06-17-1992 OBWACON 24 -06
To: Files
From: Ginger Sinn, Staff Environmental Analyst
Natural Resource Management Division
Date: March 17, 1992
subject: Okeechobee Beach Water Association Wellfield Expansion
S30 /T37S /R34E, Okeechobee County
Pre Application Meeting (March 12, 1992)
be: Colios /Ward /Goss /Sinn /Chron file:Okeechobee County
MAR 31 1992
On March 12, 1992, Pat Smith of Missimer Assoc., L.C. Fortner representing Okeechobee
Beach Water Association, Tom Colios (SFWMD -404), and I, reviewed a potential location
for wellfield expansion.
The site inspection revealed a remnant cypress wetland located on the above mentioned
property. Historically this area received sheet flowed south from SR 70, according to the
present landowner. The remnant cypress wetland is a low area surrounded by a ridge that
would retained any runoff from the surrounding area. In the past decade however, the sheet
flow has been interrupted by drainage improvements in several locations. The cypress trees
appear heathy and in good condition, however, the understories have completely reverted
to upland vegetation consisting of grasses and cabbage palm seedlings. This area is not
considered to be a functional wetland by District environmental staff.
Two additional wetlands apparent on the aerial photograph were also reviewed. These
wetlands were found to be dominated by upland and transitional vegetation including
broomsedge, dog fennel, and Andropogan spp. These areas are not considered to be
functional wetlands. A poor quality functional wetland area that was not apparent on the
aerial, was located adjacent to the disturbed areas and contained willow, arrowhead, and
maple. This wetland is considered functional and as such, must be protected from possible
adverse impacts associated with wellfield withdrawals.
The applicant was advised on the type of information District staff would look for in a
submittal for a public water supply consumptive use application concerning the potential
effects of the proposed wells on the wetland hydroperiod.