1924-07-31 Special
Signed .
H~ H. DeYarman
.A.. Berka
Henry T. Ball
J. Denham Bird
Motion wal made by Councilman Berka, leconded by Councilman
Bird that the City Attorney. proceed with validation proceedinga.
. "
Motion carried unanimoualy.
UPOD motion the Oounoil adj oUrned~i
h' j/ ¡j~ ~ ~ --
Atteat: y Oounoi
Okeechobee, Florida July 31,1924
Purauant to the following call of t~e Mayor, the City Council
of the City of Okeechobee, Florida met .n .peoial a.ellion at the
qi ty Council cham~erl at 11.00 0. olocl A. M. July 31lt A.D. 1924~
and at said meeting ther~ were present: Mayor T. W. Conely, Jr.,
oou"n".,c,. il~.",.;.,B... H. DeYarman, Preeident, H. T.. Ba8S:, J. Denhàm'¡¡1rd,
, and,H.' , cock, with R. f. Fletcher, Olerk,and L. W. Jennings
"tit , . '
C. Attorney in attendance:
Okeechobee, Florida,
. Jul~ 30th, 1924.
To Hon. H. H. DeYarman ..
Hon. A:).bert -Berka
Hon. H. T. Bal.
Hon. J. Denham Bird
Hon. H. H. Hancock
I, T. W. Conely, Jr., ~yor of the City of Okeechobee, Florida
do hereby call a 8pecial metft,ing of the (31 ty Council of the City of
Okeechobee, Florida, to be held at the Council Chamber, within the
City of Okeechobee on the 318t day of July A. D. 1924 at the hour
of II o'clock A. M. for the 8J.rpo..e of conlideration of a resolution
adopting the form of Bond for the bond ii8ue of the City of Okee-
chobee, authorized by ordinance number 77, and voted on by the elec-
tors of .aid Oi1dtJuly 22nd A. D. 1924, and for the fur.ther consid-
eration of an,.,o~nance to be numbered Ordinance number 7g, providing
for interelt and sinking fund and tax levy in connecti~n with said
bonds.. .
. You and: each of you are hereby commanded and notified to be
at and atténd the aforefiilaid meeting at the )lâ.oe herein named.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto 8ettmy hand as Mayor
of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, and caused the c~rporate seal
of laid City to be affixed hereto and the same attelted by the
City Clerk, this 30, day of July A. D. 1924. '
ATTEST T. W. OonelY~ Jr.
R. P. Fletcher :Mayor of the City of Okee-
Clerk of the City of chobee, Florida.'
Okeechobee, Florida.
(Oorporate Seal)
The Mayor stated the puJ:lþo8e of the meeting" as ahown by hi., .
calJ., of July 30th, 1924 and the said Oi ty .Olerk.
, .m'¡;"fT'W¡'}'f~'!I'"~'
Ordinance number 7g was introduced by Councilman Bird, seconded
by Councilman Bass and upon roll call the vote was as follows:
Yæa N~s.
H. H. DeYarman
H. T..Basll I
.' None
J. Denham Bird .
H. H. Hancook .
, \. . .
. I
, '
WHEREAS, Ordinance Number 77, authorized the Mayor and the City
Council of the City of Okeechobe~ to issue" bonds of' saiæ01ty in
. .
, M ~=t not to exceed $172,000.00, =d ,I
. .' '
, WHEREAS, Said ordinance provided that before such issuance the ¡
electors of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, should in an election
held for such purpose vote their approval or rejection bf said
issue, and .
WHEREAS, said election wai held on the 22nd day of July ~ in
pursuance to law and said ordinance, and the 'result thereof appeared
.. " ' ' "
to be in' favor of the issuance of $150,000~:OO of said amount of bondlþ
, \
and.. . ";1
WHEREAS, said ordinance nUmber 77, provided that before the is- 'r' ,11
luanc e c f said bends, the City C ounC 11 should by Ol!dinance pr ovi de : ,)1
for the redemption of said bonds at maturity and for the payments ",;,.J~j\
, .' '
! of interest upon the same by a tax lèvy of a sufficient milleage '. I
as may be necessary for such purpose, now therefore
"" '
Section 1. That bonds of the City of Okeechobee, Florida be
issued in the sum of $150,000.00 in accordance with Ordinance number
77 of the ordinances of the City of Okeechobee, Florida. .
. ,Section II.. A bank or banks or other depo8i tory to be designated
by the City Council shall' reoeiye and be custodian of said bonds and
r '
l ,,'
and all moneys arising from the sale of said bonds.
Section III. The City Council shall advertise for bids for
work to be done for which bonds are issued under this Ordinance
and Ordinance number 77 of the Ordinances of the City of Okeecho-
bee, Florida, mak$ng contracts with the lowest responsible bidder,
who 8hall him8elf give bond tor the, fai,thful performance of the
~ :""
work, but the 8aid Council shall -hav.'t,he right to reject any or
all bids rece~ved. They sgall.personally, or through proper. agents,
select al~ materials a¡; have supervision and charge of ~e.work
foI: which bonds are issued under said ordinances, and sf,.¡.'audit
, . ~,
all accounts conneo'ted w.th such work and shall pay the same by
check on banks or depositorie8handling the proceeds of sale of
said bonds.
Section IV, In the event there~8 remaining in the bank or
banks or other depository an unexpended balante from the sate
. .,
of the bonds issued under the provisiôns of this ordinance. or of
Ordinance number 77, of the Ordimancel of the City of Okeeohobee,
Florida, after the work entrusted to them has been completed, the
City Council shall invest such balance in such interest-beàring
seourities as they may elect, to be approved by the Mayor, and such
Slecurities shall be turned over by them to the City Depository and
. I .
the proceeds thereo~ to be applied ,to the payment of the bonds or
the interest thereof as directed by resolution of the City Council.
Section V. It shall be the duty of the City Council to levy
annually by tax upon the taxable property in said City a sum suf-
fioient to meet the amount' ánnually required to be raised to pay
interest and create a sinking fund to' pay the prmncipal of the
bonds provided for herein. Such tax .hall be levied and collected
as other taxes,9f said City.
Section VI. .111 ordinancea and parts of ordinances inconaistent
herewi th are hereby repeal'ed. .
Section VII, This ordinance shall be infull force and effect
upon its passage and approval by the Mayor.
Read a first and second time and by unanimous consent read
a'third time and passed in open session of.the City Council thi8
, ,
the 31st day of July .A.. D. 1924.'.1r~-..
H. H. DeYarman
ATTEST President of City Council
R. P. FletOher .'
. City Olerk.. .
( Corporate Seal)
~ ~ -r"'j'*""""BV
I ',,<,'Y,F)',',', ,,'~
-252 .
Approved by me this 31st day of July A. D. 1924.
T. w. Oonel~ .
Mayor of the City,O Okee-
chobee, Florida.
The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Hancook~
seconded by Councilman Bird and upon roll call the was as follows:
Yeas Nays
H. H. DeYarman
H. T. Bass
, J., nenh, am Bird.. None ;] ,,1
r '
í H.. H. 'Hanoook . .
WHEREAS, a Special Meeting of the City Oouncil of the City of
. Okeechqbee, Florida, was held June 10th, 1924, pursuant, to the call
I of the Mayor for the purpose of considering the qu~stion of calling
an election for the .urpose of bonding the City of Okeechobee, Flor-
, . . '
ida for, the purpose of raisirig m8ney for several of the m~icipal
purposes provided for in the Oharter of the City of Okeechobee, and
for such other purposes as may come before or may be brought before
the City Council, and
WHEREAS, the City Council at said Speciab Meeting took under
con8ideration an ordinance entitled:
H An ordinance providing for the issuance of bonds by the Mayor
. and City Council of the City of Okeechobée, Florida, for the
I' purpose of extending and expanding the water system of the
: Ci ty of Okeechobee, Florida, for furnishing water and fire
i protection, for erecting waterworks, layingwa~er mains, pur-
: chasing land for erecting the same thereon; for the further
purpose of repairing, constructing, extending and expanding
sewerage including all connection, upon certain av, enues, streets,
and alleyways, or parts thereof Hi the 01ty of Okeechobee,
Florida, in all its details; for the further purpose of ereøt-
i ing a municipal building in and for the City of Okeechobee,
, Florida, to provide adequate quarters for.the City Govern-
ment and the fire depattment, purch~sing land for erecting 0
the same thereon, and for all other necessary things in,
connection therewith; for the fur~her purpose of providing \
a more adequate fire protection for the City of Okeechobee,
'Florida, purchase of engines, LhO8ìvand other ~quipment, and l
for meeting payments on equipment previously purchased; for
the further ~urpose'of maintaini~g the City Parks of the City
of OkeechobØe, Florida, including purchasing or leasing of
land and all other things necessary to impro~e the park sys-
tem; for the further purpose of opening, widening or paving
in all its details certain avenues, streets or parts thereof
in the City of Okeëchobee, Florida, and designating the ave-
nues, streets or parts thereof to be so improved, authorizing
lien certificates to be issued against abutting property whe.e
new streets and new sewerage mains are constructed; providing
further for the calling of a special election for the approEil
or rejecti~ñ of the issuance qf sai4 bqnds by 'the electors
of the City of Okeechobee, Florida; and providing further for
the prorating of the money obtained by sale of said bonds
among the several enterprises or projects set forth herein~"
and, \ "
WHEREAS, said ordinance was passed at said meeting by a unan-
imous vote of the members present of t):+e City Council of said City; I
and ',Ji'.",'d~¡;-;".""" - " '- -'- 'I~
WHEREAS, said ordinance entitled as above was signed by t.he
President of ~he City Council, attested by the City Clerk, pre- .
sented to the Mayor, he being then and there present, and approved
by the Mayor on the said 10th day of June'A. D. 1924, and
WHEREAS, the original of said ordinance as abo~e entitled,
after such certification ana approval was filed with the City Clerk
on said lOth day of June A. D. 1924, and. designated and numbered
Ordinance number 77, and
. WHEREAS, said ordinance a. entitled above provides for the
issuance of bonds of the City of Okeeohobee, Florida, in the aeve.-
al amounts and for the 8everal purposes as set out therein, and
WHEREAS, said-ordinance provided for an election to be called
by the Mayor, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters
of said'Oity of Okeechobee, Florida, the question"of whether or
not the bonds provided by said ordinance should be authorized and"
i.sued, and
WHEREAS, notice of Special Election was given as required
by law and by the provisions of the above entitled ordinance, and
WHEREAS, the votes cast at said election were as follows:
\C 3g
For the i.suance of bonds for water
Against the issuance of bonds for water g-
For the issuance of bond. for .ewerage 34
Against the issuance of bonds for sewerage 10
For the i.suance of bond. for munivipal building 12
Against the i.suance of bonds for municipal building 23
For the i.suànce of bonds for fire protection Ig "
Against the ~ssuance of bond. for fire protection 20
For the is.uance of bonds for parks 17
Against the issuance of bonds for parks 21
For the issuance of bonds for street paving 20
Against the i.suance-of bonds for street paving 19
WHEREAS, it appears there was a majority of 30 votes cast at
said election for the issuance of $90,000~00 in bonds for the pur~
pose of extending and expanding the water system of the City of
Okeechobee, Flori~;fnd a m~jority of 24 votes cast at said election
for the is.uance of 110,000.00 in bonds for the purpose of extending,
expanding, constructing and repairing sewerage in the City of Okee-
ohobee, Florida; and a lpaJority of ~mvo;.tea.t at said el~ction fn
the issuance of 150,000.00 in bonds for the purpose of widening or
paving Inall its details certain avenue., streets or parts thereof
in the City of Okeechobee, Florida, and
( A?¡"',>.',;"'"",,r?".'.,I'f!I'",,'.,."",'~,,,~-.,'" .'
i 254 ,'" '. ..",....
WHERE1S, said ordinance number 77 provides that the bonds pro-
vided for in said ordinance. sh~ll be numbered from 1 to 172 inclus- .
ive, or in case all of said bond. are not authorized, then from 1
up to and including the proper numeral to include all the bonds .0
authorized, and. shall be in denominations of One Thousand <tl,OOO.OO)
Dollars each; said bonds shall be dated August let, 1924, shall
bear interest at the r~te ?f si~ per cen~. per annum after date,. '
interest payable sem1~annualJy, and the principal of said bonds
I '
, ahall be payable as follows;: .1~- \ "
! Seventeen Thousand <e17,000.00') Dollars on the first day of: , ..'
Augu.t .A. D. 191+4, and Seventeen Thou.and (.17,000.000 Dollara if
on the first day of August of each and every year thereafter up to .1
. " i
I and including the f~rBt day of August .A.. D. 1952, and Nineteen ;
Thousand <e19,000.00) Dollars on the first day of .1ugust A'.D'l 1953; i
I or in ca.. all the hoods are not mthorized th~ in the .~e pr~
I '
portion as nearly as practicable, therefore be it
RESOLVED thà t the bonds described '"in said Ordinance lIumber 77
in the sum of One Hund:eed Fifty ThouBand <$150,000.00) Dollars be
I i.aued as theJfin provided; ,
I Ninety Thousand (.'OþOOO~OO) Dollars to be used for the ex~ i
tenlion and expanlion of the water system of the City of Okee-
chobee, Florida, for the purpole of furnishing water and fire
protection, for erecting water work.~ laying water mains, pur-
chasing land for erecting the same thereon and for all other
necessary purposes in connection therewith. ~.
Ten Thousand (elO,OOO~OO) Dollars to be used for the repair,
construction, extension and expansion of sewerage including
all connections upon certain avenues, street. and alleyways
or parts thereof in ~he.Oity of Okeechobee, Florida, in all.
its details, .
Fifty Thousand <$50,000.00) Dol1a.. to be used for opening,
widening or paving in all its details, certain avenues,
streets or parts thereof in the City of Okeechobee, Florida;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said bonds be in denominat- n
ions of $1,000.00 eac.h dated .1ugust 1st, 1924 with interest 'I,',..:
at the rate of six per cent. per annum after date, interesti "
payable semi-annually and that the principal of said bonds ~
shall be payable as follows:
Ro,n. de number 1,2, 3, 4~ 5, 6~ 7l,.e, 9,10, 11, l~, IJ,
14 and l5 payâble .1ugust 1st .1. D. 1944.
Bonds number 16, 17, 19, 19,20, 21, 22, 23, 24, ~5, 26,
27, 2g, 29, 30 payable August 1st .1. D. 1945.'
¡ .Bonds number 31, 32,33,34, 35,36,37, 3g, 39,40, 41,
I 42, ~3, 1+4, 1+5'payable Augi}st 1st, .1. D. 1946.
I \'~ond. number 46,47, l¡g, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
57, 5g, 59, 60 payable Au~st 1st, .1. D. 191+7.
Bonds number 61,62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 6g, 6~, 70, 71,
'¡ 72, 73> 74, 75 payable August lst,A. D. 19~.. '
Bonds number 76, 77, 7g, 79, gO, g~, g2,g3, g1+, g5, gG,
I g7, gg, g9, 90 payable .1ugust lst, A. D. 1949. . .
I Bonda number 9l, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 9g, 99, 100, ..
! 101,102,103,104, l05 payable .1ugust lat, .A.. D. 1950.
. 1"~~1 ~
, :~55,
Bonds number 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, Ill, 112; 113,
114,115,116,117, Í¡8, ~19, 120 payable .1U~Bt 1st, .A.,D.,195l.
BoÌidsonumber 121, 122, 123¡ 124, 125, 126, 127,128, 129,
130, 131, 132, 133, 1,34" 135 payable .1ugust 1st, ,.1. D" 1952.
. Bonds number 13~ l37, 138, 139, l~, 141, 142, 143, 144,
145, 1~6; cl41, 1~,'14~, J,~O payable .1ugust, 1st, .1. D. 1953.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said bonds be printed ,in the
following form:
~ t;
No.---- $1,000.00
The City of Okeechobee, for value received, hereby promises
fi .
to pay to the bearer, the sum of ONE THOUS.1ND AND 107100
($1,000.0.0) Dollars, gold coin of the United States,c6n the.~
first day, of August, 19~ with interest thereon at the rate of
s!x per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day
of February and the first day of August of each year upon pre-
s.ht~ion and surrender of the interest coupons attached hereto,
as they seve~ally become due and payable, both principal and in-
terest payable at the Bank of Okeeohobee, O)ceechobee, Flor..ida, -
or at the J.merican Exohange, National Bant, ~ew York OitY;.lew:~ork
a~ the option of the holder:
This bond is one of.a s.ries of one hunderd fifty bonds
ag~egating $150,000.'00 of like tenor, except as to its number
and date of ma'turity, and is issued by virtue and in p1trsuanoe
of Chapterg31g of the Laws öf Florida, Special Aots of 1919,
and of Chapter 9855 of the Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1923,
and of Ordinance number 77 of the ordinances of the City of Okeecho-
bee, Florida, regularly passed and approved June 10th 1924, The
~ " ..
series of bonds of which this one, w" issued for the purp~se of
, "
. extending and expanding the water system of the Oity of Okeeohobee,
for the purPose of furnishing water and fire protection, for erecting
water works, laying 'water má1ns, purchasing land for erlcting the
same thereon and for all other purposes in connection therew~th; for
the further purpose of repairing, constructing"extending and ex-
panding the sewerage, including all connections upon certain
avenues, streets and alleyways or parts thereof in the'Oity of
. .
bee, Florida, in all its details; for the further purpose,of ~ning
widening or paving in all its details certain avenues, streets
or parts thereof in the City of Okeechob ee, Florida. The i8
of said series of bonds of which this is one was approved by àn
,. lF~n,,[~f~'I7f","~J-1I
affirmative vote of a majority of the electors voting for each
purpose separately, at a Special Election for that'purpose duly
called and held under the provisions of, said Chapters 831g and
, ' ' t ..
9855 of the Laws of Florida .and said Ordinance number 77 of the
Ordinances of the City of Okeechobee, Florida.
It is J~ereby certified that the issue of bonds of which this
is one is within every debi and other limit prescribed by the .
. '(
Constitution and Laws of the state of Florida, and is made in stria; , .
oonformi ty with the ðonsti tuiion an,d Laws of the State of Florida n'
. , .,~
and the Ordinances of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, duly author- .Ii ,I
izing the same, and that all proceedings essential to the validity l1
of tlle,.ebonds has been performed and that every requirement of
,. ,"' ,.
law relating to the issue thereof has been duly complied with.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Okeechobee, Florida, has
oaúsed this bond bearing àate of the tst day of ~utust , 1924, to
be signed by its Mayor, Countersigned by the President of the City
Council, attested by the City Clerk and its seal to be hereto affix-
. d ~ '
. . I
( OORPORA. TE BEAL) -f. V':j £ f) N eo \ I' S Ý
~ttest Mayor
\\,?F\etc~é!-~ . .
City Clerk
. C oun tera1gned rt 4\ }) e ~ IÅ\,~~ ')
. ~ P:resident f the 6i ty
.. Council.
, .
On the first day of J'se1'-dary (eWgus---), 19!§ the Oi ty of Okee-
chobee, Florida, will pay to the bearer $30;:00, at the Bank of Okee-
chobee, Okeeðhobee, Florida or at the American Exchange National
,. ',' . '
Bank, Ne_York City, New York, at the option of the holder, for six J
( month. inte:r8.t then, due on Municipal B~nd Iasue of 192!¡. Number-L. .. " . j
L (}J
~ttest .
Oity Clerk
President of the City Council
and be it further resolved, that the Oity~ttorneys be instructed
k .
to proceed with the validation of said bonds and have same'printed
and certified, and be it further
Resolved, that the City Attorneys be instructed to properly adver-
tise ,in compliance with law notice that 'Œids wi?-l be rec.Üv~d by
the City Council at such time as notice shall specify for the
. . I
"" ,~."d'" ,"', .,~.- .,., - c.-" '. .,. ,.:..' ".., ',.",;
. 257
sale of the bonds.
Upon motion the Council adjourned.
~ ----
. Attest: . ~. Oouncll~
~~ er .
q , .
Okeechobee¡ Florida, Aug. 5, 192~.
. The OityOouncil of Okeechob~e, Florida met in regular aea-
sion on the above date at g o'clock'P. M. and the following were
p~esent: T. W. Oonely, Jr, Mayor, H. H. DeYarman, Pre.ident~ Ooun-
.' ; .
oilmen H. H. Hancock, H. T. Bas., J. Denham.Bird and Albert Berka
with R. P. J'letcher, Clerk, Wm. Collins, Ohief.of Police, L. W.
¡ Jennings and B. L. Jennings, Jr., City Attorneys ,in attendance.
. .
Minutes of meetinga held July 15th, 23rd and 31st were read
and: approved.. c' .).. ... .
. Me.srB. Hallowes, Oa:rr, Murray,.awrence, 'Wagoner and .Saine .
.ap.pear8dv.bef.ore the Council arelati ve to their applica tionø for
the position of Oity IÞgin~er.
. .
.:. Mr. E. G. Sellars requested the Council to open a .treet
, .f~om a point near hi. res1d~nce at West City limits to the School
H~u.e,'and the matter was referred to the Stree:b Committee.
. Motion was made byOouncilman B~rka, seconded by Councilman
Bi~d and duly carried that WID. OOllinl be paid 82B.00 per month
sa.lary as Sanitary Inspector. .
Motion W.8 made by Councilman Bird, seconded by Councilman
Be~ka and carried that the City Attorney. be instrucjedto draw
a vagrancy ordinanae. ~
Motion was rnade by Councilman Bird, seconded by Qouncilman
. ~
.a.. that the sanit¡ry toilets be distributed where needed and
, for each toilet.
that $4.50 be collected/when toilet is delivered,and balance of
89..00 be paid 82.00 each month. Motion oarried~'
;' The following bills were approved and voucher. ordered
i.eued for same:
1144 Gulf Refining Company Gasoline & oil foJ¡ truck ' 22~9l
1.1»5 Leroy Sullivan Salary for July 60.00
11.6 Ma8sey ooncreteC~fBg~~~~?npayment of note 153.00
. lllt? OkeeohObee Nen AdverU.ing and ballot. ~65:ÇO