1923-11-06 Regular
, "1"'r'~,\"<"'i":" ' """"I"\~.
Okeeohobee, 'lo"%i4&, .OT. 6, 192J~
,.!he 01ty 00unoi1 of Okeeoho'bee, rlorid& a.t in regular ...sion
at 8 0' clock P:-: on the a'boTe date and the following were p...en":
, ,
~O.. w. OOD.ely, Jr.,' llayor, H. H. DeTarJl8n, President,Ooun01laen
J.l'bert B.rka, I: W. H8.IIPton and Oounoilman elect u; '1'. Bas., with
a~ P: rletoher, O¡erk, L: ~. Jennings and B. L~ Jennings, Jr., Oit7 ,
Attorneys and Wa. Oolltns, Chief of Pollee 1n attendance. . .
_,inu,t.,.~ .ee~i,ng he"ld,,' oot~,erl,,6,th,' were,r.~,an, ,d apprOTed,~ 'J'
Oounoilman elect B: '1'" Bass ~s then sworn in as a, a..b;erof
the Oi ty Oounoi1 óf Okeeohobee, rlorida 'by Jla,yor 001111y.. .. '
JIr. W. I. BOla8. requ.ste' the Oouncil; to permit the ra:ede..'tlon
f~'iof all, tax oel'tif1oa"'.. again.t Lot 1, Block 1", South 9k.eohobee,
by Mr.. '1':'B: ower wi1¡hnt thepa1ll-t of any intere.":
Motion wa. M.d.e by Oounollman Hallptoa, .eoonde' by OoUDoi1.lla.D.
Berka an' duly oarrie' that the 01ty Attorn.,.. be instruoted'to
prepare aa °l'lnano.. oloslng '1'a1lor St,reet from AT.nue A to ATen.e
B, Wright's A4ditioa to Okeeohobee.
Kr. Arkell appear8cl before the Oounoil relati T. to the Oounoll
.ub.oribing for 50000pie. of the Okeeohobee lews for three month8.
. Motion wa.made by Oounoilman Berka seoonde4,by Oounollman
188ptea aDd carried' that the City Oounoil subscribe for'500 oopie8
of the Ok.eohobee .ew8 to be maileð...to 4ifferent .eotloD. of the
UDited State. for for a periOd of three month. at .80:00 per month
aub3eo"to aT&llable fUDð.8~
i J¡¡,lItdt. Wlnga te and Arrants appeared before the Oouno1l and re-
',:g.*.cl.perai8sion to operate oudy punch boards in their" stôr'l~
Koti. was aade by OoUDoll- I18.J1tpton, seconded by Oounoilman . l' ;
Ba.. :t1iät'a, request of .e..r. Winp.te and Arran~8 ,fòr "perilsslon .
to operate candy ptilDoh boards ln th8i'1.",ore. b8 denied.: Kotion . \--)
ca~rie4. ,
, '"
" "
layer '0...11' addre..84~. Oounoil relatiTe to the appoint.eat
of '1'. G.Dlxon aa aight pøl1o888a aø4 reque.ted the Oounoil to ooa-
i fiN his appoi1l.taent~ ,
t .otion was _de by Oounoil88J1 Berka,seoonded by Cøunoilaan Ba88
, . ,'"
i that the Council oonfirm theappo~tm.nt. of. T,. -. Dixon as nlght
¡ pollo88l&n and sa.. was II passed on roll oal1 by the fol1onas Tote:
Tea .ay
Albert Berka
B. 1'. BaS8 '", Bone
B. B. DeTar- .,,:
,. ". lJamp, ton , ,,' " ." ' ,.,. .t
,,~.." . ~... ."..,,~..~,.. ..-- ,
President DeT~1I&n a.,.~:'ed.! ~qO1lBc1l8an Bass on the follow-
ing oOJllli ttees: J'ill8J1ce., Oe.etery. Laws and Rules and Sanitary.
)lot10n was made by Oounoi1man Bas. and seconded by 00UD01l8an
Berka that the Olerk' be iU'truote4 to order 80me patches for fire"
. .
hose. ')lotiOD carried.
Motion was made by Councilman Bupton, seconded by Oou.noj.Lmai1
. ",
Bass and duly ca.ried 'that the Clerk be instructed to order 80me
, "
police bill.t8 and polioe badges.
~. ')lotion""8 -.cie 'by Oo1Uloilman Berka. seoonc1ed by CounoilJian
ØUlltOJ1 that J'~ J. Goelwin's salary be railied 'to 8100.00 'per IIODth.
Motioa- carried.
MoTed "by 'oua01l~ Baas, seo0D.4ec1 by Co_cillian HallptOD. that
the Oo,-oil 1s811e Sewerage IaproTe.ent Liens against abutt:ü1g pro-
perty in accordance with Ord1naace I.; 6o, at thiî aetting. Jlot1-
passed and L1ens 1ssued acoordins1Y.
Motion was _de by Oouncil-.n Ballpton, seconded by Oounoil-.a
1&8s that the Clerk be instructed to allow 'the redellpti- by Ds;
!. B~ o.ens of all City Tax Oer~ifioatea outatandiD.g,aga1nat Lot 1,
fi Blook 19, South Okeecl1obee wi thou't the payment of any interest tiLere-
on. )lot1on passed.
)I.ti- was Jllade by Oounoil... HallptOJl, seconded by Oounoil-
, I . .
¡-..s that th-1923 tax Asses.ment Roll for the Oity of Okeechobee.
ftorida as prepared by the 01 ty tax Assessor be accepted by the
City Oøunoil. )lotion pa8sed;
'l'he following warrant was ordered entered in the minutes:
!o W11li.. Cellins, Tax Oolleo'ter of 'the Oity of Okeechoba.:
. , .'
- Tn are hereby 00.,.ude4 to oolleot ou't of the propert,. -.aI' .
. .
fr. each of 'the pera..a, :tims &a4 oorpora"1.s _eel in the
aanexedasses.ment 8011. the taxes set down on sai4 r,il opposite
'each Da8. or parcel of laDd thereiD. described and i. o&S8 'the taxes
a. en ended are not paid by ,theti.. prescribed by law, you are to
ooll.ot the .&18. in aanner as il prescribed by law and all money
. .
oo11eoted you are to account tor to the City OOUboilot the Oity of
Okeechobee and you are further required to mate all collection8
and report and a fiaal report to and. s.t'tle.ent w1 th the Oi ty Council
of said 01tY&8 required by law and ordinances.
Giyen under my hand aDd .eal th1s the 6th day of lfoTember A. D'.
1923 '°.),;'
. . <.'H,."'..'..'.,..,...~..1,...".,". R P "letoh~
.. ,q¡ .' l'¡¡j¡; . .
(Oity Seal) '~'~",.s.or,.o:t tlle.ø~"of'etthrohob.e.
~ ...1I.',!,".~_,.,1""'~
.,.188 \
",'. .'II , J,
Motion was made by Oounci1man Bass, seconded. by Ocnmoilll8.1'1 "~
Ba8pt~ and duly carried that theOity Tax Oolleotor allow a 118-
àO'tU1t:-:nf 2'" on all taxes pai~ during the month of loTember and 1~
du1ng the month of December.
Upon motion dDly 8800l1d.d and oarri....: the 00lØl011 adj oum"" t8 J
..at at 7 o'clock"'P. II. IOTeaber 9th, 1923. ì
Pur.uant to adjournment the ~1ty O~oi1 .et at 7.30,.'OlOOk
P. M. loT_bar 9th. 1923 and the ~oll..1ng were present: 'thos. 'I. 'J¡~'
Oon.1y. Jr.. )layer, H. H. DeYara&B. President, OOUDo1111a B.!. - ;
I ~d Alber1l Berka w111h R. P. ne1lober. Olerk, L. W. ~8iming. 0111)" , "
Attorney and Wm. 0011ins, ~iet of poliòe in attendance.
. . ti i
Mr. DeBerry addressed t~e Oounoil relat1Te~the fence n last
Ok.eohobee ø.d the extens1cm .of" the light line to 'lest end of
Borth Park street.
!he following Ordinance was i~troduoed. by Councilman Berta
and seconded by Oouncilman Bass:
. I
BI IT.OIlDAIJID BY TIll OIft' OOUIOILof the Oity of Okeeohobee.
r10rida; ~.
. .
nereas. the r10rida last Ooaat Railway OOJlpaDy proposes and.
! is preparing to exten4.its line of ra1lr0e4 south froll t1\e Oity of
. .
l Okeeohobee. r1orida to intersect with 1ts _in liD. at a poUlt be-
[ . tween rort Laûerdale, rlor1da and lIiaai, rlorida; and rì '
Ii" nereal " aa"id Oompany has made applica ~i°u.. to the Oi ty OO\1D.01l . ,1 J'
II î
,. of the City of Okeeohobee, r10rida for right and permission to 0011- . '-" I
'stract 1ts proposed extension across, upon and OTer certain street.
1. the Oity of Oteechobee, 'lori4&; and"
Whereas, the construction of .aid proposed extension will be
beneficial to the 01ty of Okeeohobee, r1orida and the inhabitant.
thereof; . i
101 !REHIreD,
,si IT ORD.IIED by the City Council of the City of eteechobee, ,
!. r10rida,
i Seot1oa I-!hat the 'lorlda la8t. Ooast Railway Company be" I
, ,- .~. "".'" '",. , r
" --
and is hereby giTen and granted the right and priTilege, in oon81d-
era~1on of the benef1ts to. be deriTed by said City of Okeechobee,
norið.a,and its inhabitant. thereof by the conltuotion of the pro-
poled exten810n, '&ad the further eOùsideration set forth in Seotion
'hro, of thi. ordbqoe, the 3;'1ght and priT1leg. to coDstruct, operate
and -inta1n i t8 line of railway UPOD. OTer and acres8 the follow-
i.g ...84 aa4 de.or1be4 .treet. in 8a14 Oity, a8 aeJat10ned 'below
to-wi t :
. ..rtà O11rTe Street frOli tAe ater...t1.. of tJae cater
. line of the. eXtcm.i.. with the .0000th line of. said street
.. to tàe South line of South Park Street: 8oatã Part 8treet
'betweéå~erok.. âà4 Hiwasaee Streets: Bi...see Street
'. bet.eenlorth Park ap Soa.th ParkStreeta: ad. ~COOk
Street 8011th of lorth Park Street.
Secttoa 1%~ ~e r1ghtt. an4 pr1Tilege. g1T8a &ad graate4
. to the said. norida last Ooa8t Ba11way Ooap&J1Y 1D S.cti.. Oae
of this Ordinanoe are subj eet always to th~ following con4i tion
and. atipalat1onj that all 8uch cro811ng., inter8ection8' etc.,
a8 8et out in Section One of thi8 Ordinance shall bé constructed
aad aaintaiDed. by the sai4 rlor1da kat Ooaat Bailway Company,
saidcOD8t8Uot1oD to meet with the approTal of the 'Street a~
.1ttee of the 01ty of Okeeo1aobe.e, aad. to fro!!t. t1.e be lI&4e Rit-
able to whateTer paTins the said 01 ty may do on the a~ore8aicl
Streets. .
. leot1.. 111- All cnd1Daaoes and. parts of or41....oes 1D OQD-
. 1'110t w1 th the proT1.icm8 hereof, .e aa,!! they are hereby 1".,8&184.
lect1on IT- Th1. ordbanee 8hall tate effeot upOD its passase
and approTal by the I&yor or upon 1t8 pas8age OTer the Mayor'.
. ,
Pass84 at a regul~ ".WY.I.~.sion of the City Oouaoil of thè.
. Oi ty of Okeechobee, rlo~lda,OD this 9th day of loTe.ber A. D. J.'2';~
R. p~ netoher
any Olerk.
City Seal
ApprOYed by.. this 9th d.a~ of BOTe.ber A. D. 1923..
!. w. a.elr, Jr.
:Kayor .'
al., t.
. ".'I~
". . .
I ... _mr':~H'ff""!",,'~',.,\:iI'IIt
:190' '" ..
!he following ordinance was introduced by ocnmc11.u. "8e 884
.eooDded by oouncilll8.D Berka: ~ ' )
. ORDIIAlOI 10 ~ 73
11 ORDIIABOI TÓ PRlSD.'ß THI PUBL10 SArE'!'Y 11 !BE OIft or 001-
BI If O1U)AIßØ by the Ii tyOouo11 of 'the Oi~,. ofOkèeohObee, ,
S~ate of rlor14a¡
Seot1011 1- Where.8, in tile opinion of the o.1ty Oounoil of 'the, ]
01 'ty of Okee.0I101l.., nor14iL, tiler. 1. ...Ii for a .ohool 8011. em. . .:
Parro'tt ATenue, in order that' the,pub110' safety a,. be &ubeene4 .
n THI OIft 000]l01L of the Oi ty of Okeeehobee, declare and ordain
tha~ that portion of Parrott AT8nue between Sixth street and 8,00nd
Street in S~th Okeeohobee, 8041 Tision off th. Oi t,. of Okeeohobee,
18 a school zone. .
Seotion 11- !hat it i. ula1rfu1 for sa,. person'" 41'1." or oper-
ate a Tehiole wi thin the aforesaid zone at a greater rà".r'of speed'
tha't .iSbt miles per hour~
Seo~ion 111- !his ordinance shall operate and be effeot1Te fro.
the hour of eight 0' olock in the forenoon until four o'clock in the
afternoon, on all days exoept Saturday and Sunday during the months
of September, October, lO'Yeraber, Deoember, January, reruary, Karoh,
Apr1l and 1&, of each and ,eTer,.,ear;
Seoti- 11'- DynperSon Tiolating the proT181.D8 of any aection
of this ordinance 8ball be eubjeot to a fine not to exceed t.enty- i
f1T8.dollar8, or to iaprisonaeat no toexoeed th1rty a,.a , or bøth~
. Section 1'- !his ordinance shall take effeo~ upon i tepae.age and
and approTal by the Mayor or upon its passage over tb.eJlayeris Teto. r~
. ' 'I
Read a first and second time andpa.sed1n open ae8.10D. on a third I
read-iUS, this 9th day of lovember A. D. 1923. t.....J .
. I
. H
. ~
(Oi t,. seal)
ApproTed by me this 9th' day of Boveaber A. D. ),92;.
, '
T. W. 00n8l1, Jr.
Building penû. ts were ordered issued to the. .,fo1lowing named
per.ona :. ....IM I
. , ~." - ,-' ,,' JI
R. H. SiJ1g1e~ary~ 0'. D. Calvert, T. D. Hux, Imma Groover and
Jlarie Payton.
ÙPOR a.'1on duly seoOnded and carried ~he Clerk was tntruoted
~o drå. Touohers ~ransferring 1300.00 troll ~J1e I Ie SSewer Bond.
~d. to ~he' General lund. ~o pay curren ~ expenses of the Oi ty, and
1100;00 frOllJ. ~he I Ie S Wa~.r Works Bond lund ~o ~he Water Works
Bond fund ~ in payment of money borrowed ~o pay firs~ 1n~erest
pa1'88D~S on Wåter Works Bonds.
Vouchers were ordered issued for the fOllowing ~ills:
. GDIlU.L nIl])
7S0 William dollins, Salary for Oo~ober 125~OO
781 Jennings Ie Jennings '" 25~-OO
782 ~r. H. D, S.i'J1 ... 20;00
783 R. P. 'letcher .... l50~OO
. . ,
784 Dixie CJarage Aut() repairs . 1 ~ 65
785 L, w. Jenn-- Expenses Wes~ Pal. Beaoh 63~43
,786 'Soharf80hwerdt Bros Ligh~ bulb ~50
787 P. O. Ildred Oe~~ified oOPy of Plat dedica! 2~00
788 J. O~ Pla~t SerTing subpoenas for Oi~y 3~50
789 W~ 't. Goode Ixpress ad drayage 2~OO
790 .eyer Oons~ruo~ion 00; J'r81ght on rook Ie unloading 141.48
791 Okeechobee L~er 00. LU8~.r for Baske~ ball oour~ 100.00
792 a,'z.' .0Laugbltn Rent Oity Hall 20.00
793 Okeechobee 'telephone 00 PIlone ren~ 6.25 .
794 Okeechobee laws . Publishing 'two ordinanoes 30;100
795 Park Ph&rJla°Y . Office supplies 2.15
796 J. ~~ Platt Oriminal coats 19.70
797 a. P. 'letcher 'ees in Kayor's Oourt l4~OO
798 Wm. .0olliJ1S . . " .~OO
799 T. W. Oonely "" . l4~oo
gOO J ~ J'. Coachman Ice forOi ~y ., 2.70
00. .
801 ~ast Coast ~UI1be~ Ie )ply Oemen~, lumber ad nails 7.97
802 R, P. J'letoher Postage paid for Oity 1~45'
g03 JUke Smith Salary -tor five weeks 75~OO
W A '1'IR run
10 1I&rO1ls Gi_SOD. Salary forOo~ober lOO~OO
11 ØUlt aefiaiàg 00. Keros... and oil 24.60
. aDD LID run
l2-1 a. I. Wl111s Ass1s'tiag on Sewer .1.1...' lO~OO
12-2 Oteeohobee .."s AdTer1i1sta*notioe of S..er L 28.00
I " _.,....".f""~~",,,pm..
. ^ c ,. .
'A!U' WOBXS ':ao.D rtnlD
la4 R. E. W.illi8 Surveying on water line' 5.00
, ttngtl ~.
l85 R. P. ftetohet" Freight on water pJ:pe fit!' .:1.59
i86 Sable & Roth8Child '~ter p1p,e fittings 21~;50
I & I SlID BOlD rUlD
7-7 General lund .oney-loaned 300~OO
. Coupons -
7-8 'eoples Batik Commission paid on Int. ~40 ..
I & 's WATER 1fOUS/rmtD " .
'~7 W.ter Works rund Transfer of money lOO~OO ' ~l
Ooupons. I '
6-8 People8 Bank 00=i88ion paid on Int. 3.24 ! '
. ~
. Coupons
9-:7 Peop~s Bank Oommission paid on Int. '2.55
. Upcm motion duly .eoonded and carr e4the Oounoil adj ourned~'
Att.at: . .
. ,.'
. .
. OkeechObee, norida, lov. 20th, 1923.
!he Oity Oounci1 of Okeeohobee, Florida met a~ 8 o'clock
P. X. ~ the aboTe date and the following were pre8ent:,H. H. ne-
. '
Tarman. President, Oo~oilman Albert Berka with R. P. 'letcher,
alert, W.~ Oollin., Ohief of Polioe, L. w. Jennings and B. L. Jen-
ninga, Jr., Oity Attorneys in attendance.
I .
t . 'A quorum of the Oounoil not being pre.ent the Council
adjOurned to .eet at 7.30 o'oloòk P. M. 10Te.ber 23rd, 1923~
--------------- fì
. Pursuant to adjournment the City Oouncil met at 7.JO 0'
oloo~ P. x. love.ber 23, 1923 and the following we,re present: . ' ">-)
T~ W.~ Oone1y, Jr., Þyor, H. H. DeYarman, Preside~t, Oounoilmen H. '1'.
""".. r. 'I. Hallpton and Alb~rt Berta with R~ P. 'letcher, 01ert"
8D4 ~~ W. Jennings, City Attorney 1n atten~oe.
, Kinutes of meetiDg8 held 10veÍDber 6th, 10Te.ber 9th and
I lovember 20th were read and approved. .
Mr. O. D. Clements appeared b$fore theO~oil aadrequested
. 'owned' by him . . - '
paJ'8ent for a Jersey oow/that"died in. the Oity poUD.d.
Dr. J. w~ Scott addre.sed the Oounoil relative 'to. improving
----::¡ , , Û'C"""",........,'. , . 0'0 .,..,~ ¡.I