just think of everything that has been said today. And I'm not being biased and I'm not being, you know I know how Tom is I'm and I know ya'll are sick of me saying this. My whole business is in the city, my residence is in the city, our county attorney, the long tall handsome marboro man, his business os there's, we all have so much at steak here and we say and I believe in all my heart we want to do what's best for the community and the community is the county and city together. But if you listen to everything that has been said today. How many times has one of the entities we've discussed sprung road blocks up? Their engineer was never involved. Their consultants were never involved. the entities. Look at the things that we've discussed just today. Listen to the road blocks that have gone up, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. HUGHES> CLOSE> done beat know,,, I understand you completely. Okay so that's I guess the whole point I'm trying to make. We've this poor old horse till there ain't no hid left on it. You HUGHES> But we're not getting anywhere. And that's what's,,,, CLOSE> One of these days, we're going to have to have the political world and the courage to make a definitive statement and say this is it. You know, call us a failure, do anything you want say anything you want but this is it. That's it no more. We're going to do what we believe in our hearts, we've tried to do everything we could whether we've failed or not is irrelevant. Now we're going to do this. We're going in that direction and that's the way we're going and until that time happens, that horse don't have any more hid on it, we're going to kicking bones now cause we done beat that poor ole horse to death. HUGHES> I am very hopeful that this workshop will put an end to this. PORTER> Tommy, I'm going to say this, and you hit on a very good point. Politically, I think what were taking a stand on what we're trying to do politically, now, the authority would be the worse thing we could do, politically. The best thing we could do is go with Beach Water. CLOSE> PORTER> we want Absolutely. So we're sticking our neck out here when we're saying to that cit to form an authority now they may not think so but you start spreading that debt service fee out over these county customers buddy you're going to catch, HARVEY> I think the best thing you can do is set back and do nothing. PORTER> Yea, the best thing to do is just say hey we don't want water and sewer let it go and say we don't care. Cause I do care about the people being impacted about the debt service. I care about them no being able to hook up to sewer, impacting the lake. There's a lot of things here. Charlie's got the best point I mean it may come down to Beach Water's the best foot to move and that may be the way this thing goes if things don't work out,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, CLOSE> The city can come in later. Nobody's closing any doors. That's the way it is and we've said this before and it's a little embarrassing to me personally cause I'm in this thick as everybody else. The city's never slowed down. They got a plan, they got direction and them fellers ain't slowed down. Beach, they got a plan, they got direction and they haven't slowed down. I ain't even going to discus the other folks. HUGHES> Isn't this a little particular? We have no interest technically right now in either one but we're fixing to split all of our funds by joining with a system, it is not adequate. HARVEY> Let me tell you what's going to happen. If you form this authority, Beach Water pulls, you give them this franchise, they pull out, their water customers is going to be paying more money, you know. The City people, if we going to join in with them, well that dang county bunch joined in, look at here what by bills is now since they joined in. Well since they give Beach Water that franchise now look here what my water bill is. We're the black hats I don't care what happens or what comes of it. HUGHES> We're the black hats riding a dead horse. CLOSE> But we got to make a decision. We've got to do something, that's the key. We've got to do something. HUGHES> I understand that, but like you say to benefit the highly populated areas we're throwing everybody else in the county under the, PORTER> That may be, but I think this one workshop will,,,,,,, HUGHES> And either bury the horse or cut it up and eat it one of the two. CLOSE> Exactly if you could the ole marboro man and give him the floor and let him make the same identical speech he made this morning that was eloquent with the exception of one little,,,,,,, BETTS Repeat that to, include the whole thing,,, CLOSE> Darn right,,,,, HARVEY> You got that on tape have you? I want a copy of it. Pnr) to 0e05 CLOSE> You know you'd think we know everything about it. But by gosh you've opened my eyes up on a few things and that is we're excepting a ton of liability but in turn the city is also going to suffer because of losing the revenue. But you know,,,,,,,,, PORTER> They probably think we're all gullible or opposed to something like that. I'm not opposed to something like that. I'm not opposed to them getting a little revenue out of there if it helps run city hall and pay for some of the employees down there, that don't bother me in the least somebody's got to do it, somebody's got to run it. Why can't they just come out and say, hey look it's going to cost us a few dollars here if we form this authority. Why didn't they come out in the very beginning and say we're going to have to raise our taxes a little bit to off set this loss of revenue. HARVEY> John, on this law suit with the city you know on our comp plan deal here, if we start to grant this franchise can they, is there anything the city can do, being they're already servicing that area? Can they get an injunction against us? Or can we legally give a franchise to anybody we want to? Like to Beach Water? CASSELS> We can legally give a franchise to whomever we want to in my opinion. They are going to argue and object to the franchise that we are infringing upon their service area. I think one of the Councilmembers asked at the cit council meeting isn't' this just what Beach Water has been servicing all along? And it was said yes, basically and what's the big deal. And that was sort of our situation. I also seem to recall some comments from the City in the past that they really didn't care whether Beach Water was a customer or not. That they were going to go through with the plant expansion regardless of whether they had Beach Water. But then I see more recent information that maybe they do care. Maybe they all of a sudden realized you've got to pay for this plant. So they are going to look at this as an infringement upon them I believe. But I think it's your right to do it. HARVEY> My question was I guess, can they get a injunction against us for doing this? CASSELS> I wish I had a crystal ball. I think the can try. I don't think they will be successful in getting an injunction against us for issuing the franchise. Now they might be able to prove that they have a service area that excludes Beach Water and that some judge may ultimately limit the territory of Beach Water, that is a possibly. But we have the power to give the franchise. HARVEY> Okay that's the meat of their law suit against us on the comp plan deal about this service area their wanting. CASSELS> I think that's the true hidden agenda. When you get right down to what they are complaining about it all leads into they staked out what they thought was the service area which was the south end of the county and even though they cannot presently service it they want it still sitting there when the get to it. CLOSE> They pretty much exposed their hand Wednesday morning in the paper. Pin 110 That was the thrust of that article Wednesday. CASSELS> I think we pretty well had that figured out some time ago that's the thrust. And that's why as you indicated they are moving ahead with the well field. Their moving ahead with the water treatment plant their moving a head with sewer because then the argument will be we've incurred all this debt to get the capacity to serve this area now you're going to give it to someone else. They've been moving and they've had an agenda for some time and we're just playing catch -up. HARVEY> If we go ahead and give this franchise then their successful in their suit against the comp plan were does this leave us with the franchise, us giving the franchise to somebody if their going to come back later on ad redeem so to speak or say they're entitled to it? CASSELS> Keep in mind the comp plan litigation in and of itself is not going to define a service area or really impact directly on Beach Water. What they city wants the county to do is agree with their service area. And I think the next step would be to try to stop Beach Water from expanding it's facility based on the fact that it would violate the county comp plan. So their doing this in phases. Phase 1 is to get the county's comprehensive plan to be favorable to their view of the utility service area. The second would be to then use that comprehensive plan to try to limit Beach Water's impact on them. Now to try to answer your question more directly. I feel that the worst, if we had a total loss of the comp plan litigation, all that would mean would be we would have to go back and insert more language into the comprehensive plan and re -adopt it. That's why staff has felt that the complaint from the very beginning is somewhat frivolous. HARVEY> Explain what you mean by go back and insert more language. CASSELS> An Administrative Hearing Officer is not going to re -write your plan for you. He's simply going to say whether you've complied with all the requirements that must be in the plan or not. If he says either we haven't put in all the magic words or that we didn't give the city enough notice you have to go back and do it again. So that we take the plan we correct the things that the Administrative Hearing Officer found lacking and re- advertise and re -adopt it. So that's one of the problems we've had with the comprehensive plan litigation is that it's and you hate to say this but it's a lot of to do about not much. Because on it's face their complaining that we didn't give them adequate notice of our adoption and the material that was going to be in it so if we were 100% guilty, which we do not sa that we are all we'd have to do is go back and fix and re -do it. HARVEY> Give enough notice? I thought it was more we didn't give them their service area? CASSELS> Now that's hidden down in there. CLOSE> That is it but,,,, PORTER> Their not admitting to that. CLOSE> Right. This is their way to accomplish this by this ridiculous, LZ cC 23 Pin not ridiculous but,,, HARVEY> Wouldn't they have been better off coming out and say your comp plan did not, we're already servicing this area, this is ours, why not let your man spell it out? CASSELS> Because, ad that's an easy question to answer because they are not servicing what they would like to say the are. They have outlined this but their only servicing so they want protection for the entire HARVEY> During the hearing could the thing be amended, well at least give me the area I'm now servicing? CASSELS> That's one of our negotiation points that we had been negotiating with. Alright we will recognize what your actually servicing and then we've got to deal with, let me back up. We intended to accurately reflect what you're servicing but we we're not conceding that we were going to recognize that you have staked out all of the rest of this area. They say oh yes we've staked it out we have certain rights in it. Then you've got rights and a court will uphold those right's if you've got them. But the comp plan isn't the place to recognize them. So that was part of the negotiations we had been dealing with. HUGHES> Are they actually providing service to everyone in their current service area? CASSELS> No. They do not have the capacity to do so. HUGHES> Then why do they want that much? CASSELS> To spread the debt. CLOSE> To spread the debt and also to stop these other two entities. HUGHES> To me their whole reasoning behind their litigation is ridiculous. CASSELS> They could have handled, in my opinion,,,, HUGHES> If they can't service what their current service is,,,, HARVEY> They can always. They may not at this particular time. But they always had the possibly they can in the future. What your going to do now is eliminate his service area then with all this debt he's going to have then,,,,,, Shhhuuup! HARVEY> That's right HUGHES> Exactly. HARVEY> You know, well if I had this service area I could expand and we could, you know service his fit. But now being they gave his service area away you people are going to have to pay for this. 1 3&223 HUGHES> That point makes no sense to me that they can continue bonding and go further and further in debt without seeing on this side where their showing any fruit from their labors. You know they keep going further and further but they don't seem to be improving. PORTER> Beach Water customers have never paid any debt service. CLOSE> When you go into rival or go into war or get in a fight with somebody a lot of your tactics or your way of dealing with it, you can go on the defensive or whatever, but anyway, a big part of it is assessing your and their style and how they fight and again and I don't know how to say this in a nice way. But if you look at this other entity and you look historically how they operate and everybody knows this is the way they do it. They don't come out and lay it on the table and say these are what our objectives are these are what our deficiencies are this is what we need,,,, HUGHES> It's all some kind of game of monopoly. We have a need here. A desperate need for water and sewer and infrastruction in Okeechobee County and fancy foot working avoiding the issues and not sitting down and saying look this is what we need now how do we get their and let's all be honest about it. This is not happening. Now I realize this is government and this is politics town but that doesn't mean I have to like it. We're not accomplishing other than wasting a lot of time and whose suffering for it? But every resident in this county. CASSELS> Maybe I can say something that can clarify a little bit of this. HUGHES> Everybody needs to just needs to grow up. CASSELS> Chapter 180 of Florida Statutes. Chapter 180 discusses service areas. Now they, the city, maintain have properly staked out the chapter 180 service area. Either they have or they haven't. They say they did years ago in 1983. Whether they have or they haven't will ultimately be determined in court. I can almost predict that. It's staff feeling that the major issues of the comp plan litigation are just trying to set the stage for the ultimate chapter 180 process because it would help the city in a chapter 180 battle with whomever, if Beach Water or somebody else it would help the cit in that battle to have the county comprehensive plan that supports their service area as opposed to remain neutral about it. So, you've got a long term strategy that's being played out here a comp plan litigation is just one part of it, chapter 180 is a part of it. CLOSE> You know, I take a little bit of offense to what you've said there. What we've done. You got to go back historically. And you go back and you see what they've done. And you see what we've done and in essence we've done nothing, good, bad, we make a lot of suggestions and we got a lot of dialogue but as far as actually doing something and you watch it. Look at our report and you just watch how they do it and frankly I had a belly full of it years ago and it just keeps going on. And it's not childish and it's not politics is a bunch of boom, boom is what it is and if you want to grow up, we want to grow up, hey let's take a stand and let's say. We're going to go in this direction because Beach has never meandered. The city it's just been a trucking down the road and we haven't. You know we've been what I think is just a good ole naive plow boy just hanging back saying we want to do what's 23 best, we know that we're deficient in water and sewer infrastructure because we don't have any. We know that we can't attract light clean industry. We're smart enough to figure out a few things. We at another entities mercy because they have water and sewer infrastructure. We know al these things. HUGHES> You're right we have to take a stand. We have to quit chasing our tails and determine what we want to do. CLOSE> I think we've finally, and I'm proud of us, I think we've finally making some statements and I think we're by this franchise agreement with Beach, I think we're finally, by gosh I think we're finally going in a direction and frankly I'm proud of it. So you know I'm ready. I'm just tired of this other entity just continuously undermining and you could just use example, after example, after example. Our engineering facility doesn't interfere. We just go on and on and on. HUGHES> CLOSE> HUGHES> to do and We've been flappen up here for an hour and a half. You know what their feelings is now since this franchise has kind of come out, well we knew they had something in the back of their mind anyhow, they're going to go with Beach they're going to give them a franchise and they never did want any agreement any how that's how come they offered us this $2 million and duhdu duhdu duhdu you know. So we're kind of worked around behind their back. PORTER> HARVEY> CLOSE> We finally did something and it made them mad. HARVEY> Their thinking and their saying is that all the time thought boy they was up here and were really going to, you know, and all the time they was working with Beach behind the back. CASSELS> I think when you read the franchise it's clear that's not necessarily the case. We have said consistently that we want the utility authority. And I don't think any of the commissioners have wavered on that. And if the first part or step towards that utility authority is a franchise agreement with Beach Water, maybe that's what you've got to take. But, it is not mutually exclusive as a matter of fact it specially deals with some pricing if the Beach Water facility is to come into an authority. Beach Water had it's concerns about the debt that the city had and we tried to address by having segregation of the debt to a certain degree. We tried to, we bent over backwards on the discussion on the Beach Water franchise HARVEY> Mr. Coker boys owe, you know, We told him not to. We told him to stay out of it. And,,,,,,, I hope this will give us some clear direction of what we're going make a decision and either go or say no. LONG BLANK SPACE IN TAPE county, after the 2nd and 3rd meeting we've had or something. he just made it real clear that, you know, with the debt that you you go ahead with other $5 million, you can forget Beach, I mean he said my board absolutely is not going to join up with you with this debt, you know, you boys just county, but we're out, we are out. You know what I mean? And maybe we should have done the same thing. CLOSE> Mr. Chairman, my own ears tell me I'm just a drumming on and, anyway this latest $5 million bond issue. This might not be a proper thing to say in a public meeting but it's to finance the new water plant. It's to finance bringing their system into compliance, it's to finance some antiquated, replace some antiquated, etc. but I've never yet once heard or read or whatever where it's going to help other areas that aren't serviced right now. HARVEY> It's not. CLOSE> Okay, I wished somebody would say that out loud. Hey you know it's still not going to get us water and sewer infrastructure in the County. It's still not going to attract light clean industry. It's doesn't enhance the county whatsoever, it doesn't enhance Beach whatsoever. I mean are we that stupid to just lay back, PORTER> Now we're getting down to the nitty gritty. CLOSE> Yea, say it like it is, you know. HARVEY> That would fit in some of our meetings I tried to stress to the Mayor. And you know, our last meeting, we had a meeting and just a few days after that you read in the paper where they already that other $5 million bond. CLOSE> We don't want to have a piece of pipe, we don't want to have the pipe, give us some crumbs, just give us some, god almighty. Let us lick the plate the pie came in. HARVEY> On our agenda, #3 says, where do we go from here? Do we proceed to have an appraisal performed of the city system? What is the board's position here? CO ADMINISTRATOR> Excuse me Mr. Chairman I believe you've re- worded that to say do we proceed to have an appraisal performed on the system funded with SFWMD monies via a cooperate agreement? HARVEY> Yea. Are we going to leave that with no figures to come in on, you know? Go in high? CO ADMINISTRATOR> We can make that a question. CLOSE> I can tell you if you start polling the board in this direction I'm impressed with your idea of meeting with Mr. Williamson as a member or anybody from SFWMD in coming up with that determination since their funding this and dog gone, I think their going to come up with that answer. But my opinion is one of the five. I think that meeting is imperative that ya'll have before this workshop. And I think that question could be answered. HUGHES> If their looking for us to contribute percentage. 50% of whatever the figure is, we can't make that commitment. We don't know what it's going P1)) 1(0 0Z3 to be yet. And they're saying, will you guarantee 50% of whatever the appraised value is, No. PORTER> I think their talking 50% in cash and whatever we can do later on. They're wanting the landfill money. HUGHES> My whole point is if they we're asking us to guarantee that the county would obligate itself for 50% of whatever that figure is my answer would have to be no. What if it's a totally off the wall figure? I mean we've only got some 31,000 odd people here in Okeechobee County? If everyone of us gave $10,000.00 you could pay off the existing debt. CLOSE> My idea is for none of us to show up except the chair and Mr. P to make his speech. HARVEY> I'm going to let Mr. Porter what their going to do about that money their taking out of there now and spending. I want you to ask them that. PORTER> I beg your pardon? HUGHES> You can't talk at the workshop either Steve. CLOSE> I know he is. Just like he said the first five minutes,,,,, PORTER> I don't mean to get them mad I guess it's the way I say,,,, HARVEY> It ain't how you say, it's what you say Steve. Lots of misc. talking of everyone. HARVEY> Are we all clear on the scope of this appraisal? PORTER> Providing it's done by a professional appraiser and it's done with impartial. CLOSE> You know, and real quick cause this could get a little bit lengthy. A point, just real fast. You get three top notch firms which we felt we had. impeccable repretation, etc., etc., who in the hell is this other entity think they are with their consultants and questioning integrity of a professional consultant that is an expertise in that field? HUGHES> the consultants were recommended, have been to this point, are they non biased anymore. I mean it's like Steve you submit house plans and we keep moving walls around until what we paid you to do isn't what we got. HARVEY> We need to be kind of clear on what's been moved and what's been changed. So now you see Mr. Chinault that evening that we had that meeting over there. I kind of made the statement the scope had been changed and this and that and I was corrected pretty shortly that the scope had not been changed, there had been a few technical things changed a few suggestions but the scope of the work by the firm that was going to do it by their engineer, by Mr. Drago that the scope had not been changed. P/� 17 ov zs PORTER> I don't know that to be true or not. HARVEY> I don't know that to be true or not either and that's why I'm talking about this scope because I was lead to believe there was some major changes in the scope of that work. And I was foolish enough to make that statement and then I felt kind of bad whenever the said the guy who was going to do the thing he was the first one to say the scope has not been changed. CLOSE> But whose engineer was that saying that? HARVEY> This was the guy who was going to do the actual appraisal. And he said no sir the scope had not been change. He said there had been a few technical things here changed, you was there Mr. Chinault. CO ADMINISTRATOR> And I saw the technical changes and I've seen some of those but I haven't looked at it close enough to see if the changes were substance or not. So we will prior to the workshop and you'll have copies of it too. Well I guess we're still back to your question Mr. Chairman, is there, does the board want to or does the board just want to let it lie or do they want to be more specific in the language on the agenda with regard to,,„ HARVEY> I think Mr. Close hit it pretty good when he said when we have this meeting with SFWMD and we can get a determination out of them. If we can get it I think we need to get that information back to the city. Maybe saying we do need a scope here and here and kind of here's a figure, maybe a range we're thinking about, how about you presenting us with a range that you think this thing should be you know. Because I don't thing SFWMD is going to agree to fund this thing unless there is,,, CO ADMINISTRATOR> If ya'll are comfortable with that, that's find, we can run it that way and modify this agenda as we go along and put in that proper language that clearly reflects what the SFWMD wants if that's okay. HARVEY> Okay. CLOSE> Would it be asking too much. And this is another one of my crazy idea's. You know how we could just, by gosh totally eliminate all my concerns with this appraisal if it wouldn't be out of the question to ask SFWMD would you in fact approve this scope of work and possibly periodically review the since you have so much at steak, could you not only approve the scope of work but monitor it periodically so because and I get tired of hearing my own self saying it because it's got to be an unbiased evaluation. And you're an independent party. Do you think they would consider that? HARVEY> I believe they would. CLOSE> That would eliminate all my concerns. HARVEY> I think they would. PORTER> That's a good point. CO ADMINISTRATOR> Mr. Chairman I remind you all that the contract with Deighan or whatever their name is, is with you. Deighan will work to do an appraisal on the city's system but you're going to be paying them. It's your check, you're the one going to be monitoring and approving their operation. You're the one that they have a contract obligation with, you're the one they need to make happy. So regardless of what the says or doesn't do. The city isn't involved. PORTER> I don't care if I'm happy or not I just want it to be a 100% honest appraisal, that's all I'm asking for. And I think the city would like to have that also. To me it would be in their benefit to have it, no question about it. CLOSE> This is going back years and years ago, 10 to 15 years ago. Just reading news paper clippings over the years. Historically it's appeared to me that the problems always come down to the city said if the county made a study or used their consultants you know it was in the paper, the county and the county's said like wise, so that's been a problem forever and. I need to be a little clearer, that's why, kind of about that monitor, you get an entity that has nothing to gain to favor one side or the other and they do have a tremendous amount at stake and although it is with the contract with us and so on, in other words it's not worth a hoot if the city can't say yes we disagree with the number and the same way with the county if they can't say when it's all over with it wasn't tainted it was a fair price then we just haven't done anything. HARVEY> That's kind of the way the Mayor and I when we decided on this thing regardless to how it came out, that's the reason we picked the three firms and let them pick one, we felt like we was going to get a fair, impartial appraisal, we wouldn't be discussing or fussing or arguing about the appraisal if it just be whether you want to accept what it says or not. HUGHES> What is the benefit to the county to join in this? CLOSE> I wish you wouldn't ask that question. PORTER> I think there's a lot of benefits but it would take a long time to explain them. I think we'll be helping the lake, the authority, agricultural people in community by putting a sewer system into the north end of the lake I think it may be start to complete surround the entire lake and put them on a sewer system and get them of septic tanks. There' a lot of benefit's to it. Politically we're dead meat. I mean you know, I want the people to know where we're coming from, if they don't mind paying a little higher bill. HARVEY> They're not going to understand when that bill comes in. PORTER> Your asking me for reality, I'm going to tell you like it is right now. HUGHES> I understand the benefits to a water and wastewater facility but does it require a utility authority too accomplish those items? BETTS> No, we can take our money and start our own. PORTER> Yea we could. Pfi) lq E)5 HUGHES> I understand the benefits of water and sewer absolutely. The benefits of the authority. CASSELS> One of the benefits of an authority is to try to remove some of the political process from decision to what rates should, where lines should be extended. The equity, right now the county residents are paying 25% surcharge, that's HARVEY> Keep them for paying policemen out of the revenue,,,,, PORTER> Let me give you an example, a 5/8" meter, now this is me, cost me $8.50 a month, a 1" meter is $85.00. But the 3/8" is costing 10 times the amount of money. I said L.C. I've got a 1" meter to water my lawn down there, sprinklers, you know, I said why 10 times, he said when you turn that on your impacting the water plant. I jut about gagged and laughed. I said you can't be serious that when I water my lawn at 2 o'clock in the morning on a time clock. I said what would you rather have water them for 20 minutes with a 1" meter or 1 hour with a 5/8" meter? He said that's your decision I said well I don't understand how you justify me having to pay 10 times the amount that is a political decision because all your residents are on 5/8" so there's your votes. CLOSE> two ago. they go PORTER> with the it, they I've seen the figures on paper, the laundry mat you built a year or Their on a well with an agreement to go on city water. And when on city water it will literal bankrupt,,,,, They have the option thank god. They have got a signed contract city and we put that in there that even if they run city water past do not have to hook up and the city agreed to that. CLOSE> And if think about it, it will literal frighten you do death, if they were forced to hook -up, which everybody is this just happens to be a very special tailored agreement that the impact fee of tapping into that city water plus the cost of the meter being installed plus the impact fee is several hundred dollars a month, just the impact fee on a 1 -1/2 bankrupt. PORTER> They've got almost $85,000 in that building alone. CASSELS> At one point, you're talking about the political aspect and if you don't get involved in the process, then the service area that the city has staked out that Beach Water is not trying to stake out will continue to have the surcharges and that's where are they going to extend lines. Where they get 100% or 125% rate their going to extend it into the county. PORTER> And the can go up to 50% can't they John? CASSELS> If they can justify it mathematically. They arbitrarily can change 25 CLOSE> You know we're talking about 3 businesses that are going to be severely impacted just on the water and sewer. It just compounds the problem. PORTER> You know I have to think what it would cost me for those two i 2 &2- buildings today, to have those two identical buildings hook -up to water and sewer. I've got $45,000 just on lift stations down there on that one building and $8,800.00 in meters, today it would probably cost you $100,000.00 at least. HARVEY> PORTER> about it. HUGHES> You could almost put your own water and sewer package plant cheaper that you could hook -up. PORTER> You can go commercial but it's very difficult because you've got to have a daily monitor at the water plant and all that stuff I mean it's a project. HUGHES> That would prohibit you from even doing it. It would prohibit you from building a building there's no question You cannot in this community. We need a free -lance monitor running around here. CLOSE> There is a law that city water pass a resident they can't use the well water, they've got to tie into that city water. Or let's say in a better way to make it have a little more sense, they have a well and at the time city water and now they literal can't afford it. They can't say put a lock on my meter because I'm going back to my well water. That's against the law. So you get into some emotional issues like retired people on fixed incomes and it starts getting to be a serious, serious issue. HUGHES> How can you encourage people to hook up to this when the price is so Lots of people talking. CLOSE> There not there keeping you from trying to help yourself, but their not they'll ever be able to expand because of the debt service and it's additional $5 million. CASSELS> I'm not a mathematician but when you take the total principal debt service that they currently have and projected to have and divide by the number of users that's not higher math to know that's an astronomical number. That's got to be paid plus you've got to pay interest on top of it. PORTER> I think it's about $5,700 per customer CASSELS> Without ever touching interest. Lots of people talking. TYLA VALENTINE> On the city's debt this is assuming they go ahead with the other bonding issue on wastewater when you put it all together with the interest and divide it out among the residents it works out to $8,500.00 for every man, woman and child within the city limits of Okeechobee. Lots of people talking. t 21 23 CLOSE> The mystery to me right from the beginning is why this one entity that's hadn't been courted the other two entities and I never understood i t,,,,,,,,,,,, Lots of people talking. CLOSE> Because it subsidizes a part of their general budget. Lots of people talking. HARVEY> #5 Are funds being provided to engage separate consultants for the city and for the county to review and comment on the appraisal? What's the position of our board? PORTER> Who's going to pay for that? CLOSE> Absolutely not. HUGHES> No. CO ADMINISTRATOR> The intent in putting it in there is that the city has maintained all along that they have to have it reviewed by, the appraisal needs to be reviewed by their consultant and that in fact that should be paid for by SFWMD money. HUGHES> No. CO ADMINISTRATOR> My part was, if that's the case, if they in fact will have their consultant review it at SFWMD cost then you should have the same. You know. Now,,,,,,,,,,,, CLOSE> By funding their consultants to review it, is like buying their weapons and ammunition and so and so, it just makes no sense. No. Lots of people talking. CLOSE> I wish we could take these statements so other statements, send it over to them and say this is our feelings this is pretty much some of the points that have been brought up give us yours and is there anyway we could blend the two together and but do it through the mail or something. Lots of people talking. CLOSE> See what bothers me is they have always walked away as the good guys and we're the bad guys, since that last one at the HRS building, dog gone it at least let us walk away with a lick or two in, that we tried, you know. So, like I say have this thing through the mail. Transcribe Steve's statements, shoot it to them and let them shoot it back to us and go from there. Lots of people talking. CO ADMINISTRATOR> You've not requested anything unreasonable. Pn� 22.ef 23 CASSELS> It would be their decision to not have the workshop because it's a request from your part. Lots of people talking. PM SESSION ADJOURNED END OF PM VERBATIM 4 101110 0 'divii1 pkipotto/44 �(e City of Okeechobee e-L 9/dI43 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APRIL 22, 1993 MEETING AM SESSION VERBATIM NOTE: indicates you cannot understand what that person is saying on the tape. indicates a person was interrupted while speaking. CO ADMINISTRATOR> We have one additional item that is not on the agenda and that is the City /County Government Workshop. We've talked about it. You gave me direction to work with Mr. Drago on an agenda. I've provided you an additional sheet that basically sets forth the ground rules they want to play by. I need you to confirm the date, time and location are okay. We basically said Thursday, May 6th at 7:30 p.m. which is a normal board meeting day. We will have you in here all day and then we will take you to HRS. The City has put some provision and conditions that they want you to go by. Mr. Drago says the Council did insist on the following provisions and that is Commissioner Harvey and Mayor Kirk will both chair. And the only people involved in the discussion will be the five Councilman, the five Commissioners, City Attorney, County Attorney, County Administrator, City Administrator, two clerks and as well those be the only people sitting at the table. HARVEY> What about Dave Rivero? He has been in on this thing since the word go. CO ADMINISTRATOR> He can talk through my ear, but he would not be involved directly in discussion under their,,;,,,, HARVEY> „Have they got the right to set all the ground rules? CO ADMINISTRATOR> That's up to you. HARVEY> I don't mind quite a few of them, but you know, I think this board has a right to set some of them, wouldn't you think? It is a joint meeting, that's 50/50. And one of mine would be that Mr. Rivero could sit with us because he has been on this thing since the word go. CO ADMINISTRATOR> So, you want to amend that to allow County and City Finance Directors to be involved as well? HARVEY> What else have we requested? This other is what they have requested. CO ADMINISTRATOR> Mr. Chairman I also have for you a list of kinds of questions that will be projected that we are trying to provide for the media. Focus on the appraisal, this is the general thought. CLOSE> Going back to the requests that the City has come up with. How do you personally feel as Okeechobee Board of County Commission Chairman, co- chairing this meeting, keep that meeting down that narrow path. a mediator that has no city /county ties, maybe no AaY) i (4 1 knowledge whatsoever in city water or city or water, sewer infrastructure with the problems in the past or whatever. HARVEY I thought about that, and my feelings are that, I feel like its pretty bad, and it may be that bad, but if we cannot meet five Councilman, five Commissioners with our staff. If we can't meet without someone else there to run the meeting I think we are in pretty bad shape. And I just personally felt like you know, do get in a knock down drag out battle that we alt to kind of do this It's kind of bad when your City and County has to get a facilitator or mediator or you know. It kind of makes me feel like its a union deal verses you know or something you've got to get someone in to hold the two together. It shouldn't, but it may be to the point. But it certainly shouldn't be like that. CLOSE> Not to blow this point because I can't disagree with anything that you have said. But, I know in the past it just hasn't worked out and using the example that's pretty fresh, the fact that it appears, it is so obvious that the City' Comprehensive Plan, it was a typo or a human error that took all this commercial, some industrial area and put it in the future land use and made it single family residential and we've got a situation where we want to do something that's going to help the entire community, County and City. Building a recycling facility we can help three or four non profit agencies. It's just a plus, plus for the whole entire community. And they can't say, you know, go a head and build it their, it's your property, you own it, it's commercial, it's got it's the ideal site. So, yea that's true, it's pretty bad when can't, the Mayor and Chairman can't co -chair something like that. But, I know with past experience in this situation here, it's not because it's fresh, that's sad that they are taking that position. And I'm not a pessimist, I'm no quitter, Lord know's I believe in fighting to you just literally run out of breath, knocked out or the bell rings. But, I also do not believe in wasting time. When I mean a facilitator or mediator, somebody out of town, boy that would be beautiful, come out here free and donate service, just a person, not really a mediator, just a person that says you know here's what's on the agenda, I'm here tonight to keep ya'll on that subject and that's all. And I respect your position and not only do I respect it I agree with the exception as it's just a real different situation and hey, there's nothing wrong with this. BETTS> I kind of agree with Mr. Harvey though Tomey, but I look at it a little differently, if you're planning to fight you better hire a referee. But if you ain't going to fight, why bring one? We aren't going to fight. CLOSE> Well, I not talking about a referee, I respect both ya'lls views I'm just also a realist and I know for two and a half years the first meeting we had in another meeting we had upstairs and the other meeting we had at the HRS building, I might be leaving some out. Zero. Nothing. Nothing. And unfortunately we we're dealing with the life blood of this whole entire community, the most important thing and I can't emphasize it enough, I get plum emotional thinking about it how critical and important it is to this cit and county is this water /sewer infrastructure and for 2 1/2 yrs and I'm ashamed to be 1 of the 10 and I'll tell the whole world I am ashamed to be 1 of the 10 participants, for 2 1/2 yrs we've struck out, we, and I'm right there in the middle of it and I thought what the heck it wasn't Lai my idea anyway. The sharp idea came from a community leader that I have a lot of respect for, but I thought what the heck it's impressive to me but, no a referee, again I respect ya'lls opinion. I think we have gone forward by having an agenda, I think that's a big plus and I don't want to say any more. PORTER> Tommy, I agree with what your saying. I felt bad their for a long while on the water and sewer task force I chaired the committee. I kept thinking, where did I go wrong, where did I drop the ball, what happened here and the longer this thing drags out the better I feel because I knew it was not going to be an easy task but I didn't think it would be near this difficult. I thought for sure we'd have put together long before now. I'm going there to this meeting with a very positive attitude, but the first five minutes of that meeting and this will be it. I agree with the chair, if we can't work this out without a mediator, I think you've got a good point, right on track 2 1'/2 years and nothings come about let's hope this will work. Let the chair and the Mayor do their thing. CO ADMINISTRATOR> Mr. Chairman I believe what we need is a motion of some kind to just indicate that you all are okay with the date, time and place and general conditions with the one change of allowing the County and City Finance Directors to be at the table and participate and some support of where with agenda is. HARVEY> Do we have a motion? Motion was made and seconded. HARVEY> I still think we need a figure in here, County's maximum or some range that this thing can be put together in if this appraisal comes through. And I'm not sure if Water Management District can finance this thing if there is a possibility of this thing being throwed in the trash once it is completed and nothing good comes out of it or nothing at all comes out of it, except an appraisal, I'm not sure they're going to finance this thing. And I'm not to sure that we still don't need some kind of figure in there and maybe not pin point it right down but we need a range in there somewhere to or some kind of assurance that water management district will finance it without this range or something. And I would propose that later on this evening that we probably have our meeting with the city, our staff and maybe Sonny from the water management district and some of his personnel. Try to get a feel here of what's going to happen here at this. They've made the commit that this thing may not if they approve the appraisal I would •like to and I was all for an appraisal just nothing binding or anything just to let everybody know where they are at, the City and also let us know just what this thing will work. Close kind of mentioned he mentioned the $75,000.00 throw this money away. Why and it made a lot of sense. And I would imagine Water Management District it probably looking at something just as he was talking about. Are you going to do it if we spend this money. Is there a good chance you're going to if there's not why spend it. CLOSE> Mr. Chairman I total agree, before this study was made but I think a commitment and I tend to lean towards the angle if it's feasible. That systems got a lot of liability and worth minus a negative 3 on figure, whatever comes up we're going to work together and we're going to make a joint effort out of it because I think no matter, if its unbiased, unprejudiced evaluation of their system that no matter what it cost through grant money, through CDBG grants through whomever the State, Federal, etc. South Florida Water Management, what the City can grants that are available to them, so on and so on. We make this thing work and make a commitment unless its a liability that the County literally can't adsorb, let's do it And the key would be that it's an unbiased report. I guess its kind of what you're saying, a kind of different way, and I just feel so much more comfortable with that, verses saying to them we're going to go "x" number of dollars. But you've got an even better idea, get with SFWMD and Mr. Williamson and say what will you all accept? HARVEY> I've just got a feeling this thing might be financed they may not finance it. PORTER> Mr. Chairman, I hope I'm one thing. I don't want anyone thinking about this thing a lot the city what benefit it is to agreement. What are the pros and would it be to have an authority. And I know their going to take a little bit of financial hardship if this thing goes into an authority, they have to because they have to be funding some of the expenses at city hall through utilities. Other wise they wouldn't have taken that $100,000 check some time back for expenses, part goes for Mr. Drago's salary, part goes for the lights, whatever it may be, I don't think that's ever been addressed at any of our meetings we have ever attended or talked about. I think that ought to be brought up. I really think it does. on the right track here. Let me just say to take this the wrong way. I've been for the city for them to be in the utility cons and what have you; and what benefit I don't care if they come out and say if we put this authority together we're going to loose $375,000.00 per year money that we pay a lot of our salaries. I wish they'd just come right out and say that. We're also going to take a hit on this thing if we put this thing together because as commissioners we are going to help spread the debt service over a broader base. And the County residents are now pay a 25% surcharge. It's just a situation were I think everybody needs to be up front and honest, straight forward about this thing or its never going fly. I mean to me, I think you've got a good point about how much money we're going to put in it. I think a good scenario is going to be regardless of what the system is worth it is still a user system. The users have paid for the system, therefore, they throw that into the authority, we kick in let's say, let's use that $2 million figure that came up a couple of weeks ago. We kick in the $2 million in cash you know plus we're going to do everything we can to get federal, state and local grants. Now that's probably the best we're ever going to be able to do. But if the County can get grants and federal grants the City's not been able to obtain that's if Beach Water will roll into it, so that's probably the best scenario we're going to have in this whole thing regardless of what that system is worth or not worth. If it's worth $10 million we cannot come up with $10 million we all know that, even if it's worth $5 million. I mean I don't want to see us go broke with everything we've got trying to put it into the system. I mean you know the user's paid for the system, is the point, you know, we're trying to benefit everyone so I mean we're going to be hashing over this thing for a long time if we all don't understand the user's paid for the system. And we're just trying to make it spread out and help everyone and that's the way I look at it. Maybe I'm looking at it from a totally different view than anybody else. But I mean to me that's the whole situation right there in a nut shell. CLOSE> I followed everything you said I just need clarification on one part of that. Are you saying if it's worth, let's take a number out of the sky, $10 million. The County does not have that $10 million but at some point and time we're going to divvy that up whether through federal and state grants PORTER> That's right. CLOSE> Then I totally concur with every word your saying. PORTER> It's really a non profit, it's really suppose to be a non profit scenario is what that utility is suppose to be. I think there is a certain amount of profit for capital improvements. It's not subsidized by an advalorum tax. So really it's not a benefit to the City to have it other than maybe the employment which, we are not looking to lay anybody off if the utility authority goes in you're probably going to be hiring a few more people you know. I'm just looking at just saying, from the way I've looked at it from all this time, that particular, maybe I've got the or something I don't know and if I do maybe somebody needs to sit down and explain to me a different situation. That's just the way I see it. And that may be what I talk about at that workshop meeting. That's the way I see it and if I'm wrong I want someone to tell me I'm wrong. CLOSE> I think Mr. Porter is just wrapping this whole package up with a neat bow. If you could take his comments that he's made and because they've been so positive with the exception of that first part about taking money,,,,, PORTER> on this thing cause their probably going to have to raise taxes to off set their expenses at the city hall. All I want is for them to say your exactly right. CLOSE> If you could put pretty much what he said in a statement and that one area a little more but bring out the negatives and positive's for the city, bring out the negatives and positive's for the county, bring out the areas like the county is literally because they cannot attack light clean industry we cannot expand we cannot grow because we don't have the sewer and water infrastructure we live in a pristine, one of the finest if not the finest State in the Continent of the United States, we live on the second largest fresh water lake in the United States, we have so much going for us. The natural resources are incredible, but yet we need all three of us working together to these agencies that are in the position to award these grants. They know here is a county and a city and A 5 c l another county and a another community that are willing to go in together, their working together, their pulling in the same direction and they're going to be so much more likely to give you or rather award these grants verses being fractured and going in different directions. I think Mr. Porter just did an excellent job of pretty much summing it up. Gosh if we could make a statement like that whether its, how ever many pages in the city and swap them before this meeting and say let's talk about these kinds of things. Don't walk in there and say we know your subsidizing part of your general budget,,,,,,, HARVEY> Financing your police department,,,,,, CLOSE> It would be over in the first five minutes. PORTER> They made that statement themselves,,,,, CLOSE> I'm teasing. I'm impressed with their,,,,,, PORTER> Is this going to cost them financially? I think we all need to know that,,,, CLOSE> But we can't call it we've got to play with they a little bit,,,,,,,,,,, PORTER> Charlie's done a lot of work on this thing, meetings, everybody has done a lot of work on these things, the Mayor, John Drago, Dave Rivero, everybody. And it's just been us beating our heads against these walls right here. HARVEY> It's a difficult situation. You know you're trying to be fair to the city, you're trying to be fair to the people. You've got to try to be fair to the people out here in the County that's not going to get any benefit out of this thing too. They're concerned in this thing. And they're not going to receive any benefit at all, you know. And you've got to include them. You're talking about spending some of their money in this thing and you've got to have a fair package for everybody and it's a difficult thing. Getting back to your grant money, it's just like x number of dollars the financial business stand point and you have to kind of think about to a degree. The County goes in with Beach Water, you chip in $3 or 4 million in with them, you cut you a brand new facility. You're in an area, they're in an area. You going to be connected with a group that's in an area where it's going to be a lot of grant money available because of the lake and their situation, their location. You know all those things come in to play and you know them and you see them but then when you can't get those things across to the other side it get's difficult you know because they're looking at one little thing here. And when I say them I mean the city. They look at their one little thing and they think they got a little gold mine there and you're trying to chip money into this thing but your trying for the betterment, even for the people of the city because they're county people also and everybody in the entire county, it makes a difficult situation. You ain't kidding. I've looked at it and its tough. And dollars. You're going to have to start thinking about dollars because if that thing comes in. And I'm concerned by these people keep bonding that thing, it may be worth more money than we all think it is, or the appraisal may say it's worth a lot more money than we think it is. PORTER> A good point the people they're not going to benefit from this in I think they really will when you get right going to benefit. They're going to benefit septic tanks off all those waterways down says, the diaries have took a hit on that lake as much as any dairy in this county. in Ft. Drum, Bassinger, whatever any way what so ever down to it and here's how they're because you're lifting all those there, I don't care what anybody lake, those people impacted that CLOSE> Oh, absolutely. PORTER> Without a doubt in my mind. I'm impacting it, my is forty feet from the rim canal. If you think after 18 yrs it's not going in that rim canal I've got a rude awakening for somebody. You think about the population start increasing right here, if it gets any boy I'll tell you what I get red about it cause I can't hardly stand it. You take Buckhead Ridge, there's a lot of people there, they're all on water. Taylor Creek, Treasure Isle, all that place down there, they're all on water and if you don't' think they're not impacting that water down there, CLOSE> if he really cared, Mary and he wold rent a port -o -let. CO ADMINISTRATOR> Mr. Chairman we had a motion on the floor. HARVEY> Did we? CO ADMINISTRATOR> Motion by Commissioner Hughes seconded by Commissioner Porter to approve the date, time, place and condition change and agenda, okay? END OF AM SESSION VERBATIM iqm bf