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174 .
Okeeohobee, Florida, Sep~. lS" 1923
!he Oi~y Oounoil of Okeeohobee, Florida met in regular session
at S o'olook P. K~ on the above date and the 'following were pre-
sent: Thos~ w. Conely, Jr;, Kayor, H. H. DeYarman, President"Ooun-
oilman F. W. Hampton with R. P. 'letcher, Clerk, Wm. Collins,
- . ..
Ohief of po1toe, L. W. Jennings and B. L. Jennings, Jr ;/jØi t,. Attor-
. ."
nays in attendance. 0
. ..
A quorum of the Oounoil not being present, the Oounoil ad-
journed t~. 118et at 7.JO 010100. k Po. II,. Sept emb sr.2 1 S.t. 1,2;for the . ,.J.
purpose of reviewing and eq&âlizing the City Tax Roll for the year ,
. ,,",,~
1923 as prepared by the City Tax Assessor, anQ. to transact such "'.
other business as may come before the Council.
. . .
. ~.
I Atte~t: Æð~." . ~
'. ~
. . .
I Okeeohobee, Florida, Sept; 21) 1923:1
. Pursuant to adjournment of Oounoil Sept. .1ð, - 1923 and to
advertisement in the ateechobee Bew8 that the City Oounoilwould
meet. on this date for the purpose of reviewing and equaliBing the
Oity.Tax Roll for the year 1923, the City Qounoi1 of Okeeohobee,
Florida met at 7:30 o'clock P. K; on the above date for the pur-
pose. of reviewing and 'equalizing the Oi ty Tax Roll for the year
c -
192; and to transactsuoh other business. as may-come before the \
-, ' ~I .,
Oounoil,and the follOWing were present! Thos~ W. Oonely, Jr.', ¡
Kayor, H~ H. DeYarman, President.. Councilmen Albert Berka~ H. O. (~
Adami and L. 14. Raulers" with R. P~ 'letcher, Olerk.. L. I~ Jen- I:
ning. and B. L. Jennings.. Jr~, Oi ty AttoJ;'neys and 1m. 0011ins, ~"I!
., I '
Chief of Police in attendanoe.' . '
.Jl1nutee of meetings held Sept; I.th and Sept. 19th were res.d .. .
~ ~
and approved., .
Ordinance .o;¡ 66 was returned tG the Oounoil by Jlayor Conely
wi thout his approval~
Motion was made by Oounçilman'AdamS that Kay or Conely's veto
of Ordinance 10:1 66 be sustained by the Oouncil, and said motion
. -j
was seconded by Councilman Berka and passed by unanimous vote.
I i:
) ,I
, I'
.' . . "" "
. . .......-.";..,,,. " ,'~,¡i
,!he Oity Clerk as Oity Tax Assessor then presented the Oity
Tax Roll for the year 1923 containing the assessed valuation of
both real and personal property within the City of Okeeohobe, for
the year 1923, and the Oounoil th~ procèeded to take up the. review
and equalization of said Tax Roll;1
-. - -I
Kr. W.. R. Oan filed a statement of valuation of ;tank of Okee-
chobee and requested the Oouncil to reduce the valuation of said
Bank from the amount as'fixed by the OitÞTax Assessor;
)lotion 1I'&S made by Councilman Berka that tb.e/val'\18.t1on of
Bank of Okeeohobee for the year 1923 be left at 130,Ooo;bo, being
... the valuation as lixed by the City Tax Assessor. and said
motion was seóonded'bY'Oouncilman Adams and passed by the Oounoil~
. . .
The Oounoi1 not having finished the review and equalization
of the City Tax Roll for the year 1923, upon motion duly seconded
and c~rried adjourned to meet at 7;~0 ol~look P~ )(~ September 26.
1923 for the purpose of continuing said review and equalization
. . ~
: "and to transact such other business as may come before- the Oounoil.
" Pursuant 'to adjournment the Oouncil met at 7.30 O'clook,.,!. )(~
September 26, .1923 and the fOllowin¡ were.present: H. H. DeYarman.
President, Councilmen H~ O. Adams,. , ~\f. Hampton and Albert Berka
with R. P~ fletcher, 01erk, L~ w. Jennin~s and B. L~ Jennings# Jr.,
. ~
City Attorneys and WK. Collins, Chief of Police in attendance.
'!'he following ordinance was introduced by Councilman Hampton
and seoonded by Oounoilman Adams: .
ORDI:WABOJl: 10. 68
'. .
BE IT ORDAIIID by the Mayor and the O~ Oounoi1, of the City
~f Okeech9bee, County of Okeechobee, State of Florida~ -
Section I.\!Tha tthe driving of motor vehicles commonly known as
automobiles by persons under the age of sixteen years is dangerous
t~ the public safety in the City of Okeeohobee, and is hereby decl~red
t.o be detrimental to the public safety; That it is unlawful for -any
person under the said age of sixteen years to operate or .drive an
ajJ.tomobile wi thin the Oi ty limits of the Oi ty of Okeechovee:' -
Section II;JAny person under the age of sixteen years who shall
violate the provisions of sectio~ one of this ordinance; that is
~ """""-"'ft'U""'~;O"'-'
by driving an automobile within the City limits of the City of
Okeechobee, mall be subject to a fine not to exoeedtwen~five
(125¡~O) dollars; or" imprisonment not to exceed thirty days or
Read a first and second time by unanimous consent and passed
- in open seasion this 26th day of September A. D.1923:'. .
Attest: . .
(Ol~ Seal) "J
. -
Approved this 27th day of September A~ D~ 19.23:.
. .
Jlotion. was made by Oounoilman Hampton that Council buy 1200
feet of 3 inoh.galvanizedtiron.pipe to be used1n extending 'the
I water main to a point near the fish houses, and said motion Was
. seconded by Oounoilman Berka and passed by unanimous vote;
. . Building permits were ordered issued to the fo+lowing named
, "I
,persons: O. D. Clements."IC. B. Eldon and 'rank Fuca.'
The 01erk was authorized :to drn vouahers transferring the
.fol1owing amounts in order to repay ~money borrowed en Karoh. 27, ,
1923: 1150"00 from I &: S Paving Bond Fund tQ I &: S Sewer Bond
Fund; 1900:00 from I &: S Water-Sewer Time Warrant Fund to I&: S '
Sewer Bond Fund; 1600:00 from I &: S Water-Sewer Time Warrant
Fund to I &: S Water Works Bond Fund.
The Oounoi1 then Oontinued the re~iew and equalization of
the 1923 City Tax Roll.
Vouchers were ordered issued for, the following bills:
I&:' Paving Bond Fund, .
5-4 Bank of Okeeohobee Interest due on Paving Bonds 2400.'00 ,~'-
5-5 I &: S .sewer Bond Fund Payment of amount borrowed 150:00-1\ ,
\ I &: S VIa ter Works Bond Fun! BoDtts, ,"
6-5 PeoplesBank Interest due on Waterworks/ l200;00
I &: S Sewer Bond Fund
7-6 Peoples Baak . Interest due on Sewer BoD.ds ,150;400
I I &: S Paving Time Warrant Fund
, S-3 Bank of Okeeohobee Interest on Time 'Warrants ll40;ioo
. I&: S Water-Sewer T1me Warrant Fund
I , 9-4 Peoples Bank Interest due on Time Warrants, 945;,00
I 9~5]: &: S Sewer Bond Fund Payment of amount bortowed 900.pO~
9-'5 I &: S Water Works Bond Fund Payment amount borrowed "GOO. 00
I !
¡, . , ,"" ,"", " J
" ,'. ., .'.. 'd..~.,".,.....'-.~.... ^, .0" ..,....", , ""'¡'II
The Oòunoi1 not having finished the review and equalization
of the City Tax Roll for the 181%,1923, upon~ duly seconded
. "'1-"/ If2- a....
and carried adJ~ed to meet at 7.30 o,'olóok P. K/1 for 'the pur-
pose of óont1nuing said review and equalization and to transact
such other businéss as may come beforé the Council. .
Pursuant to "adjournment the Oity Council met-at '7:30 o'olook
P. K~ September 2ðth, 1923 and the following were present: H~ H~
DeYármaa, President, Councilmen H~ 0 ~ Adams and r ~ .,. Hampton with
'j ,
R. P. Fletoher, Clerk in attendance.
!he 00unci1 then Continued the review and equalization of the
"'1 .
City Tax Roll for the year 1923.
Upon motion duly seconded and oarried'the assess'4 "
val~tion of the real estate as described below was ordered in-
creased as follows: Lot l2"Blook l55, assessed :,..",..t,; to
w. H~ DuB01s,i:p.creased 8500;bô; Lots 2 and. 3, Block 207, assessed
to )Irs. O~ E. Elledge, increased 1500;'00; Lot 2, Blook 1, South
Okeeohob_e, assessed to Dr. Anna Darrow, increased $500;00; Lots
1,2 and 3, Bl90k,~, South Okeeohobee, assessed to R. L. Pieroè,
increased .200;;00;~
Upon motion duly seconded and carried the perfonal property
assessment aga!nst the following named persöns werš'ordered inorea-
sed as follows: Standard Fisheri~s Company, inoreaèed'.l,OOo~bo;
r.J. Clevinger, increased, 8100;bo; Hotel Albert, "inóreased $150!00;
Hillsboro ~otel, increased "150:bo; J. E~ Lovvorn, increased 1100;'00;
I' ~ A~ KoLenna, increased IlOO;bo; R.H~ Singletary, increased 150;bo;'
Upon motion the personal property assessment of the Okeeohobee
Supply Company was reduced 11,,000;400;;
fhe Olerk1ìas instructed'to notify all persons whose assessments
have been raised :;., -. '" .;,theamount of said raise. Said notice
to be by letter.
Kotion' was made that Oounoi1 meet at 7;30 o'clock Óotober 10th
1923 for the purpose of considering complaints of property owners
whose assessed valuations have been raised by the Council. Kotion c
-, "
Upon motiqø, Oounci1adj ourned;' ~
Attt?st:, esident y Oounoi1.