1923-11-30 Special
.- the Oity Parks.
Motion was made by oouael1man Hampto~, seòonded by Oounoil-
man Bass that the ...yor be requésted :tC)J;'isne a proclamation desig-
Dati.Dg a day for working the. Oi ty Cemetery. .o'ion passed.
}lotion was _de 'by Oounoilman Haapton, seconded by OouncilJDa.J1
Berka and duly carried tåat tåe bi11 of Okeeobobe. Hardware & lur-
, niture 00. for Il5.lll- b. paid.~
A "øo8mUDioation was receiTed froa ReT. I. L. Sauler zelatiTe
to the Council pJzobas1ng some seat. from the Baptist ohuroå~ °
}lotion was 1b.de by Oounoil811 HallptOD, .øc.OItde4 by Couaoilman
"Betka that the OØUlldil purchase ten seats of the Bapt1.t Church
to be used in the; Oity Parks. lIotion oarried~
Motion was made by Councilman Berkâj seconded by oounoilàaa'
. .:¡:,k~,' -
B..pton tba.~ the pa,d rand be depos1tM.' in the People. Bank and
the Sewer Lien .... be ¡ ,4epo.i ted cae ba:l~ in; the Bank of Okeechla
, .
bee ând OD. ~alf in the Peoples Bank. Motion óarried.
Building permits were i.sued ~~ Alb.8rt Berka and R. P. J?etcher.
- , .
Upon motion duly seconded and carried tbe Oounoil adjourn,d
to meet 1B speoia1 session at M~ 10Tember 3"Oth, 1923.
Atte.t: .
Okeeo1ao1Þee, noricla.~.o.. 30, 1923~
° ne Oity 001U1011 met 1. 8pecial ....1on at 'o'clook P. )(. ~
;, the abonJ date and the following were preseat: 1'. w. Oo1'1ely, Jr...
)layor, H. B. DeYarll8.l4 ¡residcmt, oO8oil..n r. w. Hampton and'
Alber Berka with R. P. netoh&T, Clerk and L, 'W. J8J'1rlings ana.
B. L. Jenninp, Oity Attorneys in attendaDoe~
Dr. J. w. 800tt subm~tted plans for the i8proy..ent of the Oity
Parks to tbe City Council.
Mot1on was 11&4. by Oounoil8&J1 Berka, seconded by Oouno.1l11a.n
Ba8pton that Dr. J. W. Scott beoappoi1'1ted S"peri1'1tendent of Oity
Parks at a salary of 8l.00 per.yeal'. lIotion carried.
Mot101'1 was ,made by Oounoil... B.rka, seconded by Oounoil.an
hamptO1'l t11atthe OOUDo11 accept tll.e offer of r. w. Illiot to
the oat.ide of' ,
paint/tai 01ty ....ter taak u4 fval.h all material for the... of
1300.00. Motl.. 'ourle4.
1Ir. L. w. Jennlng8~ City Attora,eY"submitted oheok for 8822.67
amount reoe1",ed fro. Geo. r. Parker i. &Ooor_.. w1 thorder of
r -." r".' .
1,;t94 - ': "~.
Judge Oh~llingworth.' .
Upon motion 00ttn011 adj ourned.'
Attest: .
, -
'. Oteeoho'bee, '1 or 14&. Deo~ 4, 1923
!he Oity Ooun01l of Okeeoho'bee. 'lorida, met 1n regular session J'
.. t 7 ~ 30 o' olook P. ~. 011 the ..bon 4a te and the tollOW1ag were pre- , , . ,:.
sent: oounoilaen Albert Berka, B. O. Adams, II. w. Hampton and H. If.
Bass with R. p~ Fletoher, Clerk, Wm. Collins, Chief of Police and
L. W~ JeDnìags, City Attorney in attendance.
Pres1dent DeYaraaa being absent, upon motion by Oounoilman
Adams, Seooaded by Councilman Hampton, Oounoilman Berka was elected
Presi4eDt pro-tea.
'Minutes of meetings held lovember 23 and 30 were read and ap-
Dr. H. D. Smith, 01ty Health Officer, àddressed the Council
and recommended that the Oouncil pass an ordinance requiring the
~ '
property owners to grub the palaetto off their property. as a means
of ridding the Oi'ty of mosquitoes. .
)(O8ttP was made by Oounoilllan Haapton, seconded by Oounoilll&J1
. ,..",
lass and duly carried that the Oounoil offer O. D. Ole_t. 150.00
fJfIØ as payment for his cow that died 1n the Oi ty pound.
!he following resolution was offered byOounoilman Bas~, seconded
by Oôunc11Jl8.J1 Hampton and. adopted 'by UD&111aous Tote:
Realizing that the bui~d1ng of the proposed bridge across, n~- 1
818mee River on State Road luaber light, 1s badly needed for the J
deTelopment of this colIDIUDity, and being adv1sed that the State Road -
Department at its last regular meeting refused to accept any bids
for the construction of said bridge.
We the City Council of the City ot Okeeohobee, rlorida dO here_y
,. ' .
resolve that this bridge should be erected and built at ~he earliest
possible tiae, and we do hereby petition the State aoad Department
and the members of - its Board to call for new bids as soon as .
[ practical and at that t18e accept some relia_le bid~
Buildìag permit -:as ordered issued to ~. .. Toney ~~ '~k I
,c. . ...' .,".' .,~_.',"... .'..'-, ,.-' ""'.' .....--
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