1924-01-18 Special '199 I & S PAV¡IG TIB 1UBRAIT FUlIJD ~ *" . .)~ if 1 9-4 General Fund Transfer of funds to pay current bills 500.00 Upon mot1on duly seconded and carried the Council adjourned. ~--- Attest: pre~ den ty 00uno11 Okeechobee, J'la'., Jan. l8~ 19211-. Pursuant to call of Kayo, T. W. Conely, Jr., the 01ty Ooa.o1l ... met 1n special session at 7.30 o'clock P. JI. on the above date and the following were present: Councilmen r. w. Hampton, H. T. Bass and Albert Berka with R. P. Fletcher, Clerk, L. W. Jennings, City Atto8ßey and Willi.. Collins, Chief of Police in attendance. President DeYarman being absent, upon motion by 00unc11man Bass, seconded by Councilman Berka, Councilman Hampt~n was elected pres1dent Pro-tem. K1nutes of meeting held J~uary 8th were read and approved. Kr. I. R. Wright appeared before the Council and requested the toaDc11 to allow the redempt1on of all 01ty Tax Oertiticates against his prop~rty wi thop-t the 'Payme.}~ of any 1n~r~eB~ ~ ,./ . .'i',~~.L\_,_:; ~AlL;~, ,/,/ ,,',;';,'/~;I....t..,~:._,.. ',tÁ (, " .~" on S8J18 ,'; . 't'" -,( c '..A..,v' - -... / ' . ¡ Motion was~de by Oouno1lman Bass, seconded by Councilman Berka and duly ca}-r1ed that the Clerk allow I. R. Wright to re- deem aU 01ty Tax Oertit1oates outstanding against h1s property without the payment of any 1ntel'esten salle prov1ded that redemp- tion is made by rebruary 15th, 1924. JIr. DeBerry appeared before the Council relative to the removal I of the stock fence in East Okeech~þþe. Mot1on was made by OounoilmaD. Bass that the""'" Council . . ~ . ~ revoke ~he license of Mr. Sha~e Hancoøk to ma1ntain a stock fence, in East'Okeechobee and that the Clerk be instructed to not1fy h1m to remove said fence by February 15th, 1924, ant.ài4 motion was seoonded by Councilman Berka andoarr1ed by unai1mous vote. Kot1on was made by Councilman BaBS, seconded bý O~oilman Berkas and duly carried that the""'" City build a small stock pound 1n East Okeeohobee Ordinanoe 10. 74 was "intrOduced by Oouncil.u. Bass anA seoonded by Councilman Berka: . \ . ::200 ORDIIAI'OI NO. ¡4 AI ORDIIANOE IKPOSING LIOEIBEB AND OTHER TAXES PROVIDIIG FOR THE PAYIIIT THEREOF AND PRISORIBIIG PENALTIES FOR DOIlG BUSINESS WItHOUT LIOENSE OR OTHER FAILURE TO COMPLY WItH THE PROVISIOBS THEREOF. BE IT ORDAIBED by the City Oo~oil of the City of Okeechobee, Florida; Sect10n 1.10 person, firm or corporat10n shall engage in or maaage any business, profession or occupat1on mentioned in J ~1s ord1nuoe w1th~ the CO~&t:lu1te of the 01tY,ot, ~eeoo~ , bee, Florida, unless a City Lioease shall have been procured from the Tax Collector of said City and attested in the name of the City . . , i Clerk and the corporate seal of said 01ty impressed thereon by the City Clerk, whose fee for attesting and placing the seal thereon shall be twenty-five cents, paid by~ the person or persons, f1rm or corporation tak1ng out said license. . Section 11. Alllioense shal'-be payable on or b~fore the first day of January of each year, except the .year of ~he.passage Of this ordinance, to wit A. D.1924, when they shall be payable on .or before the th1rt1eth day of January 011 said year" and no . license shall be issued for any fráotional portion of a y~ar except as otherwise provided ,laIin this ordinance, and except that any license not otherwise specifie4 may be issued after the tirst day , of July to expire January first upon payment of one-half of the amount fixed as a price of s~h license for one year. Section 111. All licenses may be ,transferred with the approv- al of the City Clerk, with business for which they were taken out when there is a bona-fide sale and transfer of the property used' . J' and employed 1n the bus1ness as stock in trade but such tr~sferred , l1cense sh~ll not be good fO¡ any lo~ger ~ime or for any other place . than that for which it wasor1g1nally issued. Section IV. The payments of a license under this ordl'nanoe shall not legalize gambling or the sale ot intoxicating liquors. Section V. The fee tor ,licenses to conduct a hotel Or room- '; , ing house in this City shall be: I 'or hotels or rooming houses oonta1ning f1Te rooms and less I than ten ,rooms .1~OO; for hotels or rooming hous~s containing ten i rooms and less than tweaty rooms 12.00; for hotels or rooming l .. , . ..,- I' " " - 't'201 houses containing twentl rooms and less than thirty room. '3.00; ,{' , for hotels and rooming houses conta1ning thirty rooms and less than forty rooms 13.75; for hotels or rooming houses containing 4' forty rooms and less than fifty rooms Is.oo; for hotels or rooming houses contain1ng fifty rooms and less than sixty rooms 16~25; for hotels'" or rooming houses conta1n1ng sixty rooms and less than seventy-f1ve rooms 17.S0; for hotels or room1ng houses con- tain1ng seventy-five rooms and less than one hundred rooms 110.00; , for hotels and room1ng houses containing one hundred rooms and and. less than one hundred/fifty rooms 112.50; for hotels and room1ng houses containing one hundr~d and f1fty rooms and less than two hundred and fifty room. 11S.00; for hotels or rooming h9uses containing two hundred and fifty rooms and less than three hundred roo"'17.S0; for hotels or rooming houses containing three hundred , . rooms or more '25~00. Restaurant or lunch oounter, the l1cense tee for ctnduot1ng a restaurant or lunch counter in this city shall be: For restaurant. having acoomodations for less than twenty persons 11;00; for res taurants having accomodations for twenty persons and less than tifty persons 12.S0; and for restaURants having accomodations for more than fifty persons 13.7S. J. Board1ng houses, lodging houses and hotels; having accomodations for three hundred or more lodgers or boarders shall pay a lioense ~YHYtJJt..J"IH.KJI,..-.q~~VJXIII . tax of 1100.00. Having accommodations for two hundred and less' ',than' .. three hundred lodgers or,boarders sgall pay a license tax of 175.00. Having accommodat10ns tor One hundred and less than, two hund,red lodger > " ' . I'" . °, r boarders, sha.ll pay &, , li, cease , ta x of 150. 00. " Rav1n, g a,' coomodat 10ns . for seventy-five and less than one hundred lodgers or boarders shall pay a license tax of 125.00. Hav1ng aooom8dations for f1fty and less .. than seventy-five lodgers or boarders shall pay a license tax of 112.50. Hav1ng aocomodat1ons tor twenty-f1veand less than fifty' boarders or lodgers shall pay a license tax of 17.50. Having aOO08- odat10ns for titteen and less than twenty-f1ve lodgers or boarders shall pay a license tax of 15.00. Having accomodat10ns for ten and . less than fifteen lodgers or boar~ers shall pay a license tax ot '2~50; AcoomOdations for lodgers or boarders shall consist of and, '-.-' ' " -q r '202 , :¡ 'c; '>:, mean 'the number of beds habitually"" kept for such lodgers or . boarders and not the number of rooms in the house. Provided that w1dows owning property valued at five thousand'dollars or less ~~ shall not be required to pay a license tax for o.nduotiøg a board- . ing house. Bottling'lants; Owners or managers of every bottling plant, bott11ng soft drinks or beverages of any character whateTer, wh1ch saiànplant operates a machine for filling, capping~ cork1ng or sS~ug bottles of ~ HØ s~s or chanoter s~ll ~ un~ly l a license tax of 15.00 for each of such machines having one filling ~' head; and 17.50 for each of such machines have two filling heads; and ten dollars for each of such machines hav1ng three f11ling heads, aDd five dollars for each additional f1lling head on such machines as may haTe more than"""" three filling heads. Wood Yards, each person own1ng or operating a wood yard shall pay a license tax ot 12.50 Gaso11ne dealers, wholesale shall pay a 11cense tax of 15.00. Packing Houses, each person owning or operating a Packing house of any kind shall pay a 11oense tax of 15.00. Dootors, Every physician, chiropractor or osteopath engaged , , . 1n the practice of his profession in the City of Okeeohobee shall pay a lioensetax at 15.00. Plumb1ng Contractors, all plumbing oontractors shall pay a , . 11oense tax of 110.00. r111in, Stat1ons, eTery person owning or operating a gas- . , 011ne HtHftf or oil filling station, not paying a license IU as a garage shall pay a li:~~~~ tax of $5.00. ~. ] Vulcaniz1ng Shops, ev~ty'p~rson owning or opwrating a vuloa- n1zing shop not paying a license as a garage or f1ll1ng station shall pay a license ~ax ot 12..s0.' . Section VI. Any firm, person, aspc1ation or corporation that carries on, conducts or manages or ~cts as business age~t for any business õr profession for whioh a license 1s requ1red, w1thout first obtaining such license shall be pun1shed by a fine not less than double the amount required by such license and not. .. more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisónment not more than sixty days or both. The payment of all license taxes may be enforced by a seizure and sale of the property by the tax collector of said . '.....,. .\ .. , .' ", ~ . . , . '" I , , ,~, ~ï . , City, it is hereby made the duty of the Tax Collector and Clerk of said Qity to report to the Kayor all persons, firms or oorpor- ations do1ng business within said City 'wit~out first paying a lioense tax a's required by this ordinance, and 1 t shall be, the duty . , ' . . of the Maror.to have the parties fa~11ng or refu,in~ t~ pay such . license.tax to be brought before him t~ be dealt wi~h in accordance with this ordinanoe. Seot10n VII. This ord1nance shal; be taken in oonneot10n w1th, and enforced 1n accordance with Ordinance number four, and shall be supplementary thereto, and all portions of section number f1ve of ordinance number four 1n conflict w1th this ordinance are he~eb~ repealed. Section VI~¡. This ordinance shall be in tull force and effect . .. 1mmed1ately upon its p~ssage and approval by the Kayor. . Read a tirst and a second time and passed in open session upon a th1rd r~ad~~ th1s 18th day of January A. D. 1924. Attest: o-tea . . . ApproTed by ae this 23rd clay 0:1 January A. D. 1'24 " . , . . 1'. W. Ooae17. Jr. Jl&10r. Kot1on was 8&4e D1 Oouaoilaan Bass, seconded by Oouno1laan Berka and duly carr1ed that the Oounoil haTe 01~111.1t algn- ~e ~dplaced on the lorth, South, East and West s1des ot the 01ty of Okeechobee. Upon motion dulynseconded and oarr1ed the Oounoi1 adjourned. .. /lJI/l)~ Attest: . ... t"", . - . . "'¡v" ~"$