0502 83/84 FY BudgetORDINANCE NO. 502 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUDGET ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE FOR THE PERIOD YEAR OCTOBER 1, 1983 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1984 PRO- VIDING FOR ADJUSTMENTS IN REVENUES; PROVIDING ADJUSTMENT TO EXPENDI- TURES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. • BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA as follows: SECTION I: The budget ordinance for the City of Okeechobee is hereby amended as follows: GENERAL FUND CHANGES IN REVENUES 369-300 Refund prior year expenditures $7,045 369-900 Miscellaneous reve nue $28,066 Total change in Revenue $35,066 CHANGES IN EXPENDITURES 511-2100 FICA $255 511-3100 Professional Servi ce (Kelton) $1,500 511-4000 Travel/per diem ($1,000) 511-9900 Contingency ($700) 512-1200 Salaries $1,400 512-2100 FICA $200 512-9900 Contingency ($500) 513-2100 FICA $750 513-3103 Code Supplements $500 513-4609 Repair/Maintenance - Buildings $4,000 513-9900 Contingency ($705) 515-4609 Repair/Maintenance - Buildings & Equipment $500 516-4609 Repair/Maintenance - Buildings & Equipment $500 524-2100 FICA $190 524-4609 Repair/Maintenance - Buildings & Equipment $1,000 524-5201 Operating supplies ($500) 524-9900 Contingency ($750) 521-1200 Salaries $1,760 521-2100 FICA $1,350 521-6200 Buildings $25,296 562-6400 Equipment $325 522-1200 Salaries $599 522-2100 FICA $705 522-4600 Repair/Maintenance - Vehicles $4,000 522-4609 Repair/Maintenance - Buildings $3,400 522-6200 Building $1,650 522-9900 Contingency, ($500) 541-2100 FICA $715 541-6400 Equipment $27,000 541-9900 Contingency ($500) 590-2100 FICA $135 572-6300 Improvements $2,000 Anticipated Cash 9-30-84 ($3.9,509) TOTAL CHANGES - EXPENDITURES $35,066 UTILITY FUND CHANGE IN REVENUE 384-000 Debt Proceeds $893,733 -2- CHANGES IN EXPENDITURES 536-01-2100 FICA $ 235. 536-01-6302 Sewer Improvements ($91100) 536-01-6303 Sanitary Sewer Project 663,983 536-01-7101 Debt Service - Principal 183 Bonds 7,500 536-01-7201 Debt Service - Interest 183 Bonds 78,750 536-01-9102 Transfer to Reserve Account 183 Bonds 124,750 536-01-9103 Transfer to Sinking Fund 183 Bonds 26,250 536-02-2100 FICA 1,365 Total Changes in Expenditures 893,733 SECTION II: This ordinace shall take effect as provided by law. Introduced on first reading and set for public hearing this 19th day of March, 1984. Mayor ATTEST: c City Clerk Introduced and passed on second and final reading this 2nd day of April, 1984. fcJ Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 6j", " 6a