07-18-1991 Variousi'O: THRIT: THRU: FROM: CITY OF OKEECHOBEE MEMORANDUM Mayor and Council DATE Jul y 18, 1991 John J. Drago, City Administrator There will be a public meeting on July 26, 1991 at 2:30 p.m. at the Civic Center. The purpose of the meeting is to have the staff of the South Florida Water Management District present various aspects of developing public utility authorities. The Budget Hearings where the ordinances are presented for adoption and to receive public input has been scheduled for the two Council Meetings in September (September 3 and 17). Councilmember Entry will not be at the August 6 Council Meeting because of vacation. If any other Councilmember will be on vacation during a Council Meeting, please let me know. SUBJECT: Various GOVERNING BOARD MEETING JUNE 14, 1991 PAGE 23 E. AUTHORIZE ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT WITH DR. ALAN W. ELZERMAN WAIVING THE COMPETITION PROVISIONS OF THE DISTRICT PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACTING POLICY FOR TECHNICAL CONSULTING SERVICES IN SUPPORT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EVERGLADES PROTECTION ACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $100 PER HOUR, BUT NOT TO EXCEED $50,000 FOR WHICH FUNDS ARE BUDGETED, AND AUTHORIZE A BUDGET TRANSFER IN THE AMOUNT OF $586 FROM DIST 599500 090 -0718 AND $49,414 FROM OKEE 599500 090 -0718 SWIM PROJECT RESERVE TO DIST 522900 904 -9810 AND OKEE 522900 904 9810, PLANNING DEPARTMENT /LOWER DISTRICT PLANNING DIVISION.. MOTION APPROVED. 52. SUMMARY OF STAFF REVIEW OF THE OKEECHOBEE COUNTY INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT Mr. Harvey outlined highlights of the Infrastructure Fund and the selection criteria. Mr. Dale Mileta, Okeechobee County Commissioner, described the project. He said the County is requesting assistance from the District to facilitate planning, design, permitting and construction of infrastructure to accommodate the regional and sewer needs of the County. Mr. Harvey presented a proposed Governing Board Motion for a contract with Okeechobee County to provide funding assistance for the planning, design, and construction of regional water and sewer infrastructure including a feasibility analysis of establishing a Utility Authority and transferring ownership and operating authority of the Okeeetantie sewage treatment package plant, including the responsibility for all required plant upgrades, to Okeechobee County in the amount of $1.5 million. GOVERNING BOARD MEETING JUNE 14, 1991 PAGE 24 Mr. Harvey asked for Board direction. MOTION BY MR. MANN TO APPROVE ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT WITH OKEECHOBEE COUNTY TO PROVIDE FUNDING ASSISTANCE FOR THE PLANNING, DESIGN, AND CONSTRUCTION OF REGIONAL WATER AND SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE INCLUDING A FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS OF ESTABLISHING A UTILITY AUTHORITY AND TRANSFERRING OWNERSHIP AND OPERATING AUTHORITY OF THE OKEEETANTIE SEWAGE TREATMENT PACKAGE PLANT, INCLUDING THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL REQUIRED PLANT UPGRADES, TO OKEECHOBEE COUNTY IN THE AMOUNT OF $1.5 MILLION OF WHICH $190,500 IS BUDGETED FOR FY 90 -91, $750,000 AND $559,500 ARE SUBJECT TO GOVERNING BOARD APPROVAL OF THE FY 91- 92 AND FY 92 -93 BUDGETS AND AUTHORIZE A BUDGET TRANSFER OF $140,500 FROM CAPO/556010/6040146 AND $50,000 FROM CAPO/576210/1131084 TO CAPO/522110/9029210. MOTION APPROVED. CONTINUANCE OF REGULATORY MEETING ITEM 6 Ms. Quincey said the Board must decide on exceptions filed by the applicant to the Hearing Officer's denial of applicant's request that Florida Audubon be required to pay attorney's fees for the hearing. MOTION BY MR. WILLIAMSON TO UPHOLD THE HEARING OFFICER'S DENIAL OF THE APPLICANTS REQUEST THAT FLORIDA AUDUBON PAY ATTORNEY'S FEES IN THE CASE. MOTION APPROVED. AYE MR. MILLEDGE, MR. ADAMS, MR. NALL, MS. BETANCOURT, MR. MANN, MR. WILLIAMSON. NAY MS. BOYD. ABSTAIN MS. SCHAD. 53. STATUS REPORT ON DISTRICT FUNDING ALTERNATIVES FOR DISCOVERY CENTER COMMITMENT Ms. Cathy Anclade, Director of the Office of Communications, updated the Board on its commitment in May to provide funding for the Discovery Center. She said through the annual budget process, the District will fund $500,000 a year for FY 92, FY 93, and FY 94. She said staff will come to the Board in August with a contract and request for action. She said staff will also be represented on the Center's Advisory Committee and will ask that Agriculture be included in the exhibit. She said staff will provide a general outline of Environmental Education contracts as a workshop item in the future.